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  Show Choir Community    Events    2011 Season    Finale Nationals 2011

   Event Info

April 9th, 2011

Venue Info

Manhattan Center
Hammerstein Ballroom
311 West 34th St.
New York, NY 10001

Phone: (212) 564-4882

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  15 Mixed Groups
  9 Treble Groups


  Mind's Eye Conceptions


  Dustin Ramirez

  Andrew Last

  Melissa Stainbrook

  Meghan Ramirez

  David Legg

  John Neubauer

  Jeff Clark

  Shelley Johnson

  Scott Thompson

  David Fehr


Ticket prices unknown.


Finale Nationals 2011

Event Site
Live Stream




 Sound FX
 Los Alamitos High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Show Design 

 New Dimensions
 Clover Hill High School
First Runner Up 
Best Band 

 Swingers Unlimited
 Marysville High School
Second Runner Up 

 Ben Davis High School
3rd Runner Up 

 Belles et Beaux
 Plainfield High School
4th Runner Up 

   Finals - Tier II



 The Music Machine
 Bonita Vista High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Band 
Best Show Design 

 Knight Moves
 Norwell High School
Second Place 
People's Choice 

 Visual Volume
 Poca High School
Third Place 

 Northern Lights
 Northridge High School
4th Place 

   Treble Finals



 Los Alamitos High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Band (TIE) 
Best Show Design 

 Knight Stars
 Norwell High School
Second Place 
People's Choice 

 Clover Hill High School
Third Place 
Best Band (TIE) 

   Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims)

   Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims)

   Treble Division (Prelims)

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 71 members (view all)  


Nathan O_o





691 comments • Sort by

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Patrick on Apr 10, 2011, 9:04 PM
Post #511
One of the most interesting competitions ever! (In a good way)

I was upset about Mario Lopez leaving right before Marysville went on
But it was fun performing at 12:30 am
Walking to the hotel at like 2 am in the streets of New York was interesting too haha :D

I met 3 SCC people though!!!
Rian, Gustopher and of course Häakon :D
This was the best part of the trip

Patrick on Apr 10, 2011, 8:53 PM
Post #510
[quote name='TheOneAndOnlyGarret!' date='1302482743' post='523872']From all over the nation do you mean the midwest and the state state that is really far away from the midwest?[/quote]

Virginia is not midwest. Just saying.

King Of Games on Apr 10, 2011, 8:45 PM
Post #509
[quote name='The Ethan Price' date='1302414793' post='523793']What a competition to watch!

GC is from California
1RU is from Virginia
2RU is from Ohio
3RU/4RU is from Indiana

The competition took place in New York.

What a showing from all over the nation![/quote]
From all over the nation do you mean the midwest and the state state that is really far away from the midwest?

juliofrommississippi on Apr 10, 2011, 8:43 PM
Post #508
I really enjoyed watching this competition, and I'm sad that other people seemed to not have as much fun. I thought it was a really great competition from my end of things. Sound and video were AMAZING, and everyone performed really well.

I for one hated Findlay's show, and that totally surprised me cuz I'm a huge Findlay fan. I know i'll get 25 thumbs down for this, but I was glad not to see them in finals. Their show design made me really really really sad. It was just not a normal Findlay show and did not entertain me. Also I thought Plainfield really brought it in day round. I was shocked with how good their show was because they hadn't been doing well this year.

I LOVED that black girl in Clover Hill. GIRL, your solo in Iridescence was AMAZING. You can sing to me whenever you want I also loved Clover Hill's mixed 2nd dresses. They were very.... me lol.

I really wish Los Al wouldn't have screamed so much of their show. It was poorly blended and very pitchy. However, the choreography was REALLY really good. And the show design was well thought out and creative. So props to them for that.

In my opinion there was one award that was absolutely handed out to the correct group. People's choice. Norwell was just.... wow. 20 members in the group, and they outsang most of the groups all day long. I absolutely loved the 2nd song. The ballad was really well sung, and the closer was just visually exquisite. I REALLY REALLY enjoyed that show. I think the reason you guys didn't win Small Mixed is because the guys song kinda fell apart in finals... It sucks but it happens.

Bonita Vista was one of my favorite groups of prelims. I just thought their show was cute and fun, and that tap in the closer was REALLY clean. It was definitely a Cali show, but I think it was also very accessible to the midwest, and I really enjoyed this show also. Close 2nd IMO for People's Choice show.

I'm not saying that the results here were wrong, I just thought it was a little lame to have all the Cali groups sweep, when there were many other groups that also did a fantastic job, and deserved at least to take a caption or two from the cali groups. I think Clover Hill girls deserved choreo, I thought Norwell mixed deserved vocals, and I thought Clover Hill or BD deserved vocals over Los Al. I just don't understand how screaming an entire show wins vocals...

But I guess that's why I will get 25 thumbs down on this post...

