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 Show Choir Community    Events    2013 Season    Hart Encore (Day Two) 2013
Event Info

March 16th, 2013
Venue Info
Hart High School
24825 N. Newhall Ave
Newhall, CA 91321
Phone: (661) 259-7575
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
9 Mixed Groups
4 Treble Groups
2 Bass Groups
Event Judges:
Corkey Lee
Paul Plew
Tara Smart
Michelle Zeitlan
Ticket prices unknown.
Hart Encore (Day Two) 2013

Event Site
Live Stream
Attending Members 7 attending members
52 comments • Sort by

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BeeGee on Mar 22, 2013, 2:04 PM
Post #52
Was there a video at Hart this year? I know they have shown a video every year just before awards (instead of performing). I don't know, I just haven't seen any discussion about the Hart Encore video this year. I know they are always hilarious!
Yeh there was a video but it was too long so we didn't watch it all because they did an exhibition show this year. They mentioned they'd upload it on youtube though.

wcpoet on Mar 22, 2013, 1:19 PM
Post #51
Was there a video at Hart this year? I know they have shown a video every year just before awards (instead of performing). I don't know, I just haven't seen any discussion about the Hart Encore video this year. I know they are always hilarious!


choirdad on Mar 22, 2013, 10:20 AM
Post #50
Powerhouse at Hart


goinggray on Mar 19, 2013, 7:30 AM
Post #49
You are correct: April James, plus Damon Brown and Randy Sage.
April James and Randy Sage did the awesome choreo on this year's In Sync contest set. When I was out to work on the show some arrangements were still forthcoming, so we shifted rehearsals and I spent additional time with the other 4 choirs helping put shows together. The Civil War set looks brilliant, and I can't wait to see where it all goes when the edges are polished even more. God Bless, Damon Brown

Häakon on Mar 19, 2013, 6:02 AM
Post #48
Who choreographed this year? I sense a little April James
When in doubt, the choir pages have a lot of that info.

music man on Mar 19, 2013, 1:10 AM
Post #47
Who choreographed this year? I sense a little April James

You are correct: April James, plus Damon Brown and Randy Sage.


jacoblaeson on Mar 18, 2013, 11:34 PM
Post #46

Ask, and ye shall receive:

Who choreographed this year? I sense a little April James

music man on Mar 18, 2013, 4:39 PM
Post #45
Looooong, impressive, fun-filled day at Hart on Saturday. The competition was well organized and ran smoothly all day. Thank you to Gail Hart and all the Hart students and volunteers for their hard work.

Sincere congrats to Xtreme, Sound Sensations, Infusion, In Sync (and OOTB) on your wins!

And a very biased shout out to the Impressions girls! Great job for the first time out of the gate this year! You ladies shine brightly and will only get better from here on out...

Additional highlights:
Soloist for Xtreme's closer: Fantastic!
Serrano: Skeletons! Loved it! Very creative...Also the female lead solo/character was really good.
Sound FX: Gorgeous costumes; Very well executed set!
Powerhouse: Costumes were really STUNNING and the fog/umbrella effects were crazy good! Impressive soloists and overall great and entertaining show.

Special thumbs up to Waconia for coming all the way to California BY BUS
Your show was polished, well sung, danced and performed in every way. I would not have been surprised at all by a higher placement. You represented your school and state very well and all I spoke to associated with your choir were very friendly and respectful. Thanks for making the effort to come out. Hope you had a good time!!


JBizzleB1R on Mar 18, 2013, 3:54 PM
Post #44
I can't think of which one it was right now, but one of them was mashed with War Pigs by Ozzy Osbourne
I believe it was right before Rise Again


JBizzleB1R on Mar 18, 2013, 3:41 PM
Post #43
Well we have a video but I'll try and post their set as there's quite a few songs I really like being performed. (Show choir introduces me to more bands, singers and songs than anywhere, that's for sure.) This is just from listening and googling the lyrics.

- Not sure on the opening piece of music.
- The first song is Father Figure by George Michael.
- Second song is Crossroads by Uncle Daddy.
- Third song is Beast by Nico Vega and I think Crossroads is mashed up with it, too.
- Fourth song is Rise Again by Uncle Daddy.
- I think they added in a few quotes about the Civil War during this number when it slows down. "All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers" was said by Francois Fenelo.
- I have no idea what the name of this classical music piece is during the battle part. Anyone know the name of it? A reprise of Beast by Nico Vega is mashed in with it.
- The sixth song, with the nurses singing at the start, is The Devil Wears A Suit by Kate Miller-Heidke.
- The acapella (And closer?) is War At Home by Josh Groban.

