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 Show Choir Community    Events    2006 Season    Poca Music Fest 2006
Event Info

February 4th, 2006
Venue Info
Poca High School
1 Dot Way
Poca, WV 25159
Phone: (304) 755-5001
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
16 Mixed Groups
2 Treble Groups
Event Hosts:
Poca "Visual Volume"
Event Judges:
E. Lynn Knoble
Bret Peppo
Daniel Prior
Kristy Roberts (Finals)
Ticket prices unknown.
Poca Music Fest 2006

Event Site
Live Stream
Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
73 comments • Sort by

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osumondo on Feb 1, 2006, 1:49 PM
Post #73
Can anyone from Poca confirm an official schedule for Saturday? Thanks


uglygizmo on Feb 1, 2006, 9:54 AM
Post #72
this is going to be a great weekend, i am going ot have so much fun, i need a break fro school and life, i can't waqit to perform again, and we'll see you all this weekend


BullDawgs2007 on Feb 1, 2006, 8:44 AM
Post #71
Hey I'm from Garfield Hts. Music Express!!!!! Just to wish everyone the best of luck this weekend, and was wonderin who is hosting our room(s)!!!! Let me know thanx!!!


Rian on Feb 1, 2006, 12:25 AM
Post #70
so i guess i cant go to Poca, My ride fell through. Good Luck Brush and all the competing choirs. POCA I STILL LOVE YOU GUYS .

user deleted  on Jan 31, 2006, 12:16 AM
Post #69
QUOTE(Soundsationboi @ Jan 30 2006, 12:49 PM) 366250
E. Lynn Noble- Overall Show
Dan Pryor- Vocal
Kristy Roberts -Vocal (FINALS ONLY)
Brett Peppo (Choreo)

...Just guessing ;).

actually, dont quote me on this, but i think they are all judging show, vocals, and choreo


TBDBITLeffer on Jan 30, 2006, 7:30 PM
Post #68
QUOTE(Soundsationboi @ Jan 30 2006, 12:49 PM) 366281
Anyone have a schedule?

Huntington A 8:00
Sissonville C 8:25
Cabell Midland Girls A 8:50
Act Two-Vertigo C 9:15
Cuyahoga Falls A 9:40
Nitro C 10:05
Garfield Heights B 10:30
Herbert Hoover C 10:55
Act Two-Overture Ex. 11:25


St. Albans B 12:30
Central Crossing B 1:00
Capital A 1:30
St. Clairsville C 2:00
Cabell Midland A 2:30


Marysville B 3:15
Winfield (not going anymore)
Brush A 4:15 (probably earlier now)
Hurricane B 4:45
Colerain A 5:15
Poca Ex. 5:45
Awards 6:15

Finalist #1 7:30
Finalist #2 8:00
Finalist #3 8:30
Finalist #4 9:00
Finalist #5 9:30
Finalist #6 10:00
Awards 10:45

Rian on Jan 30, 2006, 7:20 PM
Post #67

Rian on Jan 30, 2006, 4:49 PM
Post #66
Anyone have a schedule?

Rian on Jan 30, 2006, 1:49 PM
Post #65
E. Lynn Noble- Overall Show
Dan Pryor- Vocal
Kristy Roberts -Vocal (FINALS ONLY)
Brett Peppo (Choreo)

...Just guessing ;).

user deleted  on Jan 30, 2006, 1:08 PM
Post #64
QUOTE(Soundsationboi @ Jan 30 2006, 12:05 PM) 366245
Pretty much the same judges as last year, well atlease Lynn and Dan...

yea basically...5 DAYS!!!!

Rian on Jan 30, 2006, 1:05 PM
Post #63
Pretty much the same judges as last year, well atlease Lynn and Dan...

user deleted  on Jan 30, 2006, 1:00 PM
Post #62
Judges are:

Lynn Knoble-Ada's former director
Dan Prior-Fairfield's former director
Bret Peppo-director of the "West Virginians" (college show choir)
Kristy Roberts (finals only)-Poca's Visual Volumes vocal coach

user deleted  on Jan 29, 2006, 11:57 PM
Post #61
Hi ya'll!

Does anyone know the names of the people who are judging at Poca??



user deleted  on Jan 29, 2006, 10:55 PM
Post #60
QUOTE(Cryophobia @ Jan 26 2006, 06:25 PM) 365255
Just a side note: I gotta be honest w/ all the Poca people here. It is partly my fault that DDR is banned on show choir trips. It was my freshman year, and we were at Fairfield's competition in Ohio. I was rooming w/ Matt Lefew, Justin Wright, and Todd Jordan. We were up late playin DDR, and little did we know that Mr. Kincaid's room was the one right below ours. He came up at about 1:00 and made us stop. After that, DDR was banned. Sorry guys. lol.


fun times

I'll be at Poca's competition. I'll probably not watch many shows until finals, though. I'm helping the Steele's take pictures and junk ;D

Good Luck to all choirs!

mmm..on a side note, why am I still Poca's rep? I graduated ;)


uglygizmo on Jan 29, 2006, 11:20 AM
Post #59
garfield brings three ps2's with ddr to every hotel we go to

and that 10:30 time blows this week, being that we are also missing our lead trombone, trumpet, and possibly tenor sax for thsi competition, dows anyone kjnow who's hostign garfield?

user deleted  on Jan 28, 2006, 10:04 AM (Edited)
Post #58
All I'm gonna say about Marysville's homeroom is that it's gonna be bright and, as my good friend has already said, a little crazy. I think you guys will enjoy it. Find out what it is next weekend! See you guys then!

user deleted  on Jan 28, 2006, 1:03 AM
Post #57
QUOTE(MvilleSwinger4 @ Jan 26 2006, 06:30 PM) 365258
Yay for one of our hosts, it is nice to meet you! I cant wait till your competition, little over a week away..I cant wait!

i know im soooo freakin excited..and believe me from what katie has told me (one of your hosts) your room is going to be crazy, let alone the competition


MvilleSwinger4 on Jan 26, 2006, 7:30 PM
Post #56
Yay for one of our hosts, it is nice to meet you! I cant wait till your competition, little over a week away..I cant wait!

user deleted  on Jan 26, 2006, 7:25 PM
Post #55
Ok, first I wanna thank all the people from Garfield Heights. I really enjoyed your competition. You guys did an excellent job with your first one, and I can't wait to come back next year.

If there is anyone from Marysville posting here, I am one of your hosts for MusicFest. Can't wait to see all of you, and i wish you the best of luck.

Just a side note: I gotta be honest w/ all the Poca people here. It is partly my fault that DDR is banned on show choir trips. It was my freshman year, and we were at Fairfield's competition in Ohio. I was rooming w/ Matt Lefew, Justin Wright, and Todd Jordan. We were up late playin DDR, and little did we know that Mr. Kincaid's room was the one right below ours. He came up at about 1:00 and made us stop. After that, DDR was banned. Sorry guys. lol.

user deleted  on Jan 25, 2006, 11:23 PM
Post #54
but no DDR in the hotel rooms

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