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  Show Choir Community    Events    2016 Season    Prairie Premiere 2016

   Event Info

January 9th, 2016


Venue Info

Prairie High School
401 76th Ave. SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Phone: (319) 848-5340

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  16 Mixed Groups
  2 Treble Groups


  Prairie "The Ambassadors"
  Prairie "Focal Point"


  Ted Brimeyer (Vocals)

  Lynne Rothrock (Vocals)

  Terry Voss (Vocals)

  Chad Alexander (Visuals)

  Gates Crisler (Visuals)

  Tim Hoffman (Instrumentals)

  Alisabeth Von Presley (Captions)

  Kevin Breazeale (Clinician)

  Anne Chapman (Clinician)

  Lukas Warren (Clinician)


$12 General Admission

$10 Students (K-12) / Seniors


Prairie Premiere 2016

Event Site
Live Stream

   Mixed Division - Tier I



 Cedar Rapids Washington High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Male Soloist (Shawndell Young) 
Best Female Soloist (Melissa Tormene) 
Best Ballad 

 West Side Delegation
 Cedar Rapids Jefferson High School
Second Place 
Best Show Design 

 Mt. Zion High School
Third Place 
Best Choreography 

 4th Avenue Jazz Company
 Iowa City High School
4th Place 
Best Band 

 Craig High School
5th Place 
Best Instrumentalist (Adrian Pearce) 

 South High Street Singers
 Fort Atkinson High School
6th Place 

 5th Avenue
 Western Dubuque High School
7th Place 

   Mixed Division - Tier II



 New Creation
 Marion High School
First Place 

 WD Forté
 West Delaware High School
Second Place 
Best Costumes 
Best Crew 

 Pella High School
Third Place 

   Treble Division



 Western Dubuque High School
First Place 

 Cedar Rapids Jefferson High School
Second Place 

   Prep Division



 Cedar Rapids Washington High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Male Soloist (Thomas Corbett) 

 Cedar Rapids Jefferson High School
Second Place 

 Marion High School
Third Place 
Best Band 

   9th Grade Division



 Cedar Rapids Washington High School
First Place 

 City Lights
 Iowa City High School
Second Place 

 Pella High School
Third Place 
Best Female Soloist (Andy Sunderman) 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 20 members (view all)  




Haley Blazek



34 comments • Sort by

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alexgib05 on Jan 11, 2016, 8:14 PM
Post #34
Here are the rest of the missing names:

Best Instrumentalist - Adrian Pearce
Best Female Soloist - Andy Sunderman (Pella "Bravo")

savaun96 on Jan 10, 2016, 7:57 PM
Post #33
This was a great competition to watch! Every choir I watched yesterday put on great shows.

Congratulations to Washington for having such a complete package and winning the day against tough competition! Also, I couldn't be a prouder alumni of CR Jefferson. I have never heard WSD sing that well! Lastly, a shout out to both Wash and Jeff for beating a very strong competitor in Mt. Zion in an "underdog" type fashion.

I wish the best of seasons to all groups that performed!

abe.martinez on Jan 10, 2016, 7:54 PM
Post #32
Absolutely crazy close

alexgib05 on Jan 10, 2016, 5:44 PM
Post #31
Thank you so much for posting those Jay!! It definitely confirmed for me how massively close I thought it was going to be. Sitting and waiting for awards, I usually have a good idea of how they're going to go, but last night I found myself having little clue and anxious as to what they would be and the group I was with for the day had the same feeling. Anyway, it was an absolutely amazing day yesterday, it was a good fix for the void I've had since graduating. Congrats to Washington and best of luck to all the groups who competed on the rest of your seasons!

watchaa on Jan 10, 2016, 4:42 PM
Post #30
Wow this comp was SO close.

juliofrommississippi on Jan 10, 2016, 4:27 PM
Post #29
Judges placings!!

