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  Show Choir Community    Events    2009 Season    Indiana State Small School Finals 2009

   Event Info

March 21st, 2009

Venue Info

Plainfield High School
1 Red Pride Drive
Plainfield, IN 46168

Phone: (317) 839-7711

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  9 Mixed Groups
  7 Treble Groups



Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


Indiana State Small School Finals 2009

Event Site
Live Stream




 Classic Connection
 DeKalb High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 

 Belles et Beaux
 Plainfield High School
First Runner Up 
Best Band 

 City Heat
 Columbia City High School
Second Runner Up 

   Treble Finals


Groups in order of placement

 Sound Sensation
 DeKalb High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 

 New Castle High School
Second Place 

 City Lights
 Columbia City High School
Third Place 

   Mixed Division (Prelims)

   Treble Division (Prelims)

   Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

549 comments • Sort by

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rengland3991 on Mar 17, 2009, 5:31 PM
Post #229
[quote name='JFreak213' date='1237269709' post='463790']
Yes, it is sad...that they are taking a spot of a choir that is able to field their entire group.

I know the other members of the group probably really want to go, but there's no way WC can put on their best show with 1/4 of the group not there. It's a disservice to all of them.[/quote]

They are still going to put on a hell of a show. Even with warren missing people, they will still be among the best at the competition. They are not taking that spot away from someone, they totally deserve to be there.


doesntmatter1290 on Mar 17, 2009, 1:05 PM
Post #228
[quote name='Mr.HJA' date='1237309011' post='463838']

I am not underestimating them NC is always good and prepared for anything i am just saying that it is hard to truely desire something that seems really far. i haven't seen their show and i'm sure its great. I just know that changing a lot of things in a show and then competing with the new show is hard. No matter how long you practice and perfected it its a totally different feeling at a competition. I know i was ervous every year ore so for the second comp than the first because there are always changes.

In 2006 we had one opener for the 1st comp then totally changed choreography for the next and it was nerve reking. But maybe NC is just that great that it doesn't bother them.[/quote]

from what i understand, NC didnt change that much if any choreography...they changed show order. songs are still the same...just not in the same order. i could be wrong...but thats what ive heard. and if thats true....then that change isnt that big of an issue at all.


Mr.HJA on Mar 17, 2009, 12:56 PM
Post #227
[quote name='latestplague' date='1237239088' post='463664']
amen to that ;)[/quote]

I am not underestimating them NC is always good and prepared for anything i am just saying that it is hard to truely desire something that seems really far. i haven't seen their show and i'm sure its great. I just know that changing a lot of things in a show and then competing with the new show is hard. No matter how long you practice and perfected it its a totally different feeling at a competition. I know i was ervous every year ore so for the second comp than the first because there are always changes.

In 2006 we had one opener for the 1st comp then totally changed choreography for the next and it was nerve reking. But maybe NC is just that great that it doesn't bother them.


Mr.HJA on Mar 17, 2009, 12:52 PM
Post #226
[quote name='quakerparent' date='1237258944' post='463748']I think the IHSAA state indoor track meet is also on 3/21 at Purdue. We have performers participating.[/quote]

I reme,ber last year i had to go to IU for the state meet, compete twice then hurry back and perform at state. I had to do this 3 years in a row! lways fun. Its good to see that so may good track runners do show choir. This shows dedication and hard work. having the ability to go to track practice/meet and the choir rehearsa;/comp is great!!!


Mr.HJA on Mar 17, 2009, 12:47 PM
Post #225
[quote name='EmmaLouBelle' date='1237229124' post='463627']
FC isn't undefeated, they lost to pike at bendavis. but i do love their show, and i'm incredibly proud of them for taking FAME orlando. i just hope the same thing doesn't happen like last year to FC or LC: where they GC'ed at every competition only to not make finals at state.[/quote]

I agree that would be horrible. This will be such a great competition!!!!


