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 Show Choir Community    Events    2020 Season    Monona Grove Silver Stage Invitational 2020
Event Info

February 15th, 2020
Venue Info
Monona Grove High School
4400 Monona Drive
Madison, WI 53716
Phone: (608) 221-7666
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
16 Mixed Groups
4 Treble Groups
1 Middle School Group
Event Hosts:
Monona Grove "Silver Connection"
Monona Grove "Silver Dimension"
Event Judges:
Kym Chambers Otto
Bob Demaree
Pat Dorn
Eric Guenthner
Robert Jones
Jim Kimmel
Gary Schwartzhoff
Peggy Strimple
$15 all day
$10 finals, students, seniors
Monona Grove Silver Stage Invitational 2020

Event Site
Live Stream

Reedsburg Area High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Band

Executive Session
Sauk Prairie High School
First Runner Up

South High Street Singers
Fort Atkinson High School
Second Runner Up
Best Male Soloist (Jackson Sitkiewitz)

Northern Lights
North St. Paul High School
3rd Runner Up

Rhapsody in Red
Green Bay East High School
4th Runner Up
Best Choreography
Best Female Soloist (Mikaela Torbenson)

Milton High School
5th Runner Up

Mixed Division (Prelims) Show
Treble Division

Octave Above
Milton High School
First Place

Sauk Prairie High School
Second Place

Lexington Singers
Fort Atkinson High School
Third Place

BHS Express
Brodhead High School
4th Place

Prep Division

DeForest Area High School
First Place

Milton High School
Second Place

Franklin High School
Third Place

Attending Members displaying 6 of 52 members (view all)
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ddtgbrff on Feb 17, 2020, 9:55 AM
Post #94
I can understand how the erroneous results were assumed to be correct - I looked back at the online results history for Monona Grove (and Burlington) - and could not find a scenario where the team awarded Top Choreography finished lower than 3rd runner up (1 time). In 11 of the 13 years I checked , the team awarded "Top Choreography" finished 1st or second. So a bit of an unusual scenario here. Regardless - I am grateful for the collaborative approach of the directors - and was so impressed by all the performers on Saturday - both on the stage performing and also off the stage when they support each other as teams walked through the cafeteria!

Will. on Feb 21, 2020, 5:37 PM
Post #98
At Onalaska in 2004, ATSC had Best Vocals and 9th (!) Place. So I’d say almost anything is possible in the show choir world


dillydallier on Feb 21, 2020, 7:36 PM (Edited)
Post #99
In 2014 at New London Reedsburg got best Choreo and 5th place
A year later in 2015 at New London Fort Atkinson got 4th with best Choreo
On two separate occasions in 2015 Sauk Prairie won GC while Onalaska got BV, BC, and BB
Weird things happen in show choir (shrug) Especially if the scores are tight

Will. on Feb 18, 2020, 11:46 PM
Post #97
Best Male Soloist from Fort Atkinson was Jackson Sitkiewicz
Best Female Soloist from Green Bay East was Mikaela Torbenson

Will. on Feb 17, 2020, 5:42 PM
Post #96
1 (tie). Sauk Prairie
1 (tie). Reedsburg
3. Fort Atkinson
4. Milton
5. Green Bay East
6. North St. Paul
7. Hamilton
8. De Pere
9. Chippewa Falls
10. Madison East
11. New London
12. Mayville
13. Kewaskum
14. Brodhead

Prep 1RU: Milton
Prep 2RU: Franklin

Women’s 2RU: Fort Atkinson
Women’s 3RU: Brodhead


Forthememe on Feb 17, 2020, 9:24 AM
Post #93
Monona big Garbo this is not ok we need a better judges


kflogel on Feb 17, 2020, 11:16 AM
Post #95
Monona Grove runs a great competition.! The staff is very friendly and they make sure it stays on time!! It is a very difficult job having to tabulate all these scores quickly. I applaud all the schools who host these competitions. It is a very big job and we all are human and can make mistakes.


kflogel on Feb 16, 2020, 10:41 PM
Post #92
I discovered where the discrepancy happened and the original results were correct. There was a typo in the Master recap we received today. Sorry to have caused any unnecessary stress to the Northern Lights! Congrats to everyone for a great day of Show Choir !


NLDirector on Feb 16, 2020, 9:33 PM
Post #88
Hi everyone, North director here. I readded all ranks, followed all conversions, and the placements are still the same, with North coming in 4th. I checked other types of scoring systems just in case that's where the confusion was, and we still would not have moved down. I think all groups are amazing and I don't want any drama at all so if any directors want to chat with me and go through scores, please feel free to email me at [email protected] and we can definitely figure it out! Email will be better than on this website so we can make sure everything is accurate! So glad we got to perform amongst so many amazing groups yesterday! My students loved seeing all of the fantastic shows! Congrats to all!


kflogel on Feb 16, 2020, 10:18 PM
Post #89
Yes we are working together as Show Choir people do to figure out what happened. This is what is truly great about Show Choir is our ability to work thru the issues together! Yes it was a great day of Show Choir!


kflogel on Feb 16, 2020, 7:26 PM
Post #87
Update... Green Bay East should have been 3rd Runner up and we’re given wrong award. North St. Paul should be 4th runner up


Lee.hee.hee.777 on Feb 16, 2020, 1:34 PM (Edited)
Post #86
Congratulations to Fort Atkinson for not only making it to finals, but also placing within the top 3. I got to talk with some of your group and you’re such great people to be around.

vintageschr8r on Feb 16, 2020, 1:20 AM
Post #75
Such a great win for Reedsburg. I believe this is their first Grand Championship in their long competitive history. Well done!


Butterfly123 on Feb 16, 2020, 1:50 AM
Post #79
It isn’t our first grand championship, however it has been 19 years!!


fink53050 on Feb 16, 2020, 1:52 AM
Post #80
What competition & year was the first, out of curiosity?


Butterfly123 on Feb 16, 2020, 3:17 AM (Edited)
Post #85
I’m not sure when the first was, but I can say that the last was at Sauk in 2001


ShowbandMom28 on Feb 16, 2020, 1:30 AM
Post #78
Why do people keep asking who I am, If you click on my profile you can see my name


#1Showchoirmom on Feb 16, 2020, 2:27 AM
Post #84
No one knows who you are from the group....that's why we are asking.


ShowbandMom28 on Feb 16, 2020, 2:00 AM (Edited)
Post #82
I apologize to everybody who wanted an autograph today. Nobody came up to me today and asked for one. I had my Primex Plastics Pen on me.

Häakon on Feb 16, 2020, 2:01 AM
Post #83
When she's right, she's right...

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