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 Show Choir Community    Events    2016 Season    Mt. Zion Midwest Invitational (Day Two) 2016
Event Info

January 16th, 2016
Venue Info
Mt. Zion High School
305 S. Henderson St.
Mount Zion, IL 62549
Phone: (217) 864-2363
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
9 Mixed Groups
4 Treble Groups
Event Hosts:
Mt. Zion "Swingsations"
Mt. Zion "Les Femmes"
Event Judges:
Marty DeMott
Paul Gulsvig
Cyndi Johnson
Randall Lanoue
Elaine Moebius
Susan Moninger
Kelly Sullivan
Joe Wolfe
$15 - Adults
$10 - Students & Sr. Citizens


All Day Pass
$20 - Adults
$15 – Students & Sr. Citizens

DVD: Rutherford
Mt. Zion Midwest Invitational (Day Two) 2016

Event Site
Live Stream
Attending Members 11 attending members
40 comments • Sort by

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PresCapital on Feb 17, 2016, 12:31 PM
Post #40
Best soloists were Sam and Chloe SOHMER, not Sauner

Bpicker on Jan 17, 2016, 4:53 PM (Edited)
Post #39
Some thoughts/moments from seeing some amazing things last night:

1. Waubonsie Valley sprinting back into auditorium, after there day time show, to cheer on Wheaton North! That is truly what show choir should be about. Everyone works so hard and we should all be supporting each other!

2. Sam Sohmer's solo competition solo before finals. I believe it was "Not My Father's Son". Y'all need to hear this kid sing. Beautiful job.

3. Glenwood dance Also a must see! Great job to Heath Gemar on that choreo and the kids for executing so well!

4. Soloists from Waubonsie Valley "Girls in Heels" on "Listen". BEAUTIFUL!

5. The new auditorium at Mt. Zion is great!

6. The quartet who performed before finals was worth admission alone. Great job gentlemen!

7. Also a cool thing that epic showdown between Glenwood and WV for Grand Champ at Mt. Zion. Show choir nerds will know how kind of special that was/is...haha! You have Jeff Gemar who was the old director for Mt. Zion while Heath Gemar (choreographer for Glenwood) and Seth Durbin (director of WV) were in it, and they were being choreographed by Dwight Jordan (choreographer for WV and Mt. Zion)! Just a neat little show choir nerd moment.

Wonderful job everyone who competed last night. You all worked so hard and all of your hard work showed! The audience members were treated to some top notch quality on only the SECOND WEEK OF CONTESTS!

KylerEstenson on Jan 17, 2016, 11:10 AM
Post #38
I feel like I also saw something on Twitter about hoverboards on stage? What is going on at MTZ.

What you heard was correct MTZ brought out 6 of them for their performance at Premiere and I must say I was skeptical at first but they were busting out some pretty cool tricks on those things

Häakon on Jan 16, 2016, 11:57 PM
Post #37
I feel like I also saw something on Twitter about hoverboards on stage? What is going on at MTZ.
One must assume they are referring to those handsfree segway things, as we all know that a real hoverboard actually, you know, hovers. Still, very topical and could be a really cool effect onstage. I think it was Glenwood who busted them out.

Jeff. on Jan 16, 2016, 11:54 PM
Post #36
Thanks, folks, the full results with captions are posted. Middle School results are also posted, notably with Johns Hill besting North Ridge ending the "Redcoats" 3-year unbeaten streak.

I feel like I also saw something on Twitter about hoverboards on stage? What is going on at MTZ.


teacheross on Jan 16, 2016, 11:43 PM
Post #35
Per Mt. Zion Swingsations Facebook Page:

5th RU: Northrup Charisma
4th RU: Decatur Elite Energy
3rd RU: Danville Delegation
2nd RU: Wheaton North Flight
Best Choreo: Glenwood Titan Fever
Best Vocals: Waubonsie Valley Sound Check
1st RU: Glenwood Titan Fever
GC: Waubonsie Valley Sound Chec

linein on Jan 16, 2016, 7:56 PM
Post #34

Elite energy 7:00
Northrop 7:30
Flight 8:00
Glenwood 8:30
Danville 9:00
Waubonsie 9:30

Every experience I have with Mt. Zion typically has the 1st place prelim placement in the last finals spot, and the 2nd place in the third finals spot.

