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 Show Choir Community    Events    2014 Season    Opelika Southern Showcase (Day Two) 2014
Event Info

February 15th, 2014
Venue Info
Opelika High School
Opelika Center for the Performing Arts
1700 Lafayette Parkway
Opelika, AL 36801
Phone: (334) 745-9715
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
15 Mixed Groups
6 Treble Groups
1 Bass Group
Event Hosts:
Opelika "Ovations"
Opelika "Impressions"
Event Judges:
Ticket prices unknown.
Opelika Southern Showcase (Day Two) 2014

Event Site
Live Stream

Fairfield Senior High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Band

Varsity Singers
Auburn High School
First Runner Up
Best Overall Effect

Jackson Preparatory School
Second Runner Up

The Network
Homewood High School
3rd Runner Up

Enterprise High School
4th Runner Up

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II
Groups in order of performance

Higher Glory
Lee Scott Academy
Placement Unknown

Prattville High School
Placement Unknown

Cleveland High School
Placement Unknown

Rhapsody in Blue
Spain Park High School
Placement Unknown

Tallassee High School
Placement Unknown

The Associate
Homewood High School
Placement Unknown

Lakeside High School
Placement Unknown

Pell City High School
Placement Unknown

Briarwood Christian School
Placement Unknown

Single Clef Division

Pure Elegance
Fairfield Senior High School
First Place
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Overall Effect

Enterprise High School
Second Place

Auburn High School
Third Place

The Legacy
Homewood High School
No Placement

Gold Edition
Tallassee High School
No Placement

Ladies Choice
Tift County High School
No Placement

Tallassee High School
No Placement

Attending Members displaying 6 of 20 members (view all)
60 comments • Sort by

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dhurt863 on Feb 19, 2014, 9:45 AM
Post #60
Meant to post this earlier, but congrats to all groups ivolved in the competition! It was a close one, and it couldve gone any way! Also, thank you to our hosts, you guys were great! #IMissAlabamaWeather

RobertYouKnow on Feb 16, 2014, 10:15 PM
Post #59
I was off by one caption!!!!

Caleb :P on Feb 16, 2014, 4:19 AM
Post #58
But there is typically no time limit set on finals performances so that could explain running late.
This definitely could be a major factor.

Needless to say, great job Fairfield! I liked your show when I saw it a couple weeks ago via live feed.

And I am SO excited to see how Auburn does at Wheaton, facing off with the best of the midwest!
Also, it will be great to see how Jackson Prep stacks up with more of the Southern groups (including Clinton) over the next few weeks :D


214griffin on Feb 16, 2014, 4:07 AM
Post #57
Well perhaps it's because nearly every Tier 2/3 group in the south has a large set to put up/take down, which takes time. And the next group can't start setting up until the last one is completely out of the staging area. Like I can't remember the last time I saw a southern group that didn't have a set. I know a lot of Midwestern groups don't. The Cali groups also do, and I think I recall that they run late also.
We are timed at large competitions! Most places give you a fairly strict 25 minute time limit... It is only enforced some places but the general rule is about 25 minutes. I designed our sets this year and basically I was told a price range for materials and told be able to put them up and down in 3 and a half to four minutes... But there is typically no time limit set on finals performances so that could explain running late.

Caleb :P on Feb 16, 2014, 3:56 AM
Post #56
Most Midwestern competitions have a lot of choirs attend, too, but seem to run on time. I think clocks just work differently in the South.

Well perhaps it's because nearly every Tier 2/3 group in the south has a large set to put up/take down, which takes time. And the next group can't start setting up until the last one is completely out of the staging area. Like I can't remember the last time I saw a southern group that didn't have a set. I know a lot of Midwestern groups don't. The Cali groups also do, and I think I recall that they run late also.

spraggy_ on Feb 16, 2014, 3:54 AM (Edited)
Post #55
GC- Fairfield (BV, BC, BB)
1RU- Auburn (Overall effect)
2RU- Jackson Prep
3RU- Homewood
4RU- Enterprise

I kind of agree with the judges except for Homewood's placement. I thought their show would have put them ahead of JP. I'm not knocking Reveillon's rendition of Gatsby. The show was great. The performance in finals was not as strong as prelims but it was a very well put together show. Just my opinion. I would not mind seeing official scores from this competition.

I must say that Auburn was incredible although the content of the show doesn't really sit well with me. Maybe it's because personally, I'm not so religious but in any event, I don't really want to sit and listen to 15 minutes of for, lack of a better word, preaching. You feel me? Don't get me wrong, there is no underestimation of the talent within the program. I agree with the judges options in ranking for 1st RU. The vocals, chores, costuming, and band were all incredible. I know we live in the Bible belt, but eh.

