Just wanted to say how much i loved this competition, and enjoyed all the high school groups that came. You all had so much energy and really are amazing groups. I'm JR from Tonal impact and i just wanted to remind you that if you are interested in one of our CD's in the future E-mail us. Also if you would like us to preform at your school's competion or just to come and sing for your choirs that would be great too. E-mail us and we would love to come over and give a show telling you how we got together and information about our up and coming CD. You guys where so awesome and it made me wish that we had a show choir at hour school back in Waukon, Iowa. If you guys know where that is... good for you . Anyway... have a great day and congradulations to the choirs that won at viterbo 101.
I don't think anyone's said this, but, I'm just gonna throw it up there -
Prelim. Results were this -
1st - Linn-Mar 750-770points
2nd - Hastings 730 ish
3rd - Eau Claire 711
4th - Milton 703
5th - Holmen
6th - Monona Grove
hey guys, so here are the groups i got to see and thus, have little critiques for:
Brodhead "Guys and Dolls"
Monona Grove "Silver Connection"
Milton "Chorolation"
Eau Claire Memorial "Old Abe"
Hastings "Riverside Company"
Linn-Mar "10th Street Edition"
if anyone from any of those choirs would like my two cents, pm me, and we'll chat!
I hate to post twice in a row, but this is important.
If you were at the competition but forgot to pick up a form, or wanted to go but couldn't, or just want to see some of the groups, I have DVD order info!
Section 2
Mayville "Cardinal Singers"
Holmen "Midwest Express"
Altoona "Locomotion"
Cedar Rapids Washington "Celebration"
Brodhead "Guys and Dolls"
Section 3
Monona Grove "Silver Connection"
Milton "Choralation"
Eau Claire Memorial "Old Abe Show Choir"
Hastings "Riverside Company"
Linn-Mar "10th Street Edition"
Finals DVDs are also available, as are recordings of Viterbo's own Tonal Impact and Platinum Edition. The webpage link is below. (Regrettably, tax and shipping are not included.)
QUOTE(bryantsgrlno8 @ Jan 8 2006, 10:25 PM) 361451
Who was taking pictures? I noticed during the ballad (when you actually have time to look around!), there were a few photographers. Does anybody know who they were?
Who was taking pictures? I noticed during the ballad (when you actually have time to look around!), there were a few photographers. Does anybody know who they were?
Alright I guess I'll put in my 2 cents. I thought everyone was great and I was really impressed on how prepared everyone was.
-I loved your show! Your vocals just blew me away! I wasn't the biggest fan of your dancing but you were clean so I can't argue with that!
-I always love your shows. You opener was a ton of fun and your novelty was just awsome. I am so excited to see you guys again next week. My only tiny problem was that you ended with your novelty, I felt like you needed one more song to wrap up your show.
-You guys suprised me. I hadn't seen your varsity group since my freshman year so I couldn't remember a ton but I really liked your show. My personal favorite from your show was your guys number because they just looked like they were haveing so much fun up there.
Thats all I have to say. Congrats to everyone, you were all great.
My friends and I were really pulling for Broadhead so we were very dissapointed when you didn't make finals.
Even though i wasn't at this comp, i have to say great job everyone. It's really awesome that Linn-Mar won.( i support iowa....." border="0" alt="happy.gif" /> i do live in it. lol) So congrats guys and we'll see ya next weekend
Mayville- i liked your show a lot better than last year. it was a little slowin some parts, but there were some others that totally rocked. You guys will have a good season i think!
Holmen- Your night performance rooocked my face off. I thought it was soo i incredibly good. love the show
Milton- i was not a fan of the show. it got super slow in the middle. i liked the beggining though.
Linn-Mar---Wow awesome...thast all i have to say
Hastings- I LOVED your show, the begging rocked, the school thing was funny, but i wish you would end with somthing else...otherwise awesome.
this was an awesome competition, its gunna be a tough season!!!
Any comments on Old ABes show would be greatly appreciated!
Hey everyone! I just wanted to say good job to all of the groups at Viterbo and congrats to all those who made finals! Thank you to all of the people who commented on Mayville, any more thoughts?? It was fun and it'll be interesting to see a lot of the same groups again next weekend!!
I just noticed that one of the solo competitors is singing a song called "Brick." That's not the Ben Folds Five song that naturally pops into my mind, is it?
Yea, Milton's Adam Lanser did the song Brick. It is not the Ben Folds song.
All I have to say, even tho we didn't make night rounds, one goal was to beat Broadhead to show that last year wasn't a mistake and taht we can "hang with the big dawgs", but I was disapointed in them because on two seperate occasions, I went to congragulate them and they were like, "Yeah right" and would walk off, and then my friend waved at them and said hi and they flipped her off... not good sportsmanship eh?
Congratz to Linn-Mar, I know I talked to Chelsea after finalists were called and told her I thought that they could have won it, guess I was right (yay for ONE thing being right).
I want to say thanks to all the Hastings people and Linn-Mar people who said congratz to Washington, and their thoughts and opinions about the group, it ment alot.
ANY thoughts on Celebration would be awsome to hear.
Hastings show ended with a AWSOME novelty number on school, and that was comedy, powerful and fun. CAN'T WAIT TO HOST YOU GUYS!
PS- Glad to see you got my texts Jorge, it so happens that my mom shut off my texts right before I left for Viterbo, so I had to use my friends phone.
Chris I actually had seen you perform and I noticed you but I never went up to say hi or anything but you had amazing facials!!! Celebration rocked! I actually loved how you guys did feelin' good. When you guys did it, it said to me " Watch us, we know what we're doing. We are sure, ready, and safisticated" It was a great way of portraying the song. The group was very together and the moves and lines looked right on. I was there cheering for you all as loud as I could with a few of my friends and I was very impressed with your show. You were VERY good for this early in the season. The vocals in one of the songs (sorry I can't remember which one) but they were AMAZING and gave me chills!!!! I really wish your group would have made finals because I think you would have done well there. I hope we compete with eachother again soon!!! Good luck in the rest of your season!!!
p.s. Celebration was I think the nicest group there
Cindy Fleishman will soon have her photos up at http://www.show choirphotos.net
She took over 4000, so it's a lot to sort through.
Ordering information is available on the website itself.