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 Show Choir Community    Events    2007 Season    Cedar Rapids Jefferson Show Choir Invitational 2007
Event Info

March 10th, 2007
Venue Info
Thomas Jefferson High School
1243 20th Street SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Phone: (319) 558-2435
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
17 Mixed Groups
2 Treble Groups
Event Hosts:
Cedar Rapids Jefferson "West Side Delegation"
Cedar Rapids Jefferson "Ovation"
Event Judges:
Antwon Chavis
Jeni Donahue (Critique)
Zach Durlam
Bill Griffel
Jason Johnson (Critique)
Denise Johnson
Ticket prices unknown.
Cedar Rapids Jefferson Show Choir Invitational 2007

Event Site
Live Stream

Company of Singers
Totino-Grace High School
Grand Champion
Best Choreography
Best Band
Best Female Soloist (Samantha Johnson)

The Headliners
Sioux City East High School
First Runner Up
Best Vocals
Best Male Soloist (Nick Anderson)
People's Choice

WD Forté
West Delaware High School
Second Runner Up

Islander Prestige
Grand Island Senior High School
3rd Runner Up

Encore Singers
Totino-Grace High School
4th Runner Up

Celebration Co.
Benton Community High School
5th Runner Up

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II
Groups in order of performance

Main Street West Singers
New Hampton High School
Placement Unknown

Sadie Street Singers
Anamosa High School
Placement Unknown

Celebration Co.
Benton Community High School
Placement Unknown

Mixed Division - Tier IV
Groups in order of performance

Preston High School
Placement Unknown

Keota High School
Placement Unknown

Prep Division

Encore Singers
Totino-Grace High School
First Place

West Delaware High School
Second Place

New Sound
Sioux City East High School
Third Place

Jubilation, Inc.
Benton Community High School
4th Place

Davenport West High School
5th Place

Fairfield Jr/Sr High School
6th Place

Sioux City East High School
7th Place

Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
284 comments • Sort by

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altomngr87 on Mar 16, 2007, 11:12 PM
Post #284
QUOTE(juliofrommississippi @ Mar 16 2007, 01:25 AM) 394696
I love judges booths too!!!! Every year I was in Momentum I would hide under the judges booth so I wouldn't have to do any set-up for Mo-Show. Yah I'm lazy!!! Get over it!

I used to play hide and seek in there when I was in elementary school, now I just change in there so I don't have to go all the way to the choir room...which makes me lazy too I suppose. But hey, we dance our asses for some portion of every month year why not be lazy at our invites?

juliofrommississippi on Mar 16, 2007, 2:25 AM
Post #283
QUOTE(altomngr87 @ Mar 15 2007, 12:05 AM) 394547
Man, with all the goings-on in the judges booth, I wish I hadn't been kicked out so early! Luckily next year I'll be a senior no one can kick me out! And I have to say...I LOVE being up that high, the view is amazing and the wheelie chairs are way fun.

I love judges booths too!!!! Every year I was in Momentum I would hide under the judges booth so I wouldn't have to do any set-up for Mo-Show. Yah I'm lazy!!! Get over it!

altomngr87 on Mar 15, 2007, 1:05 AM
Post #282
Man, with all the goings-on in the judges booth, I wish I hadn't been kicked out so early! Luckily next year I'll be a senior no one can kick me out! And I have to say...I LOVE being up that high, the view is amazing and the wheelie chairs are way fun.

Bae on Mar 14, 2007, 8:28 PM
Post #281
well it sounds like this was a fun competition. Mo-Show was also awesome. Congrats to Totino for their victory, and for their prep group getting into finals. I wonder what would happen if we had a comp with them, Urbandale, and Ovation in one comp.


cj-mckay on Mar 14, 2007, 8:10 PM
Post #280
It was pretty cool that some of the judges also stayed at the Crown Plaza. The horrible part of the hotel was that Fusion had 1 floor except for a single room. So we had to be quiet. We basically got thrown out of the pool Saturday night, and THEN this really old security guard came up and told "we couldn't sit in the hallways because if there would be a fire people would have to use the stairs" (this is almost exactly what he said) and we were blocking them. I'm pretty sure that if there was a fire, all of us would get up and run. The rest of the night was really boring. I was hoping to be up all night, but there was nothing to do, so I was asleep by 1:30.


mollymac on Mar 13, 2007, 1:28 PM
Post #279
QUOTE(adancinmomma @ Mar 13 2007, 11:04 AM) 394157
AH yes--the shimy shake! When it hits that point of the night you do whatever you can to keep your brain from going to mush! Atwon and I also got all the judges to do the wave--ALL 14 of us!!! Party animals--thats what we are up there!! Woohoo!!

