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 Show Choir Community    Events    2009 Season    West Virginia State Show Choir Festival 2009
Event Info

April 4th, 2009
Venue Info
Poca High School
1 Dot Way
Poca, WV 25159
Phone: (304) 755-5001
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
12 Mixed Groups
2 Treble Groups
3 Middle School Groups
Event Hosts:
Event Judges:
Jamie Atkins (Instrumental)
Jeff Haught (Performer)
E. Lynn Knoble (Overall)
Suzanne Lowry (Overall)
Kraig McBroom (Overall)
Lauren Tosh (Soloist)
Ticket prices unknown.
West Virginia State Show Choir Festival 2009

Event Site
Live Stream
Mixed Division - Tier I

Visual Volume
Poca High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography

Good Times
Martinsburg High School
First Runner Up
Best Band
Best Male Soloist (TJ Walker)

Red Hot
Hurricane High School
Second Runner Up
Best Costumes

St. Albans High School
3rd Runner Up
Best Show
Best Female Soloist (Brittany Cavender)

Rhythm In Red
Cabell Midland High School
4th Runner Up

Grafton High School
No Placement

High Impact
Herbert Hoover High School
No Placement

Nitro High School
No Placement

Rave Revue
Ravenswood High School
No Placement

Musselman High School
No Placement

Mixed Division - Tier II

Hawks in Harmony
South Harrison High School
First Place

The Main Attraction
Bridgeport High School
Second Place

Treble Division

Class Act
St. Albans High School
First Place

Robert C. Byrd High School
Second Place
Best Instrumental Soloist (Tyler Reiser)

Middle School Division
Groups in order of performance

Eagle Pride
Horace Mann Middle School
Placement Unknown

South Harrison Middle School
Placement Unknown

Dunbar Middle School
Placement Unknown

Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
91 comments • Sort by

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Shownerd08 on Apr 28, 2009, 12:50 PM
Post #91
and capital should have won vocals and GC that year.


GAsax27 on Apr 17, 2009, 5:16 AM (Edited)
Post #90

, in 2004, Capital won Vocals, Winfield won Choreo, and Hurricane won.

Actually Winfield won Vocals and Capital won Choreo..not that it really matters, I just know Mr Haught was really proud of that trophy..the rest of your post I agreed with.

There is always a big argument after states, nothing that has been said in this topic wasn't talked about on this board or the old show choir online every single year I was in school. Up until this year I have been at every States since 2002, and I can truthfully say there was never a time when the GC didn't deserve it. Do I think there were other groups that were just as deserving? Yes, I do. But that is no reason to trash the group that did win, no matter how disappointed you may be. I'm sure we all know the feeling of not placing as high as you maybe would have liked or felt you should have, I know it sucks...but there really isn't anything you can do about it and it certainly isn't worth getting angry over

The people(or person) pretending to be from South Dakota are rather amusing though


showmom05 on Apr 14, 2009, 10:56 PM
Post #89

In my opinion, David Legg's choreography is neither provocative or innovative. It is not current... very dated. St Albans show was certainly not provocative... are you speaking of the Nitro's show and the under-current of sexual preference?
That theme could be applied whether gay or straight. The dance moves for the boys was certainly effeminent... but so are alot of others.

I'm not sure what you mean by "the under-current of sexual preference?" I know that is not the "theme" of the show. The theme of the show is about being who you are and being proud of who you are. If that is the theme you are talking about, then I guess it can be applied to gay or straight. I really don't see where the dance moves for the boys were effeminent.


showmom05 on Apr 14, 2009, 10:45 PM
Post #88
Wow! Being a judge must be like being an umpire. There's always somebody in the crowd that won't like your call.

I thought the soloist judge, Lauren Lindsey, made a good call on her choice for soloist. The young lady from St. Albans had a wonderful vocal - so powerful. The mic was a little hot but she was terrific!

I thought the instrumental ensembles were very close. I think Jamie Atkins got it right on Martinsburg, but it was close. I admit, I know of Jamie and have always felt comfortable seeing him as a judge. Martinsburgs band was on fire! Nitro's band was my favorite to watch.

