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  Show Choir Community    Events    2011 Season    Finale Nationals 2011

   Event Info

April 9th, 2011

Venue Info

Manhattan Center
Hammerstein Ballroom
311 West 34th St.
New York, NY 10001

Phone: (212) 564-4882

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  15 Mixed Groups
  9 Treble Groups


  Mind's Eye Conceptions


  Dustin Ramirez

  Andrew Last

  Melissa Stainbrook

  Meghan Ramirez

  David Legg

  John Neubauer

  Jeff Clark

  Shelley Johnson

  Scott Thompson

  David Fehr


Ticket prices unknown.


Finale Nationals 2011

Event Site
Live Stream




 Sound FX
 Los Alamitos High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Show Design 

 New Dimensions
 Clover Hill High School
First Runner Up 
Best Band 

 Swingers Unlimited
 Marysville High School
Second Runner Up 

 Ben Davis High School
3rd Runner Up 

 Belles et Beaux
 Plainfield High School
4th Runner Up 

   Finals - Tier II



 The Music Machine
 Bonita Vista High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Band 
Best Show Design 

 Knight Moves
 Norwell High School
Second Place 
People's Choice 

 Visual Volume
 Poca High School
Third Place 

 Northern Lights
 Northridge High School
4th Place 

   Treble Finals



 Los Alamitos High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Band (TIE) 
Best Show Design 

 Knight Stars
 Norwell High School
Second Place 
People's Choice 

 Clover Hill High School
Third Place 
Best Band (TIE) 

   Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims)

   Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims)

   Treble Division (Prelims)

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 71 members (view all)  







691 comments • Sort by

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QuikDrawMcGraw14 on Apr 9, 2011, 12:42 PM
Post #271
Watching the feed...and we didn't have to pay. It was said earlier there was a $12 charge to watch the feed...anyone know what the deal is. And yes...if the feed is truly live they are already 25 mins off schedule...Northridge is supposed to go in 3 mins and Bonita Vista is before them and hasn't performed yet.

boingergirl4u on Apr 9, 2011, 12:26 PM
Post #270
I think the free feed is live; they're just running behind on the schedule. Bishop Dwenger is playing now, they were supposed to be on at 11:55 but they came on at 12:20.


SRT4 on Apr 9, 2011, 12:04 PM
Post #269
News from my family members in attendance have not been very flattering. Not particularly well orginized, D&B night cancelled, less than stellar venue... Don't know how much of that is the orginizers or the fact that this type of event, which works well at a gigantic midwestern high school (with lots of extra rooms and real estate) doesn't translate so well to a cramped Manhattan theare. Kudos to those driving the equipment! Good luck to all!


HunterOkey015 on Apr 9, 2011, 10:56 AM
Post #268
norwell knight stars just got off...they did AMAZING! i deffinataly have my top 3 girls groups!

BakerFF on Apr 9, 2011, 9:50 AM
Post #267
ok so this daytime host is kinda funny. Lol it's like he's trying too hard


doesntmatter1290 on Apr 9, 2011, 9:35 AM (Edited)
Post #266
[quote name='Häakon' date='1302287649' post='523456']Yes, the live feed does have a cost.[/quote]

I can get a feed, but then it says it's not the real feed, which doesn't make much sense to me...

EDIT: That is to say, I get a free feed, but it's not the real it a delay feed or something?


bubba1219 on Apr 9, 2011, 8:29 AM
Post #265
I cant get it to show up on my IPHONE.. It just keeps trying to load


TheMusicMan on Apr 9, 2011, 6:52 AM
Post #264
[quote name='Addicted2Swingers' date='1302335465' post='523530']
Also I heard that it is actually illegal to charge for a live feed such as this. I heard it's related to the music rights or something.[/quote]

Yes, in the murky world of copyright law and enforcement, the right to profit from a given tunes public performance must be paid for. If you look inside many pieces of published music, you should find the phrase 'All Rights Reserved'. Buying a piece of sheet music does not cover public performance, just like a dj has to pay for a blanket license to play other peoples music as a business.

They probably have a similar agreement for the live feed, paying a single (probably large) sum to BMI or Harry Fox or some other rights organization. This is probably the single largest reason to charge such a high price for the right to view the live feeds; to cover that cost.

In other news, will there be videos made of this event? Like Haakons infamous boxed set?


rasil on Apr 9, 2011, 3:53 AM
Post #263
It seems to me that a whole lot of people are pissed off because they aren't in the loop as to what is going on with this competition. I'm sure after the competition mr chavez will be on here giving a full accounting of the misfortunes of this event. I'm quite sure at this time he has bigger fish to fry. I think its to everyones benefit that we focus on the positive and wish all the artists performaning this morning the best of luck. Things don't always go as planned and it is a great learning lesson for our children how to adapt and overcome adversity.
I'm sure they are having the time of their lives in New York

Addicted2Swingers on Apr 9, 2011, 3:51 AM (Edited)
Post #262
[quote name='thejoshbaker' date='1302332802' post='523528']
Where have they been brought to light? It sure hasn't been here. I think I would be a lot more emphatic if all the "happenings" were actually divulged.[/quote]

The only thing we have really learned on here so far is that the whole competition got moved to one day. I heard from a friend that Mario Lopez cancelled (personally I think he is a male chauvinist a la the dancing with the stars incident). Can anyone confirm this?