ShowOff21 on Apr 10, 2011, 7:45 PM
Post #507
[quote name='iminencoreithink?' date='1302470908' post='523847']Ok since no one has made a comment about this..i will...the groups and the competition should really thank the guys from medina and other crew members in other choirs who worked the entire competition. What most people don't realize is at least for medina guys, they worked 2 of the three day trip from 5/6 am till 4 am. They sacrificed enjoying New York in order to help make this competition succeed. Just thought people should know and respect what they have done.[/quote]

I was totally looking and wondering what group was back there working their tails off. I saw MHS crew and was unsure. Great work Medina Stage Crew!


Matt29 on Apr 10, 2011, 7:39 PM
Post #506
I watched all performing groups perform yesturday and I felt as if the final outcome was a little wack. No groups in finals were bad but I felt both Norwell groups & Marysville should have placed higher than they did. All groups did amazing. Great performers from Plainfield. Great job all choirs!

Jorge on Apr 10, 2011, 7:15 PM (Edited)
Post #505
[quote name='samuelgoshen' date='1302471804' post='523851']Alright a few things to say,
oh and thanks mario for coming and announcing like 8 groups (horribly I might add) then leaving, your awesome...

Oh... I love how the other emcee couldn't even announce Antwon's name correctly.

There was a lot of horrible emceeing displayed here and throughout the season at numerous competitions. Look next season for the "Adam Peters Clinic Of Emceeing". Or, just hire me. I don't have washboard abs like Mario Lopez and I won't charge exorbitant amounts to see my mug and hear my voice for 2.3 seconds ... but I know what the hell I'm talking about when I get on a stage.

-edit for grammar-


iminencoreithink? on Apr 10, 2011, 7:03 PM
Post #504
Congrats to all of the choirs that performed last night it was awesome...congrats to Los guys were awesome and I loved your theme and band and ballad! Clover Hill-I saw you guys at our competition and you guys have gotten so much better since ours. Your Opener was practically our second number last year so it was fun to dance and sing along with you guys during that song! Yall killed it! Marysville-No comment you guys are unfairly clean and at any other comp you guys would have won it! As for the rest of the groups I unfortunetly didnt get to see but I bet you were all fantastic!


samuelgoshen on Apr 10, 2011, 6:49 PM
Post #503
[quote name='Häakon' date='1302473835' post='523853']Yes. Many times.[/quote]

I didn't really specify what I ment, all the groups really close going into finals, but then for finals the cali groups took everyone by storm by at least 20 points in all divisions....I'm not saying that they didn't deserve the wins at all, but I just thought that was pretty shady

Häakon on Apr 10, 2011, 6:17 PM
Post #502
Wow... but how do you really feel?

No, I'm kidding... this is a place for discussion; it's good to talk about things. Goodness knows there is plenty to talk about. Paragraphs are your friend, though.

I have to make this quick, so I'm just going to address one point for now:

[quote name='samuelgoshen' date='1302471804' post='523851'] Further more has anyone ever been to a comp where every winner in every divison swept all the awards?[/quote]
Yes. Many times.


samuelgoshen on Apr 10, 2011, 5:43 PM (Edited)
Post #501
Alright a few things to say,
Los Al - amazing job, not your conventional midwest show choir show, but I still loved every minute of it. I actually forgot that I was watching a high school show that's how professional you guys were
Findlay - not making finals for you guys was really disapointing and you deserve better, you've been screwed a lot this year
Marysville - you guys were awesome and you improved so much from an already amazing show when I last saw you at Teays Valley, well done congrats
Ben Davis - you got soul and you rocked the stage especially since you were preforming at like what 130 in the morning? Good job
Northridge - this group is awesome and you have come so far since I last saw you at carroll, keep on going and you guys will be a big dog group
Plainfield - the ballad was pretty steller, but I'm sorry I don't think you should have made finals over the likes of findlay and medina, but you guys did great and you should be proud of yourselves
Norwell - I don't care what anyone says you guys ARE the best small mixed group in the nation this year, with 7 guys and 13 girls you make groups twice your size tremble and no one else can say that they that they do that
Medina - I loved your show and I believe you and findlay were kind of in the same screwed boat, but it happens:/
The rest of that have to say, hold on guys this is gonna get rough
Anyone who thinks this competition was run poorly because it was the first one of its kind is wrong, first of all who can take a finale nations seriously without findlay in the finals.
A national comp running two hours behind is unacceptable but on a lighter note it didn't fall as far behide as everyone thought it was
I heard that the finale was switched from radio city to that cosco warehouse they call a theatre because of cirque du solay but they arnt even gonna be there for another 2 months and charlie sheen preformed at radio city instead of the show choir nationals (which he had booked a month prior), really? I kinda think that antwon didn't have the money for a lot of the things he promised, but what do I know...
oh and thanks mario for coming and announcing like 8 groups (horribly I might add) then leaving, your awesome...
on the the awards ceromony which lasted a total of like 30 seconds antwon really made all the groups feel special by introducing them all and for a nation competiton they really went all out on the trophys, but I guess that's what happens when you have no money for the awesome competiton you promised.
Further more has anyone ever been to a comp where every winner in every divison swept all the awards I think antwons switch of judges for finals had something to do with that but then again what do I know..
I wish antwon would have been straight with the groups at his comp instead of giving them the run around all week, but for what its worth all the groups did amazing dispite all the turmoil, maybe next time antwon should be prepared before putting on a national competition, just sayin, let the negative/positve comments commence