Not to be mean-spirited, but it seems like the choreo in David Legg's shows are a bit more provocative than the rest. A little too much for my old-fashioned (and slightly conservative) taste - but he is very good. I always loved his shows when he was at Poca.

Wow. For an eleven year old girl , you really seem to know what you are talking about. I wouldn't think you would be able to remember David's shows when he was the director at Poca.


rasil on Apr 10, 2009, 3:03 AM
Post #87
I thought the soloist judge, Lauren Lindsey, made a good call on her choice for soloist. The young lady from St. Albans had a wonderful vocal - so powerful. The mic was a little hot but she was terrific!

I thought the instrumental ensembles were very close. I think Jamie Atkins got it right on Martinsburg, but it was close. I admit, I know of Jamie and have always felt comfortable seeing him as a judge. Martinsburgs band was on fire! Nitro's band was my favorite to watch.

Not to be mean-spirited, but it seems like the choreo in David Legg's shows are a bit more provocative than the rest. A little too much for my old-fashioned (and slightly conservative) taste - but he is very good. I always loved his shows when he was at Poca.

I have seen so many shows this season from Indiana, Ohio and WV. The soloist from St.Albans is hands down the best... in another league!

Martinsburg beat Poca intstrumentally by one half a point. Poca's band is far and above the best band that I have heard.

In my opinion, David Legg's choreography is neither provocative or innovative. It is not current... very dated. St Albans show was certainly not provocative... are you speaking of the Nitro's show and the under-current of sexual preference?
That theme could be applied whether gay or straight. The dance moves for the boys was certainly effeminent... but so are alot of others.

It's show choir... everyone did an excellent job at states and should be commended!
I hope next year is even more contraversial... it only helps to provide interest in this great venue of creativity.

Shownerd08 on Apr 8, 2009, 12:39 PM
Post #86
you are right about the choreography...haha.


singsing12345 on Apr 8, 2009, 8:32 AM
Post #85
Wow! Being a judge must be like being an umpire. There's always somebody in the crowd that won't like your call.

I thought the soloist judge, Lauren Lindsey, made a good call on her choice for soloist. The young lady from St. Albans had a wonderful vocal - so powerful. The mic was a little hot but she was terrific!

I thought the instrumental ensembles were very close. I think Jamie Atkins got it right on Martinsburg, but it was close. I admit, I know of Jamie and have always felt comfortable seeing him as a judge. Martinsburgs band was on fire! Nitro's band was my favorite to watch.

Not to be mean-spirited, but it seems like the choreo in David Legg's shows are a bit more provocative than the rest. A little too much for my old-fashioned (and slightly conservative) taste - but he is very good. I always loved his shows when he was at Poca.


TBDBITLeffer on Apr 8, 2009, 7:46 AM
Post #84

You are not a unique and beautiful snowflake. This is not some new, grand idea you have thought up. People have said this for YEARS when the hosting choir has won. Seems to me the competition has become stronger, rather than weaker as you so preach it will become.

While I agree States hasn't necessarily gotten 'weaker' I don't think it's gotten stronger.

1999-2004 was absolutely crazy competitive. States my freshman year (2000) had over 20 choirs, and those were the days when Poca, Winfield, Hurricane, Martinsburg, Princeton, Ravenswood, etc. were fighting tooth and nail for the State Championship.

Heck, in 2003, Hurricane won Vocals but got third, in 2004, Capital won Vocals, Winfield won Choreo, and Hurricane won. In 2001, Poca beat Twinsburg early in the year but got third at States.

I don't mean this negatively, or even pull out the 'back in my day...' but States isn't nearly what it was. Not necessarily weaker, but surely not stronger.


EgoCut on Apr 8, 2009, 12:28 AM
Post #83
Here's a thought...if everyone just "lets it go" there may not be many competing choirs at the WVMEA competition next year. How ironic? Mr. Kincaid may have single handedly orchestrated this competition into obsolescence.

If the WVMEA wants their name associated with this competition, maybe it's time they step up and run the show like they should.

