This event has been added above. Sometimes I get amazed when I have to add an Iowa choir to the database. Like, how isn't every Iowa school in our database already?
Harlan joins the ranks of competitive show choir! That is awesome to see! And they got a 1 at state contest today. Which, though isn't overly difficult to do, is not a gimme either.
3A show choir in western Iowa just keeps growing with the additions of Sergeant Bluff-Luton and Harlan over the past two years!
Look a the final 7 competing groups here at Westwood. Wow! Going to be such a great competition.
I haven't seen a topic for this competition yet. Who is all attending?
I'll just throw last years results on here for fun:
Grand Champion: Waukee (BV,BC,BB)
1RU: Papillion-La Vista South
2RU: Millard North
3RU: Bloomington Jefferson
4RU: Waukee Prep
5RU: Sioux City East
6RU: Lewis Central