Broadwaydestined13 on Mar 17, 2009, 12:33 PM (Edited)
Post #224


Wocttocs on Mar 17, 2009, 12:17 PM
Post #223
[quote name='KEVDOUG' date='1237303863' post='463814']
Why does everyone hate on Carmel? I went to ISSMA last year and heard people actually boo Carmel. Let's face it they are VERY good.[/quote]

I've said it before and i'll say it again.

Pike, Lawrence Central, Franklin Central, Center Grove, Ben Davis, Warren Central, and North Central are ALL choirs fro Marion Country (Actually now that i think about it CG may not be)

Carmel, is it's own (pretty pretentious) city.

If you live in Indiana, and you paid more than 3 million dollars for your house, Chances are it is located in Carmel. There are many neighborhoods in Carmel that ARE manageable for middle class families to afford, yet most of its appeal comes from the fact that most of the Indianapolis' colts players have Million dollar compounds in Carmel, and they by far have the highest median home price range in the state...

Kids from the "Big City" are always going to be B**ching about the snooty rich kids in the "Burbs" (which in all reality is what Carmel is, a glorified suburb)


Broadwaydestined13 on Mar 17, 2009, 12:04 PM (Edited)
Post #222
[quote name='miclove' date='1237301533' post='463810']so Lets talk about girls groups for once.

GC: Carmel
1RU: Nc
2nd: BD

Carmel can't sing. The character voices for almost the whole show is getting old. Can you wave your money somewhere else. If you take all the sets and props out they wouldnt even come close to good. But thats the only reason why their show is entertaining.

NC- they are pretty good this year as of every year. Im excited to see how they do. Love the songs this year.

LC or BD.
LCs moves are way to easy and not that entertaining but they have a lot of volume. Def should work on facials. BD on the other hand has a really fun show but cant seem to get their dancing down. Seems they have a lot of new girls and a lot of splat vowels.

GC: Carmel
1stRU: LC
2nd RU: Pike

carmel pays the judges.
LC has too many costume changes.
pike is really fun.[/quote]

Carmel Accents can sing, they don't use character voices, they don't even use any props besides for costumes I think, and they don't use fancy backdrops and smoke and confetti and props or anything. I think they are smart to only use what they are given so their talent is the prominent feature. Nothing distracts the judges from their vocals and visuals. So yes, in that sense they do play to the judges by not using distracting props and smoke and mirrors.


neweraguy on Mar 17, 2009, 11:40 AM
Post #221
Any small school predictions???

KEVDOUG on Mar 17, 2009, 11:31 AM
Post #220
[quote name='miclove' date='1237301533' post='463810']
carmel pays the judges.

Why does everyone hate on Carmel? I went to ISSMA last year and heard people actually boo Carmel. Let's face it they are VERY good.


miclove on Mar 17, 2009, 10:52 AM
Post #219
so Lets talk about girls groups for once.

GC: Carmel
1RU: Nc
2nd: BD

Carmel can't sing. The character voices for almost the whole show is getting old. Can you wave your money somewhere else. If you take all the sets and props out they wouldnt even come close to good. But thats the only reason why their show is entertaining.

NC- they are pretty good this year as of every year. Im excited to see how they do. Love the songs this year.

LC or BD.
LCs moves are way to easy and not that entertaining but they have a lot of volume. Def should work on facials. BD on the other hand has a really fun show but cant seem to get their dancing down. Seems they have a lot of new girls and a lot of splat vowels.

GC: Carmel
1stRU: LC
2nd RU: Pike

carmel pays the judges.
LC has too many costume changes.
pike is really fun.

KEVDOUG on Mar 17, 2009, 8:51 AM
Post #218
[quote name='dandn5000' date='1237258329' post='463745']
For example, East Noble Knight Rhythms attended three state qualifiers. Our director sent in to ISSMA which qualifiers we attended, and they took the score sheets from each of the three and took our best score as our state qualifying score. From there, the top nine scoring groups for the small school division were selected.

So it really doesn't pick the BEST 9 it really just picks 9 that scored high. So if you went to a competition that all the judges scored a little higher you would be at an advantage. Also, if you went to a competition that was a little "easier" you would have an advantage.