You are not a unique and beautiful snowflake. This is not some new, grand idea you have thought up. People have said this for YEARS when the hosting choir has won. Seems to me the competition has become stronger, rather than weaker as you so preach it will become.

Seriously folks, Poca won. No, it was not rigged. No, it was not staged. Yes, all the choirs performed well and everyone had a shot. I had Poca as 1st RU to Hurricane, but that's just my opinion, and I knew before the results were announced that it was gonna be close. Put those six choirs in Ohio against each other and it could have easily come out the same, or different.

These conspiracy theories come about every year that the hosting choir wins, and sadly it more often form parents than the students. Sad, really. One would expect them to be more mature about this matter, or at least moreso than high school students.


RmRaynes on Apr 7, 2009, 9:04 PM
Post #82

Oh they aren't!

people are never gonna be happy unless the group 2they are with wins. YOu can't say someone cheated because they had a good proformance it based on what you did that day and it seems vv had the best. if you have a chance though look at the score sheest you would relize that the scores were close. So stop the B.S and be happy for the winning group you'll have a chance next year!!!

AllStar88 on Apr 7, 2009, 8:33 PM
Post #81
I was privileged to attend this competition on Saturday as a spectator (a nice change for once). Although I direct a choir in West Virginia, we are not in any way associated with the WVMEA and are not involved in the "politics" of WV show choir. I thoroughly enjoyed myself throughout the day - the competition was extremely well-run, organized, and on time!! There were so many high caliber performances and all groups should be very proud of your accomplishments this season. It is very exciting to see the growth of show choir in our state.

But why is there always so much "drama" surrounding this competition? It seems as though everyone selfishly believes they deserved top prize and the host school is somehow always to blame. In my high school tenure, we hosted states 2 years straight, placing 4th both times. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Poca host last year as well and Hurricane won? It is a complete shame to see the accusations that are being thrown around on a public forum. It is an embarrassment to everyone in this state, because of the immaturity of a few.

Obviously, the ones who are making these accusations have noting to base this on but their own selfishness. Mr. Kincaid is one of the most qualified and professional directors to come from this state. His groups have enjoyed championships at competitions throughout the Midwest and they are undoubtedly a fantastic group. Seeing every performance on Saturday and without having a dog in the fight, they deserved the win. Every group performed well, but just because you didn't win, doesn't make the competition unfair.

However, I am most appalled by the accusations of cheating by the judges at the competition. These are some of the most prestigious adjudicators in the country! I cannot believe someone would actually accuse them of fixing the scores!! I would absolutely love the opportunity to work with each of these judges and I have had many fantastic experiences being adjudicated by Ms. Knoble... and at the many competitions she has judged us, we have NEVER won, but she has given us extraordinary and POSITIVE feedback! Show choir is completely subjective and you need to accept that going in.

Nonetheless, I again congratulate Mr. Kincaid and the kids at Poca on a fantastic season and WELL-DESERVED GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP!! I also thank Lynn Knoble and the other judges for sharing their talents with the state of WV. I hope they will come back despite the immature negativity that has been shown to them. Congratulations to all participating groups and best of luck with your many musical endeavors throughout the year.

As katestir12 mentioned, wouldn't this state be a much better place if groups could help and support one another instead of trying to tear each other down? Let's not forget, show choir is about the kids, about offering extraordinary opportunities, and building character skills that will help you throughout life. It's time to put the egos behind us and support our neighbors!! It has been a privilege working with everyone we have encountered and we hope to meet and work with everyone else in years to come!

Shayne Gue
ARTS All-Star Show Choir


hilaryshayna on Apr 7, 2009, 10:22 AM
Post #80
The defending champs should always go last, having said that Mr. Kinkaid had Hurricane going on at 2:15, fishy?

Congratulations to Poca High school for winning States, maybe next year my school can host it so we can win? Haha good job kinkaid you bought your state title!!! You should be proud

the performance times for WVMEA states are completely random. please read the rules before you start making accusations.


TBDBITLeffer on Apr 7, 2009, 7:38 AM
Post #79
Here is how I had it:
GC: Martinsburg
1st runner-up: Hurricane
2nd runner-up: Poca
3rd runner-up: St. Albans

And has a Hurricane alum, these are exactly how I thought the results would end up as well.


