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Event Info

January 14th, 2006
Venue Info
Onalaska High School
700 Hilltopper Place
Onalaska, WI 54650
Phone: (608) 783-4561
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
18 Mixed Groups
Event Hosts:
Onalaska "Hilltoppers"
Event Judges:
Kevin Butler (Clinic)
Marty DeMott
David Fehr
Dwight Jordan (Clinic)
Susan Moninger
Fritz Mountford (Video Critique)
Eugene Rogers
Verda Slinkard
Ticket prices unknown.
Onalaska Show Choir Classic 2006

Event Site
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Attending Members displaying 1 of 1 members
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thewaterotter9 on Jan 13, 2006, 12:11 AM
Post #58
QUOTE(sj03gcs @ Jan 12 2006, 12:33 PM) 361981
Gulsvig said his favorite memory of the Onalaska Classic is of Doran Johnson, the choir director from Westside Amazing Technicolor, who brought an Iowa show choir to the competition one year to observe other show choirs.
Johnson told Gulsvig if he ever had a show choir good enough, he would bring the group to Onalaska.
Four years ago, Johnson’s Omaha show choir competed for the first time at the event, Gulsvig said. “The director had tears running down his cheeks,” Gulsvig said. “ He simply said, ‘This has been my dream.’”

HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!! That's my dad. That's awesome. 14 gours and we leave.


Miss_Buddaha on Jan 12, 2006, 10:47 PM
Post #57
2 days kids. well basically not even because technically tomorrow is one day then that day is over so then its just one. haha! im excited, our group is excited. we just want to shoot for the stars there.

I'm pumped.
who else is pumped??!?! HUH???

user deleted  on Jan 12, 2006, 8:32 PM
Post #56
i must say that this seems like an amazing competition. I'm not from the area (i live in the south, the heart of the south (MS) ) , but I know how it is when you're just waiting day by day for that special competition that means so much to you, so I wish all of you great results. Break a leg!!!

Jorge on Jan 12, 2006, 8:25 PM (Edited)
Post #55
QUOTE(sj03gcs @ Jan 12 2006, 02:33 PM) 361981
Gulsvig said his favorite memory of the Onalaska Classic is of Doran Johnson, the choir director from Westside Amazing Technicolor, who brought an Iowa show choir to the competition one year to observe other show choirs.
Johnson told Gulsvig if he ever had a show choir good enough, he would bring the group to Onalaska.
Four years ago, Johnson’s Omaha show choir competed for the first time at the event, Gulsvig said. “The director had tears running down his cheeks,” Gulsvig said. “ He simply said, ‘This has been my dream.’”

I liked this part of the story. Very cool. Go Omaha Westside!

Tomorrow is "Onalaska Eve". Watch for my work of art! ("The Night Before Onalaska")


sj03gcs on Jan 12, 2006, 4:33 PM
Post #54
I just wanted to post two newpaper stories that were in the La Crosse Tribune today. Also, I'll be at the middle school competition and the Saturday's competition all day, sitting in the back row next to center row if anyone want to come and say hi. If we wanted to this could be a meeting place for people to meet each other, just a thought. On Saturday I'll be wearing a dark blue button down shirt. Good luck to all choirs this weekend. I'm excited to see what everyone has to bring to the table.

