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  Show Choir Community    Events    2012 Season    Fort Atkinson Showcase 2012

   Event Info

February 11th, 2012

Venue Info

Fort Atkinson High School
925 Lexington Boulevard
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538

Phone: (920) 563-7811

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  22 Mixed Groups
  1 Treble Groups

Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


Fort Atkinson Showcase 2012

Event Site
Live Stream



Groups in order of placement

 10th Street Edition
 Linn-Mar High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Band 

 Silver Connection
 Monona Grove High School
First Runner Up 

 Milton High School
Second Runner Up 

 Friend de Coup
 Mitchell High School
3rd Runner Up 

 Troy Buchanan High School
4th Runner Up 

 Craig High School
5th Runner Up 

 Cedar Rapids Washington High School
6th Runner Up 

   Prep Division



 In Step
 Linn-Mar High School
First Place 

 Cedar Rapids Washington High School
Second Place 

 Act II
 Neenah High School
Third Place 


 Troy Buchanan High School
No Placement 

 Rising Stars

 Milton High School
No Placement 


 Linn-Mar High School
No Placement 

 Center Stage

 Davenport North High School
No Placement 

 Ladies First

 John Hersey High School
No Placement 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 43 members (view all)  



Wisconsin ...




120 comments • Sort by

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badazzled on Feb 10, 2012, 12:40 PM
Post #60
found a clip of Mitchell's show. Only shows 2 minutes but it's something.

Stolba on Feb 10, 2012, 12:26 PM
Post #59
[quote name='juliofrommississippi' date='1328846419' post='532950']
Interesting fact... The last Wisconsin group to win at Fort was Monona Grove back in 1998.[/quote]

You are always so full of knowledge! ;)

Stolba on Feb 10, 2012, 12:24 PM (Edited)
Post #58
In 18 hours our group will be on the road en route to cheer on Washington and all the other groups! Can't wait!! This will be a fantastic day. If you see me or Jay PLEASE feel free to come up and say hello, we are quite friendly

juliofrommississippi on Feb 10, 2012, 12:00 AM
Post #57
[quote name='smileyseany' date='1328845731' post='532946']At Fort, I think it would be great just to make it into finals. It's a bloodbath every year. Every year since my freshmen year, we have never made it. Now I'm a senior, and hopefully Monona Grove will have a good showing to make it on.[/quote]

Interesting fact... The last Wisconsin group to win at Fort was Monona Grove back in 1998.


max.ethridge on Feb 9, 2012, 11:59 PM
Post #56
last year at fort was not the best for us! but i am SOO excited for this saturday! there are going to be so many great, talented groups there to watch! best of luck to all!


smileyseany on Feb 9, 2012, 11:48 PM
Post #55
At Fort, I think it would be great just to make it into finals. It's a bloodbath every year. Every year since my freshmen year, we have never made it. Now I'm a senior, and hopefully Monona Grove will have a good showing to make it on.

juliofrommississippi on Feb 9, 2012, 11:28 PM
Post #54
[quote name='Zdog37' date='1328825555' post='532914']
Holy memory lane batman. I remember that competition to this day and wanting Totino to win. Can't wait to see how this competition turns out.[/quote]

Who didn't love that show?!?! One of my all-time favorites. Onalaska 04 was just like THE competition back in our day. I only knew Linn-Mar's spot cuz one of my best friends at the time had a solo in that show. SO many great choirs at that competition. Looking back at it is just nuts. I have no clue how judges could even score that one....

Speakin of that.... The judges are gonna have a REALLY tough time at this one too! Can't wait!


Wisconsin Singers on Feb 9, 2012, 10:40 PM
Post #53
Good Luck to everyone from Wisconsin Singers!! A few of us will be in attendance on Saturday to both enjoy the competition and answer questions regarding the troupe, the university and upcoming auditions! Both Taran O'Reilly and myself(Aaron Heaps) will be around Fort Atkinson High School during the day. We wont be around for finals because we have a show in Monona, IA at MarMac High School on Sunday, so make sure to say hello before we have to leave! To see pictures so you can recognize us on Saturday, visit:

Wisconsin Singers

Torey_13 on Feb 9, 2012, 7:39 PM
Post #52
[quote name='Häakon' date='1328789899' post='532873']It's still in the database.


