Predictions: Mixed:
1st: Franklin Central (BV, BC, BB)
2nd: North Central
3rd: Fishers
4th: Brownsburg
5th: Plainfield
6th: Castle
7th: Avon
8th: Franklin Community
9th: Northrop
1st: Fishers (BV, BC)
2nd: North Central (BB)
3rd: Avon
4th: Brownsburg
5th: Castle
6th: Franklin Community
7th: Pike
8th: Plainfield
9th: Northrop
Brownsburg Starlight Voices - 9:00 AM
Plainfield Femmes Fatales - 9:30 AM
Pike Mystiques - 10:00 AM
Franklin Community Sensations - 10:30 AM
Fishers Sound - 11:15 AM
Avon Attraction - 11:45 AM
Northrop Allure - 12:15 PM
North Central Descants - 12:45 PM
Castle Knightingales - 1:15 PM
Franklin Community Heritage Singers - 4:00 PM
Franklin Central FC Singers - 4:30 PM
Brownsburg Spotlight Singers & Company - 5:00 PM
Northrop Charisma - 5:30 PM
Castle Knight Sensations - 6:30 PM
Fishers Electrum - 7:00 PM
Plainfield Belles et Beaux - 7:30 PM
North Central Counterpoints - 8:00 PM
Avon Accents - 8:30 PM
Similar to Small School finals I have a feeling I know which group will take GC in single-gender (Fishers Sound, they are undefeated this season and also just broke Carmel's two season win streak yesterday), but could see mixed going a couple different ways based off how previous years have gone.
GC fc singers bv
1r fishers bc
3r avon
4r north central
5r castle
6r Brownsburg
7r Plainfield
GC fishers sweep
1r Avon
3r Brownsburg
4r frank comm
5 north central
6. Northrop
7r castle