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 Show Choir Community    Events    2025 Season    Urbandale Show Choir Invitational 2025
Event Info

February 14th-15th, 2025
Venue Info
Urbandale High School
7111 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale, IA 50322
Phone: (515) 457-6800
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
11 Mixed Groups
3 Treble Groups
11 Middle School Groups
Event Hosts:
Urbandale "Studio"
Urbandale "Vitality"
Urbandale "Affinity"
Urbandale "Pizzazz"
Urbandale "Ambition"
Event Judges:
Steven Albaugh
Nancy Allen
Brenden Ball
David Breese
Melody Clutter
Brandon Dean
Caroline Edgeton
Lisa Rehms
Sjaan Trowbridge
$12.00 Friday Evening
$12.00 Saturday Daytime
$12.00 Saturday Finals
$20.00 Saturday All-Day Pass
$25.00 All-Weekend Pass

Ticket sales are entirely cashless. A card reader will be present at the door.

Ticket QR codes will be scanned and wristbands will be issued.
Urbandale Show Choir Invitational 2025

Event Site
Live Stream
Attending Members 34 attending members
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Chris L-P on Feb 16, 2025, 12:51 AM (Edited)
Post #27
It’s second time going to a competition like this, I decided to take notes for memory’s sake and figured some people might enjoy them here:

First of all, every single performance was excellent, I’m just here to post about the stuff I found memorable and especially notable

West in the Groove (theme: times of day? maybe there was something more, I was just in-the-moment and enjoying the show)
  • I’m a trombonist; we’re so often thought of as only playing aggressive and loud, and I commend the trombonists here for showcasing how we can play smooth and quiet too!
  • Loved the ballad! The chimes were the cherry-on-top, adding sparkle to the sound that matched the visual sparkles of the backdrop

Millennium (theme: door)
  • Unforgettable synth-sounds that briefly zapped me into another dimension
  • Fabulous use of organic dynamic contrast throughout the show; nothing sounded like a volume knob was accidentally bumped
  • Your school has the perfect crash cymbals for show choir: they sound like they’re being smashed, yet the result isn’t ear-shattering
  • The section with red-lighting wins my moshing moment of the night; this would fit right in at a metal concert, and this would absolutely give me the urge to charge into the mosh pit
  • My favorite chord: quiet, spooky chord that the choir sings while a spotlight is on the door
  • Earworm award: “The Room Where It Happens”

Eos (theme: having too many cooks doesn’t necessarily spoil the broth)
  • My favorite choral sound of the night
  • My favorite lighting of the night: instead of trying to try to steal the spotlight or bamboozle me, it added clarity to the mood of every song and made several moments more poignant

Tiger Rhythm (theme: something mystical involving three siblings with magical objects; some of them die/disappear, but maybe they came back to life in the end? I know the meaning was probably spelled out for me by narrators throughout the show, but I was too busy enjoying the music)
  • My favorite band sound of… all-time?(wow!); everybody seemed to get a moment to shine, even the aux percussion
  • Who was playing the cimbasso synth? Jokes aside, what a marvelous sound from the bari sax and trombones, especially in the opener and closer!
  • My favorite choral sound (tied with Eos)

Friend de Coup (theme: water to fire/sun/sky/outer space?)
  • My favorite set; I had pretty much made up my mind on this as soon as the first silvery tsunami was sighted onstage. Gorgeous!
  • We need more “yeeoww!” and “yeah!” moments in show choir, thank you for bringing this to the table!
  • My favorite performer: the guy who ends the show front and center

Innovation (theme: Prometheus Unbound)
  • Thank you so much for explaining the show at the beginning
  • This set and visuals are also excellent; if the backdrops are by an artist, I’d love to know who they are
  • My favorite headbanging moment: first dance break. Also the second and third ones lol
  • My favorite performer: guy in front for the “gimme that fire” song
  • My favorite soloist: guy at the end who said “yeahhh” and did the splits; also the soprano who courageously went for the high C at the end and nailed it! Bravo!