Chad Alexander:
1st- Washington (133)
2nd- Mt. Zion (132)
3rd- Jefferson (129.5)
4th- Fort Atkinson (128.5)
5th- Craig (128)
6th- IC High (127.5)

Gates Crisler:
1st- Mt. Zion (134)
2nd- Jefferson (128.5)
3rd- IC High (127.5)
4th- Washington (126.5)
5th- Fort Atkinson (125)
6th- Craig (123)

Lynne Rothrock:
1st- Washington (160)
2nd- Fort Atkinson (157.5)
3rd- Craig (155.5)
4th- IC High (151)
5th (tie)- Jefferson (150.5)
5th (tie)- Mt. Zion (150.5)

Ted Brimeyer:
1st- Jefferson (155.5)
2nd- Washington (154)
3rd- Mt. Zion (153.5)
4th- IC High (153)
5th- Craig (151)
6th- Fort Atkinson (150)

Terry Voss:
1st- Jefferson (152)
2nd- Washington (148.5)
3rd- Mt. Zion (141)
4th- Craig (140)
5th- IC High (134.5)
6th- Fort Atkinson (134)

Tim Hoffman:
1st- IC High (88)
2nd- Craig (87.5)
3rd- Fort Atkinson (87)
4th- Washington (86)
5th- Mt. Zion (85)
6th- Jefferson (83)

Rank Totals:
Washington- 1 1 2 2 4 4 = 14
Jefferson- 1 1 2 3 5 6 = 18
Mt. Zion- 1 2 3 3 5 5 = 19
IC High- 1 3 4 4 5 6 = 23
Craig- 2 3 4 5 5 6 = 25
Fort Atkinson- 2 3 4 5 6 6 = 26

Point Totals (only used in the case of a tie, which didn't happen, but this illustrates how close it was):
Washington- 808
Jefferson- 799
Mt. Zion- 796
IC High- 781.5
Craig- 785
Fort Atkinson- 782

As you can see, this was an INCREDIBLY even competition. I got to watch all the groups, and it was a really great day of show choirs. Everyone was SO prepared for this competition, I was not expecting that! Congrats to everyone on amazing performances!!!!


goinggray on Jan 10, 2016, 10:46 AM
Post #28
Very solid start I. City 4th Ave! I heard some really excellent things from the competition about you and your show, and am very proud of you...City Lights...and West Delaware! God bless, Damon

juliofrommississippi on Jan 10, 2016, 5:15 AM
Post #27
Prep Best Male Soloist is Thomas Corbett. Varsity Best Female Solo is Melissa Tormene.

alexgib05 on Jan 9, 2016, 11:25 PM (Edited)
Post #26
[b]Final Results[/b]

[u]9th Grade Division[/u]
1st - Washington
2nd - Iowa City High
3rd - Pella

[u]Prep Division[/u]
1st - Washington
2nd - Jefferson
3rd - Marion

[u]Prep/9th Grade Captions[/u]
Best Vocals - Washington Prep
Best Choreography - Washington Prep
Best Band - Marion
Best Male Soloist - Washington Prep
Best Female Soloist - Pella

[u]Womens Division[/u]
1st - Western Dubuque
2nd - Jefferson

[u]3A Division[/u]
1st - Marion
2nd - West Delaware
3rd - Pella

[u]4A Division[/u]
1st - Washington
2nd - Jefferson
3rd - Mt. Zion
4th - Iowa City High
5th - Craig
6th - Fort Atkinson
7th - Western Dubuque

Best Vocals - Washington
Best Choreography - Mt Zion
Best Band - Iowa City High
Best Male Soloist - Shawndell Young (Washington)
Best Female Soloist - Washington
Best Show Design - Jefferson
Best Ballad - Washington
Best Costumes - West Delaware
Best Crew - West Delaware
Best Instrumentalist - Craig

I didn't catch some of the soloists' names or the best instrumentalist's name, so feel free to comment them if you know them.

stevesing85 on Jan 9, 2016, 11:23 PM
Post #25
Sooooo, results?


