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  Show Choir Community    Events    2011 Season    Sioux City East Sing All About It 2011

   Event Info

March 5th, 2011

Venue Info

Sioux City East High School
3200 S. Cypress St.
Sioux City, IA 51106

Phone: (712) 274-4000

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  14 Mixed Groups
  2 Treble Groups


  Sioux City East "The Headliners"
  Sioux City East "New Sound"
  Sioux City East "Impulse"

Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


Sioux City East Sing All About It 2011

Event Site
Live Stream



Groups in order of placement

 Amazing Technicolor Show Choir
 Westside High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Band 

 West Side Delegation
 Cedar Rapids Jefferson High School
First Runner Up 
Best Choreography 

 Johnston High School
Second Runner Up 

 Ralston High School
3rd Runner Up 
Best Male Soloist (Joe Carey) 
Best Female Soloist (Angela Gilbert) 

 Johnston High School
4th Runner Up 

 O'Gorman High School
5th Runner Up 

 West in the Groove
 Millard West High School
6th Runner Up 

   Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims)

   Mixed Division - Tier II



 Audio Picture
 Elk Point-Jefferson High School
First Place 

 Center Stage
 South O'Brien Secondary School
Second Place 

   Prep Division



 Johnston High School
First Place 

 Cedar Rapids Jefferson High School
Second Place 


 O'Gorman High School
No Placement 

 Swing Cats

 Millard West High School
No Placement 

 Warrior Express

 Westside High School
No Placement 

 Uptown Girls

 Millard West High School
No Placement 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 32 members (view all)  

The Ethan ...




Lil' Kelchen


138 comments • Sort by

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coryrude777 on Mar 7, 2011, 2:31 PM
Post #98
[quote name='Zdog37' date='1299517808' post='518864']Hey Everyone!
Congrats on a great competition. It was a stacked one.
It was a pleasure to see how much more the groups brought it during finals compared to their daytime performances. I will admit I was a bit nervous having to critique Jefferson's show after all the positive and amazing things I heard from almost everyone weeks before. But alas you were such a fun group to talk to which made it easier for me (same goes for the others groups I was able to critique). Every group had such a professional air about themselves when I was walking around in the hallways. It was good to see the positive vibes coming from each show choir. It might be for the fact that there weren't many "rivalries" here since most of these show choirs came from different parts of the midwest.

Thank you for making this weekend a memorable one!

ps. Ralston that Justin Bieber(sp?) addition made me literally laugh out loud for a good minute.[/quote]
Hey WSD loved your critique, btw! thanks for the awesome job, from WSD. ;)

dzomer on Mar 7, 2011, 1:10 PM
Post #97
Hey Everyone!
Congrats on a great competition. It was a stacked one.
It was a pleasure to see how much more the groups brought it during finals compared to their daytime performances. I will admit I was a bit nervous having to critique Jefferson's show after all the positive and amazing things I heard from almost everyone weeks before. But alas you were such a fun group to talk to which made it easier for me (same goes for the others groups I was able to critique). Every group had such a professional air about themselves when I was walking around in the hallways. It was good to see the positive vibes coming from each show choir. It might be for the fact that there weren't many "rivalries" here since most of these show choirs came from different parts of the midwest.

Thank you for making this weekend a memorable one!

ps. Ralston that Justin Bieber(sp?) addition made me literally laugh out loud for a good minute.


jordie1915 on Mar 7, 2011, 10:15 AM
Post #96
[quote name='coryrude777' date='1299462865' post='518676']a judge gave us fith? lol[/quote]

In the interest of getting us back on topic!

What we heard was that after daytime, we (ATSC) had a couple seconds and one fourth place. That means that that judge put you (WSD) higher than us on that ballot I would guess.

The Ethan Price on Mar 7, 2011, 12:22 AM
Post #95
It was Hannah.

I feel like we've changed the topic of this from Sioux City East's competition to loving sexy redheads. Don't get me wrong, I would love to converse about that. Buuuut just not here


Hblazek on Mar 7, 2011, 12:17 AM
Post #94
[quote name='jordie1915' date='1299470468' post='518767']Haha yeah it could also be Tessa, they are both such amazing performers. I know that in our critique our judge raved about Hannah at least twice so I just assumed it was her. Both girls are so great though, and like Hannah said it shouldn't matter witch it was![/quote]



jordie1915 on Mar 7, 2011, 12:01 AM (Edited)
Post #93
Haha yeah it could also be Tessa, they are both such amazing performers. I know that in our critique our judge raved about Hannah at least twice so I just assumed it was her. Both girls are so great though, and like Hannah said it shouldn't matter witch it was!


