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  Show Choir Community    Events    2011 Season    Finale Nationals 2011

   Event Info

April 9th, 2011

Venue Info

Manhattan Center
Hammerstein Ballroom
311 West 34th St.
New York, NY 10001

Phone: (212) 564-4882

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  15 Mixed Groups
  9 Treble Groups


  Mind's Eye Conceptions


  Dustin Ramirez

  Andrew Last

  Melissa Stainbrook

  Meghan Ramirez

  David Legg

  John Neubauer

  Jeff Clark

  Shelley Johnson

  Scott Thompson

  David Fehr


Ticket prices unknown.


Finale Nationals 2011

Event Site
Live Stream




 Sound FX
 Los Alamitos High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Show Design 

 New Dimensions
 Clover Hill High School
First Runner Up 
Best Band 

 Swingers Unlimited
 Marysville High School
Second Runner Up 

 Ben Davis High School
3rd Runner Up 

 Belles et Beaux
 Plainfield High School
4th Runner Up 

   Finals - Tier II



 The Music Machine
 Bonita Vista High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Band 
Best Show Design 

 Knight Moves
 Norwell High School
Second Place 
People's Choice 

 Visual Volume
 Poca High School
Third Place 

 Northern Lights
 Northridge High School
4th Place 

   Treble Finals



 Los Alamitos High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Band (TIE) 
Best Show Design 

 Knight Stars
 Norwell High School
Second Place 
People's Choice 

 Clover Hill High School
Third Place 
Best Band (TIE) 

   Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims)

   Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims)

   Treble Division (Prelims)

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 71 members (view all)  



jj jones




691 comments • Sort by

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tscott on Apr 11, 2011, 10:26 PM
Post #571
[quote name='RaychelNichole' date='1302574973' post='524036']
We definately do! i should know! *sings loathing in head* yup we definately sing loathing! And I definately saw you this weekend! hahaha I just didn't talk to you haha[/quote]
Then you should know that there is no song in [i]Wicked[/i] called "Loathing"

RaychelNichole on Apr 11, 2011, 10:25 PM
Post #570
[quote name='finale fail' date='1302570362' post='524019']Let’s all SUM this Finale Fail up:

8) A host who reads the teleprompter like a 2nd grader learning how to read for the first time – a host who calls David Moellenkamp = Mellankamp – a host who doesn’t know show choir period. EPIC FAIL.[/quote]
omg when i heard that i went insane! it was sooo hard to control myself at that moment! Mellankamp...NOOOOO!

RaychelNichole on Apr 11, 2011, 10:22 PM
Post #569
[quote name='Häakon' date='1302574199' post='524032']I do not believe that you do. [/quote]

We definately do! i should know! *sings loathing in head* yup we definately sing loathing! And I definately saw you this weekend! hahaha I just didn't talk to you haha

dancecaptain11 on Apr 11, 2011, 10:21 PM
Post #568
[quote name='finale fail' date='1302570362' post='524019']Let’s all SUM this Finale Fail up:

1) Bait & Switch. Directors entered Finale because it was at RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL! Only to find out that it was switched to the Hammerstein.

2) EMBEZZLEMENT. A word that sends shivers down any director’s spine. Especially if he/she is responsible for students and parents. When did this happen? January? April? Why was this allowed to continue with this illegal act? I am guessing thousands and thousands of dollars were passed through Antwon’s company. Someone needs to go to jail.

3) Lost meal? Every school lost an entire dinner dinner due to lack of funds through Finale. No big deal? Well, figure about $25 per person, and if a group brought a girls group and mixed that would be almost 100 people = $2,500.00. I call that a big deal. Each group paid for it and was denied what they paid for.

4) CASH PRIZES to the Grand Champions and Finalists? Did you walk away with your checks? This was promised via their website [url=][/url]

5) Mario introduces 8 groups then leaves. I hope the amount you paid him was worth more than that monstrous cake that was purchased. You can’t blame Mario though. When someone throws money at you to make an appearance, you do it. I was sure he would not have lasted till 2am. So he left. Dimples and all.

6) Judges not showing up – Judges NOT paid – Judges having to run across the street and pay for their own meals and eat it in 10 minutes or so to get back. Judges going from 7am till 2am.

*Note THANK YOU to those judges for being there for the students, families and show choir. Lord knows you didn’t do it for the money. You made it better for those participating.

7) Hotel rooms lost due to embezzlement. Nothing is more frightening than arriving in NYC to find out you don’t have hotel rooms for your whole school. I am glad everyone got a place to sleep though. But paying for the Marriott Marquis – right in the middle of Times Square – which is awesome and then getting something else is unacceptable. PERIOD.

