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 Show Choir Community    Events    2023 Season    Indiana State Large School Finals 2023
Event Info

March 18th, 2023
Venue Info
Pike High School
Performing Arts Center
5401 W. 71st Street
Indianapolis, IN 46268
Phone: (317) 387-2600
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
9 Mixed Groups
9 Treble Groups
Event Hosts:
Indiana State School Music Association (ISSMA)
Event Judges:
Terry Hudson (visuals)
Joel Johnston (vocals)
Todd Kelly (band)
Mark Mangold (visuals)
Lynne Rothrock (vocals)
$13 adult per session
$11 student per session
Indiana State Large School Finals 2023

Event Site
Live Stream
Mixed Division

F.C. Singers
Franklin Central High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography

Avon High School
First Runner Up

Belles et Beaux
Plainfield High School
Second Runner Up

Fishers High School
3rd Runner Up

Spotlight Singers & Company
Brownsburg High School
4th Runner Up

North Central High School
5th Runner Up

Knight Sensations
Castle High School
6th Runner Up

Central Sound
Lawrence Central High School
7th Runner Up
Best Band

First Edition
Lafayette Jefferson High School
8th Runner Up

Treble Division

Fishers High School
First Place
Best Vocals
Best Choreography

High Voltage
Franklin Central High School
Second Place
Best Band

Avon High School
Third Place

Starlight Voices
Brownsburg High School
4th Place

Femmes Fatales
Plainfield High School
5th Place

Lawrence Central High School
8th Place

Decatur Central High School
No Placement

Castle High School
No Placement

North Central High School
No Placement

Attending Members displaying 6 of 47 members (view all)
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62 comments • Sort by

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JWill on Mar 18, 2023, 7:31 PM (Edited)
Post #25
Franklin Central is the best show I have seen all year.


Musicfan0514 on Mar 18, 2023, 10:33 PM
Post #29
Carmel & Center Grove were awesome shows. Carmel doesn’t compete at State anymore, don’t think CG ever did.

user banned  on Mar 18, 2023, 10:44 PM
Post #30
Go Indy show choir! Why don't Carmel or CG go to state? Neither does Zionsville who has been a contender this year. What's up with that?

spencer.scott22 on Mar 18, 2023, 11:14 PM
Post #32
Some schools choose to go to other competitions that happen to be the same weekend. I know Zionsville was at Heart of America Orlando, but I'm not sure about Carmel or CG.


Mr.HJA on Mar 19, 2023, 8:29 AM
Post #35
ISSMA state always has issues and over the 17 or so years it hasn’t been worth it. Zionsville and CG to my memory have never attended. Next year there will be a compete ring state contest not tied to issma. The issma sheet needs to be changed and the board is unwilling.


Musicfan0514 on Mar 19, 2023, 5:01 PM
Post #38
Thanks for the insight. Overheard others in the hall talking about the draw and politics associated with that process. They all work similarly hard, every group is so talented. Indiana schools have some of the best music programs in the country. I try to support them whenever I can.


TinyVampireRobot on Mar 20, 2023, 2:46 PM
Post #44
What's this about a competing state contest not tied to ISSMA?


ljb1014 on Mar 21, 2023, 3:06 PM (Edited)
Post #49
i wasnt all that impressed with FC -- was not as memorable as some of the others and didnt have a strong story to follow like NC, Fishers and Avon did...


amlyka on Mar 24, 2023, 4:36 PM (Edited)
Post #55
I will say that I do think it's a bit disingenuous to compete at one of multiple HOA competitions, often where there's only 2-3 other choirs competing (especially in the Single Gender division) and then call yourself a "National Champion". I get it, it's a fun competition with some amazing choirs, but I always have an eyeroll at the National Champion talk.


RoundaboutLover on Mar 24, 2023, 4:49 PM
Post #56
Yeah, it'd be cool to have all the HOA winners come together for one big final competition. But the logistics of that would probably be a nightmare. You'd have to deal with different school calendars for multiple states. And add the fact that most of the California schools start their comp seasons later than the midwest.

SwingsNathan on Mar 24, 2023, 4:51 PM
Post #57
Fame did try this - it worked successfully for a few years with some great contests, but it has been dying a slow death for a number of years now.


RoundaboutLover on Mar 24, 2023, 4:53 PM
Post #58
Interesting. Any reason for the decline?

JWill on Mar 27, 2023, 12:17 AM
Post #59
They charge an arm and a leg to compete. They were always primarily a seller of travel services.

Häakon on Mar 27, 2023, 4:12 AM
Post #60
Just to make a comment on the regional -> national tournament concept in general, it seems to just not work that well in the world of show choir. It's expensive for many groups to travel (especially if they have to do it multiple times), schedules don't seem to line up for groups across the country, and there has been some resistance in the past for large groups to sign up for mega-events where even great groups can place 10th.

