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 Show Choir Community    Events    2023 Season    Cedar Rapids Washington Mo Show 2023
Event Info

February 11th, 2023
Venue Info
Washington High School
2205 Forest Drive SE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
Phone: (319) 558-2161
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
10 Mixed Groups
2 Treble Groups
8 Middle School Groups
Event Hosts:
Cedar Rapids Washington "Momentum"
Cedar Rapids Washington "Celebration"
Event Judges:
Ben Eklund
Amy Farley
David Haas
Gerald Kreitzer
Luke Lovegood
Ben Schmidt-Helm (band)
Adults: $12
Student & senior (65+): $7
Children 5 and under: free

Programs: $3
Cedar Rapids Washington Mo Show 2023

Event Site
Live Stream

10th Street Edition
Linn-Mar High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Band
Most Inspirational Song
Best Soloist (Tejas Gururaja)
Best Soloist (Grant Galloway)

Waukee Northwest High School
First Runner Up
Best Use of Props

Pella High School
Second Runner Up
Most Creative Show

Grand Central Station
La Crosse Central High School
3rd Runner Up
Best Crew

4th Avenue Jazz Company
Iowa City High School
4th Runner Up
Best Ballad

In Step
Linn-Mar High School
5th Runner Up
Best Soloist (Sophie Johnson)

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier IV
Keota High School
Best Costumes
Treble Division

Linn-Mar High School
First Place
Best Stage Presence

Iowa City High School
Second Place
Best Facials

Prep Division

In Step
Linn-Mar High School
First Place
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Soloist (Sophie Johnson)

Waukee Northwest High School
Second Place
Best Band

Pella High School
Third Place
Best Soloist (Abby Brand)

Middle School Division

Double Time
Excelsior Middle School
First Place
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Band
Best Soloist (Layla Breitbach)

Classic Illumination
Franklin Middle School
Second Place
Best Closer
Best Soloist (Charlotte Schultz)

Classic Edition
McKinley Middle School
Third Place
Best Opener
People's Choice

Oak Ridge Middle School
4th Place
Best Facials

Neo Classic
Harding Middle School
5th Place
Best Crew

Taft Middle School
6th Place
Most Creative Show

Cedar Rapids Roosevelt Middle School
7th Place
Best Ballad

Cedar Rapids Wilson Middle School
8th Place
High Energy Award

Attending Members displaying 6 of 21 members (view all)
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15 comments • Sort by

thebetterbauer on Feb 11, 2023, 10:28 PM
Post #5
Did somebody happen to hear awards for prelims and what they were? Also who made finals?

lizfontenot1 on Feb 11, 2023, 11:04 PM (Edited)
Post #6
1st Hi Style
2nd Charisma

1st In Step (Best Vocals Prep, Best Choreography Prep, Best Soloist - Sophie Johnson)
2nd Aurora (Best Band Prep)
3rd Bravo (Best Soloist- Abby)

Tier 2
1st AcaPella
2nd Sadie Street Singers

Tier 1
1st 10th Street Edition (Best Soloists - Tejas Gururaja and Grant Galloway)
2nd Eos
3rd Grand Central Station
4th 4th Avenue Jazz Company

Finals: (performance order unknown)
10th Street Edition
Grand Central Station
4th Avenue Jazz Company
In Step


Doribird on Feb 12, 2023, 3:43 PM
Post #8
10th Street Edition also won best band

juliofrommississippi on Feb 13, 2023, 2:55 PM
Post #15
The only things I see missing right now on here are:

4th Avenue: Best Ballad
Bravo: soloist Abbie Brand

juliofrommississippi on Feb 13, 2023, 2:43 PM
Post #14
Finals scores!

David Haas:

1st- 10th Street 132.5
2nd- Eos 127
3rd- AcaPella 124.5
4th- 4th Ave 116
5th- GCS 114
6th- In Step 113.5

1st- 10th Street 115
T-2nd- Eos 107.5
T-2nd- AcaPella 107.5
4th- 4th Ave 100.5
5th- GCS 99
6th- In Step 98

1st- 10th Street 247.5
2nd- Eos 234.5
3rd- AcaPella 232
4th- 4th Ave 216.5
5th- GCS 213
6th- In Step 211.5

Amy Farley:

1st- 10th Street 129.5
2nd- Eos 124
3rd- AcaPella 122
4th- GCS 116.5
5th- In Step 113
6th- 4th Ave 112

