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  Show Choir Community    Events    2009 Season    Indiana State Small School Finals 2009

   Event Info

March 21st, 2009

Venue Info

Plainfield High School
1 Red Pride Drive
Plainfield, IN 46168

Phone: (317) 839-7711

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  9 Mixed Groups
  7 Treble Groups



Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


Indiana State Small School Finals 2009

Event Site
Live Stream




 Classic Connection
 DeKalb High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 

 Belles et Beaux
 Plainfield High School
First Runner Up 
Best Band 

 City Heat
 Columbia City High School
Second Runner Up 

   Treble Finals


Groups in order of placement

 Sound Sensation
 DeKalb High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 

 New Castle High School
Second Place 

 City Lights
 Columbia City High School
Third Place 

   Mixed Division (Prelims)

   Treble Division (Prelims)

   Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

549 comments • Sort by

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doesntmatter1290 on Mar 15, 2009, 10:52 AM (Edited)
Post #169
[quote name='Wocttocs' date='1237096506' post='463213']So, i just found out a little bit of trickery has occurred in the show choir world...

I was just informed, that prior to Finals at Pike Music Fest, Carmel Ambassadors registered for the ISSMA State competition (Surely after seeing how far ahead they were of Center Grove after Prelims they decided it was a good idea.)


haha i was about to post the same thing. im really glad they changed their minds (even though they may be taking a spot in finals away ). From what ive been told they started thinking about it after winning Carrol last week. Hopefully their fears dont come to fruition and they wont be too tired to perform their show twice right after two nights of performing. (personally i think they will be than fine. lol).

Oh well...the draw is today at 2pm. please please please anyone who gets any info, post it.
EDIT: Good luck to all the ISSMA hopefuls.


Wocttocs on Mar 15, 2009, 1:55 AM
Post #168
So, i just found out a little bit of trickery has occurred in the show choir world...

I was just informed, that prior to Finals at Pike Music Fest, Carmel Ambassadors registered for the ISSMA State competition (Surely after seeing how far ahead they were of Center Grove after Prelims they decided it was a good idea.)



doesntmatter1290 on Mar 14, 2009, 2:15 PM
Post #167
[quote name='nixieninnermich' date='1237053981' post='463053']ok never mind my last post. the correction had already been made haha
however, i would really love for someone who knows more about the class b schools to make some predictions because, like EmmaLouBelle, i have no clue who most of the class b schools are. i have heard of most of them but i've never seen any of them :[[/quote]

from what ive heard/can remember from other posts on here...Highland, Dekalb, Castle, and Plainfield (maybe Norwell?) are probably the most notable class B schools and since there are finals i would make my prediction:

GC: Plainfield
1RU: Highland
2RU: Dekalb/Norwell


nixieninnermich on Mar 14, 2009, 2:06 PM
Post #166
ok never mind my last post. the correction had already been made haha
however, i would really love for someone who knows more about the class b schools to make some predictions because, like EmmaLouBelle, i have no clue who most of the class b schools are. i have heard of most of them but i've never seen any of them :[


nixieninnermich on Mar 14, 2009, 2:00 PM
Post #165
[quote name='rengland3991' date='1236824361' post='462536']
There are no finals for ISSMA state. All choirs perform, then are placed accordingly. The shore sheet is scored 60% vocal and 40% visual. Hope that helps!![/quote]
nope. this year they are taking three finalists because only nine choirs are going to each division :] the rest is spot on though lol


choircutie21 on Mar 14, 2009, 2:27 AM
Post #164
[quote name='Sometimes1234' date='1236825031' post='462546']
I am just an observer and I am not with Lawrence Central or Center Grove or whoever you think I am with. I was just basing what I said off of earlier predictions in the Pike thread. I have not seen Center Grove's show, but I have seen Carmel's show at Huntington and Carroll. I would like to see them win because I love their show this year which is so different from their previous years shows. Then again I havent seen Center Grove's show and I wont make my opinion until I do. I am looking forward to seeing the outcome of this competition. It will be a great one =)[/quote]

carmel isn't going this year, unfortunitely...


choircutie21 on Mar 14, 2009, 2:22 AM
Post #163
[quote name='Mr.HJA' date='1235343534' post='457210']

carmel and LC have the sae choreographer an he doesn like his choirs competing against each other. LCCS are going to state therefore carmel isn....this is wat ive been told. LETS GO CS!!!! 2 for 2 is great!!!! lets kill at NC0[/quote]

nope, that's not true. carmel just has prior engagments.


