Thank you for the kind words. It was great to meet you and some of the other dads. We enjoyed your show. This is our last year having a MIM member but around here we say "MIM for life". Hope to see you next year!
So we're you given permission to post again? Please pass on to everyone our sincere appreciation.
The t-shirts for Solon's competition this year were SO popular...that we ran out by 1:30pm!
Based on the high demand, we are considering placing another order; if we get a minimum of 20 orders we'll do it! Shirts will be $14 to cover shipping. Please send an email to Shari at [email protected] and we'll contact you. Thanks!
We agree again that Solon HS and MIM absolutely rock. You should give clinics on how to put on competitions. We loved our day with you all and getting to know you better. Congratulations to our friends from Clover Hill you always bring a great show. And we love that you stay true to your values. That is something to stand for indeed.
Thank you for the kind words. It was great to meet you and some of the other dads. We enjoyed your show. This is our last year having a MIM member but around here we say "MIM for life". Hope to see you next year!
This competition was amazing! The venue is one of the best, in my opinion, and I love that we (clover hill) were able to come back for a second year. BIG shout out to MIM for being great hosts and having an amazing show!
A big shout out to Solon High School's Show Choir! truly an awesome and inspiring event. Thank you for being such a gracious host. Enjoyed every minute of it. A special shout out to Clover Hill, congratulation on your Grand Champion win! Fantastic job gals and guys. And a kool shout out to my new friend Joseph Webster from Clover! Nice to meet you.
We agree again that Solon HS and MIM absolutely rock. You should give clinics on how to put on competitions. We loved our day with you all and getting to know you better. Congratulations to our friends from Clover Hill you always bring a great show. And we love that you stay true to your values. That is something to stand for indeed.
First of all, I was blown away by all the choirs. They were some of the best performers I've ever seen, and will ever see on that stage. It's not just cool to see those choirs in my school, but it's amazing to know I'll be rehearsing and performing in band, drama, and choir on the very same stage as the hundreds and hundreds of performers that were here yesterday. I'm so glad to have more groups add spirit to the place.
I loved hosting Euclid, they were amazingly fun (obviously, I mean, it's Euclid!) and some of the friendliest and polite people there. Loved seeing them perform, I gotta say, they legitimately blew my mind. It's so awesome to see a choir united in the way they are, they're really a model example of the blend of fun, professional, and performance that every show choir should be, and their attitude and actions on and off the stage really reflected that. And it was really awesome to have a quick cleanup of the rooms afterward, the choir made very low-maintenance guests when it came to cleaning. If you're able to request rooms at your invitationals in the future, kids, request to host Euclid, you won't regret it.
I loved also having dinner and conversation with some band members from Garfield and even Twinsburg, and spending time with my friends from Medina as well. I met some amazing friends from Teays Valley as well, and they were all so friendly when we saw them before they went on for finals (and I made a few friends to make faces at during Nightmare!). Loved their show especially (I mean, zombies, dude, what's not to like?!)
Congratulations to Clover Hill, I was thrilled to present that Best Vocals trophy, you all definitely deserved it!
As fun as the day was, and as happy as I am to finish off my signature's scrapbook... it's bittersweet to finish off show choir... for good. I entered this year, but my experience exceeded my expectations. I'll miss this... but at the same time I feel like I won't be totally gone, now, will I?
First off, congrats to all choirs Second, I know you all love scoring..
I do not know which judge this was, but I heard that one judge had Piqua 17 points down from Clover Hill. And that overall, Piqua only lost by 6.5. They were also 1 point down in vocals. Some interesting results. There's judging for ya!
Thank you to all of the unbelievable Solon High School staff, parents and students for an incredibly run competition! You made us feel so welcome and right at home! Clover Hill Show Choirs are extremely grateful to have made so many wonderful friends in the Ohio show choir family! Thank you for the lifelong memories that were made this weekend!
The clover hill guys soloist was actually nick Robinson, not Justin knight
Thanks for the correction- I got that info from Solon's competition facebook page, but it's updated on there now so it must have just been a typo.
Thank You in advance.