8) A host who reads the teleprompter like a 2nd grader learning how to read for the first time – a host who calls David Moellenkamp = Mellankamp – a host who doesn’t know show choir period. EPIC FAIL.

9) No program for your paying audience? An audience that probably paid for Friday and Saturday, but was only there Saturday? Did they get refunds?

10) Teleprompter FAIL. Really? Reading the finalists through a big teleprompter that EVERYONE in the audience can see? I heard schools screaming for joy before that host could even realize the name of the school he was mispronouncing. Wow... amazing…

11) To pay for the feed or NOT to pay for the feed… THAT is the question

12) NO STAGE? You have thousands of people come to what was supposed to be Radio City Music Hall – in which Charlie Sheen who held his show there Friday night after you bailed – and not even a STAGE for show choir? Concrete?? In the words of Charlie… “WINNING”

13) How much was that cake?

14) No score sheets for directors??

There is so much more that went WRONG… but THANKFULLY, the event went on and those who fundraised the entire year and paid money out of their own pockets were able to perform. For the school’s sake and those who love show choir. It was great to see you compete. I hope the rest of your trip was problem free. I hope your hotel rooms were comfortable. And I hope you get a FULL REFUND for what was stolen lost from what was promised.

Have a great end of the year everyone. See you in 2012.[/quote]

how mature are you to change your username just to bash the competition and you have no idea how much went on the week before the before you go assuming get the facts

RaychelNichole on Apr 11, 2011, 10:21 PM
Post #567
Ahh so much negatives! on a good note I would also like to thank alllll tech!!!!! No matter what school you were from! Without all of those tech crews this competition would have been a disaster! So...THANK YOU TECH!!!!!!!!!! I was there....friday? i think..helping set up the stage and load props onto the stage. It was so much work and most people in tech stayed all day friday AND saturday, so once again THANK YOU!!!

Addicted2Swingers on Apr 11, 2011, 10:18 PM
Post #566
[quote name='juliofrommississippi' date='1302482604' post='523871'] I really wish Los Al wouldn't have screamed so much of their show. It was poorly blended and very pitchy. However, the choreography was REALLY really good. And the show design was well thought out and creative. So props to them for that.

I'm not saying that the results here were wrong[/quote]

I would completely agree. Though their show was very well done the vocals were just not deserving of the best vocals caption. I agree that their were multiple pitch problems, especially with the male sound pushing sharp quite a few times. I thought that any of the three groups below them (Clover Hill, Marysville, Ben Davis) sang with a better blend and overall more choral tone.

But Overall I would agree that the results were right, with the top two groups being very very close overall.

Häakon on Apr 11, 2011, 10:09 PM
Post #565
[quote name='RaychelNichole' date='1302561643' post='523978']Almost all correct! We sing "Loathing" from wicked [/quote]
I do not believe that you do.


goinggray on Apr 11, 2011, 9:36 PM
Post #564
[quote name='tscott' date='1302568276' post='524011']The issue at hand isn't "Did you have a good time?" it's "Did you get what you paid for?" Imagine you ordered at a restaurant, was served something totally different, worth only a fraction of what was ordered, and everyone's reaction was "Well, you got to eat anyway, didn't you?" Think you'd be content with that?[/quote]
I have to agree with you, Scott. I'm not going to say too much because there's a lot I don't know, including the degree of circumstances that had to be dealt with by Antwon and company. However, my agreement with you is based on the fact that beyond a shadow of a doubt groups did not get what they were guaranteed or paid for. This is NOT speculation, as I personally watched a group's director struggling at the last minute to completely change all their group's accommodations because they'd been cancelled a day before they left.

Between that, the venue change, the lumping together of days, the mix-ups with guaranteed play tickets, etc., I have to agree with Scott on this. I will say, however, that none of us (including myself) have much of an idea what Antwon had to go through, the extent of the losses, the things that went out of his control, and the amount of work he put in to rectify the situation. I'm not going to speculate on any of these circumstances, as I simply don't know and would be making stuff up if I said I did. The end result of the equation, though, is simply the fact that groups did not get what they were promised. I'm VERY glad, though, that so many students that would've never gotten a chance to see NYC otherwise, got a chance to visit one of the world's most amazing and energetic cities. While this doesn't excuse anything, it's simply a great thing that they got to go.


finale fail on Apr 11, 2011, 9:06 PM
Post #563
Let’s all SUM this Finale Fail up:

1) Bait & Switch. Directors entered Finale because it was at RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL! Only to find out that it was switched to the Hammerstein.

