Glenwood Gala schedule is now posted. It didn't include divisions, so I just did my best there. If anything needs adjusted above, that's pretty easy to do so just let us know.
This contest takes 7 finalists; the top 6 mixed groups plus the top scoring treble/prep group. Additional schedule detail is below.
Groups: Papillion La Vista Heart and Soul, Plattsmouth Out of the Blue, Woodbine Visual Harmonics, Papillion La Vista Monarchy, Dallas Center-Grimes Acceleration, Standing Bear The Renegades, Harlan Breaking Cylence, Bishop Heelan Harmonia Mundi, Des Moines Christian Light Inc, Bellevue West West Connection, Papillion La Vista Free Spirit, Des Moines Roosevelt Revelation, Dallas Center-Grimes Momentum, Des Moines Lincoln
7th: Monarchy
6th: West Connection
5th: The Renegades
4th: Free Spirit
3rd: Light Inc.
2nd: Momentum
1st: Harmonia Mundi (BV, BC, BB, Best Ballad)