Good luck,

Cast of 1,000 expected for 19th annual Onalaska Classic

By TERRY RINDFLEISCH | La Crosse Tribune

The Onalaska Show Choir Classic started 19 years ago because a major invitational in Wisconsin Dells, Wis., folded.
Paul Gulsvig said he decided to take over that season-opening slot to stage an invitational, one of the first in the La Crosse area.
“We were so dumb; we really didn’t know what we were doing,” Gulsvig said. “We were more worried about a piano falling through the stage.
“Our intent was never to make money,” he said. “It was our quest for excellence, so we never skimped. But we never thought it would grow into something big.”
That first year, 13 show choirs competed in the Onalaska Classic, now one of the largest show choir invitationals in the Midwest.
Today, the Onalaska Classic is a money-maker, drawing more than 1,000 performers and 3,000 to 4,000 spectators. The Onalaska Classic started a concert choir competition five years ago and this year has added a middle school contest.
This weekend is Gulsvig’s 19th and final Onalaska Classic. After 28 years, he will step down as Onalaska’s choral director when the school year ends.
Three La Crosse-area show choirs return this year to the Onalaska Classic after sitting out in 2005 — La Crosse Central’s Grand Central Station, Holmen’s Midwest Express and La Crosse Logan’s The Class Act.
“My favorite thing about this year’s classic is that it has all the local schools entered,” Gulsvig said. “It also has fabulous performance groups and up-and-coming groups.”
The Onalaska Classic will showcase show choirs from Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, Nebraska and South Dakota.
The Expressions from Buffalo Grove, Ill., have competed in all 18 Onalaska contests and have made the finals every time. Saturday’s competition will feature five of last year’s six finalists — Swingsations of Mount Zion, Ill.; Eisenhower Elite Energy of Decatur, Ill.; Westside Amazing Technicolor of Omaha, Neb.; Great Expectations of Twinsburg, Ohio; and the Expressions.
Mount Zion won the Onalaska Classic the past two years, and La Crosse Central’s Grand Central Station has captured grand championships at Onalaska six of the past nine years, including three in a row from 2001 to 2003.
The Onalaska Classic kicks off Friday with a concert choir competition at First Lutheran Church in Onalaska, and a middle school contest at Onalaska High School. La Crosse Central’s Robed Choir has won the concert choir competition every year.
Other La Crosse-area concert choirs participating in the competition include G-E-T Robed Choir, Central’s Upper Women’s Chorus and Holmen’s Concert Choir. Onalaska’s Select Women’s Chorus and Concert Choir will perform in exhibition.
Onalaska’s seventh- and eighth-grade show choirs and La Crosse’s three middle school show choirs will participate in the middle school contest. The Onalaska Hilltoppers and OHS Express will perform in exhibition Friday and Saturday.
Gulsvig said his favorite memory of the Onalaska Classic is of Doran Johnson, the choir director from Westside Amazing Technicolor, who brought an Iowa show choir to the competition one year to observe other show choirs.
Johnson told Gulsvig if he ever had a show choir good enough, he would bring the group to Onalaska.
Four years ago, Johnson’s Omaha show choir competed for the first time at the event, Gulsvig said. “The director had tears running down his cheeks,” Gulsvig said. “ He simply said, ‘This has been my dream.’”