Guitarzan on Apr 7, 2009, 7:03 AM
Post #78
I agree there was some wonderful entertainment at the WVMEA and for those of you who obviously was not in attendance, let me share my thoughts. First of all, Martinsburg was absolutely amazing and deserved the top prize, hands down. Hurricane did a great job also and have made some good changes that enhances their show. They should have came in second. Poca performed a good show, however I have seen them do better. St. Albans also made a few changes that significantly helped their show. However, there were several snags and they did not do their best. Nitro performed a good show, however they were not even considered in this race, according to the judges. Congrats on the superior rating. Cabell Midland I did not see, therefore cannot personally comment. Several sitting with us did say it was not their best performance either. However, glad to see you made the final list, for a change, in a WV competition. Let me just say knowing the close (family) relationship Mr. Kincaid has with the judges, he chose, it would have been wiser if he or WVMEA would have choosen unbiased judges that do not have any connections with the show choirs competing. This may be something for him to consider next year, to keep a fair competition going. Also, to be able to host this event you must have ample room and have a regular competition during the season, to even be considered. Hosting this event is not a humanitarian effort! Some schools in WV would love to be able to host and reap the monies that are brought in such as concessions, etc. Lastly, let us all be reminded that show choir is a learning experience for the students. What does this competition and others in WV teach? If you travel from far distance to a WV competition, you may just have a better chance of bringing home a prize. Is this so, more out of state groups will want to come each year? WOW, what would the Ohio and VA competitions have if this was their "mindset". Just food for thought! The students work very long hours preparing for the competition season, not to mention the pocketbooks of the parents is depleted. All for what??? It is a shame that you cannot go to a competition and at least get a fair shake!


shwchck1190 on Apr 7, 2009, 1:26 AM
Post #77
woah, this is gettin heated!!! haha ... first id like to say congrats to poca for their first state title since like forever!!! neeexxt let me say thatttt, i would have had the results maybe a little... or a lot... differently, but none of us can change it now. it is unfortunate that choirs cant go to their state competition expecting completely unbiased judging, but it is a fact we will have to live with for some time im sure. As much as id like to say im proud to live in a state where that much integrity can be found, i cant. All of you who say "stop being cry babies" and whatever else, let me jus say that when you have gone for 5, 6, 7 monthes and worked you show choir butt off, you have every right to complain about not doing as well as many thought you should. It is rough goin in to a wv state comp being this competitive. personally i thought martisnburg was phenomenal. and i thought hurricane went on stage with desire to prove this was not their "down year", and most definitely accomplished that. martinsburg, hurricane, poca, st albans, and cabell were all fantastic. you could have had any one of the 5 choirs in any order and it would have been pretty much believable. so congrats to all of those choirs, for a fantastic job. even though my opinion doesnt matter, i would have had it martinsburg, hurricane, poca or midland (either way), and then st albans... haha but who cares about what i think... peace love and happiness to all!

BroadwayBound on Apr 6, 2009, 10:09 PM
Post #76
Here is how I had it:
GC: Martinsburg
1st runner-up: Hurricane
2nd runner-up: Poca
3rd runner-up: St. Albans

As happy as I am with my former school's results, I was very shocked. I had Martinsburg way in front with the other three battling it out for 2nd/3rd/4th. It all depends on who is judging on a certain day and what type of mood they are in and what their specialties are. Someone more skilled in vocals may not have liked ones dancing while a dance specialist may not have liked the harmonies. Who knows? Also, with the superior ratings, it all depends on how generous the judges are with the range of points. I remember when Poca did not get superior in 2001 and boy...shock! (people can enjoy that show on youtube ;) ) Again, it's however the judges are feeling that day. Congrats to everyone on a job well done this year.

-Former Visual Volume member


SAALUMNI on Apr 6, 2009, 10:04 PM
Post #75
Here's a thought...if everyone just "lets it go" there may not be many competing choirs at the WVMEA competition next year. How ironic? Mr. Kincaid may have single handedly orchestrated this competition into obsolescence.

