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 Show Choir Community    Events    2011 Season    Hanover/Lee Davis Festival of Choirs (Day Two) 2011
Event Info

March 19th, 2011
Venue Info
Hanover High School
10307 Chamberlayne Road
Mechanicsville, VA 23116
Phone: (804) 723-3700
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
11 Mixed Groups
Event Hosts:
Mechanicsville "New Horizons"
Hanover "Highlights"
Event Judges:
Ticket prices unknown.
Hanover/Lee Davis Festival of Choirs (Day Two) 2011

Event Site
Live Stream
Mixed Division - Tier I

New Dimensions
Clover Hill High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Band (TIE)
Best Show

Cosby High School
First Runner Up
Best Band (TIE)

Capital Swing
Manchester High School
Second Runner Up
Best Male Soloist

Sudden Image
Lloyd C. Bird High School
No Placement

Harbor Lights
Kecoughtan High School
No Placement
Best Female Soloist

Atlee High School
No Placement
Best Stage Crew

Winston Churchill High School
No Placement

Mixed Division - Tier II

Unlimited Voices
Hopewell High School
First Place

Mixed Select
Colonial Forge High School
Second Place

Mills E. Godwin High School
Third Place

Poquoson High School
4th Place
Best Sportsmanship

Attending Members displaying 6 of 13 members (view all)
43 comments • Sort by

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MHSdirector on Mar 27, 2011, 10:48 PM
Post #43
Actually, we usually get called Mechnicsville. But we know now that they mean us.

Jaz The Performer on Mar 27, 2011, 4:24 PM
Post #42

Do you mean Manchester? Menchville doesn't have an invitational and we're not going to Hanover.

oops yeah thats what i meant lol. always do that...

jessinamaca on Mar 23, 2011, 11:08 PM
Post #41
snap, snip, snippy, snappy.... Im going to write a song. It twill be a novelty in a show next year lol
...Too bad I'll be gone next year.

ShowOff21 on Mar 21, 2011, 9:59 PM
Post #40
snap, snip, snippy, snappy.... Im going to write a song. It twill be a novelty in a show next year lol

Gustopher on Mar 21, 2011, 9:54 PM
Post #39
First of all, it's snippy.
Second of all, I apologize for being snippy myself.
Third of all, I apologize for screwing up the results... this topic/event stuff is reaallly confusing. Not my fault, tho.
Fourth of all, who took BV/BC in Mixed B?


TheMusicMan on Mar 21, 2011, 9:49 PM
Post #38
Not being snappy either, it is confusing that the forum is attached to the mixed results and not the single gender. I was only trying to clarify.

ShowOff21 on Mar 21, 2011, 9:46 PM
Post #37

Hopewell competed in the B Single Gender division.

B captions were given for Best Vocals, and Best Choreography. Douglas Freeman won both, as indicated.

Up top are the mixed results and its saying Hopewell got 2nd... I think they got first? and the captions for B division MIXED arent listed.

(I'm not being snappy, just wanna make sure the correct information has been given)


TheMusicMan on Mar 21, 2011, 9:08 PM
Post #36

The first six groups up to Colonial Forge were B division groups. Save for LC Bird, who was A division.

Gustopher on Mar 21, 2011, 7:54 PM
Post #35
Thank you so much to the people who were not snippy.

elizabethm on Mar 21, 2011, 5:40 PM
Post #34

Is this not labeled clearly as to Friday's results?

Hopewell's Female Intuition competed in A. Hopewell's Mixed competed in B and won from what I can remember.


TheMusicMan on Mar 21, 2011, 5:20 PM
Post #33
I think I figured out what was needed.
Here is Friday, the Womens Groups. Subject to change.