Great memory![/quote]

Was in 6th grade when my sister and Choralation performed here...when talking about costume changes and practicing them we would always say don't pull an Onalaska 2004 lol! Onalaska was always a great competition to just sit in the gym and watch shows all day so many good groups.

Jorge on Feb 9, 2012, 6:20 PM
Post #51
[quote name='Zdog37' date='1328825555' post='532914']
Holy memory lane batman. I remember that competition to this day and wanting Totino to win. Can't wait to see how this competition turns out.[/quote]

Agreed. I had Totino in first after day round. I also had 14th place Crete Monee in finals. lol

dzomer on Feb 9, 2012, 6:12 PM
Post #50
[quote name='Häakon' date='1328789899' post='532873']It's still in the database.


Great memory![/quote]

Holy memory lane batman. I remember that competition to this day and wanting Totino to win. Can't wait to see how this competition turns out.


justinbeokay on Feb 9, 2012, 3:37 PM
Post #49

GC: Linn-Mar, "10th Street Edition"
1RU: Mitchell, "Friend de Coup"
2RU: Troy Buchanan, "Express"
3RU: Cedar Rapids Washington, "Momentum"
4RU: Monona Grove, "Silver Connection"
5RU: Davenport North, "Northside Establishment"

Best Band: Linn-Mar
Best Vocals: Linn-Mar
Best Choreography: Mitchell


frenchiie! on Feb 9, 2012, 1:12 PM
Post #48
[quote name='juliofrommississippi' date='1324276760' post='528844']So, I didn't see a topic about this so I thought I'd start one! Who's coming! It was a great competition last year and looks to be great again!

List of schools attending (in alphabetical order):

Cedar Rapids Washington (IA)
Davenport North (IA)
Linn-Mar (IA)
Milton (WI)
Mitchell (SD)
Troy Buchanan (MO)

Who else?[/quote]

Monona Grove's silver connection will be going ! I'm so excited to see all of these really good groups. it's going to be an amazing competition.

Häakon on Feb 9, 2012, 8:18 AM
Post #47
[quote name='juliofrommississippi' date='1328766496' post='532868']Onalaska 04. It was GIANT. I believe 10th Street got 22nd.[/quote]
It's still in the database.


Great memory!

juliofrommississippi on Feb 9, 2012, 1:48 AM
Post #46
[quote name='lmlion17' date='1328766414' post='532867']Has anyone been to a competition with more than 15 Varsity groups performing in the same division? This competition is SO HUGE![/quote]

Onalaska 04. It was GIANT. I believe 10th Street got 22nd.

FindYourStage on Feb 9, 2012, 1:46 AM
Post #45
Has anyone been to a competition with more than 15 Varsity groups performing in the same division? This competition is SO HUGE!

JackAttack14 on Feb 9, 2012, 12:57 AM
Post #44
My predictions:

2nd: Mitchell
3rd:Monona Grove
4th: Choralation
6th: Vintage

But the whole thing is gonna be tough and who knows whose going to come out on top.


ktevik14 on Feb 8, 2012, 10:05 PM
Post #43
I'm excited to be a spectator at this one! So many amazing groups going!!


poiqwe1234 on Feb 8, 2012, 1:36 PM
Post #42
[quote name='smileyseany' date='1328579956' post='532592']
Do you know how Mitchell is this year? It looks like this will be their first competition this year. I'm sure no matter what they'll be great as always.[/quote]
Mitchell doesn't even perform publicly until tomorrow night at their community show, but I'm sure they'll be great.


max.ethridge on Feb 8, 2012, 2:02 AM (Edited)
Post #41

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