Show choir experience about so much more than winning

By Terry Rindfleisch, Behind the Scenes

This weekend is Paul Gulsvig’s 19th and final Onalaska Classic Show Choir Competition. This season is also his final one as director of Onalaska High School’s show choirs.
Gulsvig recently submitted his resignation and is stepping down after 28 years as choral director at Onalaska. Perhaps there are many reasons Gulsvig is hanging it up. One reason could be financial, and another could be that Gulsvig has done his job for so many years that it’s time to move on and do something else.
Choral and music directors work long, long hours, and show choir directors add rehearsals and weekend competitions and shows to their week’s schedule.
But in an interview last month, Gulsvig cited reasons that mostly were related to politics and competitiveness of show choir.
“Show choirs are told where to go for competitions by their choreographers, and now we’re competing against people instead of with people,” Gulsvig said.
He said show choir is no longer a positive environment. “The demands of show choir have forced me out,” Gulsvig said.
There’s no question there’s plenty of politics in show choir.
The judging is very subjective, like it is in gymnastics, figure skating and drum corps. Judges sometimes have their favorite show choirs and choreographers and dislike others. Several choreographers do all of the choreography in show choir. Like in sports, some directors, show choir members and parents take the activity too seriously and believe winning is the only thing.
“It’s a small world, and there’s politics, but I don’t feel it is any worse today,” said Nancy Allen, director of Viterbo University’s Platinum Edition Show Choir, who judges many high school show choir competitions.
“One thing (that) has changed is there are overall better groups in competitions to challenge longtime successful groups like Onalaska,” she said. “As for the judging, the vast majority of the time the judges agree on the top three show choirs.”
You can feel the energy and excitement of competitiveness at contests, and show choir members talk about making the finals, and maybe coming home with a grand championship. If we don’t want kids even thinking about grand championships, then we should do away with competitions and only perform in exhibition for the fun of it.
At competitions, you see good and bad sportsmanship, and sometimes actions by directors, students and parents speak louder than words.
But after it is all said and done, the many kids I have interviewed throughout the years never mentioned winning as what they valued from their show choir experience. They all talk about the fun, singing and dancing, and performing onstage.
Here’s what three Hilltoppers say about their show choir experience:
Christine Wilde, senior: “Show choir is a way to express myself, and it’s fun to do with other kids who share your passion. I’ve learned life lessons from Mr. Gulsvig about passion for something and trying with all your heart.”
Melissa Wildt, senior: “I’ve met so many people form other schools, and show choir has forced you to grow with other people. It’s about going onstage, having fun and singing and dancing with my friends.”
Brent Hanson, senior: “Winning is something you don’t remember months later. What I’ll miss is the anticipation of the performances.”
Gulsvig won’t talk about the Hilltoppers’ number of grand championships or trophies. “Show choir is not supposed to be about grand championships or making the finals,” he said.
For the record, the Hilltoppers have won too many grand championships to count and have made the finals at every competition for probably at least 15 years. For several years, the Hilltoppers have placed in the top three at most competitions. The Hilltoppers have been one of the most successful show choirs in the country.
“Paul’s show choirs have always been strong vocally and high energy,” said Ruth Leithold, Holmen High School’s director of show choirs. “They have had a
cutting-edge show choir.”
The Hilltoppers were leaders in the show choir movement, said Michael Esser, director of La Crosse Central High School’s Grand Central Station. “The Onalaska show choir has been very influential in the creativity of show choir programming,” Esser said.
Dan Risgaard, director of La Crosse Logan High School’s Class Act, added: “I like the Hilltoppers’ style and the whole package with vocals, choreography and costuming.”
Allen, who has judged the Hilltoppers several times, said the Onalaska show choir gives 100 percent when onstage. “They are always very entertaining and always have a high-energy show,” she said.

Jorge on Jan 12, 2006, 12:01 AM
Post #53
QUOTE(Mr. Temple @ Jan 11 2006, 01:17 PM) 361816
I know who won Best Vocals in '03 at Onalaska!

Hahaha... me too. That was a great Studio show!

QUOTE(Miss_Buddaha @ Jan 11 2006, 06:04 PM) 361858
WOOO gets me all excited inside

1994 Show Choir Classic-
Grand Champion- Sauk Prairie “Executive Session” - that too gets me thrilled again.
god i hope our show has as much potential as it did in 94.

so excited for this weekend its discusting!

It will be interesting to see!

QUOTE(MattheSCman @ Jan 11 2006, 08:35 PM) 361879
Anyone have updated Predictions or anything? Coming from Xavier, I have no clue what to expect at this show, I have seen about three of these groups. Only thing I have heard about this competition is finals are pretty much already set, and it will be the best competition we will attend all year. I was just wondering if anyone could give me kind of a lowdown of this place and maybe a few of the groups (maybe a PM or something) or if anyone has seen any of the choirs that will be performing?? thanks

I wouldn't say ALL of the spots are final. I'd say, maybe four.
Maybe we all will be wrong though! Maybe this competition will be the biggest shake up of the year!?!?! (nah! , but anythings possible)

SCGurlieXHS on Jan 11, 2006, 10:38 PM
Post #52
2 more days!i!

