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 Show Choir Community    Events    2014 Season    Northwest Missouri State University Show Choir Festival 2014
Event Info

February 8th, 2014
Venue Info
Northwest Missouri State University
Mary Linn Auditorium
800 University Drive
Maryville, MO 64468
Phone: (660) 562-1212
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
21 Mixed Groups
5 Treble Groups
Event Hosts:
NWMSU "Celebration"
Event Judges:
Ticket prices unknown.
Northwest Missouri State University Show Choir Festival 2014

Event Site
Live Stream

New Score Singers
Smith-Cotton High School
Grand Champion

Lights, Cameron, Action!
Cameron High School
First Runner Up

Atchison High School
Second Runner Up

Southeast Polk High School
3rd Runner Up

Swingin' Saints
St. Thomas Aquinas High School
4th Runner Up

Maryville High School
5th Runner Up

Scarlet Knights
Bishop Neumann High School
6th Runner Up

Sound Of Thunder
Archie High School
7th Runner Up

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier III (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier IV (Prelims) Show
Prep Division

Smith-Cotton High School
First Place

Treble FX
Oak Park High School
Second Place

Stage One
Millard South High School
Third Place

Women's Show Choir
East Buchanan High School
No Placement

CHS Select
Chillicothe High School
No Placement

Broadway Velocity
Smith-Cotton High School
No Placement

Attending Members displaying 1 of 1 members
9 comments • Sort by

Jeff. on Feb 11, 2014, 4:10 AM
Post #9
Gotcha, thanks for the clarification. I just added Cameron to the SCC database this year which is why I assumed they were a new competing choir. But I'm not surprised that we never heard about them. Missouri is pretty consistently under our radar.


Samuel.Dollins on Feb 10, 2014, 10:35 PM
Post #8
There were no captions, which I think is odd but that is how they have always done it.

Cameron has been around for around 5 years now and they won Northwest a couple of years ago.

This is the highest that we have ever placed in our two years of existence and my kids were pretty stoked today during class! Now we go towards Pleasant Hill's competition in a couple weeks!

Jeff. on Feb 10, 2014, 7:49 PM
Post #7
Thanks, Mr. Dollins! I was counting on you for providing these results. Were there any captions?

Also looks like there were a lot of "firsts" with this competition. I believe Cameron is brand new to the show choir scene this year, so this is their first finals performance and best placement so far, I don't know that Atchison has placed top three in Finals before, and I think this was the first time Archie has performed in Finals. Congrats everyone.


Samuel.Dollins on Feb 10, 2014, 1:49 PM
Post #6
Division 1:
Bishop Neumann Scarlet Knights - 1st
Archie Sounds of Thunder - 2nd

Division 2:
Atchison Adrenaline - 1st
Maryville Spectrum - 2nd
Wahoo HS Show CHoir - 3rd

Division 3
Lights! Cameron! Action! - 1st
St. Thomas Aquinas Swingin' Saints - 2nd
Seward high singers - 3rd
savanah - 4th
chillicothe - 5th
ottawa - 6th

Division 4
Smith Cotton New Score - 1st
Southeast Polk - 2nd
St. Joe Central - 3rd
Oak Park Oak Street- 4th


Smith Cotton - 1st
Cameron Lights! Cameron! Action - 2nd
Atchison Adrenaline - 3rd
Southeast Polk Ramification - 4th
St. Thomas Aquinas - 5th
Maryville Spectrum - 6th
Bishop Neumann - 7th
Archie Sound of Thunder - 8th

lucasr_kc on Feb 9, 2014, 4:15 PM
Post #5
Prep Results:

1st: Smith-Cotton "Cabaret"
2nd: Oak Park "Treble FX"
3rd: Millard South "Stage One"

And St. Joseph Central "Encore" were not on any original schedules, but we're on the ones posted at Northwest. They competed in the XL division. The 8 finalists, 2 from each division was previously planned.

And all I know about finals is Smith Cotton took 1st

Jeff. on Feb 9, 2014, 12:10 AM (Edited)
Post #4
Finalists have been posted. Apparently they took 8 total and 2 from each division… not sure if that was planned or just happened that way.

I saw a tweet that said St. Joe Central "Encore" was there, but they weren't on the original schedule. Anyone know what division they were in?

Häakon on Feb 8, 2014, 9:12 PM
Post #3
Received info that Swingin' Saints made finals. Don't have the rest. Anyone out there with an update on this one?

Jeff. on Jan 20, 2014, 3:38 PM
Post #2
Thanks Mr. Dollins - it's all been added above. I love the Missouri-Kansas-Nebraska-Iowa quad-state feel of this competition. Should be an interesting mix.


Samuel.Dollins on Jan 20, 2014, 12:41 PM
Post #1
Performing Arts Center
School - Choir Name - Performance Time - Choir Division

Savannah Savannah Show Stoppers 9:15 AM L
Cameron Lights, Cameron, Action 9:40 AM L
10:00 AM - 10:20 AM ****** BREAK**
Ottawa Cytones 10:20 AM L
St. Thomas Aquinas Swingin' Saints 10:45 AM L
Odessa Ovation 11:10 AM L
Chillicothe Choraliers 11:35 AM L
Seward Seward High Singers 12:00 PM L
*******LUNCH****12:20 PM - 1:25 PM ****LUNCH***********
Junction City JC Singers 1:25 PM XL
Southeast Polk RAMification 1:50 PM XL
Millard South South on Stage 2:15 PM XL
Oak Park Oak Street Singers 2:40 PM XL
Smith Cotton New Score Singers 3:05 PM XL

Charles Johnson Theatre
School - Choir Name - Performance Time - Choir Division

East Buchanan Girls 8:50 AM SEC
Chillicothe CHS Select 9:15 AM SEC
Smith Cotton Broadway Velocity 9:40 AM SEC
10:00 AM - 10:20 AM ************ BREAK
Oak Park Treble FX 10:20 AM SEC
Millard South Stage One 10:45 AM SEC
Smith Cotton Cabaret 11:10 AM SEC
East Buchanan Mixed 11:35 AM S
Falls City 12:00 PM S
12:20 PM -1:25 PM ********** LUNCH* Applederas
Archie Sound of Thunder 1:25 PM S
Bishop Neumann The Scarlet Knights 1:50 PM S
Maryville Spectrum 2:15 PM M
Atchison Adrenaline 2:40 PM M
Wahoo Wahoo HS Show Choir 3:05 PM M


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