10:30 Deep Run "Soundsteps"
11:00 Douglas Freeman "Harmony in Motion"
11:30 "Atlee Serenade"
12:00 Poquoson "Garner & Gold"
1:30 LC Bird "Reflections"
2:00 Colonial Forge "Treble Makers"
2:30 Powhatan "Revv'd Up!"
3:00 Hopewell "Female Intuition"
3:30 Atlee "Elegance"
4:00 Manchester "Touch of Swing"
6:00 Kecoughtan "Touch of Jade" <-- got it right!
6:30 Cosby "Rhapsody"
7:00 Winston Churchill "Simply Irresistible"
7:30 Clover Hill "Iridescence"
8:00 James River "Anything Goes"
8:30 Lee-Davis "New Horizons" <--Exhibition

The first six groups up to Colonial Forge were B division groups. Save for KC Bird, who was A division.


TheMusicMan on Mar 21, 2011, 5:16 PM
Post #32
And B is wrong uptop, Hopewell got first in B right? and what were the B captions?

Hopewell competed in the B Single Gender division.

B captions were given for Best Vocals, and Best Choreography. Douglas Freeman won both, as indicated.

ShowOff21 on Mar 21, 2011, 3:56 PM
Post #31
And B is wrong uptop, Hopewell got first in B right? and what were the B captions?


TheMusicMan on Mar 21, 2011, 8:31 AM
Post #30
Friday Results

A division
1st - Cosby "Rhapsody"
2nd - Clover Hill "Iridescence"
3rd - James River "Anything Goes"

B Division
1st - Douglas Freeman "Harmony in Motion"
2nd - Atlee "Serenade"
3rd - Poquoson "Garnet & Gold"

Best Band - Tie Clover Hill/Cosby
Best Vocals - James River in A, Douglas Freeman in B
Best Show Design - Clover Hill
Best Choreo - Cosby in A, Douglas Freeman in B
Best Stage Crew - Clover Hill
Best Sportsmanship - Cosby
Best Soloist - Winston Churchill (didn't catch her name)

Is this not labeled clearly as to Friday's results?

Gustopher on Mar 20, 2011, 11:12 PM
Post #29
I need the same divisions for Friday, then... sorry about the late updates!


JPChoreo on Mar 20, 2011, 5:09 PM (Edited)
Post #28
The Friday awards haven't been posted on the competition page. Here is the link to the page:

Could someone please update it when you get a chance? Thanks!


JPChoreo on Mar 20, 2011, 4:20 PM
Post #27
Anybody know which groups were in B or A?

B Groups

Mills Godwin- Debut
Hopewell- Unlimited Voices
Colonial Forge- Mixed Select
Poquoson- Soundsation

ALL other groups are A

Gustopher on Mar 20, 2011, 2:49 PM
Post #26
Anybody know which groups were in B or A?


Bryan25 on Mar 20, 2011, 12:17 AM
Post #25
Best Female Soloist: Kecoughtan (:
Best Sportsmanship: Poquoson

I can't remember Best Male Soloist or Best Stage Crew (Atlee, perhaps?).

I -think- in B, it went:
3rd: Mills E. Godwin
2nd: Colonial Forge
1st: Hopewell
But correct me if I'm wrong!

This weekend was absolutely amazing. I am extremely grateful to Hanover and Lee Davis for making my last show choir competition so wonderful. All the groups were fantastic, too (:
(Also, major props to the people running sound and lights. That faux-rave was really fun haha)

*Best Male Soloist went to someone from Manchester, and Atlee won best stage crew

shantastic on Mar 19, 2011, 11:58 PM
Post #24
Best Female Soloist: Kecoughtan (:
Best Sportsmanship: Poquoson

I can't remember Best Male Soloist or Best Stage Crew (Atlee, perhaps?).

I -think- in B, it went:
3rd: Mills E. Godwin
2nd: Colonial Forge
1st: Hopewell
But correct me if I'm wrong!

This weekend was absolutely amazing. I am extremely grateful to Hanover and Lee Davis for making my last show choir competition so wonderful. All the groups were fantastic, too (:
(Also, major props to the people running sound and lights. That faux-rave was really fun haha)

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