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 Show Choir Community    Events    2007 Season    Okoboji Pioneer Show Choir Invitational 2007
Event Info

February 10th, 2007
Venue Info
Okoboji High School
901 H. Ave
Milford, IA 51351
Phone: (712) 338-2446
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
10 Mixed Groups
1 Treble Group
Event Hosts:
Okoboji "Vocal Adrenaline"
Event Judges:
Ticket prices unknown.
Okoboji Pioneer Show Choir Invitational 2007

Event Site
Live Stream

The Headliners
Sioux City East High School
Grand Champion

Waukee High School
First Runner Up

New Sound
Sioux City East High School
Second Runner Up

Classic Connection
Sioux Falls Washington High School
3rd Runner Up

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II
Groups in order of performance

ELC Show Choir
Estherville Lincoln Central High School
Placement Unknown

Sheldon High School
Placement Unknown

Mixed Division - Tier III
Groups in order of performance

Pocahontas Area High School
Placement Unknown

Gael Show Choir
St. Edmond Jr/Sr High School
Placement Unknown

Prep Division
Groups in order of performance

Sioux Falls Washington High School
Placement Unknown

Sioux City East High School
Placement Unknown

New Sound
Sioux City East High School
Placement Unknown

Waukee High School
Placement Unknown

Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
4 comments • Sort by

Jorge on Jan 29, 2007, 4:00 PM (Edited)
Post #4
Here is a little bit of a more detailed ending to the day...

5:30- Announcement of Best Choreography/Best Vocals
Announcement of Class Placings Announcement of Four Evening Finalists
(Drawing for performance order)

6:00- Finalist #1
6:25- Finalist #2
6:50- Finalist #3
7:15- Finalist #4

7:45- Okoboji HS “Vocal Adrenaline” (Exhibition)

Announcement of Second Runner-up
Announcement of First Runner-up
Announcement of Runner-up
Announcement of Champion

I like how they have an award in between "First Runner-up" and "Champion"... what place does that work out to be? haha

Also... Okoboji's director is a Luther graduate!!! WOO GOO!

And for those who don't know, this competition is being held on February 10th. The competition is pulling in a lot of show choirs from towns that I didn't even think had show choirs. Congrats!


itsthelove4dance on Jan 29, 2007, 3:46 PM
Post #3
Here's the schedule for the competition

8:30 Graettinger-Terril "Knight Velocity" (1A)
9:05 Estherville-LC Show Choir (3A)
9:40 Sheldon Show Choir (3A)
10:15 Break
10:30 SF Washington "Stagelights" (Prep)
11:05 Sioux City East "Impulse" (Prep)
12:30 PAC Show Choir (Pocahontas Area) (2A)
1:05 St. Edmond (Fort Dodge) Show Choir (2A)
1:40 Sioux City East "New Sound" (Prep)
2:15 Waukee "Spirit" (Prep)
2:50 Break
3:10 Sioux City East "Headliners" (4A)
3:45 SF Washington "Classic Connection" (4A)
4:20 Waukee "Millennium" (4A)
6:00 Finals start
7:45 Okoboji HS "Vocal Adrenaline" (Exhibition)
8:00 Finals Awards

This information came directly from the Okoboji HS website. I appologize for any misspellings

Shoegazer29 on Jan 29, 2007, 12:32 PM
Post #2
i will never cease to be humored by the name of this competition.

Headliner2291 on Jan 29, 2007, 11:14 AM
Post #1
I want to know who is going to Okoboji? I know all three of Sioux City East's groups will be goin

"Headliners" -- Varsity
"New Sound" -- Prep
"Impulse" -- Girls

let me know who is going so i can see who we'll be up against!


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