DutchMC on Jan 9, 2016, 11:01 PM
Post #24
Waiting on awards in the gym...and clearly the big dude from Prairie in the green jacket is winning the dance off. Style and grace personified.

alexgib05 on Jan 9, 2016, 9:49 PM
Post #23
After all the groups, me and Savaun have it:

GC: Washington
1RU: Jefferson (BV)
2RU: Mt. Zion (BC)
3RU: City High (BB)
4RU: Fort Atkinson
5RU: Craig

Honestly Jefferson and Washington are like tied for us, they were both so amazing, we put Washington first though cause we feel like they might have the better overall package. Prairie is up next and then awards after that.

Jorge on Jan 8, 2016, 11:30 PM
Post #22
Let me dweeb out a bit...

I'm so excited for this competition, but for the first time in a few years, I won't be attending. Ankeny Centennial calls my name!

The last time Mt. Zion was in the state of Iowa was my senior year of high school in the dark ages- 2006 at Urbandale. Thanks for finally coming back! I hope you all have an awesome show and show Iowa kids the magic that is MTZ... just like you did with my generation (Right, Jay, Adam Miller, & Adam Hairston!?)

Good luck to all groups tomorrow!

Cedar Rapids Jefferson and Iowa City High-

You both have worked hard this season... LEAVE IT ALL ON THE STAGE!

FindYourStage on Jan 8, 2016, 3:30 PM
Post #21

GC: CR Wash (BB)
1RU: Mt. Zion (BC)
2RU: CR Jeff (BV)
3RU: City High
4RU: Craig
5RU: Fort Atkinson

Good Luck Everyone and happy opening day!!!


WIShowChoirRankings on Jan 7, 2016, 11:25 AM
Post #20
This should be a great competition! To give the two Wisconsin groups a bit of context, Fort Atkinson finished 3rd among Wisconsin show choirs with an average of 89.5 points while Craig finished 5th with an average of 67.5 points.

Sadly I do not have rankings for non Wisconsin groups but I'm excited to see how everything shakes out on Saturday.

Good luck to all!

alexgib05 on Jan 7, 2016, 1:04 AM
Post #19
Only 3 days away now! I've been counting down the days to this since the holidays got over because I've been bored lately so please come faster.

KylerEstenson on Dec 30, 2015, 2:11 AM
Post #18
Very excited to be hosting another year at Premiere for such a great lineup of groups! I've been craving to see some new and exciting shows and although I won't be in the Concert Hall all day to view like Gib I will definitely sneak in when I've got the chance! I'd like to wish all the competing groups the best of luck and hope everyone enjoys their day! Can't wait to get this season started!!


Bestvocals4 on Dec 23, 2015, 6:15 PM
Post #17

GC: Mt. Zion
1RU: Jefferson
2RU: City High
3RU: Washington
4RU: Craig
5RU: Fort Atkinson

Best Vocals: Jefferson
Best Choreo: Mt. Zion
Best Band: Mt. Zion


jsands on Dec 21, 2015, 10:34 AM
Post #16
We are looking forward to hosting 18 great show choirs at Premiere on Saturday, January 9th! I hope you can join us for the incredible performances that day! Visit for more information including judge biographies, a building map and, the ever important menu! See you in 2016!

alexgib05 on Dec 19, 2015, 11:52 PM
Post #15
Definitely excited to come watch this competition, especially now that I don't have to help all day and can relax and enjoy a nice day of show choir. I almost want to agree with Jay that we should just skip the holidays since I've been missing it a lot lately. Here are my early blind predictions....

GC: Mt. Zion (BC)
1RU: Jefferson (BV)
2RU: Washington (BB)
3RU: IC High
4RU: Craig
5RU: Fort Atkinson

I could see the top three switching around to be in any order as well as the bottom three. I could also see BB going to City High. I'll be there to watch so I'll probably give another prediction before awards on the day of after seeing all the groups.

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