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 Show Choir Community    Events    2024 Season    Cedar Rapids Washington Mo Show 2024
Event Info

February 10th, 2024
Venue Info
Washington High School
2205 Forest Drive SE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
Phone: (319) 558-2161
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
10 Mixed Groups
2 Treble Groups
1 Bass Group
9 Middle School Groups
Event Hosts:
Cedar Rapids Washington "Momentum"
Cedar Rapids Washington "Celebration"
Event Judges:
Megan Callahan (critique/finals)
Amy Farley
David Fog (critique/finals)
Tom Hales
Gerald Kreitzer
Ben Schmidt-Helm (MS scoring/HS band/finals)
Adults (18+): $17
Student & Senior (65+): $12
Children 5 and under: free
Cedar Rapids Washington Mo Show 2024

Event Site
Live Stream

Waukee Northwest High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Opener

The Headliners
Sioux City East High School
First Runner Up
Best Facials
Best Soloist (McKenzie Crawford)

Pella High School
Second Runner Up
Best Band
Best Closer

Happiness, Inc.
Cedar Rapids Kennedy High School
3rd Runner Up
Best Use of Props

Good Time Company
Iowa City West High School
4th Runner Up
Best Stage Presence
Best Soloist

New Creation
Marion High School
5th Runner Up
High Energy Award

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier III
Keota High School
Most Inspirational Song
Single Clef Division

Sioux City East High School
First Place
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Costumes
People's Choice
Best Soloist (Joelle Hardin)

Pella High School
Second Place
Best Band
Positivity Award

Sioux City East High School
Third Place
Most Creative Show

Prep Division
Cedar Rapids Kennedy High School
Best Crew
Best Soloist (Christian Gilsin)
Middle School Division

Classic Edition
McKinley Middle School
First Place
Best Vocals
High Energy Award
People's Choice
Best Soloist (Keegan Gailushas)

Oak Ridge Middle School
Second Place
Best Choreography
Most Creative Show

Classic Illumination
Franklin Middle School
Third Place
Best Stage Presence

Totally Classic
Franklin Middle School
No Placement
Best Facials
Best Soloist (Kate Rambo)

Vernon Middle School
No Placement
Best Closer

Cedar Rapids Wilson Middle School
No Placement
Best Use of Props

Cedar Rapids Roosevelt Middle School
No Placement
Best Costumes

Taft Middle School
No Placement
Best Opener

Double Time
Excelsior Middle School
No Placement
Best Ballad

Attending Members displaying 6 of 16 members (view all)
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17 comments • Sort by

juliofrommississippi on Feb 12, 2024, 7:05 PM
Post #17

Tom Hales:

1st- Eos 115.5
2nd- Pella 111
3rd- IC West 105.5
4th- Kennedy 105
5th- SC East 103.5
6th- Marion 103

1st- Eos 101
2nd- SC East 95.5
3rd- Pella 95
4th- Kennedy 93.5
5th- IC West 91.5
6th- Marion 91

1st- Eos 216.5
2nd- Pella 206
3rd- SC East 199
4th- Kennedy 198.5
5th- IC West 197
6th- Marion 194

Amy Farley:

1st- Eos 125.5
2nd- Pella 122.5
3rd- SC East 122
4th- Kennedy 121.5
5th- Marion 121
6th- IC West 120.5

1st- Eos 105.5
2nd- SC East 105
3rd- Pella 104
4th- Kennedy 103.5
5th- Marion 103
6th- IC West 102.5

1st- Eos 231
2nd- SC East 227
3rd- Pella 226.5
4th- Kennedy 225
5th- Marion 224
6th- IC West 223

Dr. Gerry Kreitzer:

1st- Eos 120.5
2nd- Kennedy 119.5
T-3rd- SC East 119
T-3rd- Pella 119
5th- IC West 116.5
6th- Marion 115.5

1st- Eos 104
2nd- SC East 103
3rd- Kennedy 102
4th- Pella 101
5th- IC West 99.5
6th- Marion 99

1st- Eos 224.5
2nd- SC East 222
3rd- Kennedy 221.5
4th- Pella 220
5th- IC West 216
6th- Marion 214.5

Megan Callahan:

1st- Eos 125
2nd- SC East 111
3rd- Pella 110.5
4th- Kennedy 110
5th- IC West 97
6th- Marion 95.5