Also I heard that it is actually illegal to charge for a live feed such as this. I heard it's related to the music rights or something.

Honestly by this point I'm also hoping that we are all proven wrong and that everything goes without a hitch. Hopefully everyone has fun and they enjoy it enough to tell everyone else how good it was.

TheOnlyJosh on Apr 9, 2011, 3:06 AM
Post #261
Feels a little bit like the Finale people don't know their audience. I know very few high schoolers that have paypal accounts. And I know there's some alumni that don't either. I'm also curious as to how they arrived at the 12$ number. Seems at least double what you would want to attract the casual consumer. But hey, I'm sure they have their reasons.

[quote name='Choreo' date='1302321254' post='523514']I know a lot of issues with this competition have been brought to light, and I know the people running it are doing their best at handling some last minute issues that i dont think they foresaw being issues. [/quote]

Where have they been brought to light? It sure hasn't been here. I think I would be a lot more emphatic if all the "happenings" were actually divulged. Because hey, every competition has problems. And most schools get through it without cancelling half of it a week beforehand.

Obviously, I hope this competition goes well. And everything I've heard about it up 'til now makes it sound like an awesome and ambitious endeavor. But telling me there are extenuating circumstances and then not bothering to share them leaves me disaffected to the calls for patience and stays of judgement.


tscott on Apr 9, 2011, 1:03 AM
Post #260
[quote name='Choreo' date='1302321254' post='523514']
They sponsored almost 15 competitions this year around the country...[/quote]
What competition were these? And by "sponsored" do you mean the Finale folks gave these competitions money?

morchels on Apr 9, 2011, 12:57 AM
Post #259
im hungry lol and its lights out....but i want to sneak out and go eat pizza. AHHHHH i think i'm still on CALI time tomorrow is going to be LONG!! But i can't wait to perform!!!!! goodnight time square <3


KC on Apr 8, 2011, 11:54 PM
Post #258
[quote name='TheMusicMan' date='1302319004' post='523503']
Have you considered the massive cost of renting a venue THAT LARGE in NYC for several days, the technical crew, the ushers, the fads of paperwork and custodial stuff, the media, and not to mention time spent coordinating with each show choir, and the Im-sure-its-massive-because-they-are-celebrities cost of judges and emcee's?

Frankly, Im amazed they are pulling it off and charging ONLY 12 bucks for online viewing. Think of it as the WWE Pay per view of Show Choir.[/quote]

I dont like to comment too often on forums, but feel the need to on this one... I know a lot of issues with this competition have been brought to light, and I know the people running it are doing their best at handling some last minute issues that i dont think they foresaw being issues.

Making money, I can assure you, is NOT the top priority of the people running this comp. They sponsored almost 15 competitions this year around the country, and one of the reasons they are given scholarship money to certain placing groups is because they believe in giving back to the show choir programs.

I know this is a first year competition, and I wish them the best in running an organized, successful, and exciting event.

GOOD LUCK to everyone participating in the Finale National Competition!


tscott on Apr 8, 2011, 11:37 PM
Post #257
Best advertisement they could have made to attract groups next year - not to mention the best way to dispel the rumors circling - would have been to make this stream free.


TheMusicMan on Apr 8, 2011, 11:16 PM
Post #256
[quote name='Addicted2Swingers' date='1302315661' post='523500']
that is the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard...this contest now seems to not be about the experience, but about the amount of money they can procure from the people who are participating and want to enjoy it. my skepticism is rising quickly.[/quote]

Have you considered the massive cost of renting a venue THAT LARGE in NYC for several days, the technical crew, the ushers, the fads of paperwork and custodial stuff, the media, and not to mention time spent coordinating with each show choir, and the Im-sure-its-massive-because-they-are-celebrities cost of judges and emcee's?

Frankly, Im amazed they are pulling it off and charging ONLY 12 bucks for online viewing. Think of it as the WWE Pay per view of Show Choir.

Addicted2Swingers on Apr 8, 2011, 10:21 PM
Post #255
[quote name='boingergirl4u' date='1302284904' post='523452']Does anyone know if you have to pay to watch the show online? I was browsing the website and it took me to PayPal for $12 for the whole day.[/quote]

that is the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard...this contest now seems to not be about the experience, but about the amount of money they can procure from the people who are participating and want to enjoy it. my skepticism is rising quickly.


rasil on Apr 8, 2011, 10:09 PM
Post #254
[quote name='QuikDrawMcGraw14' date='1302313067' post='523492']Is the schedule in Central Time or Eastern Time?![/quote]
Eastern time zone. Its NEW YORK CITY!!!

Häakon on Apr 8, 2011, 9:55 PM
Post #253
[quote name='Häakon' date='1302287649' post='523456']Yes, the live feed does have a cost.[/quote]
Don't dislike my post, I'm not doing the feed! Just reporting the facts.

QuikDrawMcGraw14 on Apr 8, 2011, 9:37 PM
Post #252
Is the schedule in Central Time or Eastern Time?!

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