Wocttocs on Mar 13, 2009, 11:56 PM
Post #162
[quote name='soccerrrr24' date='1236913010' post='462781']so im trying to upload videos per scott's request, but i must say that i am a little challenged in the DVD/youtube department. lol if anyone can help let me know.[/quote]

Are you on Mac or PC?


Mr.HJA on Mar 13, 2009, 4:58 PM
Post #161
[quote name='quakerparent' date='1236875945' post='462653']
He/she was correct for all previous state ISSMA, there were no finals. Along with the addition of classes, it is my understanding the ISSMA contest format has been modified to add an evening finals this year.[/quote]
ther were finals until 2007. thats when they stopped.


bass091 on Mar 12, 2009, 11:35 PM (Edited)
Post #160
I'm just going to use this opportunity to repost a paragraph I previously posted in the Youtube forums ;)

Typically our choir has the policy of keeping our set off of Youtube until the final competition has passed(Fame NYC this year), then we only put that version up. So anyone who does have the DVDs from the competitions we've attended, please refrain from posting our group until we do so ourselves. This isn't to be secretive or anything, we just would like to have the most polished show possible being what represents us, as well as maintain control of our own artistic product. Thank you!


soccerrrr24 on Mar 12, 2009, 10:56 PM
Post #159
so im trying to upload videos per scott's request, but i must say that i am a little challenged in the DVD/youtube department. lol if anyone can help let me know.


Broadwaydestined13 on Mar 12, 2009, 10:44 PM
Post #158
Anyone know how NC is doing? I know they have done a lot of revising. I wonder if they will have a good solid show for ISSMA.


rengland3991 on Mar 12, 2009, 10:38 PM
Post #157
[quote name='doesntmatter1290' date='1236911410' post='462772']
lol i wanted to make sure i wasnt crazy[/quote]

Not at all. I like NC's arrangement better. But I really like warrens sound. and LOVE their soloists. Jacob (first soloist) is IN-CRED-I-BLE!!


soccerrrr24 on Mar 12, 2009, 10:37 PM
Post #156
warren central does their ballad very well but after watching the BD finals dvd i definitely liked NCs version better.

the WC soloists are kick BUTT, but i liked how NC did it with just the one soloist at the end.


doesntmatter1290 on Mar 12, 2009, 10:30 PM
Post #155
[quote name='rengland3991' date='1236911356' post='462771']
"I know where I've been" from Hairspray

Warren AND North Central are both doing that song. ha[/quote]

lol i wanted to make sure i wasnt crazy


rengland3991 on Mar 12, 2009, 10:29 PM
Post #154
[quote name='doesntmatter1290' date='1236910778' post='462768']question: what was warrens ballad this year? and what was NC's ballad this year?[/quote]

"I know where I've been" from Hairspray

Warren AND North Central are both doing that song. ha


EmmaLouBelle on Mar 12, 2009, 10:25 PM
Post #153
Class A
GC: Franklin Central
1RU: North Central
2RU: Lawrence Central

I can see pike pushing one of them out of a slot considering how well they've been doing. Warren and Hunnington will be up there but i personally feel like they're lacking their persision they had last year (granted, i haven't seen either show for a couple of weeks, which we all know can be a life time in show choir).