Häakon on Apr 10, 2011, 5:34 PM
Post #500
[quote name='iminencoreithink?' date='1302470908' post='523847']Ok since no one has made a comment about this..i will...the groups and the competition should really thank the guys from medina and other crew members in other choirs who worked the entire competition. What most people don't realize is at least for medina guys, they worked 2 of the three day trip from 5/6 am till 4 am. They sacrificed enjoying New York in order to help make this competition succeed. Just thought people should know and respect what they have done.[/quote]
I had heard that, and it's a shame because tech crews are the backbone of the show choir world and unfortunately don't get anywhere near the credit they deserve. Part of that is because if they do their job right you rarely notice their presence! Some of these shows and sets are getting extremely technical, too, which only adds to their value and importance. From what I was told by several people connected to the event, both Medina and Los Al's tech crews took on the lion's share of the work and things would never have finished without them. So I offer a thank you and much respect to all of the tech crews who rarely get their moment in the spotlight!


iminencoreithink? on Apr 10, 2011, 5:28 PM
Post #499
Ok since no one has made a comment about this..i will...the groups and the competition should really thank the guys from medina and other crew members in other choirs who worked the entire competition. What most people don't realize is at least for medina guys, they worked 2 of the three day trip from 5/6 am till 4 am. They sacrificed enjoying New York in order to help make this competition succeed. Just thought people should know and respect what they have done.

JWill on Apr 10, 2011, 5:01 PM
Post #498
[quote name='TonyAtienza' date='1302445395' post='523813']Did anyone contact Guiness?

To my knowledge, I think this may have been the longest show choir competition ever.
7:30am - 2:00am

Has anyone ever been to one longer?[/quote]

At least the judges earned their pay!

Häakon on Apr 10, 2011, 4:26 PM
Post #497
[quote name='sammijoey' date='1302414140' post='523781']its happened so much this season, but i just don't understand how a group can win best choreo AND best vocals but not place first.[/quote]
All three winners had both best vocals AND best choreography... which group are you talking about?

ShowOff21 on Apr 10, 2011, 4:09 PM
Post #496
[quote name='sammijoey' date='1302414140' post='523781']its happened so much this season, but i just don't understand how a group can win best choreo AND best vocals but not place first... i know that show design and effect as well as band are extremely important, but i feel like BV & BC should trump all. after all, there would be no use for a band, design or effect without choreo or vocals... oh well. simpson's paradox i guess.[/quote]
Its when two amazingly close scores occur. Vocal scores are broken down into categories and i believe some of those categories would go 10/10 to one group and 9/10 to the other, then in say diction, the first group gets a 8/10 and the other gets a 9/10.... tie. Only a point or two couldve seperated them...

Choreo - the were completely different. Clover Hill had u excited, Los Al gave u creativity... tis so hard to pick one over the other, but in the end id give that 1 extra point to los al.

Then Show... completely different. Los Al had an amazing concept. Such a cute idea. We Will Rock You was amazing. Clover made Statements. They Opened HUGE they closed MAJOR! PYT was awesome... so showwise, both very close, but for making that theme work, Los Al.

Then comes the Band... Clover's was untouchable by anyone. Had you on ur feet dancing along.

Different competitions have different scoresheets, but those 30-50 points in the band can be a big deciding factor.

I had an amazing time yesterday. Twas a looooooong, but great finals.

morchels on Apr 10, 2011, 3:09 PM
Post #495
one more broadway musical! Memphis!


HunterOkey015 on Apr 10, 2011, 3:01 PM
Post #494
although all ALL California choirs were amazing..i mean i got chillls!! they were AMAZING! i thought norwell shouldve done better..oh well. great day everyone! I enjoying watching it (:

QuikDrawMcGraw14 on Apr 10, 2011, 2:27 PM
Post #493
[quote name='kalcoh' date='1302406572' post='523714']

I've seen their act live and it is not supposed to be so dark. The entire group is lit and at the end of the song the kids at the spider web shake the web. It couldn't be seen in this version.[/quote]

Bahahahahahaha. Did you notice the Bonita person's response to mine explaining the lighting...

[quote name='morchels' date='1302404217' post='523684']
it should have been completely dark, with a spotlight on our itsy bitsy spider soloist, and then spotlight on our spider woman soloist, and then once her solo was over the lights should have came on a little. but not completely on. they did better on the lighting tonight then they did this morning haha & i wish he got our name right at first hahaha but it's not his fault.[/quote]

Minuet888 on Apr 10, 2011, 2:04 PM
Post #492
[quote name='TonyAtienza' date='1302445395' post='523813']Did anyone contact Guiness?

To my knowledge, I think this may have been the longest show choir competition ever.
7:30am - 2:00am

Has anyone ever been to one longer?[/quote]


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