I think the "controversial" scoring system makes a lot of sense if we have more judges.
Personally, the first time that I heard that the ranking system was being used was at the Intermediate Women's award ceremony, right before 4th place was announced. I think that if ALL the other So Cal competitions are using the straight point system and another comp would like to use something different, it should be widely announced in the general rules. That is more for the directors to have an idea of the scoring system, so that we are not surprised or confused.
Otherwise, thanks to all for a great competition season. Congrats to all, regardless of trophy or placement. And to all the performers, keep on doing what you love.
Yes I completely agree with you on this. They announced it for the intermediate womens and the all the groups on Saturday but did not announce it for the intermediate mixed devision. This seemed odd, as if the only groups that weren't scored like this were the intermediate mixed which isn't fair. They should have also annonced it for that award cermony otherwise it seems that they worked off the usual point system.
I think the "controversial" scoring system makes a lot of sense if we have more judges.
Personally, the first time that I heard that the ranking system was being used was at the Intermediate Women's award ceremony, right before 4th place was announced. I think that if ALL the other So Cal competitions are using the straight point system and another comp would like to use something different, it should be widely announced in the general rules. That is more for the directors to have an idea of the scoring system, so that we are not surprised or confused.
Otherwise, thanks to all for a great competition season. Congrats to all, regardless of trophy or placement. And to all the performers, keep on doing what you love.
Turning judge's points into rankings is the most fair way of determining a winner.
I agree Scott. I like it when there are five judges though instead of three (although I understand the necessity of doing it that way for budget concerns). The reason is that when you have 3 judges, each one is 33% of the decision. Making it a panel of 5 gives each judge a 20% stake in the decision. The other thing I like to factor in is what the folks at show choir Nationals do, and that's the "majority rules" aspect. In other words, it eliminates a vendetta or renegade judge by stating that if there are 5 judges, that if a majority of judges vote a group in a certain placement, they automatically receive that placement. To give an example, if a group placed 1,1,1,2,6 by a panel of five judges, the group would automatically win and the renegade judges score wouldn't "kill" them.
Under the conversion system this weekend Burbank benefitted and Carlsbad lost, so one of my schools was on each side of the rule. I'm for anything that's for making each judge equal in determining results.
Thanks to Tony for once again hosting a really fun and great event that I always thoroughly enjoy. Great venue, great shows, tremendous energy in the crowd, and wonderful memories.
Turning judge's points into rankings is the most fair way of determining a winner.
I agree, if anything the point system should work with the ranking system instead of being the only determining factor of it because rankings alone just throws everything off, for it to truly work as Mr. Atienza wanted it to, so that one judge's points cannot throw off the placings, the point system must work with the ranking system like a system of checks and balances. One error though I find with it, is that it is such a broad question and each judge might be looking for something else, maybe they're more appeased by the show than the actual sound or vice versa. Anyways, haha Mr. Atienza if you read this, not trying to attack the system that was done this year, but I guess it's just a critique!
Yes that's how they scored it. Both choirs put on an amazing show amd it was tough competiton. Congrats to Carlsbad you worked hard amd so did my Decibelles. But I could not be prouder of my Decibelles. It ain't easy walkimg I'm stilledos but somebody gotta do it. Remember you guys are still one in millon. Had a blast at competiton and going to be out there today.
Final Placement was not based on Final Overall Score, but rather by the individual judge's ranks.
From the final score sheet, Burroughs Decibelles was first in overall points and in Music, and Carlsbad was 2nd in points and won Show. However, two judges had Carlsbad ranked first (by their individual judge's scores) with one ranking them second. Burroughs was ranked 2nd by two judges and first by another. Therefore, Carlsbad received First Place and Burroughs received 2nd Place.
And I think that's the answer you're looking for (without any additional commentary).
My director got an Email saying that a new show choir has been added to the Intermediate Mixed Division I believe it said they were from Monte Vista High School
Yes I completely agree with you on this. They announced it for the intermediate womens and the all the groups on Saturday but did not announce it for the intermediate mixed devision. This seemed odd, as if the only groups that weren't scored like this were the intermediate mixed which isn't fair. They should have also annonced it for that award cermony otherwise it seems that they worked off the usual point system.