Fairfield was oh my god fantastic. I'm so glad I stayed to see that performance. The vocals were perfect throughout. April and Randy are the best and they definitely gave you great material. I always enjoy your creative shows. I have a recording of your Around The World In 80 Days show on my iPod. Thank you for coming down to Opelika! I was in Ovations my senior year when we came to y'all's competition and it was incredible.


214griffin on Feb 16, 2014, 3:38 AM
Post #54
And I'm still TERRIBLE at quoting.


214griffin on Feb 16, 2014, 3:35 AM
Post #53
Results posted above! Huge congrats to all three Fairfield choirs for getting a taste of the Southern show choir circuit and sweeping their divisions! I'll be really interested to hear some Southern folks' opinions about the Fairfield shows. Anyone care to share?

My thoughts are that I am SO MAD I didn't get to see them!!! Or this competition! I was competing in finals at a comp and I just kept refreshing this forum on my phone hahahaha

Jeff. on Feb 16, 2014, 3:30 AM
Post #52
I think a lot of times they are. Could be due to the number of Tier 2/3 and single gender groups.
Most Midwestern competitions have a lot of choirs attend, too, but seem to run on time. I think clocks just work differently in the South.

Homewood took their closer out of their show for finals. Interesting decision.
Took it out? Like, they performed a different song as the closing number? Or just ended at the song before the usual closer? Haha I'm confused.

GC- Fairfield (BV, BC, BB)
1RU- Auburn (Overall effect)
2RU- Jackson Prep
3RU- Homewood
4RU- Enterprise

Results posted above! Huge congrats to all three Fairfield choirs for getting a taste of the Southern show choir circuit and sweeping their divisions! I'll be really interested to hear some Southern folks' opinions about the Fairfield shows. Anyone care to share?


214griffin on Feb 16, 2014, 3:26 AM
Post #51
As crazy as this comp will be, imma throw my predictions out

GC: FairField (BC/BB)
1ru: Auburn (BV)
2ru: Jackson Prep
3ru: Homewood
4ru: Enterprise

Dang you shoulda out money on these.

J on Feb 16, 2014, 3:16 AM
Post #50
GC- Fairfield (BV, BC, BB)
1RU- Auburn (Overall effect)
2RU- Jackson Prep
3RU- Homewood
4RU- Enterprise


214griffin on Feb 16, 2014, 2:59 AM
Post #49
Fairfield just got done a few minutes ago.
Thanks!! This one is going late!!

J on Feb 16, 2014, 2:47 AM
Post #48
Fairfield just got done a few minutes ago.


214griffin on Feb 16, 2014, 2:46 AM
Post #47
Close to results??

J on Feb 16, 2014, 2:28 AM (Edited)
Post #46
So I'm just kidding about my "last post" in the Purvis forum. Homewood took their closer out of their show for finals. Interesting decision.

Edit: Shout out to the lady in front of me who let me use her portable charger so I can post results when they come.

Caleb :P on Feb 16, 2014, 2:16 AM
Post #45
Thanks for the update! Southern competitions always seem much later than the Midwest.
I think a lot of times they are. Could be due to the number of Tier 2/3 and single gender groups.

Jeff. on Feb 16, 2014, 1:33 AM
Post #44
Homewood is about to go on and then Fairfield then awards... Finally.
Thanks for the update! Southern competitions always seem much later than the Midwest.


d_yurk on Feb 16, 2014, 1:29 AM
Post #43
Homewood is about to go on and then Fairfield then awards... Finally.

J on Feb 15, 2014, 11:48 PM
Post #42
I assume it was a random order based on the prelim placements and this performing order. It's kind of a shame, because I'm guessing Fairfield will miss a lot of these performances due to warm ups. Hopefully they still get to see some of these stellar shows!

Also does anyone know the judges for the Southern Showcase?

I was thinking the same thing. I was hoping Fairfield would be first or second. The same thing happened at Albertville with Wheaton. Hopefully they got to watch some in prelims!


d_yurk on Feb 15, 2014, 11:43 PM
Post #41
I assume it was a random order based on the prelim placements and this performing order. It's kind of a shame, because I'm guessing Fairfield will miss a lot of these performances due to warm ups. Hopefully they still get to see some of these stellar shows!

Also does anyone know the judges for the Southern Showcase?

I only know one for sure and that is Shane Coe, I will try to figure out the other two.

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