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 Show Choir Community    Events    2016 Season    Chula Vista SoCal Performance Show Choir Invitational (Day Two) 2016
Event Info

April 16th, 2016
Venue Info
San Diego Convention Center
111 W Harbor Dr
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: (619) 525-5000
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
17 Mixed Groups
9 Treble Groups
3 Bass Groups
Event Hosts:
Chula Vista "Main Attraction"
Event Judges:
Christinna Hall (Music)
Michelle Jensen (Music)
Ron Jesse (Music)
Eric Mabrey (Music)
Francine Maigue (Show)
Beverly Norris (Show)
Randy Sage (Show)
Thomas Schultheis (Show)
Chula Vista SoCal Performance Show Choir Invitational (Day Two) 2016

Event Site
Live Stream
Mixed Division - Tier I

Sound FX
Los Alamitos High School
First Place
Best Show Design

John Burroughs High School
Second Place

The Music Machine
Bonita Vista High School
Third Place

Sound Express
Carlsbad High School
4th Place

Sound Vibrations
Hart High School
5th Place

Tiffany & Company
Brea Olinda High School
No Placement

Brea Olinda High School
No Placement

Mixed Division - Tier III

Sound Waves
John Burroughs High School
First Place

Los Alamitos High School
Second Place

Platinum FX
Chaparral High School
Third Place

Pacifica High School
4th Place

Production Choir
Los Altos High School
5th Place

Helix High School
6th Place

Vista High School
7th Place

Full Effect
Otay Ranch High School
No Placement

San Pasqual High School
No Placement

Center Stage
Eastlake High School
No Placement

Treble Division - Tier I

Los Alamitos High School
First Place

Sound Sensations
John Burroughs High School
Second Place

Brea Olinda High School
Third Place

Hart High School
4th Place

Treble Division - Tier II

Sound Unlimited
Bonita Vista High School
First Place

John Burroughs High School
Second Place

Carlsbad High School
Third Place

San Pasqual High School
No Placement

Spotlight Ladies
Eastlake High School
No Placement

Bass Division

John Burroughs High School
First Place

Brea Olinda High School
Second Place

Hart High School
Third Place

Attending Members displaying 6 of 6 members
33 comments • Sort by

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Shayne on Nov 6, 2016, 10:34 PM
Post #33
Los Al makes their long awaited return to SoCal! I (understandably) am super bummed that Burbank won't be making an appearance. Does anyone know why?

They stopped going to SoCal. Not worth the money for them. I am in Carlsbad Sound Express. We will not be attending SoCal anymore either. However Our girls choir Encore will still be attending SoCal. Encore will not be going to the Disney land "SoCal" however...


Joartino on Apr 18, 2016, 2:17 AM
Post #32
Just want to say you guys did what you did with what you had and I don't think we would have been able to get our towers in place without your help. Pacifica thanks you I'm only sorry I didn't get a chance to do it in person.

kalcoh on Apr 17, 2016, 10:17 PM
Post #31
Probably more accurate to say Randy was judging because Burbank wasn't competing.

That sounds like an interesting story.

TonyAtienza on Apr 17, 2016, 9:27 PM
Post #30
Tony, why Disneyland for next year?

More info to follow...
Disneyland is a magical place! Who doesn't love THPOE?

kalcoh on Apr 17, 2016, 8:23 PM
Post #29
Tony, why Disneyland for next year?

TonyAtienza on Apr 17, 2016, 6:28 PM (Edited)
Post #28
In response to some of the discussion on this thread:

Though the venue looked great, awesome location, the union requirements and demands were frustrating to say the least. We won't be returning there anyway, so no need to try and fix this. So many restrictions that led to a very stressful day. (on my behalf only)
The convention center policy only allows food vendors to come from within, So they only offered those carts. They were so uptight about some people who brought their own pizza too... (really? telling people they can't have pizza?) Or you can't sit here in this section? Just wow.
I kinda was hoping that those could walk across the street to the gaslamp district for a better selection of food, like the way the kids used to do when we were at Golden Hall. They would walk 2 blocks to Horton plaza to the mall for food when we were there.

Every school was assigned a section. I'm guessing you couldn't find it through the crowd. More people showed up than expected, which led to a packed house = tension high for those who don't like crowds.

