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  Show Choir Community    Events    2009 Season    Indiana State Small School Finals 2009

   Event Info

March 21st, 2009

Venue Info

Plainfield High School
1 Red Pride Drive
Plainfield, IN 46168

Phone: (317) 839-7711

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  9 Mixed Groups
  7 Treble Groups



Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


Indiana State Small School Finals 2009

Event Site
Live Stream




 Classic Connection
 DeKalb High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 

 Belles et Beaux
 Plainfield High School
First Runner Up 
Best Band 

 City Heat
 Columbia City High School
Second Runner Up 

   Treble Finals


Groups in order of placement

 Sound Sensation
 DeKalb High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 

 New Castle High School
Second Place 

 City Lights
 Columbia City High School
Third Place 

   Mixed Division (Prelims)

   Treble Division (Prelims)

   Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

549 comments • Sort by

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TheOnlyJosh on Mar 21, 2009, 9:09 PM
Post #309
[quote name='Praetorian' date='1237684054' post='464577']
is this your placings or the actuall I heard that huntington north got 6th place and not LC[/quote]

These are the actual placings as I've been told by three different people. If they are wrong, I apologize.


Praetorian on Mar 21, 2009, 9:07 PM
Post #308
[quote name='JFreak213' date='1237683433' post='464574']So, top 6 from daytime was:

1: NC
2: BD
3: FC
4: Carmel
5: Pike
6: LC[/quote]

is this your placings or the actuall I heard that huntington north got 6th place and not LC


Wocttocs on Mar 21, 2009, 9:04 PM
Post #307
So i just got back from Prelims, Couldn't stay for finals because i would have been making a 2 hr drive at 1 am haha!

In Prelims these were my results:

1. Franklin Central (visual and choreo) way ahead during the day.
2. North Central
3. Ben Davis/Carmel

Carmel - They had a pretty good show, the choreo was excellent and the band was very good, but the Vocals were just lacking the entire show. Throughout the first 3 numbers there were MANY times i couldn't even hear them, and even more times when i couldn't understand a word. They were big, flashy, and the ballad and the closer were 2 of the best numbers of the afternoon, Unfortunately i think their first 2 or 3 numbers really hurt them.

North Central - After BD i got on SCC and told the world of show choir to WATCH OUT for the counterpoints this year. The show was MUCH MUCH better at Ben Davis, i don't care what the judges said or why you changed it, You shouldn't have... I ABSOLUTELY COULD NOT BELIEVE my eyes when i saw not once, but for the 3rd time, the exact same arrangement of "The Devil You Know" from a woody choir. Reusing is one thing, replicating 100% is another... I've seen North Central's 2005 "The Devil You Know" probably 300 times... I had 5 or 6 really good friends in that show and I know the choreo in and out, It is identical... I had you 2nd Vocally to FC and 2nd Choreographically as well (it just wasn't very clean... i'm sorry).

Ben Davis - You were SO LOUD! Wow, you've definitely got some strong voices in your choir. I felt like the show stayed at the same level throughout... I didn't really feel like i was being taken on a journey through your show. The transitions were pretty choppy between songs, and the song choice itself didn't make a lot of sense to me. Though i have to admit, it was pretty fun sitting there fingering along to the projector during "Carry On Wayward Son" (for those that don't know, they projected 'Guitar hero' game play video during that number). I was very surprised at how well you sang at full volume, but I have to admit i wish there was more contrast. I think a different show design would have really given this group a better shot at winning state.

Franklin Central - What can i say? I was sitting in a SEA of Orange "Northrup" supporters and ALL throughout your show everyone was "Ooh that was a cool ripple!" "That closer was so fun i want to see it again already!". Your energy level topped EVERYONE in prelims and I knew as soon as you left the stage that you were there to Win and nothing else would be acceptable. The vocals were VERY powerful when they needed to be, but delicate and subtle in the ballad and "Bye Bye Blackbird", this is the mark of a top level choir. The level of the Individual performance, the Soloists, the cleanliness of the choreography, and the dynamic contrast in your show all worked together to make your show the total package, and the show to beat!


ps - Does anyone have REAL prelims scores?


rengland3991 on Mar 21, 2009, 8:59 PM
Post #306
[quote name='JFreak213' date='1237677862' post='464542']And the best thing (sarcasm) was that the idiot announcer said Warren Central made finals, then after the Connections were done celebrating said, "I'm embarassed, we made a mistake, you guys aren't performing in finals."

Mistakes happen and whatever, but you can't do something like that. And to be so flippant when apologizing. Just awful. The whole finals announcement reeked of unprofessionalism.[/quote]

That is absolutely horrible!!!!