I must say that I did enjoy that wave " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />


adancinmomma on Mar 13, 2007, 12:14 PM
Post #278
We will know by tomorrow. They are having the booster meeting tonite to decide if they have enough groups or to cancel all together. My hope is that enough groups come. This is their big fundraiser and would, I am sure, really hurt them finacially to have to cancel it all together! But if it is a go--come and say hi!

Jorge on Mar 13, 2007, 12:05 PM
Post #277
QUOTE(adancinmomma @ Mar 13 2007, 11:04 AM) 394157
AH yes--the shimy shake! When it hits that point of the night you do whatever you can to keep your brain from going to mush! Atwon and I also got all the judges to do the wave--ALL 14 of us!!! Party animals--thats what we are up there!! Woohoo!! Will you be at the Big Dance? I will be sure to stop and say hey and give ya a squeeze!

Yep. It'll be my last competition. Hopefully enough groups join the competition so it can still be held!


adancinmomma on Mar 13, 2007, 12:04 PM
Post #276
AH yes--the shimy shake! When it hits that point of the night you do whatever you can to keep your brain from going to mush! Atwon and I also got all the judges to do the wave--ALL 14 of us!!! Party animals--thats what we are up there!! Woohoo!! Will you be at the Big Dance? I will be sure to stop and say hey and give ya a squeeze!

Jorge on Mar 13, 2007, 11:48 AM
Post #275
QUOTE(adancinmomma @ Mar 13 2007, 10:44 AM) 394149
I dont discriminate --its nice to see any alum--my bad! LOL I was running back and forth so much I really didnt see anyone besides the groups I was talking to!! I didnt even know you guys were coming to Jefferson! Next time I will do flips and cartwheels for you guys too!! (*Only nowhere near that judges booth--that thing scares the you know what out of me!!)

Hahaha... yeah the judging booth certainly did look scary. If you fall asleep on that thing, you could wake finding yourself on the floor of the gym! You don't need to do flips and cartwheels. Some of us saw your lovely shake dance when they introduced Antwon Chavis as "Ovation's" choreographer... it was precious. haha


adancinmomma on Mar 13, 2007, 11:44 AM
Post #274
I dont discriminate --its nice to see any alum--my bad! LOL I was running back and forth so much I really didnt see anyone besides the groups I was talking to!! I didnt even know you guys were coming to Jefferson! Next time I will do flips and cartwheels for you guys too!! (*Only nowhere near that judges booth--that thing scares the you know what out of me!!)

Jorge on Mar 13, 2007, 11:15 AM
Post #273
QUOTE(adancinmomma @ Mar 13 2007, 01:17 AM) 394118
Ok JAY--So I was judging Jefferson and definitely did not see a red headed hyper boy there at all!!!!!!!!!! Did you stay at Mo-Show??

Who needs Jay when you had the rest of us cool SCC kids.


tomato2425 on Mar 13, 2007, 7:57 AM
Post #272
QUOTE(ana @ Mar 12 2007, 11:41 PM) 394116
Actually, we did make a good decision. It has two restaurants, ballrooms for rehearsal, a pool, a large lobby area, and nice rooms.

It's just that two other show choirs also made the same decision, and it was pretty crowded (as it probably was at a few other hotels in the area). The staff wasn't properly warned that they'd be dealing with a couple hundred high schoolers for the evening. One or two people don't represent an entire staff or hotel, just as one or two people can't represent an entire show choir.

good point..ana is smart, every once in a while

juliofrommississippi on Mar 13, 2007, 2:22 AM
Post #271
QUOTE(ana @ Mar 13 2007, 12:41 AM) 394116
Actually, we did make a good decision. It has two restaurants, ballrooms for rehearsal, a pool, a large lobby area, and nice rooms.