I appreciate all the professionalism the directors and students displayed last night.
CONGRATULATIONS to Los Alamitos for their Grand Championships! First time for SoundFX and SoundTrax at SoCal!
The Burrough's show choirs consistently show the world every year some of the most fantastic and innovative shows ever to hit the show choir stage. Brendan and Jen are class acts.
All the show choirs were supportive and displayed perhaps their best performance of the year! I saw much social interaction in the lobby with some great show choir people! Show Choir people are the best!
The SoCal audience is always electric, and you could feel the excitement on the floor as it pumped up every show choir on stage!

Thank you all, and have a wonderful end of the school year!


tscott on Apr 17, 2016, 4:24 PM
Post #27
Is it fair to assume that Burbank didn't perform because of Randy Sage judging?
Probably more accurate to say Randy was judging because Burbank wasn't competing.

kalcoh on Apr 17, 2016, 12:08 PM
Post #26
Congrats to Los Al and all the other winning groups! Great way to end the Cali season! Is it fair to assume that Burbank didn't perform because of Randy Sage judging?

Are you saying that winning a competition has something to do with who is judging? For shame. ;)

Jared. on Apr 17, 2016, 9:17 AM (Edited)
Post #25
Congrats to Los Al and all the other winning groups! Great way to end the Cali season! Is it fair to assume that Burbank didn't perform because of Randy Sage judging?

wcpoet on Apr 17, 2016, 5:44 AM
Post #24
For Advanced Women, it was announced:

1st - Soundtrax
2nd - Sound Sensations
3rd - Spellbound
4th - Hartbreakers

Music - Soundtrax
Show - Soundtrax

wcpoet on Apr 17, 2016, 5:42 AM
Post #23
This is the most unorganized competition I have ever experienced! Our school didn't even get an assigned section to sit. They sold more tickets than there were seats. After driving 3 1/2 hours and paying $20 per ticket to be told I can be seated anywhere is astonishing. In addition the only concessions were cookies and pretzels. For kids here all day that is not an appropriate meal. My daughter could only afford a soda at a very expensive priced restaurant across the street.
Absolutely agree! Just curious to see if you made an account just to make this comment/observation? I was there as well and agree to everything you said, to the letter!

kalcoh on Apr 17, 2016, 3:39 AM
Post #22
The Chula curse strikes PH once again.


rasharahman on Apr 17, 2016, 3:21 AM
Post #21
Awards are next, comp ran late


Rhondaebrock on Apr 17, 2016, 12:24 AM
Post #20
This is the most unorganized competition I have ever experienced! Our school didn't even get an assigned section to sit. They sold more tickets than there were seats. After driving 3 1/2 hours and paying $20 per ticket to be told I can be seated anywhere is astonishing. In addition the only concessions were cookies and pretzels. For kids here all day that is not an appropriate meal. My daughter could only afford a soda at a very expensive priced restaurant across the street.


penguin174 on Apr 16, 2016, 9:21 PM
Post #19
Live stream???

wcpoet on Apr 15, 2016, 1:52 PM
Post #18
Almost positive that it's just one Advanced Mixed Division with the 7 competitors.

Jeff. on Apr 15, 2016, 1:27 PM (Edited)
Post #17
The schedule was posted on Chula's Facebook page last night so I imagine that might be the updated schedule Michael was referring to; however, performance times were not included. The schedule and judging information has been added up above and on the Day One page with the notable exception of the Advanced Mixed Division. I'll leave that to Tony, Haakon, or someone else for clarification.

As it appears on the schedule, Carlsbad, Brea Olinda "Tiffanys & Co", Hart, Los Al, John Burroughs, Brea Olinda "Masquerade", and Bonita Vista are all listed under the Advanced Mixed Division. Not sure whether they're splitting it up into Advanced Tier I and Advanced Tier II or if they're keeping just one Advanced Mixed Division as they used last year. I'd assume the latter simply based on the appearance of the schedule, but I'll let someone confirm the correct division so it isn't posted incorrectly.

Some information is better than none.

kalcoh on Apr 15, 2016, 12:42 AM (Edited)
Post #16
What happened to the schedule? Where can i find out what time performances start?

kalcoh on Apr 12, 2016, 11:37 AM
Post #15
Anyone know why Burbank is not performing?

PW1242 on Apr 12, 2016, 3:53 AM
Post #14
Will there be a live stream?
I believe Burroughs' competition was the only California competition to get a live stream this year.

Looks like a really good turn out for SoCal. I was wondering if Brea was competing, I noticed they hadn't attended as many competitions this year. It also looks like they've merged both tiers. Is Brea Olinda's Tiffany & Company usually Tier II or III?

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