I couldn't even imagine being put thru that. Not fair.

TheOnlyJosh on Mar 21, 2009, 8:57 PM
Post #305
So, top 6 from daytime was:

1: NC
2: BD
3: FC
4: Carmel
5: Pike
6: LC


soccerrrr24 on Mar 21, 2009, 8:55 PM
Post #304
oh, and carmel was 4th and pike was 5th only separated by a point...and apparently only 4.5 points between 1st and 5th....


soccerrrr24 on Mar 21, 2009, 8:53 PM
Post #303
i was shocked to say the least when finals were announced.

i had the finalists as franklin central, north central and carmel, and then pike as a [b]very [/b]close 4th.

i personally didnt even have ben davis in top 5. they performed it VERY well, but idk. it could just be because ive seen there show numerous times, and i wasnt into it.

but apparently the judges saw something i didnt...congratulations of course to ben davis.

the changes that north central made to their show were phenomenal. i liked it SO much better than the performance i saw at ben davis. i just felt like it worked so much better and of course it sounded amazing.

BUT, i think franklin central could take this title. they performed incredibly and their vocals were INTENSE. lol

and the awards ceremony was so unprofessional it was ridiculous. i wanted to give warren central a giant hug.

CONGRATS to the finalists....

TheOnlyJosh on Mar 21, 2009, 8:00 PM (Edited)
Post #302
[quote name='TheAxis4413' date='1237679343' post='464553']So uh... No Carmel? What happened there?[/quote]

Not to be slanderous, or scandalous...but I have no idea where the judges heads were at. Personally I had FC/Carmel in a dead heat for first with Pike right behind. It's very surprising to me that 2 of the groups I thought would make it to finals didn't.

joE on Mar 21, 2009, 7:49 PM
Post #301
So uh... No Carmel? What happened there?

NEA07 on Mar 21, 2009, 7:45 PM
Post #300
To New Era... Im so proud of you guys, you had a great show today and you know where you deserved to be... dont let it get you down, I was so happy to be there and get to see you guys one more time!!

TheOnlyJosh on Mar 21, 2009, 7:24 PM
Post #299
And the best thing (sarcasm) was that the idiot announcer said Warren Central made finals, then after the Connections were done celebrating said, "I'm embarassed, we made a mistake, you guys aren't performing in finals."

Mistakes happen and whatever, but you can't do something like that. And to be so flippant when apologizing. Just awful. The whole finals announcement reeked of unprofessionalism.

TheOnlyJosh on Mar 21, 2009, 7:20 PM
Post #298
Franklin Central, Ben Davis and North Central are finalists.


EmmaLouBelle on Mar 21, 2009, 6:45 PM
Post #297
hey small school finals are Plainfield (149: 4th vocal 2nd visual), Columbia City (154 2nd vocal third visual), and Dekalb (171 first vocal and visual). Plainfield got Best Band Caption

the order for finals are plainfield, dekalb, and columbia city girls results for finals are new castle, columbia city, and dekalb (pretty sure sorry if i'm wrong feel free to correct me)

anyone have results from class A?


lovetosing13 on Mar 21, 2009, 6:29 PM
Post #296
So which groups made it to finals?


ecap13 on Mar 21, 2009, 12:31 PM (Edited)
Post #295

ryan9912 on Mar 21, 2009, 9:27 AM
Post #294
Does anyone know who the judges are?

Justinrocks9 on Mar 21, 2009, 7:56 AM
Post #293
Today is the day everyone! once again good luck to everyone and I will see you there and hopefully make some new friends!


rengland3991 on Mar 20, 2009, 11:47 PM
Post #292
Wish I could make it!! This is one of the best competitions in Indiana history and I have to miss it?!?!?! Hopefully, I'll be able to make it to finals.


dandn5000 on Mar 20, 2009, 11:31 PM
Post #291
The tension is mounting...less than twelve hours before the first choirs in Indy and Plainfield take the stage. Good luck to everyone!


Mr.HJA on Mar 20, 2009, 9:16 PM
Post #290
[quote name='Mr.HJA' date='1237598051' post='464440']i think we should all wait till after prelims and the make predictions

and saying one show sucks versus another is a matter of opinion its NOT about how well a group performs the show they have which is how judging should and does go for the most part.

I know there have been GC shows that i actually thought were boring but when looking at the musicality of the shows they were awesome.[/quote]

Also, groups this year are all doing great things with the shows they are given and the GC will come down to 100ths of a point. I pray that the judging goes well at state and that judges lok at musicality, and showmanship not whether the croud was necessaril entertained. The audience will be receptive of a choir that not only has entertaining show but one that is musically good.

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