1st- Eos 107.5
2nd- SC East 95
3rd- Kennedy 92.5
4th- Pella 86.5
5th- IC West 82.5
6th- Marion 82

1st- Eos 232.5
2nd- SC East 206
3rd- Kennedy 202.5
4th- Pella 197
5th- IC West 179.5
6th- Marion 177.5

Dave Fog:

1st- Pella 119
2nd- Eos 117.5
T-3rd- SC East 108.5
T-3rd- Kennedy 108.5
5th- Marion 108
6th- IC West 105.5

1st- Eos 103
T-2nd- Pella 98.5
T-2nd- SC East 98.5
4th- Marion 96.5
5th- Kennedy 93.5
6th- IC West 91

1st- Eos 220.5
2nd- Pella 217.5
3rd- SC East 207
4th- Marion 204.5
5th- Kennedy 202
6th- IC West 196.5

Ben Schmidt-Helm:

1st- Eos 133
2nd- Pella 128.5
3rd- SC East 125
4th- Kennedy 123
5th- IC West 120
6th- Marion 119.5

1st- Eos 115.5
2nd- SC East 112.5
3rd- Kennedy 108.5
4th- Pella 107.5
5th- IC West 103.5
6th- Marion 102.5

1st- Eos 248.5
2nd- SC East 237.5
3rd- Pella 236
4th- Kennedy 231.5
5th- IC West 223.5
6th- Marion 222

Total Vocal Points:
1st- Eos 737
2nd- Pella 710.5
3rd- SC East 689
4th- Kennedy 687.5
5th- IC West 665
6th- Marion 662.5

Total Choreography Points:
1st- Eos 636.5
2nd- SC East 609.5
3rd- Kennedy 593.5
4th- Pella 592.5
5th- Marion 574
6th- IC West 570.5

Overall Total Points:
1st- Eos 1373.5
2nd- Pella 1303
3rd- SC East 1298.5
4th- Kennedy 1281
5th- Marion 1236.5
6th- IC West 1235.5

Captions and Final Placements were determined by Ordinal Ranks

Eos 1 1 1 1 2 1
Pella 2 2 3 3 1 2
SC East 5 3 3 2 3 3
Kennedy 4 4 2 4 3 4
IC West 3 6 5 5 6 5
Marion 6 5 6 6 5 6

Eos 1 1 1 1 1 1
East 2 2 2 2 2 2
Pella 3 3 4 4 2 4
Kennedy 4 4 3 3 5 3
IC West 5 6 5 5 6 5
Marion 6 5 6 6 4 6

Final Placements:
Eos 1 1 1 1 1 1
SC East 3 2 2 2 3 2
Pella 2 3 4 4 2 3
Kennedy 4 4 3 3 5 4
IC West 5 6 5 5 6 5
Marion 6 5 6 6 4 6

juliofrommississippi on Feb 12, 2024, 4:47 PM
Post #16
High School Daytime Scores!

Tom Hales:

1st- Eos 112.5
2nd- AcaPella 107
3rd- Happiness 104
4th- IC West 101
5th- Headliners 100.5
6th- Marion 92
7th- Aurora 90
8th- Prestige 82
9th- Anamosa 80
T-10th- Protege 79.5
T-10th- Bravo 79.5
12th- Entourage 77.5
13th- Keota 64.5

1st- Eos 94
2nd- Headliners 91
3rd- Happiness 88
4th- AcaPella 87.5
5th- IC West 84.5
6th- Marion 82.5
7th- Aurora 82
8th- Prestige 78.5
9th- Anamosa 77.5
10th- Protege 75.5
11th- Bravo 75
12th- Keota 72.5
13th- Entourage 68.5

1st- Eos 206.5
2nd- AcaPella 194.5
3rd- Happiness 192
4th- Headliners 191.5
5th- IC West 185.5
6th- Marion 174.5
7th- Aurora 172
8th- Prestige 160.5
9th- Anamosa 157.5
10th- Protege 155
11th- Bravo 154.5
12th- Entourage 146
13th- Keota 137

Amy Farley:

1st- Eos 122.5
2nd- Headliners 121.5
3rd- Happiness 120
4th- IC West 119.5
5th- AcaPella 119
6th- Marion 114
7th- Aurora 113
8th- Anamosa 107
9th- Prestige 104.5
10th- Protege 103
11th- Bravo 101
12th- Entourage 100.5
13th- Keota 91