Good Luck everyone!i! This is going to be an experience! Woohooo!i!i!



MattheSCman on Jan 11, 2006, 10:35 PM
Post #51
Anyone have updated Predictions or anything? Coming from Xavier, I have no clue what to expect at this show, I have seen about three of these groups. Only thing I have heard about this competition is finals are pretty much already set, and it will be the best competition we will attend all year. I was just wondering if anyone could give me kind of a lowdown of this place and maybe a few of the groups (maybe a PM or something) or if anyone has seen any of the choirs that will be performing?? thanks


Miss_Buddaha on Jan 11, 2006, 8:04 PM
Post #50
QUOTE(Jorge @ Nov 12 2005, 09:33 PM) 357088
Agreed 100%!!!

I know we might think Onalaska finals will be a repeat of last year... with the trade of Franklin Central for La Crosse Central... but what about groups who have continually placed high like Sauk Prairie (7th in 2005), Wheaton Warrenville (8th in 2005), and Mitchell (10th in 2005)? They have been working so hard, just like Omaha Westside did the last 3 years. Not to mention that Sauk Prairie and Mitchell have been in finals before, and have WON the competition before! So will Wheaton Warrenville be that wild card school that breaks the finals barrier? Mitchell? Or Sauk Prairie? Or even Fort Atkinson? Or... some other school that will come absolutely out of no where.

We'll see on Janurary 14th!

WOOO gets me all excited inside

1994 Show Choir Classic-
Grand Champion- Sauk Prairie “Executive Session” - that too gets me thrilled again.
god i hope our show has as much potential as it did in 94.

so excited for this weekend its discusting!

Mr. Temple on Jan 11, 2006, 3:17 PM
Post #49
QUOTE(MVshow choir @ Jan 11 2006, 12:34 PM) 361813
If so, props to them for getting it 2 years in a row.

I know who won Best Vocals in '03 at Onalaska!


MVshowchoir on Jan 11, 2006, 2:34 PM
Post #48
QUOTE(lowbass @ Jan 11 2006, 12:25 PM) 361806
Wasn't it Omaha? I think that was right...

If so, props to them for getting it 2 years in a row.

lowbass on Jan 11, 2006, 1:25 PM
Post #47
QUOTE(MVshow choir @ Jan 11 2006, 10:55 AM) 361798
Who received Top Vocals in 05?

Wasn't it Omaha? I think that was right...


MVshowchoir on Jan 11, 2006, 12:55 PM
Post #46
QUOTE(Jorge @ Jan 11 2006, 12:21 AM) 361758
Let us all remember and reflect...

Onalaska "Classic" 2005 Daytime Results-
Day Time Results-
1th- Mt. Zion (Top Choreography Band)
2nd- Buffalo Grove
3rd- Twinsburg
4th- Franklin Central
5th- Eisenhower (Top Band)
6th- Omaha Westside
7th- Sauk Prairie
8th- Wheaton Warrenville
9th- Fort Atkinson
10th- Mitchell
11th- Bemidji
12th- Davenport North
13th- Davenport West
14th- Neenah
15th- Waconia
16th- Chi Hi
17th- Mayville
18th- Papillion La Vista
19th- Washburn
20th- Alan B. Shepard
21st- Herscher

Who received Top Vocals in 05?


coco on Jan 11, 2006, 10:54 AM
Post #45










Jorge on Jan 11, 2006, 1:21 AM
Post #44
Let us all remember and reflect...

