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 Show Choir Community    Events    2006 Season    Onalaska Show Choir Classic 2006
Event Info

January 14th, 2006
Venue Info
Onalaska High School
700 Hilltopper Place
Onalaska, WI 54650
Phone: (608) 783-4561
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
18 Mixed Groups
Event Hosts:
Onalaska "Hilltoppers"
Event Judges:
Kevin Butler (Clinic)
Marty DeMott
David Fehr
Dwight Jordan (Clinic)
Susan Moninger
Fritz Mountford (Video Critique)
Eugene Rogers
Verda Slinkard
Ticket prices unknown.
Onalaska Show Choir Classic 2006

Event Site
Live Stream
Attending Members displaying 1 of 1 members
138 comments • Sort by

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WinnLoff on Jan 15, 2006, 12:44 AM
Post #78


Diva4life17 on Jan 15, 2006, 12:43 AM
Post #77
QUOTE(WinnLoff @ Jan 14 2006, 08:42 PM) 362332
1st - Buffalo Grove
2nd - MTZ
3rd - Lacrosse
4th - EEE
5th - Sauk
6th - Omaha

Best Vocals - Lacrosse
Best Choreo - MTZ

is this results or a prediction?


WinnLoff on Jan 15, 2006, 12:42 AM
Post #76
1st - Buffalo Grove
2nd - MTZ
3rd - Lacrosse
4th - EEE
5th - Sauk
6th - Omaha

Best Vocals - Lacrosse
Best Choreo - MTZ

ekurutz on Jan 14, 2006, 11:47 PM
Post #75
Way to go SAUK!!!!


WinnLoff on Jan 14, 2006, 9:27 PM (Edited)
Post #74
West Side Omaha & Sauk are the other two groups in finals

And Buffalo Grove goes first & Mt Zion last... that's all I can say


BobTheBuilder on Jan 14, 2006, 8:55 PM
Post #73
After Daytime-

1. Mount Zion
2. Buffalo Grove
3. Grand Central Station
4. EEE

MTZ is going last in finals.

That's all I know


theatre614 on Jan 14, 2006, 5:34 PM
Post #72
My predictions, but not sure:

GC: Mt Zion
1st Runner Up: GCS
2nd Runner Up: EEE
3rd Runner Up: Buffalo Grove
4th Runner Up: Twinsburg

Best Vocals: GCS
Best Choreography: Mt Zion
Best Band: GCS

I don't know about 5th runner up. Could be Mitchell, Omaha, Wheaton Warrenville, or Sauk Prairie. I'm rooting for Sauk!

clbrush on Jan 14, 2006, 11:07 AM
Post #71
Eisenhower took the award for Best Vocals at Onalaska in 2004. Best of luck to all groups competing today!


ajm41827 on Jan 14, 2006, 9:21 AM
Post #70
If I remember correctly. Buffalo Grove and Mt. Zion tied last year, and the vocal score during the day broke this tie, therefore Mt. Zion had the top vocal score during the day. Leaving in about a half hour, be there in about 45 minutes! Good luck everyone!


flier89 on Jan 14, 2006, 2:08 AM
Post #69
QUOTE(dranscht @ Jan 13 2006, 09:43 PM) 362246
Referring back, I had thought that Eisenhower took vocals in '05.

Mt. Zion won vocals in 05. I'm not sure about daytime results though.

MisterInformative on Jan 14, 2006, 1:43 AM
Post #68
Referring back, I had thought that Eisenhower took vocals in '05.


sj03gcs on Jan 14, 2006, 1:23 AM
Post #67
Results to the Middle School Competition:

Grand Champion: New London Middle
1st runner-up: Sauk Prairie Middle
2nd runner-up: Longfellow Middle

Lincoln and Logan Middle went non-competive, so they were only given a comments.

Scott Jenks


ajm41827 on Jan 14, 2006, 1:01 AM
Post #66
Concert Choir Competition Results:

GC: La Crosse Central Robed Choir
1RU: Fort Atkinson
2RU: Altoona
3RU: Holmen

Best Soprano: Altoona
Best Alto: La Crosse Central
Best Tenor: La Crosse Central
Best Bass: Mayville

Jorge on Jan 14, 2006, 12:21 AM (Edited)
Post #65
Good luck to all.

I leave at 4:00 AM tomorrow! WOO GOO!

(best wishes especially to EEE, Omaha, GCS, Mt. Zion, Xavier, Sauk Prairie and Mitchell!)

The Night Before Onalaska


the_Matt_Show on Jan 13, 2006, 7:12 PM
Post #64
"And for the last two spots... Omaha Westside, Twinsburg, Mitchell, Sauk Prairie, Wheaton Warrenville. (I'm crossing my fingers that it would be Omaha and Mitchell! We'll see!)"



Oh well, i guess im alittle late, but this is exciting,because its teh kick off of our season, and with that 2:15 time slot, as opposed to the usual 9:30 slot, i just know we'll have a crowd whos going to get just the most entertaining show, maybe not the best, but we sure are entertaining!

Jorge on Jan 13, 2006, 8:55 AM
Post #63
QUOTE(wycliff1 @ Jan 13 2006, 12:06 AM) 362092


GCS has a great time, not early but not late. It won't be difficult for them to make finals. Eisenhower has made finals from performing at 11:20 AM in 2004, which was probably the most difficult (and debated) Onalaska of all time. I don't think GCS will have a problem with their 1:25 PM performance time.

I'll say...

La Crosse Central
Mt. Zion
Buffalo Grove

And for the last two spots... Omaha Westside, Twinsburg, Mitchell, Sauk Prairie, Wheaton Warrenville. (I'm crossing my fingers that it would be Omaha and Mitchell! We'll see!)

Good luck to all competitors who leave today!


wycliff1 on Jan 13, 2006, 2:06 AM
Post #62
QUOTE(choirguy99 @ Jan 12 2006, 10:02 PM) 362091
GCS is gonna have to really step it up since they weren't at the Classic last year



choirguy99 on Jan 13, 2006, 2:02 AM
Post #61
I'd love the top six to be Mt Zion, EEE, Buffalo Grove, Twinsburg, Mitchell, and Ft. Atkinson....

That's probably not gonna happen, so it will probably end up something like this:

GC: Mt Zion/BG
1 Runner Up: Mt Zion/BG
2nd Runner Up: EEE
3rd Runner Up: GCS
4th Runner Up: Twinsburg
5th Runner Up: Sauk/Omaha

I'm totally routing for Mitchell!! I really want them to make finals

The Score sheet this year is pretty much split 50/50 vocals and choreo, so I think the group that has the most put together show will win...regardless if the sing best or not.

GCS is gonna have to really step it up since they weren't at the Classic last year, and they go pretty early compared to the rest of the big groups. It should be very interesting to say the least...

jhawkpb23 on Jan 13, 2006, 12:20 AM
Post #60
mr. johnson is my idol i think haha

Jorge on Jan 13, 2006, 12:14 AM
Post #59
QUOTE(thewaterotter9 @ Jan 12 2006, 10:11 PM) 362066
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!! That's my dad. That's awesome. 14 gours and we leave.

Very neat!

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