Recap of my favorites:
- Show Choir: y’all are already champs in my mind, and whoever the judges decide on doesn’t change that
- Choreography: all of them; I’m a choreo noob so I’m still amazed by everything at this level
- Choir sound: Eos, also Tiger Rhythm
- Band sound: Tiger Rhythm
- Lighting: Eos
- Set: Friend de Coup
- Soloists: from Tiger Rhythm, also Innovation
- Performers: from Friend de Coup, also Innovation
- Arranging: Millennium
- Chord: Millennium
- Earworm: Millennium
- Headbanging: Innovation
- Moshing Moment: Millennium
- Theme: Innovation (I’m a sucker for mythology); Eos’ theme was also very creative and I commend them for that!

Bravo to everybody involved!!! Y’all are amazing!!!

Häakon on Feb 16, 2025, 12:55 AM
Post #28
I love reading posts like this. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. <3


shotbytalon on Feb 17, 2025, 1:53 AM
Post #40
In regards to Innovation:
The guy who ends the 2nd fire song front and center is Jonathan Tomahn, who also won best performer and is the soloist of the opener
The closer soloist is Jay Rixner


lex_ree on Feb 17, 2025, 10:19 PM (Edited)
Post #41
Hi! I was one of the USCI hosts, and although I'm not sure about every group, I can provide some insight on some of the group's themes . Millenium's theme was basically just "door" lol, but more specifically about what is/could be on the other side of the door. Tiger Rhythm's theme was Harry Potter, but specifically the Deathly Hallows, although they replaced the Elder Wand with the "dagger/sword/knife of insight" referenced in their show. The resurrection stone and invisibility cloak are the same as from the books though. Friend De Coup's theme was Euphoria (the feeling, not the show lol) although I totally see how you got fire and water. Innovation and Eos you nailed, and I'm not entirely sure about West In The Groove, since I didn't get the chance to see them. Overall great commentary on all of the shows! I hope you enjoyed our 42nd USCI !


Chris L-P on Feb 20, 2025, 10:45 PM
Post #54
Thank you for providing the additional insight!
I did get a Deathly Hallows vibe from the Tiger Rhythm show but it’s been a while since I last read the book, otherwise I probably would have followed it better.
I’ll have to rewatch Friend de Coup with that in mind; would have been cool for them to include the new Muse song “Euphoria” to tie it all together but I still thoroughly enjoyed it (I haven’t watched the TV show Euphoria, but from what I’ve heard it would be kinda edgy for show choir, right? Lol)
I definitely enjoyed the show, keep up the great work!


petergriffin on Feb 16, 2025, 6:01 AM
Post #31
What. A. Competition. One for the books. And what a season this is lining up to be for everyone involved tonight. Seriously, all of these groups, especially the varsity groups that went to finals, were all so good. Millard West was so fun and goofy in the best way possible, and Millennium sent me into the 4th dimension. And I was very happy to see Innovation take GC, especially after the super fishy result at Linn Mar, IYKYK. Props to all these groups though, they all deserve the silverware they get this year.


SC_Predicts backup on Feb 16, 2025, 4:49 PM
Post #33
I disagree with you saying Linn-Mar had fishy results. Linn Mar is a well ran comp and this year had a panel of well respected judges. There was only 1 judge that isn't "respected". I am only saying that because he has only judged once and it was at Linn-Mar this year. Out of curiosity why do you think it was fishy.


Anonymous646500 on Feb 18, 2025, 1:30 AM
Post #42
If I may respond with some insight with the claim of fishy judges. The reason some believe there was fishy results is because there is a connection between Wuakee NW and Lin mar. I personally don’t believe it was all that fishy however it raises some questions on how comps should judged going forward. At the end of the day all show choir is meant to do is inspire kids to be the best versions of themselves.

juliofrommississippi on Feb 18, 2025, 12:02 PM
Post #43
I don't personally believe that results at Linn-Mar had anything to do with director or program relationships. Trent and Jack are directors with integrity.