1st- Headliners 105.5
T-2nd- Eos 105
T-2nd- Happiness 105
T-4th- IC West 103.5
T-4th- AcaPella 103.5
T-6th- Marion 100.5
T-6th- Aurora 100.5
8th- Anamosa 93
9th- Prestige 92.5
10th- Protege 87.5
11th- Bravo 83.5
12th- Entourage 79.5
13th- Keota 75.5

1st- Eos 227.5
2nd- Headliners 227
3rd- Happiness 225
4th- IC West 223
5th- AcaPella 222.5
6th- Marion 214.5
7th- Aurora 213.5
8th- Anamosa 200
9th- Prestige 197
10th- Protege 190.5
11th- Bravo 184.5
12th- Entourage 180
13th- Keota 166.5

Dr. Gerry Kreitzer

1st- Eos 120
2nd- AcaPella 119
3rd- Headliners 118.5
4th- Happiness 118
5th- IC West 117
6th- Marion 114.5
7th- Aurora 106
8th- Protege 103
9th- Bravo 101.5
10th- Anamosa 101
T-11th- Prestige 99.5
T-11th- Entourage 99.5
13th- Keota 98

1st- Eos 103
T-2nd- Headliners 102
T-2nd- Happiness 102
4th- AcaPella 100.5
T-5th- IC West 98
T-5th- Marion 98
7th- Aurora 93.5
8th- Prestige 88.5
9th- Protege 88
10th- Anamosa 86
11th- Entourage 88.5
12th- Bravo 84.5
13th- Keota 84

Ben Schmidt-Helm: (determined Band caption)
1st- AcaPella 97.5
2nd- Marion 93
3rd- Happiness 91
T-4th- Eos 90
T-4th- IC West 90
T-6th- Headliners 89.5
T-6th- Aurora 89
8th- Bravo 88.5
9th- Entourage 86
10th- Anamosa 84.5
11th- Prestige 80.5
12th- Protege 76
13th- Keota 70.5

Total Vocal Points:
1st- Eos 355
2nd- AcaPella 345
3rd- Happiness 342
4th- Headliners 340.5
5th- IC West 337.5
6th- Marion 320.5
7th- Aurora 309
8th- Anamosa 288
9th- Prestige 286
10th- Protege 285.5
11th- Bravo 282
12th- Entourage 277.5
13th- Keota 253.5

Total Choreography Points:
1st- Eos 302
2nd- Headliners 298.5
3rd- Happiness 295
4th- AcaPella 291.5
5th- IC West 286
6th- Marion 281
7th- Aurora 276
8th- Prestige 259.5
9th- Anamosa 256.5
10th- Protege 251
11th- Bravo 243
12th- Entourage 233.5
13th- Keota 232

Overall Total Points: (does not determine finalists)
1st- Eos 657
2nd- Headliners 639
3rd- Happiness 637
4th- AcaPella 636.5
5th- IC West 623.5
6th- Marion 601.5
7th- Aurora 585
8th- Prestige 545.5
9th- Anamosa 544.5
10th- Protege 536.5
11th- Bravo 525
12th- Entourage 511
13th- Keota 485.5

Finalists were determined by Ordinal Consensus:

1st- Eos 1 1 1
2nd- Headliners 4 2 2
3rd- Happiness 3 3 3
4th- AcaPella 2 5 4
5th- IC West 5 4 5
6th- Marion 6 6 6
7th- Aurora 7 7 7
8th- Prestige 8 9 9 (wins 1st tiebreaker over Protege and Anamosa)
9th- Anamosa 9 8 10
10th- Protege 10 10 8
11th- Bravo 11 11 11
12th- Entourage 12 12 12
13th- Keota 13 13 13

juliofrommississippi on Feb 12, 2024, 3:20 PM
Post #15
Middle School Scores:

Tom Hales:

T-1st- McKinley 80.5
T-1st- Oak Ridge 80.5
3rd- Roosevelt 76.5
4th- Taft 75.5
T-5th- Classic Illumination 75
T-5th- Totally Classic 75
7th- Excelsior 74
8th- Velocity 73.5
9th- Wilson 69

1st- McKinley 78
2nd- Oak Ridge 74
3rd- Velocity 73.5
4th- Classic Illumination 73
T-5th- Taft 72
T-5th- Totally Classic 72
7th- Excelsior 71.5
8th- Roosevelt 69.5
9th- Wilson 65.5

