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  Show Choir Community    Personnel    Megan Rudolph

Megan Rudolph
Dr. Megan Rudolph has over 20 years of teaching choral music and her teaching experience includes teaching all levels of choir and collegiate method classes. Currently she is the choral director at Vestavia Hills High School, where there are eight choirs. Her choirs consistently receive superior ratings at state, regional, and national festivals. Choirs under her direction have performed at the Alabama State Music Educators’ conference, as well as the 2015 Choir Nationals for Top Choirs in Carnegie Hall. Dr. Rudolph is an active presenter, adjudicator, and mentor to young teachers. She is Nationally Board Certified (2003, 2013) and Orff Level I Certified. She is a Past President for Alabama ACDA. Additionally she is a dedicated wife and mother of four children (Alexis; Austin; Zach; and Max).

director choreographer Adjudicator

Vestavia Hills High School (AL)

   Singers 2004-2021
   Singers 2004-2009
   Just Singin' 2008
Hoover High School (AL)

   Chamber Choir 2015


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