Onalaska "Classic" 2004 Daytime Results-

1st- Buffalo Grove (Top Choreography)
2nd- La Crosse Central
3rd- Mt. Zion
4th- Eisenhower
5th- Totino Grace
6th- Franklin Central
7th- Urbandale
8th- Teays Valley
9th- Omaha West (Top Vocals)
10th- Fort Atkinson
11th- Mitchell
12th- Sauk Prairie
13th- Waconia
14th- Crete-Monee
15th- Bemidji
16th- Iowa City West
17th- Wheaton Warrenville
18th- Milton
19th- Altoona
20th- Brodhead
21st- Urbandale "Vitality"
22nd- Linn-Mar
23rd- La Crosse Logan
24th- Parkview
25th- Washburn
26th- Hudson
27th- Neenah
28th- DePere

Onalaska "Classic" 2005 Daytime Results-
Day Time Results-
1th- Mt. Zion (Top Choreography Band)
2nd- Buffalo Grove
3rd- Twinsburg
4th- Franklin Central
5th- Eisenhower (Top Band)
6th- Omaha Westside
7th- Sauk Prairie
8th- Wheaton Warrenville
9th- Fort Atkinson
10th- Mitchell
11th- Bemidji
12th- Davenport North
13th- Davenport West
14th- Neenah
15th- Waconia
16th- Chi Hi
17th- Mayville
18th- Papillion La Vista
19th- Washburn
20th- Alan B. Shepard
21st- Herscher


blondepenguins on Jan 11, 2006, 12:05 AM
Post #43
I'm getting more and more excited as it comes closer!! I'm so ready to get up there and compete. and ofcourse to see all the other amazing Show choirs!!! Lol it'll be the first time in awhile all of us "locals' are at one invite.. so hopefully we'll all do well!!! But i was thinking..... are we planning on meeting up?? Or like atleast making it known that we're kids!!? I think it would be fun!
Just let me know whats goin on

Jorge on Jan 10, 2006, 11:35 PM (Edited)
Post #42
Daytime Judges-

Marty Demott
Dave Fehr
Susan Moninger
Eugene Rogers
Verda Slinkard

Fritz Mountford (Video Critique)
Kevin Butler (Clinic Judge)
Dwight Jordan (Clinic Judge)

I have no clue who is doing night rounds... I do know that Davenport West has Dwight Jordan for our clinic. So, you should be able to find out who you have because they alternate every group from Kevin to Dwight.

The clock is ticking!


Miss_Buddaha on Jan 10, 2006, 11:33 PM
Post #41
QUOTE(bryantsgrlno8 @ Jan 10 2006, 04:41 PM) 361706
You're redoing the exact same show your choir has done before?

Hahah. this not being the first time.
we do musicals.
not the other way of doing show choir.

Yeah well see Onalaska is just a silly comp for us. But we strive to be outstanding at it. I pray to buddah that we make finals. it wouldnt be the fact that we just made finals, itd be that we got there. a destination and journey well spent!
I'm more than excited about competing there.
It gives you sort of a look at what the future competitions have in store for you as you progress.
And I love that theres that little shopping center like two feet away from the school. The Vinnie's run is my fave.

Jorge on Jan 10, 2006, 10:31 PM
Post #40
QUOTE(Miss_Buddaha @ Jan 10 2006, 06:39 PM) 361704
We all know how we (sauk prairie) do at Onalaska

I don't like this comment.

Last year you recieved 7th place going sixth in the morning at 9:40 AM!!! Is that bad or something? My choir went after that at 10:40 and we recieved 13th. I would have been proud to receive 7th. Do you want to trade?

Didn't think so.


Showtime04 on Jan 10, 2006, 8:43 PM
Post #39
QUOTE(Miss_Buddaha @ Jan 10 2006, 04:39 PM) 361704
I'd watch those guesses kids. The show we're doing this year, well we did it in 93/94 (i can never recall the exact year), we won grand champ at every invite.
Think we can carry on the tttradditttionnn?
haha we're aiming for it.

P.S. I'm not aiming on getting good responses back on that one. We all know how we (sauk prairie) do at Onalaska dry.gif . We'll see though- look out for us marty demott! muahahah.

to be honest, you'll find that some shows dont always stand the test of time. just be wary of that. and overconfidence.

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