1st- McKinley 158.5
2nd- Oak Ridge 154.5
3rd- Vernon 148.5
4th- Classic Illumination 148
5th- Taft 147.5
6th- Totally Classic 147
7th- Roosevelt 146
8th- Excelsior 145.5
9th- Wilson 134.5

Amy Farley:

1st- McKinley 106
2nd- Oak Ridge 105.5
3rd- Velocity 102
4th- Classic Illumination 101
5th- Excelsior 100
6th- Taft 98
7th- Totally Classic 96
8th- Roosevelt 94.5
9th- Wilson 91

1st- Oak Ridge 92.5
2nd- McKinley 91.5
3rd- Taft 90.5
T-4th- Velocity 88.5
T-4th- Classic Illumination 88.5
6th- Excelsior 87.5
7th- Totally Classic 87
8th- Roosevelt 82
9th- Wilson 78

1st- Oak Ridge 198
2nd- McKinley 197.5
3rd- Vernon 190.5
4th- Classic Illumination 189.5
5th- Taft 188.5
6th- Excelsior 187.5
7th- Totally Classic 183
8th- Roosevelt 176.5
9th- Wilson 169

Dr. Gerry Kreitzer

1st- McKinley 116
2nd- Classic Illumination 115
3rd- Oak Ridge 114.5
4th- Excelsior 113.5
5th- Taft 107.5
6th- Velocity 103
7th- Totally Classic 101
8th- Roosevelt 98
9th- Wilson 97

1st- Oak Ridge 100
2nd- Classic Illumination 98
T-3rd- McKinley 97.5
T-3rd- Excelsior 97.5
5th- Taft 94
6th- Velocity 86.5
7th- Totally Classic 85
8th- Roosevelt 83
9th- Wilson 81

1st- Oak Ridge 214.5
2nd- McKinley 213.5
3rd- Classic Illumination 213
4th- Excelsior 211
5th- Taft 201.5
6th- Vernon 189.5
7th- Totally Classic 186
8th- Roosevelt 181
9th- Wilson 178

Ben Schmidt-Helm

1st- McKinley 110
2nd- Velocity 109.5
3rd- Classic Illumination 109
4th- Oak Ridge 108
5th- Excelsior 107
6th- Taft 100.5
T-7th- Totally Classic 100
T-7th- Roosevelt 100
9th- Wilson 97

T-1st- McKinley 95.5
T-1st- Oak Ridge 95.5
3rd- Classic Illumination 93
4th- Excelsior 92.5
5th- Velocity 92
T-6th- Taft 91
T-6th- Totally Classic 91
8th- Roosevelt 89
9th- Wilson 79.5

1st- McKinley 205.5
2nd- Oak Ridge 203.5
3rd- Classic Illumination 202
4th- Vernon 201.5
5th- Excelsior 199.5
6th- Taft 191.5
7th- Totally Classic 191
8th- Roosevelt 189
9th- Wilson 176.5

Total Vocal Score: (not used to determine caption)
1st- McKinley 412.5
2nd- Oak Ridge 408.5
3rd- Classic Illumination 400
4th- Excelsior 394.5
5th- Vernon 389.5
6th- Taft 381.5
7th- Totally Classic 372
8th- Roosevelt 369
9th- Wilson 354

Total Choreography Points: (not used to determine caption)
1st- McKinley 362.5
2nd- Oak Ridge 362
3rd- Classic Illumination 352.5
4th- Excelsior 349
5th- Taft 347.5
6th- Vernon 340.5
7th- Totally Classic 335
8th- Roosevelt 692.5
9th- Wilson 658

Overall Total Points:
1st- McKinley 775
2nd- Oak Ridge 770.5
3rd- Classic Illumination 752.5
4th- Excelsior 743.5
5th- Velocity 730
6th- Taft 729
7th- Totally Classic 707
8th- Roosevelt 692.5
9th- Wilson 658

Captions and Placements were determined by Ordinal Consensus.