So I'll take a shot and say it's

1. WV
2. Chatham

...but who knows.

Häakon on Jan 16, 2016, 7:15 PM
Post #31

Elite energy 7:00
Northrop 7:30
Flight 8:00
Glenwood 8:30
Danville 9:00
Waubonsie 9:30

yankee96 on Jan 16, 2016, 7:24 PM
Post #32
Is that reverse of prelims placements?

Häakon on Jan 16, 2016, 7:51 PM
Post #33
I'm not sure, that's all of the information I have at the moment.

kmt2012 on Jan 16, 2016, 7:01 PM
Post #30
The event has been updated. You can also find the middle school event here: Mt. Zion (Day One).

Note: An updated schedule is posted above. Glenwood is now performing last and some of the times have been adjusted.

Who won middles school who in finals for high school

Caleb :P on Jan 16, 2016, 3:33 PM
Post #29
This is a pretty killer lineup for the 2nd week of show choir!

GC: Waubonsie Valley--Visuals
1RU: Glenwood--Vocals
2RU: Wheaton North
3RU: Decatur
4RU: Sullivan
5RU: Northrop

Should be a close one. Wheaton North has been on the rise. Glenwood is coming off a great season from last year. WV is the great mystery with a new director. And don't count out Decatur!

kmt2012 on Jan 16, 2016, 2:32 PM
Post #28
What was middle school results

FindYourStage on Jan 16, 2016, 2:49 AM
Post #27

GC: Waubonsie (Sweep)
1RU: Glenwood
2RU: Wheaton North
3RU: Northrop
4RU: Danville
5RU: Decatur

Good luck everyone! This will be a bloodbath for the top spots, everyone was very strong last year.


LaDarriusT34 on Jan 15, 2016, 4:20 PM
Post #26
Is there going to be a live feed?

stevesing85 on Jan 15, 2016, 2:33 PM
Post #25 Predictions :

G.C.: Chatham
1st ru: Wheaton North
2nd ru: WV
3rd ru: Danville
4th ru: Decatur
5th ru: Northrop


jdgold92 on Jan 14, 2016, 9:08 AM
Post #19
I have to say, I am really rooting for Wheaton North. They were amazing last year and I can imagine they're only better this year. I'm hoping for an upset. Grand champion is up for grabs from Waubonsie, Glenwood, and Wheaton North - but my eye would be on Wheaton North.

Good luck everyone!

36kap36 on Jan 15, 2016, 8:58 AM
Post #21
And we're back to the stupid downvoting for no good reason

This isn't even a prediction!! JD just said he's rooting for a group...some people...dang.

Jorge on Jan 15, 2016, 9:58 AM
Post #22
Do not let the Down Voting get to you. If a post doesn't fit the majorities narrative, you can expect down votes. It's ridiculous, but just learn to brush it off and laugh about it. Just assume that anyone down voting you is 40 years old living in their parents basement leading a miserable life.


alexgib05 on Jan 15, 2016, 2:25 PM
Post #24
I find it ironic and hilarious how we all talk about how subjective show choir is and how different one group can be from the next, and how it's really fascinating and in a way brings us all together here. However, as soon as someone throws out a prediction or thought that goes against the popular opinion, they get down-voted because they they're dumb or can't believe why they would think that (this is where the subjectivity comes in). I'm not saying people should stop down-voting, it's bound to happen like Adam said (I'm sure most of them come from those who have never posted but instead just read and browse) and sometimes it can spark some interesting conversation, I just find it ironic when people down-vote for those reasons. Sorry, /endrant

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