1st- 10th Street 109
2nd- Eos 106
3rd- AcaPella 103
4th- GCS 101
5th- 4th Ave 98
6th- In Step 96

1st- 10th Street 238.5
2nd- Eos 230
3rd- AcaPella 225
4th- GCS 217.5
5th- 4th Ave 210
6th- In Step 209

Gerry Kreitzer:

1st- 10th Street 128.5
2nd- Eos 123
3rd- AcaPella 118
4th- GCS 116.5
5th- In Step 114
6th- 4th Ave 113

1st- 10th Street 109.5
2nd- Eos 108
3rd- AcaPella 102
4th- GCS 101
5th- In Step 100.5
6th- 4th Ave 100

1st- 10th Street 238
2nd- Eos 231
3rd- AcaPella 220
4th- GCS 217.5
5th- In Step 214.5
6th- 4th Ave 213

Luke Lovegood:

1st- 10th Street 130
2nd- Eos 126.5
3rd- AcaPella 121
4th- GCS 117
5th- 4th Ave 112
6th- In Step 109.5

1st- 10th Street 113
2nd- Eos 111.5
3rd- AcaPella 106
4th- GCS 102.5
5th- 4th Ave 100.5
6th- In Step 98.5

1st- 10th Street 243
2nd- Eos 238
3rd- AcaPella 227
4th- GCS 219.5
5th- 4th Ave 212.5
6th- In Step 208

Ben Eklund:

1st- 10th Street 131
2nd- Eos 128
3rd- AcaPella 122.5
4th- GCS 121
5th- 4th Ave 113.5
6th- In Step 108.5

1st- 10th Street 110
2nd- Eos 107.5
3rd- AcaPella 100
4th- GCS 99
5th- 4th Ave 96
6th- In Step 95

1st- 10th Street 241
2nd- Eos 235.5
3rd- AcaPella 222.5
4th- GCS 220
5th- 4th Ave 209.5
6th- In Step 203.5

Ben Schmidt-Helm:

1st- 10th Street 131
2nd- Eos 130
3rd- AcaPella 124.5
4th- GCS 121
5th- In Step 113.5
6th- 4th Ave 110.5

1st- 10th Street 115.5
2nd- Eos 114
3rd- AcaPella 107.5
4th- GCS 104
5th- In Step 96
6th- 4th Ave 94.5

1st- 10th Street 246.5
2nd- Eos 244
3rd- AcaPella 232
4th- GCS 225
5th- In Step 209.5
6th- 4th Ave 205

Final placements were determined by Ordinal Consensus:

10th Street 1 1 1 1 1 1
Eos 2 2 2 2 2 2
AcaPella 3 3 3 3 3 3
GCS 4 4 4 4 4 5
4th Ave 4 5 5 5 6 6
In Step 5 5 6 6 6 6

We so enjoyed having everyone at MOShow 2023!!! In my personal opinion (but also seconded by the judges afterwards) EVERY group had significantly better performances in finals. Congrats to all!!!!!

10th Street- I very much enjoy the show. As a former violist under Reznicow, I was so so impressed by Tejas' playing. It was so consistent in pitch and tone. PLUS, he can put on a shoulder rest onstage. With no issue. Every time. I literally cannot. The buy-in for this group is incredible. The audience cannot help but enjoy your show and story.

Eos- The show is beautiful. Really visually and vocally stunning. I enjoy the style of the show so much! You execute it with such professionalism and simplicity. Congrats!!!

Pella- I saw you at Muscatine, so I knew what you could do, and you didn't disappoint. Finals, especially, was FIRE. I love the intensity and commitment y'all give. Props to you and your director and choreographer!

GCS- I am a GCS stan. I got to host GCS when I was a junior and senior in 05 and 06. I traveled multiple times to see GCS in 2012, and still cry when I watch that show and listen to that ballad. I will ALWAYS love GCS. I am so thankful you came last year, and returned this year. GCS at MOShow feels RIGHT. Marked improvement vocally in finals. Yay GCS!!!

City High- You have dancers that I am so jealous of. I want them in my choirs, and I also wish I could dance even 25% as well as some of them do. I think the ballad is stunning. (And so did the judges, because they won Best Ballad in day round). Congrats on two great shows!

In Step- Two exciting performances. I didn't win MOShow predictions on here because I underestimated how good you all would be. I won't forget Your director is brilliant. Keep listening to her.