McKinley 1 1 1 1
Oak Ridge 1 2 3 4
Vernon 8 3 6 2
Classic Illumination 5 4 2 3
Excelsior 7 5 4 5
Taft 4 6 5 6
Totally Classic 5 7 7 7
Roosevelt 3 8 8 7
Wilson 9 9 9 9

Oak Ridge 2 1 1 1
McKinley 1 2 3 1
Classic Illumination 4 4 2 3
Excelsior 7 6 3 4
Vernon 3 4 6 5
Taft 5 3 5 6
Totally Classic 5 7 7 6
Roosevelt 8 8 8 8
Wilson 9 9 9 9

Overall Placement: (1st tiebreaker is Sum of Ranks. 2nd tiebreaker is total score)
McKinley 1 2 2 1 (wins over Oak Ridge on 2nd tiebreak)
Oak Ridge 2 1 1 2
Classic Illumination 4 4 3 3 (wins over Vernon on 1st tiebreak)
Vernon 3 3 6 4
Taft 5 5 5 6 (wins over Excelsior on 1st tiebreak)
Excelsior 8 6 4 5
Totally Classic 6 7 7 7
Roosevelt 8 8 8 8
Wilson 9 9 9 9

Final note for MS: Keegan's last name is Gailushas.

juliofrommississippi on Feb 10, 2024, 6:27 PM
Post #6
Unfortunately, we accidentally skipped past Middle School Best Vocals in the awards ceremony. That went to McKinley.


ARandomBeck on Feb 10, 2024, 8:38 PM
Post #7
There was also no best band, was that a mistake or was it removed this year?

juliofrommississippi on Feb 11, 2024, 12:50 PM
Post #10
That was removed. Last year, we realized that most of our middle school bands are all adults, so we didn’t feel like it was appropriate. That’s why Ben scored MS. Great question!


Show•Choir•Mom on Feb 11, 2024, 2:19 PM (Edited)
Post #13
Oak Ridge’s band is all students

Häakon on Feb 11, 2024, 4:29 PM
Post #14
I say that makes you deserving on principle alone!


yaa007 on Feb 11, 2024, 1:17 PM
Post #11
I thought Protege got 1st in Prep? And Christian Gilson was awarded best male soloist which isn’t listed in the results.

Will. on Feb 11, 2024, 1:22 PM
Post #12
Protege was first in prep because they were the only group in mixed prep - therefore, we do not award a ribbon. As for the caption, when a group is the only one in their division, the coding structure does not allow us to put captions in. Sorry about that!

Jeff. on Feb 11, 2024, 1:41 AM
Post #9
Final awards posted.

ddlarsen on Feb 10, 2024, 9:09 PM
Post #8

GC: Prestige
1RU: Bravo

Mixed Prep:
GC: Protege

BV: Prestige
BC: Prestige
BB: Bravo
Best Soloist: Joelle Hardin (Prestige)
Best Soloist: Christian Gilsin (Protege)

Best Crew: Protege
Best Costumes: Prestige
Best Opener: Eos
Best Closer: AcaPella
Best Balld: Sadie St Singers
Best use of Props: Happiness Inc.
Best Show Design: Aurora
Most Inspirational Song: Eagle Rock
Positivity Award: Bravo
Most Creative Show: Entourage
Best Facials: Headliners
Highest Energy: Marion
Best Stage Presence: Good Time Company

1A GC: Eagle Rock

3A: GC: Pella
1RU: Marion


1RU: Headliners
2RU: Happiness Inc.

Best Band: AcaPella
Best Soloist: Andreas Warren (?) (Good time Company)
Best soloist: McKenzie Crawford (Headliners)

People’s Choice: Prestige

(Sorry if I got any names wrong!)


Happiness Inc.
New Creation
Good Time Company


jdyrland on Feb 10, 2024, 11:30 AM
Post #5
Livestream Link:

ddlarsen on Feb 9, 2024, 9:45 PM
Post #4
Entourage and Prestige will be switching performance times:

Entourage will perform at 11:45
Prestige will perform at 12:35.

juliofrommississippi on Feb 9, 2024, 11:47 AM
Post #3
Update/clarification on judges! Tom Hales, Amy Farley, and Gerald Kreitzer will be scoring all prelims and finals. Dave Fog and Megan Callahan will be critiquing prelims and scoring finals. Ben Schmidt-Helm (he got married) will be scoring full-ballot for Middle Schools, scoring bands for HS in prelims, and scoring full-ballot in finals.


arthura on Feb 6, 2024, 9:41 PM
Post #2
Are they streaming the event this year?

Jeff. on Jan 14, 2024, 2:27 PM
Post #1
The Mo Show schedule is now posted.


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