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  Show Choir Community    Events    2013 Season    Troy Buchanan Show Choir Invitational 2013

   Event Info

February 9th, 2013

Venue Info

Troy Buchanan High School
1190 Old Cap-au-Gris Road
Troy, MO 63379

Phone: (636) 528-4618

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  11 Mixed Groups
  5 Treble Groups
  3 Middle School Groups


  Troy Buchanan "Express"
  Troy Buchanan "Soundwave"


  Lin Warren

  Ron Morgan

  Chad Alexander

  Verda Slinkard


Ticket prices unknown.


Troy Buchanan Show Choir Invitational 2013

Event Site
Live Stream




 River City Rhythm
 Muscatine High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Band 
Best Diction 
Best Ballad 
Best Male Soloist (Jonny Meyer) 

 Mt. Zion High School
First Runner Up 
Best Female Soloist (Miranda Richards) 

 Sullivan High School
Second Runner Up 
Best Closer 

 Satin 'n Lace
 Rock Bridge High School
3rd Runner Up 
Best Opener 

 City Lights
 Rock Bridge High School
4th Runner Up 
Best Costumes 

 Parkway Central High School
5th Runner Up 

   Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims)

   Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims)

   Treble Division



 Satin 'n Lace
 Rock Bridge High School
First Place 

 Les Femmes
 Mt. Zion High School
Second Place 

 New Generation
 Sullivan High School
Third Place 

 Muscatine High School
4th Place 

 O'Fallon Township High School
5th Place 

   Middle School Division



 Sound System
 Mt. Zion Junior High School
First Place 

 Singers, Jr.
 Sullivan Middle School
Second Place 

 Johns Hill Magnet School
Third Place 
Best Sportsmanship 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 11 members (view all)  







21 comments • Sort by

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swingsdad23 on Feb 11, 2013, 12:09 PM
Post #21
I'm not sure if anyone will see this, but does anyone know if there's any way to order videos from Saturday? I know they were selling them all day, and now I'm kicking myself for not ordering a video of my group and Muscatine. If any body has information, let me know. I'll love you forever. Thanks! is the place for dvd's from Troy.


InMotionBandie on Feb 10, 2013, 11:13 PM
Post #20
I'm not sure if anyone will see this, but does anyone know if there's any way to order videos from Saturday? I know they were selling them all day, and now I'm kicking myself for not ordering a video of my group and Muscatine. If any body has information, let me know. I'll love you forever. Thanks!

milez97 on Feb 10, 2013, 7:30 PM
Post #19

GREAT line up of judges.

Congrats to Muscatine, Iowa show choir showing them how its done. I've seen the show a few times (and hope to see it again soon) and to beat some well established choirs such as Mt. Zion and Sullivan shows how much they've improved.


I'm glad you enjoy or show. This is my first year in show choir and Kat night was very emotional for me. (In a good way.) Mr. Oswald was right, I did choose a good year to transfer.

Stolba on Feb 10, 2013, 4:20 PM
Post #18
And because I know everyone is curious-

The panel was:
Linn Warren
Verda Savage
Ron Morgan
Chad Alexander

GREAT line up of judges.

Congrats to Muscatine, Iowa show choir showing them how its done. I've seen the show a few times (and hope to see it again soon) and to beat some well established choirs such as Mt. Zion and Sullivan shows how much they've improved.


njoswald on Feb 10, 2013, 6:21 AM
Post #17
FYI - encore! was 4th place and innovations was 5th place.

Jorge on Feb 10, 2013, 1:59 AM
Post #16
And because I know everyone is curious-

The panel was:
Linn Warren
Verda Savage
Ron Morgan
Chad Alexander

njoswald on Feb 10, 2013, 1:22 AM
Post #15
It's the correct results.

Bae on Feb 10, 2013, 1:18 AM
Post #14

The Ethan Price on Feb 10, 2013, 12:49 AM
Post #13
Saw this on Twitter:

GC: Muscutine (BB, BC, BV) 1RU: MTZ 2RU: Sullivan 3RU: Rockbridge Girls 4RU: Rockbridge Mixed 5RU: Parkway Central

The Rock Bridge results make me a little wary, though.

nbrockamp on Feb 9, 2013, 11:36 PM
Post #12

Best Male Soloist- Jonny Meyer - Muscatine

Thanks Adam!

Jorge on Feb 9, 2013, 9:57 PM
Post #11
Jr. High:
GC: Mt. Zion "Sound System"
1RU: Sullivan "Singers Jr."