TheOnlyJosh on Mar 17, 2009, 2:01 AM
Post #217
[quote name='rengland3991' date='1237255858' post='463732']So Warren Central will be nowhere near their best at state.

IHSFA (speech) State is on the same day. Based on their performance time, they're going to be without 7-10 people. This is the same problem they had at Pike. They were 3rd during the day, then were witout 5 people for the night show and fell down to 5th.

So I'm thinking warren will not be placing as well as they should. Its sad.[/quote]

Yes, it is sad...that they are taking a spot of a choir that is able to field their entire group.

I know the other members of the group probably really want to go, but there's no way WC can put on their best show with 1/4 of the group not there. It's a disservice to all of them.

JWill on Mar 17, 2009, 12:12 AM
Post #216
[quote name='nixieninnermich' date='1237262107' post='463767']1. WOW! They [Warren Central] let members of their choir do speech team? Nobody at Plainfield even bothered because of all the Show Choir conflicts haha.[/quote]

It's hard for show choir to compete with the excitement of speech.


doesntmatter1290 on Mar 17, 2009, 12:08 AM
Post #215
[quote name='nixieninnermich' date='1237262107' post='463767']
2. Before doing the random draw they divided the mixed choirs into two groups: schools that had women's choirs performing and schools that did not. They did a random draw for the first group [the schools without women's choirs], and then they did the random draw for the second group to determine who was going in what order for each block. I don't know if this is how Class A did it but it is how Class B did it this year.[/quote]

it seems like it was the same for class A


nixieninnermich on Mar 16, 2009, 11:55 PM
Post #214
1. WOW! They [Warren Central] let members of their choir do speech team? Nobody at Plainfield even bothered because of all the Show Choir conflicts haha

2. Before doing the random draw they divided the mixed choirs into two groups: schools that had women's choirs performing and schools that did not. They did a random draw for the first group [the schools without women's choirs], and then they did the random draw for the second group to determine who was going in what order for each block. I don't know if this is how Class A did it but it is how Class B did it this year.

user banned  on Mar 16, 2009, 11:41 PM
Post #213
so carmel will be there??? I LOVE THEM!!! THEY ARE SOO NICE AND SOO GOOD!


quakerparent on Mar 16, 2009, 11:02 PM
Post #212
I think the IHSAA state indoor track meet is also on 3/21 at Purdue. We have performers participating.


dandn5000 on Mar 16, 2009, 10:52 PM
Post #211
[quote name='KEVDOUG' date='1237256314' post='463735']How do they decide who performs when? How are the 9 groups decided?[/quote]

This year's different from years past. This year, they split it into two divisions - large school, which took in nine groups from the pool of choirs whose schools have 1700+ students, and a small school division which has nine groups with 1699 and fewer students in their schools. There were four weeks of state qualifiers, and ISSMA, the state school music association, had directors send in which qualifiers they competed at, and ISSMA took scores from those qualifiers and took each groups best scores if they attended multiple qualifiers. For example, East Noble Knight Rhythms attended three state qualifiers. Our director sent in to ISSMA which qualifiers we attended, and they took the score sheets from each of the three and took our best score as our state qualifying score. From there, the top nine scoring groups for the small school division were selected. The process was identical for the groups in the large school division, and the same process occurred for women's choirs, with the large and small school divisions still holding.

Then, there was a scoring issue with Northrop's Charisma choir at the Huntington North qualifier that affected their final score, so ISSMA made them a tenth group on top of the original nine in the large school because it was possible that their qualification was lost by the mistake.

And there are only seven small school female groups because only seven applied.

I think the performance times are luck of the draw.


doesntmatter1290 on Mar 16, 2009, 10:47 PM
Post #210
[quote name='KEVDOUG' date='1237256314' post='463735']How do they decide who performs when? How are the 9 groups decided?[/quote]

if ISSMA works the same for show choir as it does for concert choir...which i believe it does...then they select the choirs based on who submits scores and they take the top groups. after they select the groups, there is a random draw for order.

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