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  Show Choir Community    Events    2006 Season    Pleasant Hill Battle of the Best 2006

   Event Info

January 21st, 2006

Venue Info

Pleasant Hill High School
1 Rooster Way
Pleasant Hill, MO 64080

Phone: (816) 540-3111

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  14 Mixed Groups
  7 Treble Groups


  Pleasant Hill "Hillside Singers"


  Sandy Cordes

  Keith Curington

  Roger Kelley

  Christi Reeder

  Rita North


Ticket prices unknown.


Pleasant Hill Battle of the Best 2006

Event Site
Live Stream



Groups in order of placement

 Oak Street Singers
 Oak Park High School
Grand Champion 

 Satin 'n Lace
 Rock Bridge High School
First Runner Up 
Best Female Soloist (Natalie Lassinger) 
Best Female Performer 

 Parkway Central High School
Second Runner Up 
Best Vocals 
Best Diction 
Best Ballad 

 Soundsational Singers
 Nevada High School
3rd Runner Up 
Best Choreography 
Best Male Soloist (Scott Hillier) 
Best Opener 

 New Score Singers
 Smith-Cotton High School
4th Runner Up 

 River City Revue
 Hannibal High School
5th Runner Up 

   Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims)

   Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims)

   Mixed Division - Tier III


Groups in no specific order


 Mt. Vernon High School
Placement Unknown 


 Stover High School
Placement Unknown 

 Green Ridge High School
Placement Unknown 
Best Male Performer 

   Treble Division


Groups in order of placement

 Satin 'n Lace
 Rock Bridge High School
First Place 
Best Female Soloist (Natalie Lassinger) 
Best Female Performer 

 Warrensburg High School
Second Place 

 Smith-Cotton High School
Third Place 


 Green Ridge High School
No Placement 

 Suite Sounds

 Carthage Senior High School
No Placement 

 Leading Ladies

 Smithton High School
No Placement 

 Treble Effects
 Nevada High School
No Placement 
Best Costumes 

   Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

69 comments • Sort by

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clogginchic06 on Jan 22, 2006, 7:54 PM
Post #29
o and blacksheep, you talk about how this judging was unfair, but how do you think the show choirs felt at rockbridge when your choreographer was a judge? does that seem very fair? o, and the judging obviously wasnt based mainly on vocals, since pizzazz won best vocals, best ballad, and best diction...but got 3rd place. satin n lace and oak park were right behind them, but obviously their vocals weren't the only thing that got them 1st and 2nd place

Thank you, doogsixes77

Pleasant Hill was a BLAST! WOW I had so much fun! senior year is starting to look up......I'm so so so grateful we made finals-I was pretty concerned. And I honestly couldn't care that we were 6th in finals-so what? We made finals, and the scores for prelims and finals were pretty close together. We went and changed a lot of stuff after prelims and actually went through with the changes in finals, so we couldn't ask for anything more. The only goal we had going into PHill was to place higher than Warrensburg......and you could say we did that

Neosho-Love Doctor. wow....your guys can shake it, haha
Rockbridge Mixed-wow! pretty cool.....Kate! awesome solo! and Taylor too!
Rockbridge Girls-WOW! Best girls choir I've seen since Nashville 2 years ago....
Oak Park-I'm so happy for you! our choreographer is pretty cool, isn't he? ;)
Parkway-YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! Best ballad all the way!! I love you guys!!!
PHill-ahhH!!!! Veryveryvery cool, glad I got to see your show!! an amaaazing solo Jeff-were you in all-state choir last year, by chance?

Thank you PHill! You all host the most fun competition that I've been to in 3 years....I'm going to miss it a lot!


IminCabaret on Jan 22, 2006, 7:39 PM (Edited)
Post #28
QUOTE(ktbaby313 @ Jan 22 2006, 01:22 PM) [snapback]364241[/snapback]
ok blacksheep it's kinda going too far. I'm gonna be honest, your making satin'n lace feel pretty crappy. Yeah ya'll were really good, but give the girls some props. It's not every day a girls group makes finals, much less does good. And what about pizzazz, their vocals were AMAZING!! and you have to admit, their dancing was pretty sweet too. I'm not saying ya'll didn't get shafted or jipped or whatever, but I think that the judges did what they did for a reason. at least you guys made finals, what about the other 16 schools that didn't make it at all... just be careful of what your saying

I dont really want to get into this all I want to say is this..