GC: Rock Bridge "Satin 'n Lace"
1RU: Mt. Zion "Les Femmes"
2RU: Sullivan "New Generation"

Mixed 3A/4A:
1st: Mt. Zion "Swingsations"
2nd: Sullivan "Singers"

Mixed 5A:
1st: Muscatine "River City Rhythm"
2nd: Rock Bridge "City Lights"
3rd: Parkway Central "Pizzazz"
4th: Marquette "Center Stage"

Best Diction: Muscatine "River City Rhythm"
Best Sportsmanship: Johns Hill "Xperience!"
Best Opener: Rock Bridge "Satin 'n Lace"
Best Ballad: Muscatine "River City Rhythm"
Best Closer: Sullivan "Singers"
Best Costumes: Rock Bridge "City Lights"
Best Crew: Marquette "Center Stage"
Best Female Soloist: Miranda Richards - Mt. Zion "Swingsations"
Best Male Soloist: ? - Muscatine "River City Rhythm"

Finalists (in order):
Rock Bridge "Satin 'n Lace"
Muscatine "River City Rhythm"
Mt. Zion "Swingsations"
Parkway Central "Pizzazz"
Sullivan "Singers"
Rock Bridge "City Lights"

Best Male Soloist- Jonny Meyer - Muscatine

Jeff. on Feb 9, 2013, 9:28 PM
Post #10
Thanks, Brock! Everything has been updated.

nbrockamp on Feb 9, 2013, 9:12 PM
Post #9
Jr. High:
GC: Mt. Zion "Sound System"
1RU: Sullivan "Singers Jr."

GC: Rock Bridge "Satin 'n Lace"
1RU: Mt. Zion "Les Femmes"
2RU: Sullivan "New Generation"

Mixed 3A/4A:
1st: Mt. Zion "Swingsations"
2nd: Sullivan "Singers"

Mixed 5A:
1st: Muscatine "River City Rhythm"
2nd: Rock Bridge "City Lights"
3rd: Parkway Central "Pizzazz"
4th: Marquette "Center Stage"

Best Diction: Muscatine "River City Rhythm"
Best Sportsmanship: Johns Hill "Xperience!"
Best Opener: Rock Bridge "Satin 'n Lace"
Best Ballad: Muscatine "River City Rhythm"
Best Closer: Sullivan "Singers"
Best Costumes: Rock Bridge "City Lights"
Best Crew: Marquette "Center Stage"
Best Female Soloist: Miranda Richards - Mt. Zion "Swingsations"
Best Male Soloist: ? - Muscatine "River City Rhythm"

Finalists (in order):
Rock Bridge "Satin 'n Lace"
Muscatine "River City Rhythm"
Mt. Zion "Swingsations"
Parkway Central "Pizzazz"
Sullivan "Singers"
Rock Bridge "City Lights"

The Ethan Price on Feb 7, 2013, 6:46 PM
Post #8
Random Predictions that will not be correct because I only know like 6 of the groups here.

GC. Mt. Zion
1RU. Rock Bridge
2RU. Muscatine
3RU. Sullivan

From here on, I honestly have no idea. Parkway Central, O'Fallon, Rock Bridge Prep, Mount Pleasant, Mt. Zion Prep could all be decent picks for the last couple finals spots.

njoswald on Feb 5, 2013, 7:30 PM
Post #7
Seeing Mt. Pleasant and Mt. Zion in the same class totally blows my mind!!!!

Exactly my thoughts!

We can't wait to see all the great groups. I know for sure that everyone from Muscatine will be in the gym cheering on Mt. Zion! We're looking forward to seeing their show.

juliofrommississippi on Feb 5, 2013, 7:20 PM
Post #6
Seeing Mt. Pleasant and Mt. Zion in the same class totally blows my mind!!!!

njoswald on Feb 5, 2013, 6:51 PM
Post #5
Thanks, Mr. Oswald! Schedule has been posted above. Looking at the schedule, though, the divisions look kind of strange. Is it by school size? I don't really understand why Sullivan/Mt. Zion would be in different divisions, but whatever.

Yes. It's by school size according to Missouri's class sizes of school.

Jeff. on Feb 5, 2013, 6:20 PM
Post #4
Thanks, Mr. Oswald! Schedule has been posted above. Looking at the schedule, though, the divisions look kind of strange. Is it by school size? I don't really understand why Sullivan/Mt. Zion would be in different divisions, but whatever.

njoswald on Feb 5, 2013, 1:44 PM
Post #3
Troy Schedule

O'Fallon (Single-Gender) 7:30
Rockbridge (Single-Gender) 8:00
Sullivan (Single-Gender) 8:30
Mt. Zion (Single-Gender) 9:00
Muscatine (Single-Gender) 9:30
Sullivan (Jr. High) 10:00
Mt. Zion (Jr. High) 10:30
Johns Hill (Jr. High) 11:00
TMS Tonali-T (Exhib) 11:30

Sullivan (3A) 1:00
Mt. Pleasant (4A) 1:30
Mt. Zion (4A) 2:00
Belleville (5A) 2:30
O'Fallon (5A) 3:00
Pacific (5A) 3:30
Marquette (5A) 4:00
Parkway (5A) 4:30
Muscatine (5A) 5:00
Rockbridge (5A) 5:30
Webb City (5A) 6:00
TBHS Soundwave (Exhib) 6:30

Daytime Awards 6:45

Finals #1 8:00
Finals #2 8:30
Finals #3 9:00
Finals #4 9:30
Finals #5 10:00
Finals #6 10:30
TBHS Express (Exhib) 11:00

Final Awards 11:15

njoswald on Feb 5, 2013, 9:12 AM
Post #2
I'll send it later today.

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