It's just that two other show choirs also made the same decision, and it was pretty crowded (as it probably was at a few other hotels in the area). The staff wasn't properly warned that they'd be dealing with a couple hundred high schoolers for the evening. One or two people don't represent an entire staff or hotel, just as one or two people can't represent an entire show choir.

Oh i wasn't being sarcastic. I meant that you made a good decision by keeping them in a hotel! The Crowne Plaza is an EXCELLENT hotel.

Jeni- I came to Jefferson, but I didn't wanna pay to get in and I had made other plans that were non-negotiable, so I didn't stay at Mo-Show but I didn't go into the gym at Jefferson.


adancinmomma on Mar 13, 2007, 2:17 AM
Post #270
Ok JAY--So I was judging Jefferson and definitely did not see a red headed hyper boy there at all!!!!!!!!!! Did you stay at Mo-Show??


ana on Mar 13, 2007, 1:41 AM
Post #269
Actually, we did make a good decision. It has two restaurants, ballrooms for rehearsal, a pool, a large lobby area, and nice rooms.

It's just that two other show choirs also made the same decision, and it was pretty crowded (as it probably was at a few other hotels in the area). The staff wasn't properly warned that they'd be dealing with a couple hundred high schoolers for the evening. One or two people don't represent an entire staff or hotel, just as one or two people can't represent an entire show choir.

juliofrommississippi on Mar 13, 2007, 1:34 AM
Post #268
ummm the crowne plaza is right downtown.... its scary all around. i'm sure your directors made a good decision there!

altomngr87 on Mar 13, 2007, 1:20 AM
Post #267
so this weekend was way fun...didn't get any sleep, but it was still fun. Our sound and video aren't amazing, I know. the parents of some alumni do it and so it's not the most professional thing, but I'm pretty sure they do it either for free or a steal. The lights did seem way brighter/closer/hotter this year...I'm not sure what was up with that. And thanks for the compliments on wsd and ovation, I only wish we'd all given it our best. But performing after finals was fun, especially with a bunch of alumni in the audience and the silly mixup in the westside story medly. There were four tempos going on...the piano, the drums and two stuff. But I'm glad everyone had fun. I was really amazed with totino's groups, I got to take their prep to critique and was unaware it was their prep until someone mentioned it. Sioux City East's red stilettos were amazing...not sure I could dance in them though! I honestly have issues dancing in my 3-inch characters. Plus they were a great group to host, they cleaned up so well and the everyone was way nice...and anyone who can get a poof that high deserves much applause! Anyway, I'm rambling and, once again, putting off sleep. So congrats to everyone and see ya again next year!


tomato2425 on Mar 13, 2007, 12:23 AM
Post #266
QUOTE(sunglasses_chic08 @ Mar 12 2007, 05:34 PM) 393949
Once again, the Crowne Plaza is an excellent hotel! Unfortunately our directors want us to stay in the hotel, so we did not have the luxury of exploring the city. Anyway, I love the large lobby area because tons of people can gather there and talk. We hung out with the Grand Island show choir, and they are some pretty cool people, let me tell you. The elevators are a little slow, but what can you do? The hotel rooms are NICE! The bed was heaven

minus the jerks at the hotel...they were EXTREMELY rude to Mr. Voss, our director. It was very unprofessional.

The food at the "Top of the Five" was good, though!

sunglasses_chic08 on Mar 12, 2007, 7:34 PM
Post #265
QUOTE(nightbeam @ Mar 12 2007, 06:09 PM) 393938
So how did the Totino people enjoy the Crowne Plaza and the city of Cedar Rapids? Seems like you guys see a lot of CR competing regularly at Linn-Mar and Washington or Jefferson!

Once again, the Crowne Plaza is an excellent hotel! Unfortunately our directors want us to stay in the hotel, so we did not have the luxury of exploring the city. Anyway, I love the large lobby area because tons of people can gather there and talk. We hung out with the Grand Island show choir, and they are some pretty cool people, let me tell you. The elevators are a little slow, but what can you do? The hotel rooms are NICE! The bed was heaven

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