SATIN N LACE Was AMAZING!! hahah props! for Making finals and placing high it gives us other girl groups Hope!!! but I do agree with the fact that Nevada should have placed higher and New Score... but they didnt you cant look back on what didnt happen you need to focus on the future and how you can improve and get better at Everything... once you have done this then you are tottally unstoppable!

user deleted  on Jan 22, 2006, 7:22 PM
Post #27
ya blacksheep you're not getting the point of show choir competitions. isnt this entire thing started around and based on singing? if there was no singing, there wouldn't be show choir. so how on earth can you say you guys deserved to be in the top 3 this time when your vocals were so weak? your dancing was fine (same moves as all of the other groups, nothing that truely set you apart), your set was good (good songs and closer), and your scenes/costumes were good, but do you truely believe you deserved to score so high? oak park was amazing, they had every concept of a show choir (the singing, show, and dancing) down. they were so awesome, i'm so glad they came this year and did so good. and satin n lace were amazing, their vocals this year blew me away, i've never, any year, heard a womans group that good. also, pizzazz may not have costume and set changes, but i think that their amazing vocals and creative dance moves makes up for that. you need to stop being a sore loser and figure out a way to improve your singing so that you can do better next time, because with this immature attitude, you're just making your school look bad. please don't forget what this sport should be about... having fun, performing, and making friends (from all schools). don't be a jerk.

o and blacksheep, you talk about how this judging was unfair, but how do you think the show choirs felt at rockbridge when your choreographer was a judge? does that seem very fair? o, and the judging obviously wasnt based mainly on vocals, since pizzazz won best vocals, best ballad, and best diction...but got 3rd place. satin n lace and oak park were right behind them, but obviously their vocals weren't the only thing that got them 1st and 2nd place


ktbaby313 on Jan 22, 2006, 5:22 PM (Edited)
Post #26
ok blacksheep it's kinda going too far. I'm gonna be honest, your making satin'n lace feel pretty crappy. Yeah ya'll were really good, but give the girls some props. It's not every day a girls group makes finals, much less does good. And what about pizzazz, their vocals were AMAZING!! and you have to admit, their dancing was pretty sweet too. I'm not saying ya'll didn't get shafted or jipped or whatever, but I think that the judges did what they did for a reason. at least you guys made finals, what about the other 16 schools that didn't make it at all... just be careful of what your saying

Stolba on Jan 22, 2006, 4:55 PM
Post #25
QUOTE(blacksheep @ Jan 22 2006, 11:25 AM) [snapback]364186[/snapback]
im bitter about last night still this morning so whatever im about to say is probably gonna make me sound like an jacka$$.... but. i think the judging was terrible! not only for us but for other groups as well. i cannot believe some of the groups that beat us. nevada should have gotten 1st or 2nd. and i think we should have been 1st or second too. everything was based almost solely on vocals. i mean i think that a freakin swing choir could have came and just stood there and sang in a concert order and just moved their arms now and then, and if their vocals were good then they would have won. i mean i think show choir needs to be about the show. if i wanna hear ppl sing then i will go to a choir concert. and i know that our vocals are our weak point, but our dancing was so good.

I didn't come this this competiton, but ALOT of competitons you will go to are going to be heavily based on vocals. A spectator will come to a competiton and will notice if the vocals are strong/weak, good/bad.

Like you said... its SHOW CHOIR. Yes, you say your dancing was "so good" but your vocals are your weak point. OF COURSE they are going to notice it, and going to mark you down.

People need to accept what they get, and improve what their "weak points" are.


user deleted  on Jan 22, 2006, 3:25 PM
Post #24
im bitter about last night still this morning so whatever im about to say is probably gonna make me sound like an jacka$$.... but. i think the judging was terrible! not only for us but for other groups as well. i cannot believe some of the groups that beat us. nevada should have gotten 1st or 2nd. and i think we should have been 1st or second too. everything was based almost solely on vocals. i mean i think that a freakin swing choir could have came and just stood there and sang in a concert order and just moved their arms now and then, and if their vocals were good then they would have won. i mean i think show choir needs to be about the show. if i wanna hear ppl sing then i will go to a choir concert. and i know that our vocals are our weak point, but our dancing was so good.


hillsidesglcharm on Jan 22, 2006, 2:28 PM
Post #23
Good job to everyone. Placings were exactly on. It looks a little like the judges did their placings based more upon singing ability, and I felt that they were pretty much dead on when it comes to that. Hope everyone had fun!


