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 Show Choir Community    Events    2020 Season    Summit Nationals NYC 2020
Event Info

March 7th, 2020
Venue Info
Symphony Space
Peter Jay Sharp Theatre
2537 Broadway
New York, NY 10025
Phone: (212) 769-7406
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
Event Hosts:
CODA Concerts
Event Judges:
Pete Eklund
Lisa Howard
Susan Moninger
Mike Weaver
Ticket prices unknown.
Summit Nationals NYC 2020 (CANCELLED)

Event Site
Live Stream
We do not have a list of groups that signed up for this event on this day.
Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
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13 comments • Sort by

itsevankonig on Nov 23, 2019, 12:53 AM
Post #1
Does anyone know what this is? I’m interested to learn more about it.

Will. on Nov 24, 2019, 10:27 PM
Post #2
Seems a tad early to draw as a regional/national type competition...

Jeff. on Feb 20, 2020, 4:11 PM
Post #4
Will, it's the same date as HOA Nashville, which is a fantastic line-up so I'm not sure the date is an issue. But it is a new event so you raise a valid question, Evan. The event website link above explains some, but overall it's a bit of an unknown at this time. I imagine directors may have more context. It appears CODA Concerts is the company behind this and per their website they've been producing choir events for ~20 years, but this appears to be their first venture into the show choir realm.

Not completely related here, but since this thread doesn't yet have much discussion (and since I have time ) - I'll add that Summit Nationals is joined this year by Show Choir Select and Winter Park Ski-Music Festival as new/debut national/destination competitions this season. Winter Park seems similar to Summit in that both have previously held concert choir tours, but are now expanding to show choir. All 3 of these new events have very well known show choir industry professionals working with them, so it'll be interesting to see what happens.

The national/destination show choir business is a tough one though. Summit, Select, and Winter Park join Show Choir Nationals, Heart of America, FAME, and Show Choir Canada in a crowded grouping as this year's "national"/destination-type competitions. There's been a lot of attempts over the years at national/destination competitions and the ones listed previously are currently considered active/new; some that are now defunct or were cancelled before they debuted include: Showstoppers, Finale Nationals (2011, 2003), Grand River National (2007-2015), McKendree Midwest Nationals (2015-2017), World Choir Games (2012), Olympia Show Choir Championships (2012- Center Grove was to be the host choir before it was ultimately cancelled), and the Rocky Mountain Nationals (2017). Those are the most recent ones I could think of. I know I've seen other national competitions names around the forums while adding historical results to our database such as: Terpsichore, North American Music Festivals, American Music Festivals, MusicFest Orlando, Young Americans, and Festivals of Music. That's a quick crash course in national/destination comps. I'm looking forward to learning more about Summit, Select, and Winter Park.

Will. on Feb 20, 2020, 5:33 PM
Post #5
Totally forgot about HOA Nashville that same day And man, the Finale 2011 thread is worth a read if you have an evening to spare

Patrick on Feb 20, 2020, 6:19 PM
Post #6
Ahh Finale 2011. I will never forget it.

KEVDOUG on Mar 6, 2020, 2:50 PM
Post #7
RIP Showstoppers


Jazzy on Mar 6, 2020, 4:12 PM (Edited)
Post #8
"Ahh Finale 2011. I will never forget it."-Patrick

It was a fun nightmare!

Patrick on Mar 6, 2020, 11:01 PM
Post #10
It really was! Definitely as a student haha. I couldn't imagine being a director and just hoping your kids weren't having a terrible time.


Jazzy on Mar 6, 2020, 11:05 PM
Post #11
The stories, the stories. Haha. I saw Mario Lopez for a hot minute. Lol and he even messed up saying my name. What a thrill...

Patrick on Mar 6, 2020, 11:16 PM
Post #12
At least he tried to say your name at all! He left before he even got to announce us... LOL

juliofrommississippi on Mar 7, 2020, 11:05 AM
Post #14
We had a viewing party for Finale! That brings back all the memories!!!

Jeff. on Mar 6, 2020, 7:05 PM
Post #9
This event has been cancelled for 2020.

idmjedi on Feb 16, 2020, 1:22 AM
Post #3
Any word on what this is yet?


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