Friday - $12.00
Saturday Prelims - $15.00
Saturday Finals - $10.00
Saturday All Day - $20.00
Babes in Arms - Free
Children 5 and Under - $5.00
Children 10 and Under - $10.00
Programs - $5.00
Grand Champion - Solon Music In Motion 1st Runner Up - Noblesville Singers 2nd RU - Grove City Touch Of Class
3rd RU - Piqua The Company
4th RU - Loveland By Request
5th RU - Olentangy Keynotes Best Vocals - Solon Music In Motion Best Choreo- Solon Music In Motion
Always love going to Beavercreek's contest, but man, I wish something could be done about how long it goes! Getting out of there after 1:00 am is brutal! Great contest though!
1st Overall - Solon Music In Motion 1st Runner Up - Noblesville Singers 2nd RU - Loveland By Request
3rd RU - Grove City Touch Of Class
4th RU - Piqua The Company
5th RU - Olentangy Keynotes
6th RU - Lebanon Singers
7th RU - Teays Valley Prominent Rendition
Best Crew - Solon Music In Motion
Jeff Clark Spirit Award - Piqua The Company
Best Set - Loveland By Request
People's Choice - Piqua The Company
Outstanding Crew Member Luke Jacobs Loveland Allure
Best Instrumentalists Griffin Hobbs on Bagpipes (Olentangy)
Solo Comp Winner Maddy Buress South Dearborn
Best Costumes Olentangy Keynotes
Best Combo- Piqua The Company
Best Dressed Director
Best Soloist - Ellie Amorino
Best Soloist - Paxton Mertz Loveland
Small Mixed Division
Grand Champion - South Dearborn Opening Knight 1st Runner Up - West Jessamine Dually Noted 2nd RU - Benjamin Logan Standing Ovation
3rd RU - Elgin Energizers
Single-Gender Division
Grand Champion - Noblesville New Dimension 1st Runner Up - Grove City Class Act 2nd RU - Loveland Allure
3rd RU - Olentangy She-Notes
Finalists (NO ORDER STARTING AT 8:30)
*1* Solon Music In Motion
*2* Olentangy Keynotes
*3* Piqua The Company
*4* Loveland By Request
*5* Grove City Touch Of Class
*6* Noblesville Singers
Small question... any chance the white balance or brightness can be tweaked on the live stream?? It's really washed out, especially under lights. No big deal if it can't happen (really, just happy to have live stream!), but it would be more fun to watch if we could see more detail. Thanks!!
Olentangy "She-Notes" just finished and Noblesville "New Dimension" is up next. So they're about 30 mins off what's posted above. Not sure if they're running behind or if a group dropped and they moved their schedule back.
Grand Champion - Loveland Revolution 1st Runner Up - Jackson Spark Of Class Best Vocals - Loveland Revolution Best Choreo- Loveland Revolution Best Combo- Loveland Revolution
Best Costumes- Loveland Revolution
Best Set Jackson Spark Of Class
People's Choice- Jackson Spark Of Class
Best Crew Loveland Revolution
Best Male Solo- Bailey Shuman Jackson
Best Female Solo- Jen Lee Loveland
Large Mixed/Finals
GC: Loveland By Request (BC,BB)
1RU: Solon Music In Motion (BV)
2RU: Grove City TOC
3RU: Noblesville NHS Singers
4RU: Piqua The Company
5RU: Olentangey Key-Notes/1st place treble
GC: Loveland Allure
1RU: Grove City Class Act/Noblesville New Dimension
2RU: Grove City Class Act/Noblesville New Dimension
3RU: Olentangey She-Notes
Small Mixed:
GC: South Dearborn Opening Knight
1RU: Benjamin Logan Standing Ovation
This is a bloodbath as one of Ohio’s first comps! I am so excited to watch the livestream and see who takes the win! Will some groups have a downfall or even continue it.. Or surprise us? Who knows! But I am ready for a surprise.
3rd RU - Piqua The Company
4th RU - Loveland By Request
5th RU - Olentangy Keynotes