2) EMBEZZLEMENT. A word that sends shivers down any director’s spine. Especially if he/she is responsible for students and parents. When did this happen? January? April? Why was this allowed to continue with this illegal act? I am guessing thousands and thousands of dollars were passed through Antwon’s company. Someone needs to go to jail.

3) Lost meal? Every school lost an entire dinner dinner due to lack of funds through Finale. No big deal? Well, figure about $25 per person, and if a group brought a girls group and mixed that would be almost 100 people = $2,500.00. I call that a big deal. Each group paid for it and was denied what they paid for.

4) CASH PRIZES to the Grand Champions and Finalists? Did you walk away with your checks? This was promised via their website [url=][/url]

5) Mario introduces 8 groups then leaves. I hope the amount you paid him was worth more than that monstrous cake that was purchased. You can’t blame Mario though. When someone throws money at you to make an appearance, you do it. I was sure he would not have lasted till 2am. So he left. Dimples and all.

6) Judges not showing up – Judges NOT paid – Judges having to run across the street and pay for their own meals and eat it in 10 minutes or so to get back. Judges going from 7am till 2am.

*Note THANK YOU to those judges for being there for the students, families and show choir. Lord knows you didn’t do it for the money. You made it better for those participating.

7) Hotel rooms lost due to embezzlement. Nothing is more frightening than arriving in NYC to find out you don’t have hotel rooms for your whole school. I am glad everyone got a place to sleep though. But paying for the Marriott Marquis – right in the middle of Times Square – which is awesome and then getting something else is unacceptable. PERIOD.

8) A host who reads the teleprompter like a 2nd grader learning how to read for the first time – a host who calls David Moellenkamp = Mellankamp – a host who doesn’t know show choir period. EPIC FAIL.

9) No program for your paying audience? An audience that probably paid for Friday and Saturday, but was only there Saturday? Did they get refunds?

10) Teleprompter FAIL. Really? Reading the finalists through a big teleprompter that EVERYONE in the audience can see? I heard schools screaming for joy before that host could even realize the name of the school he was mispronouncing. Wow... amazing…

11) To pay for the feed or NOT to pay for the feed… THAT is the question

12) NO STAGE? You have thousands of people come to what was supposed to be Radio City Music Hall – in which Charlie Sheen who held his show there Friday night after you bailed – and not even a STAGE for show choir? Concrete?? In the words of Charlie… “WINNING”

13) How much was that cake?

14) No score sheets for directors??

There is so much more that went WRONG… but THANKFULLY, the event went on and those who fundraised the entire year and paid money out of their own pockets were able to perform. For the school’s sake and those who love show choir. It was great to see you compete. I hope the rest of your trip was problem free. I hope your hotel rooms were comfortable. And I hope you get a FULL REFUND for what was stolen lost from what was promised.

Have a great end of the year everyone. See you in 2012.

Gustopher on Apr 11, 2011, 8:56 PM (Edited)
Post #562
Well, what can I say? It was an interesting weekend, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a fun one. I personally had a great time in New York, despite all the problems. Sure, maybe we got 6th in our division, mostly off for band balance, something that could have been resolved if we had gotten a sound check as previously planned, but no one else got a sound check, so they did better than us. Que serra, serra. I'm not sure I would have wanted to leave at 2AM anyway...
As far as logistics go, I've got to say, this was planned pretty badly. I'm sure most of the errors were due to circumstances out of Antwon and Co.'s control, but that doesn't leave out the fact that they probably knew about some of these things beforehand and did either very little or nothing to inform the competing schools or rectify these problems. Preble was definitely lucky, but I feel very bad for some of the other groups that came and maybe didn't get the experience that they had hoped and paid for. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see any other groups, so hopefully that DVD comes along pretty soon! Great job to everyone who participated, competed, and won! Oh, and THANK YOU SO MUCH to all the awesome crew people who helped out, you were amazingly helpful backstage.


jmiller95 on Apr 11, 2011, 8:51 PM
Post #561
I just wanted to say that I did have a good time in New York. However, the only parts I enjoyed where the parts not scheduled by Finale. Now, instead of repeating everything everyone else has said, I want to thank the kids who worked backstage ALL DAY Friday and Saturday from Los Alamitos and Medina. They are my heroes. Without them and the adult production staff the competition would've been twenty times worse. They were awesome and everyone one of those kids volunteered and worked their butts off. I give them all the credit, they were really the stars of that competition.


tscott on Apr 11, 2011, 8:31 PM
Post #560
The issue at hand isn't "Did you have a good time?" it's "Did you get what you paid for?" Imagine you ordered at a restaurant, was served something totally different, worth only a fraction of what was ordered, and everyone's reaction was "Well, you got to eat anyway, didn't you?" Think you'd be content with that?


iminencoreithink? on Apr 11, 2011, 8:27 PM
Post #559
Three side notes-

1.) if people are commenting on how "I want it all back" resembles W Valley...look up Medina last year second number...literally same choreo (same choreographer) Same guy costumes...Antwon even said to us he wished he used this song on Clover Hill...It also scares me that W Valley is the group mentioned above so I worry we fall under same situation unfortunately.