TragicallyFlaccid on Feb 19, 2025, 3:41 PM
Post #44
Those judges at Linn-mar seem to be the only people who think Eos was anywhere close to innovation


Juan Julio on Feb 19, 2025, 3:52 PM
Post #45
It’s interesting you guys say how it’s not fishy, while they come to a Urbandale and place 5th, Johnston wins, and at linn mar they place in front of Johnston. Interesting how that works. Eos had bias and fishy judging all together

JustYourEveryDaySonO on Feb 19, 2025, 5:39 PM
Post #46
It is almost like every competition is DIFFERENT. I am sorry if I my sound condescending, but I am tried of seeing these post claiming "BIA Judging" or "FISHY PLACEMENTS". Literally, all of the judges on the panel are some of the most qualified people to be up there. They all have music degrees (which I assume many people do not have) and literal years of directing experiences (Both Choral and Show Choir). I think they know a little bit more about show choir then us.
But back to my statement, every competition is different. Just because the placements are different here doesn't invalided the previous placements. In my eyes, placements are just snapshots on how the group is doing through the season. And on that night, the qualified judges at Linn Mar thought that Eos had the better show than Johnston. This doesn't mean Johnston can never beat Eos in the future. All it means is that on that night Eos just had a better show. With hardwork and effort those performers at Johnston showed that they are a completely different group from their Linn Mar performance. No BIA or BAD judging, just hardwork.

Will. on Feb 19, 2025, 5:43 PM
Post #47
For the record, I think it's also important to note that many of the anonymous/troll accounts this season are affiliated with Johnston.


SC_Predicts backup on Feb 19, 2025, 7:40 PM
Post #48
I have always felt like they were more rivals then working together.


SC_Predicts backup on Feb 19, 2025, 7:42 PM
Post #49
Which comp are you calling fishy.


SC_Predicts backup on Feb 19, 2025, 7:44 PM
Post #50
How do you know, I knew they were associated with some school in central Iowa because of the comps and groups they were commenting about.


Joyful_SCNerd on Feb 19, 2025, 10:37 PM
Post #51
I have to agree with some of the other comments - there is nothing "fishy" about show choir comp results. If there is one thing I have learned in my many years of being a show choir parent, different sets of judges are going to give different placements to the same shows. Assuming the shows are similar in difficulty/quality, take the same set of shows and 3 different judging panels will end up with 3 different placements. Show Choir judging by its nature is somewhat subjective and the judges own style preferences will undoubtedly play some role in how they judge. Sometimes a group will benefit from the type of judges on the panel and sometimes they don't - it is what it is and we should not try to diminish another group by insinuating "fishy" results. Let's just celebrate both of these awesome shows and ALL the kids who pour their heart and souls into creating beautiful art.


Johnstonfan23 on Feb 20, 2025, 9:07 AM (Edited)
Post #52
Will- Do you have solid proof? That’s a slippery slope to insinuate without proof since people can put any choir in their profile - are you verifying all profile info is accurate. For every user? Yes, I’m a parent of a former Johnston performer, but I’d say the same no matter who you are accusing of trolling without solid proof. And if you’re going to note the trolls are from Johnston, it would also be beneficial to note that the people alleging fishy judging in this thread don’t have Johnston in their profiles. Otherwise your comment could also be insinuating that Johnston is the one claiming fishy judging at a comp they didn’t win. That’s a very slippery slope and not at all aligned to the values of the overall show choir community.

juliofrommississippi on Feb 20, 2025, 10:41 AM (Edited)
Post #53
I also just want to put it out there that I never said anything about the judging. I only talked about the directors and programs at Linn-Mar and Waukee Northwest.

I'm obviously biased, but I was not a huge fan of the judging at Supernova

SLSchweitzer RMS on Feb 16, 2025, 8:19 PM
Post #38
Did anybody get Friend De Coup on video? Could you post it on YouTube?

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