Just because everyone enjoys knowing detailed scoring, Linn-Mar and Craig each received 3-1's and 3-2's in finals. Tiebreaker went back to daytime point totals, which is how Linn-Mar received the GC trophy
GC : Linn Mar 10th street BV BC
1RU: Jainesville Craig Spotlighters
2RU: Holmen Midwest express
3RU: Cedar Rapids Happiness inc
4RU:Cedar Rapids west side delegation
5RU: Benton Celebration
Benton celebration co
Holmen Midwest express
Linn mar 10th street
Happiness inc
West side delegation
Jainesvile Craig Spotlighters
Best Costumes west side delegation
Stage crew Cedar Rapids Kennedy happiness inc
Outstanding opener Benton celebsrsyion
Best ballad Lin mar 10th street
Best novelty purple harmony
Best show design Cedar Rapids Kennedy happiness inc
Best closer jainesvile Craig spotlighters
Best spirit Midwest express
Best musicianship jainesvile Craig spotlighters
Best female soloist in show someone from linn mar
Best male soloist in show someone from Janesville Craig
Best show band linn mar 10th street