2.) I forgot to give Los Alamitos credit for crew, they were awesome and I hope you guys come to our competition next year..(mini advertisement lol) If not for the production and backstage managers and both crews, it would have been a colossal disaster. And Mr. Chavis never thanked them for all that they had done. That dissappoints me.

3.) As for the 42 man hating the comp....Poca, Findlay, Medina equal at least others.

RaychelNichole on Apr 11, 2011, 8:25 PM
Post #558
[quote name='Patrickmon' date='1302567183' post='524007']
Friday night ![/quote]

Gaaaaaar! I wish I could have gone! Was it fun?

RaychelNichole on Apr 11, 2011, 8:16 PM
Post #557
Well no matter what anyone said (positive or negative) about Finale, I just loved it! It was such a great experience! i loved meeting kids from the mid-west! They're all soo nice! The competition was amazing, our trip, the hotel, EVERYTHING! I made lots of memories on this trip and I wouldn't trade it for anything! I mean doesn't this look like a fun time!?

Patrick on Apr 11, 2011, 8:13 PM
Post #556
[quote name='RaychelNichole' date='1302567094' post='524006']

What day was the dance!!!! I didn't get to go!!!! I wanted to sooooo bad![/quote]

Friday night !

RaychelNichole on Apr 11, 2011, 8:11 PM
Post #555
[quote name='alyssa_kalynn' date='1302566315' post='524005']
I thought the dance was really fun the music was different, but it was fun to interact with all the choirs outside of the competition setting[/quote]

What day was the dance!!!! I didn't get to go!!!! I wanted to sooooo bad!

alyssa_kalynn on Apr 11, 2011, 7:58 PM
Post #554
[quote name='Patrickmon' date='1302565352' post='523993']Did anyone else think the dance, was awkward...?[/quote]

I thought the dance was really fun the music was different, but it was fun to interact with all the choirs outside of the competition setting

Patrick on Apr 11, 2011, 7:56 PM
Post #553
[quote name='The Champ. Real Talk' date='1302566006' post='524003']
My problem with it, is that newer members to the site get a false impression that tells them who to follow. I thought the site was fine without the thumbs, hell I thought the site was fine the way it was when I first joined in 2007. Some of the improvements were great like the calendar, choirs, events, and songs part of it, but the thumbs are unnecessary and misused.
For example, if I make a joke and get a lot of thumbs down, I'm fine with that because it's a joke
If I/Jay/Adam/whoever make a well-thought out opinion it still has majority thumbs down because we weren't impressed by a certain choir. When new members see all the thumbs down, they automatically assume that we don't know what we're talking about. It concerns me that instead of people expressing their opinion and why it's different, they have to take the cowardly way and bury our opinions. That is why commenting is better because if you have a good basis for your argument then a fight shouldn't happen. I just have a problem with anonymous dislikes on something, instead of debating and expressing how you REALLY feel.[/quote]

Oh i see what you mean now.

Bae on Apr 11, 2011, 7:53 PM
Post #552
[quote name='Patrickmon' date='1302565523' post='524000']
Well to me the thumbs are better than comments because fights start to happen and things get out of hand. It just shows what people like and don't like.[/quote]

My problem with it, is that newer members to the site get a false impression that tells them who to follow. I thought the site was fine without the thumbs, hell I thought the site was fine the way it was when I first joined in 2007. Some of the improvements were great like the calendar, choirs, events, and songs part of it, but the thumbs are unnecessary and misused.
For example, if I make a joke and get a lot of thumbs down, I'm fine with that because it's a joke
If I/Jay/Adam/whoever make a well-thought out opinion it still has majority thumbs down because we weren't impressed by a certain choir. When new members see all the thumbs down, they automatically assume that we don't know what we're talking about. It concerns me that instead of people expressing their opinion and why it's different, they have to take the cowardly way and bury our opinions. That is why commenting is better because if you have a good basis for your argument then a fight shouldn't happen. I just have a problem with anonymous dislikes on something, instead of debating and expressing how you REALLY feel.

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