Hblazek on Mar 6, 2011, 11:46 PM
Post #92
[quote name='The Ethan Price' date='1299467540' post='518725']

I didn't realize it until this year. But the tall redhead females of show choir really catch my eye. Me gusta....mucho.[/quote]

hahaha if only there was more of them!!! haha

The Ethan Price on Mar 6, 2011, 11:33 PM
Post #91
[quote name='Stolby' date='1299468188' post='518733']I pretty much love the red head from Jefferson. she is so beautiful[/quote]
Yep I noticed a redhead from Jefferson, too. But the Omaha one was my favorite of the day haha. She was freakin' hot.

Stolba on Mar 6, 2011, 11:23 PM
Post #90
I pretty much love the red head from Jefferson. she is so beautiful

The Ethan Price on Mar 6, 2011, 11:12 PM
Post #89
[quote name='juliofrommississippi' date='1299466042' post='518702']
lol definitely not dissin on redheads... I am one. I just know it's Tessa he's talking about because I know Tessa's sister and they look the same and I know Ethan would be macking all over her

btw redheads are the best performers. It's just a fact [/quote]

I didn't realize it until this year. But the tall redhead females of show choir really catch my eye. Me gusta....mucho.

juliofrommississippi on Mar 6, 2011, 10:47 PM (Edited)
Post #88
[quote name='Hblazek' date='1299464973' post='518689']Are you saying i am not! haha you dissinnnn on tall red heads!! not nice!
kidding! kidding ;))
but no seriously this is funny, we are a group, the EXACT person should not matter, we came together as a group, which is why i love ATSC

but jordan...i love you )[/quote]

lol definitely not dissin on redheads... I am one. I just know it's Tessa he's talking about because I know Tessa's sister and they look the same and I know Ethan would be macking all over her

btw redheads are the best performers. It's just a fact


Hblazek on Mar 6, 2011, 10:29 PM
Post #87
Are you saying i am not! haha you dissinnnn on tall red heads!! not nice!
kidding! kidding ;))
but no seriously this is funny, we are a group, the EXACT person should not matter, we came together as a group, which is why i love ATSC

but jordan...i love you )

juliofrommississippi on Mar 6, 2011, 10:06 PM
Post #86
[quote name='mpATSCmp' date='1299445852' post='518598']Jordie- She could also be Tessa McDermott, both of which are awesome redhead performers![/quote]

It's Tessa he is talking about. When I saw ATSC at viterbo I was like, that HAS to be Kelsey's sister. A great performer AND smoking hot!


coryrude777 on Mar 6, 2011, 9:54 PM
Post #85
[quote name='jbliakos' date='1299461979' post='518672']I know that we(ATSC) had 1 more first then Jefferson but also then a forth.....? so idk how that works[/quote]
a judge gave us fith? lol

jbliakos on Mar 6, 2011, 9:39 PM
Post #84
I know that we(ATSC) had 1 more first then Jefferson but also then a forth.....? so idk how that works

The Ethan Price on Mar 6, 2011, 6:35 PM
Post #83
[quote name='jordie1915' date='1299442025' post='518585']To ethan Price:
'The extremely attractive redhead who is a great performer' is Hblazek. She's too modest to say so, though.[/quote]
She shouldn't be. She was gorgeous and a great performer.

So talking to a lot of people from different groups. Scoring was all over the place between all the groups. It had to be ridiculously close. If anyone out there has scores, please share. I have some but I wont put them on here because they're not my scores to share.


mpATSCmp on Mar 6, 2011, 5:10 PM
Post #82
[quote name='jordie1915' date='1299442025' post='518585']To ethan Price:
'The extremely attractive redhead who is a great performer' is Hblazek. She's too modest to say so, though.[/quote]
Jordie- She could also be Tessa McDermott, both of which are awesome redhead performers!


jordie1915 on Mar 6, 2011, 4:07 PM (Edited)
Post #81
To ethan Price:
'The extremely attractive redhead who is a great performer' is Hblazek. She's too modest to say so, though.

Stolba on Mar 6, 2011, 3:03 PM
Post #80
having seen both of the groups i am surprised by the results, but congrats to ATSC, looks like you brought it together last few weeks! Heard this was a fun competition!


Hblazek on Mar 6, 2011, 2:56 PM
Post #79
First off happy birthday to me, it was a great birthday present to come back from 30 points and pull together as a team. That is when you know show choir is something other than dancing and singing, it has to be. That cannot be done by sheer talent, there's a whole different emotional side that balances it out.
Quick note to Westside Delegation: WOW! you guys are super amazing. To have so many people fall in love with your show after watching it for the first time, that is just an accomplishment on it's own. ANDD i love how you all wear shorts! how cute! I would love to see you all again next year!

So basically awesome competition: that ethan price kid is funny too. ANDDDD most importantly: I love you all ATSC! thank you for making my birthday extra special

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