GC: Papillion la Vista "Free spirit"
1st runner up: Papillion la Vista south " Titanium
2nd runner: omaha south "The Ambassadors"
3rd runner up: Wahoo "Royalty"
4th runner up: Des Moines Roosevelt " Revelation
5th runner up: Des Moines Lincoln "Infinity"
I use previous overall ranking to make predictions, which can be pretty accurate or not even close. Good luck to everyone!
GC: Papillion la Vista "Free Spirit"
1st runner up: Papillion la Vista South "Titanium
2nd runner up: Wahoo "Royalty"
3rd runner up: Omaha South "Ambassadors"
4th runner up: Des Moines Lincoln "Infinity"
5th runner up: Bellevue West "West Connection"
GC: Papio South "Titanium" (BV, BC)
1RU: Papillion La Vista "Free Spirit" (BB)
2RU: Omaha South "The Ambassadors"
3RU: Wahoo "Royalty"
4RU: Des Moines Roosevelt "Revelation"
5RU: Omaha North "Explosion!"