If the WVMEA wants their name associated with this competition, maybe it's time they step up and run the show like they should.

Shownerd08 on Apr 6, 2009, 5:06 PM
Post #74
Come on people, stop being cry babies, and let Visual Volume enjoy their state championship. Get a life and stop complaining about everything. Gee, now I see why some show choirs don't go, because everyone cries and starts drama when they don't win. Let it GO! Poca won and it's over with. They had a great year and evidently they deserved it because they won. Just because they hosted does not mean that it was "rigged". They hosted last year and didn't win. I think it's hilarious reading all of these messages of people accusing and being cry babies because they didn't win. Get over it. You didn't win, it must have not been your day. Congrats Mr. Kincaid and Visual Volume for a awesome year. I had it narrowed down to Hurricane and you all, I'm just glad that no one else won other than those two groups, because some of these groups out there get all cocky for no reason. SO AGAIN CONGRATS!


choirbum on Apr 6, 2009, 4:52 PM
Post #73
I agree there was some wonderful entertainment at the WVMEA and for those of you who obviously was not in attendance, let me share my thoughts. First of all, Martinsburg was absolutely amazing and deserved the top prize, hands down. Hurricane did a great job also and have made some good changes that enhances their show. They should have came in second. Poca performed a good show, however I have seen them do better. St. Albans also made a few changes that significantly helped their show. However, there were several snags and they did not do their best. Nitro performed a good show, however they were not even considered in this race, according to the judges. Congrats on the superior rating. Cabell Midland I did not see, therefore cannot personally comment. Several sitting with us did say it was not their best performance either. However, glad to see you made the final list, for a change, in a WV competition. Let me just say knowing the close (family) relationship Mr. Kincaid has with the judges, he chose, it would have been wiser if he or WVMEA would have choosen unbiased judges that do not have any connections with the show choirs competing. This may be something for him to consider next year, to keep a fair competition going. Also, to be able to host this event you must have ample room and have a regular competition during the season, to even be considered. Hosting this event is not a humanitarian effort! Some schools in WV would love to be able to host and reap the monies that are brought in such as concessions, etc. Lastly, let us all be reminded that show choir is a learning experience for the students. What does this competition and others in WV teach? If you travel from far distance to a WV competition, you may just have a better chance of bringing home a prize. Is this so, more out of state groups will want to come each year? WOW, what would the Ohio and VA competitions have if this was their "mindset". Just food for thought! The students work very long hours preparing for the competition season, not to mention the pocketbooks of the parents is depleted. All for what??? It is a shame that you cannot go to a competition and at least get a fair shake!


TBDBITLeffer on Apr 6, 2009, 4:01 PM
Post #72
Why would you accuse a school who is having a good year of 'fixing' the competition? Hurricane - you won both years you hosted, Martinsburg - same thing. Did you fix the competitions those years? No. Were you probably accused of that? Yes.
Would it be better to cancel the whole event because no other director will step up and deal with the headaches of the hosting this competition? It's a no win situation for the host school or director. Maybe the WVMEA could REQUIRE each school to host it.

This was the first year I ever remember six WV choirs having superior ratings - that's a huge step forward for WV show choir. Congratulations to all the directors for making WV choirs forces to reckoned with.

Congratulations to all the schools who competed and made it a great competition-it was a great day of entertainment. Congratulations to Poca Visual Volume for being the 2009 Grand Champs. Contrary to the sour grapes you may be hearing - you deserved to win it.

Didn't Martinsburg host States three years in a row back in the late 90s/early 00s? In 1999, States was at Martinsburg, and Hurricane won, in 2000, it was in Beckley, Poca won, in 2001, it was in Beckley again, Martinsburg won.

Then Poca hosted it twice (2002 & 2003), and won twice, followed by Hurricane hosting it twice (2004 & 2005), and winning twice. Then Cabell Midland hosted it twice (Hurricane won both times, with St. Albans tying the first one), then Poca has hosted it twice (2008 & 2009), with Hurricane winning once and now Poca.

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