Can anyone copy and send me a finals tape, i really wanted to drive up there but i got really sick thursday..... and i stayed in bed until Sunday Morning.
If anyone could send me one i have of last years Watseka and one of Contest of Champions that i could send you for trade
let me tell you! i saw some amazing groups and they were so ready for this time of year. and comprehensive sound, good job, minus our mics going out lol, but it's all good. There weren't any lighting problems like last year.
For everyone knows...for finals GCS had a 1,1,2,3,5 and Mt. Zion had a 1,1,2,3, you can see it was very close. I don't know were other people ended up, but the scare sheet was all over the place. I think the other first went to FC. No one had this comp. in the bag.
Okay... Totino... be careful with the box pyramid. It was scary! I loved your show!
I thought it was a toss up between Totino and GCS...
guess I was wrong.
Thanks Jorge,
its always nice to read that people like our show. its not about winning the competition or even making finals. Its about entertaining the audience and having the time of your life on stage and i think that our group did just that
- oh and i promise to be careful with the boxs, however, its a pretty nice view when your all the way on top.
Were you at the top?
yes, as the tallest member of our choir, he was.
OMG! I hope you don't die this year. lol
^^ The huge like, 12 foot pyramid. It looked super scary.
Okay... Totino... be careful with the box pyramid. It was scary! I loved your show!
I thought it was a toss up between Totino and GCS...
guess I was wrong.
Thanks Jorge,
its always nice to read that people like our show. its not about winning the competition or even making finals. Its about entertaining the audience and having the time of your life on stage and i think that our group did just that
- oh and i promise to be careful with the boxs, however, its a pretty nice view when your all the way on top.
holy freaking crap! your female soloist in the ballad floored me! i have no idea why you bothered to put a song AFTER that because ANYTHING after that freaking amazing song was almost like a let down (it WASN'T, cuz your show ROCKS, but that's just how good it was!) tell that girl that if she goes to college, she'll be wasting her money! her parents should give her the money she would have spent on college to make a cd, cuz heck, I'LL BUY IT!!! oh, your costumes kick major butt. i loved the pink grey, tan thing! it definitely fit with the kind of "high school experience" theme (especially your ballad, can ya tell i LOVED IT?!?) vocally was great. a few things to work on would be diction. just overall. i said this earlier, but a gym is very acoustically unforgiving, and any consonant gets lost if it's not REDICULOUSLY overdone. but awesome show! i'm sufficiently impressed!
Okay... Totino... be careful with the box pyramid. It was scary! I loved your show!
I thought it was a toss up between Totino and GCS...
guess I was wrong.
Thanks Jorge,
its always nice to read that people like our show. its not about winning the competition or even making finals. Its about entertaining the audience and having the time of your life on stage and i think that our group did just that
- oh and i promise to be careful with the boxs, however, its a pretty nice view when your all the way on top.
WHat do you guys think of Onalaska's show? We are going to Mt. zion next week and I was wondering if you have any positive comments or contructive critisism for us. thanx
FC. the cookie number made me laugh harder than i ever have at a show choir competition EVER! my new favorite phrase is "make cookies, not war!" " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />
EEE. the fact that i can barely remember a thing about your show with the exception of your phenominal male soloists (all the girls in my choir were swooning, by the way!) says a lot. i'm sure you had a clean show, but it wasn't fantabulous. best of luck to you in the future!
TG. yeah, i love you guys. the fact that you sang songs from Sunday in the Park with George, and i thought i was the only one in the world who even KNEW of that musical amazes me! and Ease on Down the Road is my favorite song ever! Katie, you tore it up on that solo! i was MEGA impressed! you could tell we had never seen the show because at hernando's hideaway when the "girl" gets pitched in the air in the back, my whole choir were like "oh my gosh! she's gonna die!!" and then we felt mighty foolish when we figured it out (okay, when i say "my whole choir," i mean ME!) once again, a visually, vocally, and energetically (right word?) pleasing and solid show! i can't wait to see you again! oh, one thing, i talked to megan about this already. in the song right before your balad, it's a little tough to understand your words. it's completely, well, understandable, since they're going so fast and at such a high pace. just work on diction and spitting the words out. in such a large and accustically unforgiving space as a gym, some just got lost.
BG. the sound you produced for such small numbers floored me. you've got some talented singers if you can produce the same sound as groups double your size! overall, i felt a little disapointed in the lack of energy. you guys gotta ENJOY what you're doing, and invite the audience to enjoy it with you! you've got a stellar show, so WORK IT PEOPLE!
GCS. well, nice show. sadly, i wasn't impressed. i probably would have been had i not seen the show last year, and the year before. i'm not saying it wasn't a CLEAN and VOCALLY strong show, because it was! it's just the same. it seems to me you have a formula, and every year, you plug songs into the equation, and it equals a win. however, it may be time to change your formula. there's a fine line between a "signiture style" and a "virtual repeat," and i believe you're beginning to slip into the latter. now, this being said: you are vocally impeccable, choreographically sound, and the energy was there. it just wasn't as entertaining as it was the first time i saw your show because it's just gotten old. i'm probably making people mad for saying this stuff, but it's just what i noticed. good performance, and i'll see you next week!