Class B
GC: Plainfield/Dekalb
1RU: Plainfield/Dekalb
2RU: Anderson Highlands

It's harder for me to chose winners for class B because, well first off i don't know who all's in class b let alone who's going/qualifies for state. second, we're all used to the big "central" choirs winning the high scores and GC's, it's hard to tell who can really beat who without them in the mix. i see it being a tossup and a game anyone can win.

Best of luck to those who await a call on Sunday!


doesntmatter1290 on Mar 12, 2009, 10:19 PM
Post #152
question: what was warrens ballad this year? and what was NC's ballad this year?


lion88 on Mar 12, 2009, 10:13 PM
Post #151
[quote name='Wocttocs' date='1236649691' post='461912']WOW! This got kind of out of hand didn't it! lol

Facts are facts Mr.HJA. While LC is a very strong choral program, they are by no means dominant in this state. They hold their own very well and consistently place highly in competitions. What everyone is debating, is the difficulty of the competitions. LC has won out over 2 groups in indiana that i would place in the top 4 in indiana.

Franklin Central (MIC 2006, very close, HN would have won and was far ahead in prelims but had a down show in finals)


Center Grove (Who, i've heard from people i trust, seem to be having a bit of a down year as far as show design is concerned but still fairly strong choreographically and vocally.)

Other than that, it's been a good few years since LC has brought both great vocals AND clean choreography to the table. It's been even longer since they brought those 2 elements AND show design as well.

Unfortunately it seems as though warren's show doesn't have the technical aspects to come close to the other choirs in their division when it comes to choreo, so i think they might finish lower than expected.

I expect pike to come out with a clean, well rehearsed, and energetic show, But i still expect that the 2 weeks of uninterrupted practice the FC Singers have had the past 2 weeks, and the upcoming FAME Orlando competition is going to have them at the PEAK of their existence. Their show this year is definitely the best they've had and they've got a super strong group of kids to make it work.

I'm going to say the top three will be

GC: Franklin Central: Vocals
1RU: Huntington North
2RU: Pike: Choreo

FC has the vocal repetoire to pull out a Vocal win in this... They're not an extremely powerful choir this year, but they have the sound and finesse to win it.

HN though down in past competitions, i've been told is becoming very strong as of their latest practices and will most likely show very very well at ISSMA. I've always said that HN is probably the most inconsistent powerhouse out there, but EVERY single year they have one show that is absolutely unbeatable, and they are well due for it this season.

Pike... I have to admit i didn't/don't have much faith in pike... I find the choreo to be simplistic and very much "Armography". I find the show design to be predictable, and the vocal arranging easy to perform. Yet, apparently i have missed something (though no one has been able to explain what) and they will undoubtedly do well at this competition. I hope that at ISSMA i will see what i've missed from Pike this year and become a believer[/quote]

Aside from North Central I dont think anyone can say they have been "dominant" in the state in the past 5 years. Many choirs have had impressive wins. I know that In the past 5 years LC beat Center Grove 2 Ball State in 2005 and this year at NC...they have only competed against FC like twice in the last few years...LC won once in 06 and FC won once. They have defeated Huntington North 3 times...2004, 2006, and 2007. They have beat Laf. Jefferson at least twice. They have never been beat by Warren except for at state last year and that bogus state in 06. They have competed against pike several times in the past few years and not been beaten. They were 2nd runner-up at state in 05 and 07 with only NC and Carmel finishing ahead of them. And they were 1st runner-up at MIC in 04 at a competition that included Attache, Huntington North, Laf. Jeff, and Cedar Rapids Jefferson...Attache won... LC has won 11 Grand championships since 04. Say what you want...but LC has competed and had success against many good choirs in the past few years.

I am not trying to take anything away from any of these choirs because they are fantastic and i really enjoy watching them. I love NC, FC, HN, CG, Pike, Warren, and everyone else. But you have to give credit where it is due.


Broadwaydestined13 on Mar 12, 2009, 8:20 PM
Post #150
GC: Franklin Central
1RU: Lawrence Central
2RU: Pike

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