I feel like high school sports teams, cheerleading squads, and marching bands have all figured out how to make it work... so there is really no reason that show choir can't. However, those things all have central governing bodies with bylaws and regulations, and that comes with its own share of issues. Show choir is SUCH a creative and artistic endeavor that the moment we start putting it in a box, I fear we start to kill the essence of what makes it so wonderful.

I would love to see some kind of system where the best of the best can all be together once a year, if only for my own selfish interest in watching a ton of great show choir. But as has been pointed out, even the most well-structured plans really only lasted a few years (and even then, it wasn't like 100% of the country's "best" groups ever competed on the same stage together). It just doesn't exist right now. Maybe another movement will happen in the decades to come and we'll see something like that... but I think many programs are still rebuilding from pandemic losses. Never say never, though!

Will. on Mar 27, 2023, 8:18 AM
Post #61
They charge an arm and a leg to compete. They were always primarily a seller of travel services.
That’s why my choir didn’t go to FAME Nationals in 2017. My director said that while the invite was cool, you had to buy into so much other stuff besides the competition that it wasn’t worth it.

thebetterbauer on Mar 27, 2023, 11:40 AM (Edited)
Post #62
I think it's insane how much FAME Nationals costs. I know since Bloomington Kennedy got an invite this year, they were told they would need $60,000 just to go to the one competition, with ONE group after an entire season of competing. It absolutely blows my mind.


MarkH on Mar 23, 2023, 11:40 AM
Post #51
Apparently there is a black cloud over ISSMA. It's being widely reported that a judge deliberately lowered the 5x Grand Champion Roncalli (small group mixed division) scores so much that it was noticed by another judge and effectively reported. The end result cost Roncalli their 6th Championship and a state title. So far there has been no action taken that we know of on this matter. They are probably trying to sweep this under the rug and move past it. As for large groups and the complains of Center Grove and Carmel not competing... after hearing about this, I don't blame them for not competing at this competition. This is a disgrace to the show choir community! ISSMA should try to practice ethical standards that they preach in their Bylaws.


amlyka on Mar 23, 2023, 6:44 PM
Post #53
I just assumed CG doesn't participate in ISSMA State Finals because there's no way they'd get their risers set and removed in the strict allotted timeframe.


Mr.HJA on Mar 24, 2023, 12:07 PM
Post #54
In the history of issma state, Center grove has never competed. They have a comp with their own score sheet. That’s vastly diff from the issma sheet. Carmel has state championships they don’t go every year. I think Only NC has gone every year since 2005


ljb1014 on Mar 18, 2023, 11:16 PM
Post #33
what happened to Brownsburg?? didnt see them at the awards for Single-Gender?? their show was fantastic... so surprised they didn't place higher!


Sgoldfarb on Mar 19, 2023, 5:16 PM
Post #39
100% agree! Brownsburg is a force to be reconned with, I am in utter disbelief that neither mixed or uni placed in the top 2 spots for State.


Mr.HJA on Mar 20, 2023, 10:08 AM
Post #40
The same brownsburg that has 1 gc this season? A force? There must be different definitions of that. They do not sing better than FC or fishers or Carmel or CG even in the absence of Carmel and CG they still don’t sing better than Avon fishers or Plainfield. They are a group with great potential that can’t beat the top groups in the state.


TinyVampireRobot on Mar 20, 2023, 10:30 AM (Edited)
Post #41


Sgoldfarb on Mar 20, 2023, 12:07 PM
Post #42
Yes, that Brownsburg. Have you seen them perform in person? Their lack of GC placement is likely due to judges and some biases.


alexissweens on Mar 20, 2023, 12:10 PM (Edited)
Post #43

delanielorenz on Mar 20, 2023, 3:52 PM (Edited)
Post #45
A group can still be "a force" even with one GC. I saw them in person and loved their show! Yeah, they might not be as strong as other choirs to some judges and yourself, but maybe to other judges and fans, they are. Everyone has different opinions!!!!! Especially judges!!!!!! (go check out on my recent forum post!! I did a review on them, as well as many other groups that I loved!!)


Mr.HJA on Mar 21, 2023, 12:18 PM
Post #46
They quite literally cannot be if they consistently get beat.

delanielorenz on Mar 21, 2023, 12:24 PM
Post #47
Listen bae, just go watch their show. Show choir is fun. Not to be argued about. Brownsburg has an outstanding show and they put just as much effort into their show as the other choirs that might score higher than them. It’s just the judges opinions.

Ross H on Mar 21, 2023, 2:26 PM
Post #48
it's not that deep. chill. Its show choir


Pencurtis on Mar 23, 2023, 1:19 PM
Post #52
Yeesh! Let Brownsburg get a little love & positive attention just for a minute. We all know who the faves in the Indiana Show Choir community are. Still, all of the choirs work hard and perform with heart and energy and they all deserve accolades. Plus, I love an underdog! Aside from that, Brownsburg’s mixed show was refreshingly unique. I loved the raw emotion of it. It had more substance than some of the other shows which I appreciate. But, hey, that’s just my opinion.

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