Mount Zion: major props to you! i'll be repeating what others have already said when i say your choreography was awesome! vocally, yes, there are some spots to work on. mostly, just taming the shouty sections and reverting back to the full body singing with support and energy to match your energetic choreo. i have to say there was one girl in the front with short dark hair that captivated my attention the whole show. if you can get everyone to peform with her confidence and showmanship, you'll be set! your set was fun! you must have an amazing arranger to mix together your guys and girls pieces the way you did. i was very impressed by the end when it all tied together! great show, and i'm excited to see you at upcoming competitions!
again, this is just my opinion. this does not reflect the opinions of the rest of my choir, and certainly not all of hastings (i feel like i'm a talk radio host making a disclaimer! )
was it just me or were all the gropus phenominally clean!? I thought that FC choreography standed out though, since it's damon. Then GCS's didn't look as hard as it's been in years. I liked Zions and EEE's the best.
I agree with the results as they were. Watching TG in the afternoon i thought they were in it to win it, but in the evening, second time seeing the show that day, I noticed a lot more issues with choreography and some vocal problems. I love the Hernando's Hideaway song, and I think that they have the potential to be amazing.
As for GCS, I thought that they performed very well, and it must of been very close. I am very proud of them for being such good sports about their placement.
MTZ, I love their choir and I always will. They entertain me everytime, and the tall kid in the front row is my favorite dancer in any show choir.
EEE, great show, and they got exactly what they deserved, including best vocals..
Waconia not making finals..... yeah. That was interesting. After their defeat of Onalaska last year, one expected them to be a top contender.... ???
schoiralum - I totally agree with you. Yet to bring out another point on the topic of those politics, who was the Grand Champion groups choreographer, and who pays all these Show Choir Camps of America buddys every year to be a part of SCA? ..hmmm
I think, Teays Valley went over time, and for the first second of every minute you get 25 points docked. They were amazing, but not what I expected. So I think that they went over in time, that's why they didn't make finals. I don't know this for sure though...
As for our placing!
I'm Happy as heck lol...for a competition of this magnitude 1st runner up is great. I thought we performed phenominally, and that's all that matters for us. And Congratulations MTZ!!!!!
The Onalaska events page has been updated with the finalist placements and caption awards for the evening. Congratulations to all of the performers in attendance tonight!
What another crazy show choir are my opinions of the shows that i saw this year.
Overall i was dissapointed with most shows.
Linn Mar- was not a very big fan of your show espically bring me to life...which by the was is NOT a show choir song, but you have a good concert choir
Crete- everyone is soo surprised they didnt make the finals...yes they had a ok show but there were just better groups and i mean hey that happens, but good soloists.
Waconia- ok show...they had one of the best songs of the competition though and that was "we both reached for the gun" from chicago. It was AMAZINLY creative and was a very impressive song for me. Other than that the show was kinda bla
Tayes- I feel very bad you had to drive that long and not make the finals...but before you went on stage i was soo excited to hear you becuause of all the great things that have been said about you and your vocals. But i was TRULY dissapointed. Vocally you were a decent group and dancing just ok..but the show is bla and both coreo and vocals did NOTHING for sadly you got what you deserved.
Ft. Atkinson- one word WEIRD. where is the ft. i loved four years ago that kicked the classic's ass with you amazing vocals. Now you bring on masks and big drums and dance to much so you cant sing and everything about you is changing. And im sorry its for the worse. You used to be one of my favorite groups 4 years ago with the sailor theme but now....nope to much dancing and props that take away from the show.
Urby- Im very sorry you did not make the finals. Your group should of replaced Buffalo groves. Granted bring me to life is NOT A show choir SONG...but your vocals are very nice and your show was ok...def not a last year show but still worthy of finals so i am very sorry for that
EEE- YOU SURPRISED THE HELL OUT OF vocals not in a mil years...but all I have to say is is you guys are back fighting stronger than out people....PS congrats to male soloist...fine job
FC- I LOVE YOU!! The cookie song was amazing...jelly's jam was show flowed from top to bottom and you guys all i can say is you should be proud of what u have because its truly a gift.
Buffalo Groves- In all my years of show choir and all the years that i have seen you i can honestly say that is the WORST show you have EVER put out. Granted you danced it well, but u cant sing was SOOO boring! I was very dissapointed and u deserved NOT to be in the finals.
Totino- You were my favoirite group. I wanted you to win. Your show was flawless and beautiful and clean. It was entertaining and yet you sounded well and danced great. Dissapointed in you finish is all i can say but look forward to a great season.
GCS- The streak is finally over. Sorry seniors i bet this was a hard loss...but you guys have lost it. I would of given you best vocals BUT your vocals have gotten significantly worse since last year. Your show seems to be the same type of show every year....and for once it didnt work. I will say this though you were as good as Mt. Zion but i didnt see either of you 2 on top. GCS this was your year to be bumped and you were bumped fair and square..becuase this wasnt your year by any means.
Mt Zion- Congrats...your very were given a gift by winning becuase you really didnt deserve the win. You can dance like fing no other but you can not sing well at all! I mean you never have been able to well but this year was ick. Granted you did step it up big time in the finals..but all i have to say is your lucky