Thanks to everyone for attending. There was such a great vibe all day long. We love having you, and I hope you love coming!!!

juliofrommississippi on Feb 13, 2023, 10:59 AM (Edited)
Post #9
Middle School scores:

David Haas:

1st- Excelsior 93
2nd- Franklin 88
3rd- McKinley 84.5
4th- Oak Ridge 81.5
5th- Harding 79
6th- Roosevelt 74
7th- Taft 72
8th- Wilson 67

1st- Excelsior 84
2nd- Franklin 81
3rd- Oak Ridge 76.5
4th- McKinley 74.5
5th- Harding 70
6th- Taft 62.5
7th- Roosevelt 61
8th- Wilson 58

1st- Excelsior 177
2nd- Franklin 169
3rd- McKinley 159
4th- Oak Ridge 158
5th- Harding 149
6th- Roosevelt 135
7th- Taft 134.5
8th- Wilson 125

Amy Farley:

1st- Excelsior 115
2nd- McKinley 114.5
3rd- Franklin 113.5
4th- Oak Ridge 110.5
5th- Harding 107
6th- Roosevelt 105.5
7th- Taft 104
8th- Wilson 98.5

1st- Oak Ridge 97.5
T-2nd- Excelsior 96.5
T-2nd- Franklin 96.5
4th- McKinley 96
5th- Taft 92
6th- Harding 90.5
7th- Roosevelt 88.5
8th- Wilson 85

1st- Excelsior 211.5
2nd- McKinley 210.5
3rd- Franklin 210
4th- Oak Ridge 208
5th- Harding 197.5
6th- Taft 196
7th- Roosevelt 194
8th- Wilson 183.5

Gerry Kreitzer:

1st- Franklin 117.5
2nd- Excelsior 116.5
3rd- McKinley 115
4th- Taft 114
5th- Oak Ridge 112.5
T-6th Harding 111.5
T-6th- Roosevelt 111.5
8th- Wilson 103

1st- Franklin 101
2nd- Excelsior 100
3rd- McKinley 99
T-4th- Taft 98
T-4th- Oak Ridge 98
6th- Harding 93.5
7th- Roosevelt 90.5
8th- Wilson 86

1st- Franklin 218.5
2nd- Excelsior 216.5
3rd- McKinley 214
4th- Taft 212
5th- Oak Ridge 210.5
6th- Harding 205
7th- Roosevelt 202
8th- Wilson 189

Ben Schmidt-Helm (Determined band caption. Ranks not used for overall placement):

1st- Excelsior 46
2nd- McKinley 45.5
3rd- Franklin 43.5
4th- Oak Ridge 42.5
5th- Roosevelt 41.5
6th- Harding 37.5
7th- Taft 35.5
8th- Wilson 35

Placements were determined by ordinal consensus from the three table judges.

1st- Excelsior 1 1 2
2nd- Franklin 1 2 3
3rd- McKinley 2 3 3
4th- Oak Ridge 4 4 5
5th- Harding 5 5 6
6th- Taft 4 6 7
7th- Roosevelt 6 7 7
8th- Wilson 8 8 8

rickymcgarry on Feb 13, 2023, 12:45 PM
Post #10
Do you have varsity scores?

juliofrommississippi on Feb 13, 2023, 1:50 PM
Post #12
Yes. Sorry, we had a Black Excellence Assembly, and it took priority over typing up scores

rickymcgarry on Feb 13, 2023, 2:14 PM
Post #13
Rightfully so. Thanks!

juliofrommississippi on Feb 13, 2023, 1:49 PM
Post #11
Daytime High School scores!

David Haas:

1st- 10th Street 129.5
2nd- Eos 125
3rd- AcaPella 121.5
4th- 4th Ave Jazz 118.5
5th- GCS 114
6th- In Step 113
7th- Aurora 112.5
8th- Anamosa 106.5
9th- Hi-Style 106
10th- Charisma 103
11th- Bravo 102
12th- Keota 85

1st- 10th Street 114
2nd- Eos 106.5
3rd- AcaPella 105
4th- 4th Ave 99
5th- GCS 97.5
6th- In Step 97
7th- Aurora 96
T-8th- Anamosa 92
T-8th- Hi-Style 92
10th- Charisma 86.5
11th- Bravo 85
12th- Keota 71.5

