This event was cool, seems like it's been awhile since there was a competition in new york city that pulled talent from across the country, hope they do this again next year. Glad that Indiana was represented but would be amazing if the participant field doubled. Regardless, it was awesome getting to hop on the subway and see some great groups!
I like the idea of finals for events like this, being from New England (And I have not traveled for a competition with finals) I think it’s a cool way to decide major comps like this
Predictions Mixed:
GC: Daniel Hand High School “Vibe” (BV)
1RU: Brownsburg “Spotlight Singers & Company” (BB, BC)
2RU: Manchester “Captial Swing”
3RU: Andover “From Start To Finish”
Wait till you all see Vibe’s show. Iconic. Beyond incredible. It surpasses the level of a California show choir.
And Andover has really stepped up their game as well. The New England show choir circuit is rapidly improving and they're well on their way to become another show choir powerhouse region of the country. I'm such a proud alumni!