ktbaby313 on Jan 22, 2006, 2:18 PM
Post #22
wow, everybody did SO GOOD!!! i am not even lying when i say that yesterday was one of the funnest days of my life. I met so many awesome people, i saw so many old freinds. I cheered for EVERYBODY... oh man, it feels like the day after christmas..... :0( I so proud of everybody, everyone worked so hard!!! Thanks everybody for making my senior year or show choir SO much fun, and something i will NEVER forget!
Katie Garnes
*rock bridge*


IminCabaret on Jan 22, 2006, 11:34 AM
Post #21
Pleasant hill was sooooooo much fun... Although I was dissapointed with some of the placing.... It was fun!!! Heres my 2 cent

Oak Park.... WOW I honestly dont remember seeing you guys ever but WOW!!! Amazing hahah I loved the funnoodles!!! Very Creative! Awesome Vocals..!!

Satin n Lace... Very good! As always! hahaha You guys have Awesome Facials AND VOCALS! Ktbaby You are pretty much the funniest thing hahaa!!! You are amazing on stage!! I was sitting by Ashley from Nevada who pointed you out to me! Fabulous Job!

Hannibal... This is the first time I had ever seen this show... I loved your costumes! You had an Amazing show but Personally I liked last years show better... (just an opinion)

Pizzazz.... Im pretty sure they were Awesome!!

New Score.... Im really proud of you guys!! So you didnt place as high as you could of... but thats fine ! You guys really showed your game and believe meeee when I say.. Troy is coming up reall soon. You guys will ROCK IT!

Nevada... well I honestly felt like you were the strongest performance... but w/e .. I honestly thought you had 1 or 2! You guys are Awesome and so Nice haha! Congratulations to Scott! you really deserved Best Male Soloist I am absolutely in love with your voice ahh!! haha and It was Nice meetin you ashley... Matt... and Nolan!! you guys rock!


hillier on Jan 21, 2006, 1:57 AM
Post #20
QUOTE(Altoidsrock_05 @ Jan 20 2006, 12:34 PM) [snapback]363752[/snapback]
I'm not going...the weather's too bad in Kville to drive down. don't miss me too much!!

Nevadans....tell jesse and cole I said hello...and sing my solo from last year to cole!!!

Will do. Have a good weekend - and call me tomorrow.


Altoidsrock_05 on Jan 20, 2006, 2:34 PM
Post #19
I'm not going...the weather's too bad in Kville to drive down. don't miss me too much!!

Nevadans....tell jesse and cole I said hello...and sing my solo from last year to cole!!!


ktbaby313 on Jan 20, 2006, 1:54 PM
Post #18
less than 24 hours... and counting


IminCabaret on Jan 20, 2006, 1:45 PM
Post #17
P hill Is in less than a day!! woo woo! Good Luck to everyone !!! I hope to see you all there! I will be rooting for ya!


Sparky1 on Jan 18, 2006, 11:24 PM
Post #16
Good luck to all groups -- ESP Nevada, Rockbridge, and Smith-Cotton!!!! I HEART P-HILL!!!


ktbaby313 on Jan 18, 2006, 2:09 PM
Post #15
lol i love you ashie girl!!

I CAN NOT WAIT TILL P HILL... ONLY LIKE 3 DAYS!!! ahhhhh! lol. I'm so pumped!!! i can't wait to see everybody again!! good luck guys!

showchoirash on Jan 18, 2006, 12:28 PM
Post #14
LoL..I just had to say that to BlackShee's comment. I would have to say I agree about the head hunting thing. That made me laugh. It was an upset, but hey, all that means is that we are going to have to step up this weekend. I think a lot of Nevada people are really stoked about this weekend. It'll be awesome! I know I'm really excited about this weekend! I also just wanted to say GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE! I'll be cheerin' for everyone I know. It's a lil' upsetting though that it's all in the auditorium this year. 'Cuz of our backdrops and everything, and it gets really crammed in there with all the people. Well..latta!~Ash


IminCabaret on Jan 17, 2006, 6:53 PM
Post #13
It said six on the website... so six it shall be.... lol I AM Stoked!


erikdelaney on Jan 17, 2006, 3:58 PM
Post #12
Ya, I am pretty sure they are only taking 6 to finals.


ktbaby313 on Jan 17, 2006, 10:42 AM
Post #11
are only 6 finalists going this year, i know 8 went last year, but this year it's all in the auditorium


IminCabaret on Jan 16, 2006, 7:07 PM
Post #10
No I seperated them by divisions.. they have the schedule on their site if you wanna see

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