1st- 10th Street 243.5
2nd- Eos 231.5
3rd- AcaPella 226.5
4th- 4th Ave 217.5
5th- GCS 211.5
6th- In Step 210
7th- Aurora 208.5
8th- Anamosa 198.5
9th- Hi-Style 198
10th- Charisma 189.5
11th- Bravo 187
12th- Keota 156.5

Amy Farley:

1st- 10th Street 123
2nd- Eos 121
3rd- AcaPella 118
4th- In Step 116
5th- GCS 115
6th- Aurora 114.5
7th- 4th Ave 114
8th- Hi-Style 109.5
9th- Bravo 108
10th- Anamosa 107
11th- Charisma 102.5
12th- Keota 94

1st- 10th Street 107
2nd- Eos 105
3rd- AcaPella 104
4th- GCS 103
5th- 4th Ave 101.5
6th- In Step 100
7th- Aurora 99.5
8th- Anamosa 95.5
9th- Bravo 95
10th- Hi-Style 94.5
11th- Charisma 85
12th- Keota 79.5

1st- 10th Street 230
2nd- Eos 226
3rd- AcaPella 222
4th- GCS 218
5th- In Step 216
6th- 4th Ave 215.5
7th- Aurora 214
8th- Hi-Style 204
9th- Bravo 203
10th- Anamosa 202.5
11th- Charisma 187.5
12th- Keota 173.5

Gerry Kreitzer:

1st- 10th Street 121.5
2nd- Eos 119
3rd- GCS 117
4th- AcaPella 115.5
5th- 4th Ave 114
6th- In Step 113.5
7th- Aurora 113
8th- Hi-Style 111
T-9th- Anamosa 110
T-9th- Charisma 110
11th- Bravo 107
12th- Keota 105

1st- 10th Street 104.5
T-2nd- Eos 102
T-2nd- GCS 102
T-4th- AcaPella 101
T-4th- 4th Ave 101
T-4th- In Step 101
7th- Aurora 100.5
8th- Anamosa 98
9th- Hi-Style 95.5
10th- Charisma 94.5
11th- Bravo 93.5
12th- Keota 90

1st- 10th Street 226
2nd- Eos 221
3rd- GCS 219
4th- AcaPella 216.5
5th- 4th Ave 215
6th- In Step 214.5
7th- Aurora 213.5
8th- Anamosa 208
9th- Hi-Style 206.5
10th- Charisma 204.5
11th- Bravo 200.5
12th- Keota 195

Ben Schmidt-Helm (only used to determine Band Caption):

1st- 10th Street 92.5
2nd- GCS 91
3rd- AcaPella 90.5
4th- Eos 90
5th- 4th Ave 89
6th- Aurora 85.5
7th- Bravo 84.5
8th- In Step 84
9th- Charisma 81
10th- Hi-Style 79.5
11th- Anamosa 78.5
12th- Keota 67

The finalists were determined by ordinal consensus:

10th Street 1 1 1
Eos 2 2 2
AcaPella 3 3 4
GCS 3 4 5
4th Ave 4 5 6
In Step 5 6 6
Aurora 7 7 7
Anamosa 8 8 10
Hi-Style 8 9 9
Charisma 10 10 11
Bravo 9 11 11
Keota 12 12 12

juliofrommississippi on Feb 11, 2023, 11:52 PM
Post #7
Performance order:

In Step
IC High
10th St

juliofrommississippi on Feb 11, 2023, 2:22 PM
Post #4
Additional MS results:

4th- Oak Ridge
5th- Harding
6th- Taft
7th- Roosevelt
8th- Wilson.

Layla’s last name is Breitbach. Charlotte’s is Schultz.

juliofrommississippi on Feb 1, 2023, 1:59 PM
Post #3
One update to the schedule: Roosevelt "Regeneration" will be joining our Middle School division and competing at 7:35 AM. Thanks!

thebetterbauer on Jan 25, 2023, 2:55 AM
Post #2
Schedule is posted!
10:55am - Washington "Celebration" EXHIBITION
11:20am - Middle School Awards
5:45pm - Washington "Momentum" EXHIBITION
6:15pm - Daytime Awards
7:00pm - Finals Begin (Middle School Winner/6 High School Finalists)
10:45pm - Final Awards

thebetterbauer on Nov 29, 2022, 3:12 PM
Post #1
Iowa City
La Crosse Central
Waukee Northwest
Who else?


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