I can't think of which one it was right now, but one of them was mashed with War Pigs by Ozzy Osbourne

cecelia. on Mar 18, 2013, 1:17 PM (Edited)
Post #42
congratulations to burbank! you've been my favorite show choir since i knew to look up other show choirs. can't wait to catch the show online, i'm sure it's incredible.

waconia kids! really proud of you. you competed against some of the best groups in the show choir world. i hope you made great memories and great friends. one thing that i hope you took away from these groups is the level of personal performance. i remember competing against 'in sync' in 2006 and being blown away by their showmanship and awareness of not only how they fit in the show but how together they are the show. and their kindness. good people all around.

also, obviously a huge amount of adoration for every group that competed. you are all incredible. i have followed most of your groups through the years with envy and awe. good luck in the rest of your season!


doghousedaddy on Mar 18, 2013, 12:58 PM (Edited)
Post #41
Very good show. Based on the videos I've seen, them and Burroughs had to have been close. Interesting way to end the show, with the ballad The difference was 7 points; 5 musicianship, 2 showmanship.


irishrose28 on Mar 18, 2013, 11:10 AM (Edited)
Post #40
Saw Burbank's set live for the first time this weekend. Emotions were just oozing out of the entire choir during the acapella.

I love all the choirs sets this year, Burroughs was so clean and sounded amazing, Los Al, love,love,love, the TANGO!!!, Waconia was wonderful, and Mark Keppel has a really cute idea and well executed.

Can't forget Burroughs Sound Sensations girls, they are amazing, as always!

PW1242 on Mar 18, 2013, 7:56 AM
Post #39
Thank you, I'd have gone crazy trying to think what it is.

A bold choice indeed. Not the first time they've done something like this. Requiem For Eleanor was a mashup of The Beatles' Eleanor Rigby and...Mozart's Lacrimosa? I think there might have been another song in that, too. It was their 2009 opener. Great number.

lowbass on Mar 18, 2013, 7:44 AM
Post #38
The battle section was the Dies Irae from the Verdi Requiem. A bold choice.

PW1242 on Mar 18, 2013, 6:12 AM
Post #37
Anybody have any reviews of burbank's show?? Set list? Anything?
Well we have a video but I'll try and post their set as there's quite a few songs I really like being performed. (Show choir introduces me to more bands, singers and songs than anywhere, that's for sure.) This is just from listening and googling the lyrics.

- Not sure on the opening piece of music.
- The first song is Father Figure by George Michael.
- Second song is Crossroads by Uncle Daddy.
- Third song is Beast by Nico Vega and I think Crossroads is mashed up with it, too.
- Fourth song is Rise Again by Uncle Daddy.
- I think they added in a few quotes about the Civil War during this number when it slows down. "All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers" was said by Francois Fenelo.
- I have no idea what the name of this classical music piece is during the battle part. Anyone know the name of it? A reprise of Beast by Nico Vega is mashed in with it.
- The sixth song, with the nurses singing at the start, is The Devil Wears A Suit by Kate Miller-Heidke.
- The acapella (And closer?) is War At Home by Josh Groban.

I_DID_NAHHT on Mar 18, 2013, 1:38 AM
Post #36
Very interesting show from Burbank this year, to be sure. I really loved the tone, the song choices, and the ending (I have never seen a show end on the ballad / a cappella). How in the WORLD do those kids move around with that many people on stage at once!?

J on Mar 17, 2013, 6:41 PM
Post #35
Burbank was AMAZING on youtube. I wish I could see it live!

Häakon on Mar 17, 2013, 5:50 PM
Post #34
It seems both groups have taken a more traditional approach, Burroughs in theme, and Burbank with the lack of flashy set pieces (unless these are not allowed at Hart, correct me if I'm wrong).
They're perfectly allowed.

Goddess on Mar 17, 2013, 5:35 PM
Post #33
It seems both groups have taken a more traditional approach, Burroughs in theme, and Burbank with the lack of flashy set pieces (unless these are not allowed at Hart, correct me if I'm wrong).

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