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 Show Choir Community    Events    2025 Season    Davenport North The Big Dance 2025
Event Info

February 1st, 2025
Venue Info
Davenport North High School
626 West 53rd Street
Davenport, IA 52806
Phone: (563) 388-9880
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
10 Mixed Groups
2 Treble Groups
2 Middle School Groups
Event Hosts:
Davenport North "Northside Establishment"
Davenport North "Center Stage"
Event Judges:
Anne Chapman
Keith Curington
Jim DePriest
Andrew Drinkall
Kevin Duggan
Matt Huth
Luke Lovegood
$15 Adults
$10 Students
Davenport North The Big Dance 2025

Event Site
Live Stream
Attending Members 16 attending members
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18 comments • Sort by

juliofrommississippi on Feb 3, 2025, 4:33 PM
Post #18
Hi, I didn't sleep enough this weekend. Twas a weekend of 3 basketball games surrounding 18 hours of show choir Aaron Nuss was not at the event. I accidentally opened up our scores for Linn-Mar instead.

I'm going to assume that Best Band was determined off of finals scores. Either points or Ordinal Consensus- not sure which, but it doesn't matter as all judges had Central winning.

juliofrommississippi on Feb 3, 2025, 4:21 PM
Post #17
Finals Scores!

(FYI, there was a bit of an error with the scoresheets given to us. It looks like the "Instrumental Scores" were accidentally copied and pasted into the "Presentation Scores" on the sheet we got. Simple spreadsheet error. The instrumental category is worth less points than Presentation, so that's how I noticed. HOWEVER, the "Total Scores" all match up for our individual group scores, so there were no errors with placings or anything like that. I was able to figure out the Presentation scores by doing subtraction. There was NO ERROR in final results, just one of the categories on ONE of the sheets given to us.)

Keith Curington:

1st- Central 90.5
2nd- Pella 87
3rd- Wash 85
4th- Entourage 83.5
5th- Muscatine 82
6th- Vivant 77.5

1st- Central 71
2nd- Pella 70
T-3rd- Wash 69.5
T-3rd- Entourage 69.5
5th- Muscatine 67.6
6th- Vivant 67

1st- Central 18.5
T-2nd- Pella 17.5
T-2nd- Wash 17.5
T-2nd- Entourage 17.5
T-5th- Muscatine 17
T-5th- Vivant 17

1st- Central 45.5
2nd- Pella 44.5
3rd- Wash 43
4th- Muscatine 41.5
T-5th- Entourage 41
T-5th- Vivant 41

1st- Central 225.5
2nd- Pella 219
3rd- Wash 215
4th- Entourage 211.5
5th- Muscatine 208
6th- Vivant 202.5

Andrew Drinkall:

T-1st- Central 91
T-1st- Pella 91
3rd- Wash 85
4th- Muscatine 84
5th- Entourage 83
6th- Vivant 82.5

1st- Central 72.5
2nd- Pella 72
T-3rd- Muscatine 68.5
T-3rd- Vivant 68.5
T-5th- Wash 68
T-5th- Entourage 68

1st- Central 19
2nd- Pella 18.5
T-3rd- Wash 18
T-3rd- Entourage 18
5th- Vivant 17.5
6th- Muscatine 17

1st- Central 45.5
2nd- Pella 45
3rd- Entourage 43
T-4th- Wash 42.5
T-4th- Vivant 42.5
6th- Muscatine 42

1st- Central 228
2nd- Pella 226.5
3rd- Wash 213.5
4th- Entourage 212
5th- Muscatine 211.5
6th- Vivant 211

Luke Lovegood:

1st- Central 93.5
2nd- Wash 88.5
3rd- Entourage 86
4th- Pella 85.5
5th- Muscatine 80
6th- Vivant 77

1st- Central 74.5
2nd- Entourage 73
3rd- Wash 70.5
4th- Pella 70
5th- Muscatine 66.5
6th- Vivant 63.5

1st- Central 20
2nd- Entourage 19
3rd- Wash 18
4th- Pella 17.5
5th- Vivant 17
6th- Muscatine 15.5

1st- Central 47.5
2nd- Entourage 46.5
3rd- Pella 43.5
4th- Wash 43
5th- Muscatine 42
6th- Vivant 41.5

1st- Central 235.5
2nd- Entourage 224.5
3rd- Wash 220
4th- Pella 216.5
5th- Muscatine 204
6th- Vivant 199

Matt Huth:

1st- Central 90
2nd- Pella 86
3rd- Wash 82.5
4th- Entourage 78.5
5th- Muscatine 76
6th- Vivant 71.5

1st- Central 72.5
2nd- Pella 68
3rd- Entourage 67
4th- Vivant 66.5
5th- Wash 66
6th- Muscatine 63.5

1st- Central 17.5
2nd- Pella 17
3rd- Wash 16.5
4th- Entourage 16
5th- Vivant 15.5
6th- Muscatine 13.5

1st- Central 45.5
2nd- Pella 42
3rd- Wash 41
T-4th- Entourage 40.5
T-4th- Vivant 40.5
6th- Muscatine 39.5

1st- Central 225.5
2nd- Pella 213
3rd- Wash 206
4th- Entourage 202
5th- Vivant 194
6th- Muscatine 192.5

Anne Chapman:

1st- Central 88
2nd- Wash 84
3rd- Pella 83.5
4th- Muscatine 78.5
5th- Entourage 77.5
6th- Vivant 74.5

1st- Central 70.5
2nd- Pella 70
3rd- Wash 66
4th- Muscatine 64.5
5th- Entourage 64
6th- Vivant 63

1st- Central 18.5
2nd- Pella 17
3rd- Wash 16.5
4th- Entourage 16
T-5th- Muscatine 15.5
T-5th- Vivant 15.5

1st- Central 42.5
2nd- Wash 42
3rd- Pella 41.5
4th- Vivant 40.5
5th- Muscatine 40
6th- Entourage 39

1st- Central 219.5
2nd- Pella 212
3rd- Wash 208.5
4th- Muscatine 198.5
5th- Entourage 196.5
6th- Vivant 193.5

Kevin Duggan:

1st- Pella 87
2nd- Central 86.5
3rd- Wash 81
4th- Entourage 69.5
5th- Vivant 68.5
6th- Muscatine 68

1st- Pella 64.5
2nd- Central 62.5
3rd- Wash 62
4th- Entourage 61.5
5th- Vivant 60.5
6th- Muscatine 58.5

1st- Central 18
2nd- Pella 17.5
3rd- Vivant 15.5
4th- Entourage 15
5th- Wash 14.5
6th- Muscatine 11.5

1st- Central 41.5
2nd- Pella 40
3rd- Entourage 39.5
4th- Vivant 39
5th- Muscatine 38
6th- Wash 37.5

1st- Pella 209
2nd- Central 208.5
3rd- Wash 195
4th- Entourage 185.5
5th- Vivant 183.5
6th- Muscatine 176

Jim DePriest:

1st- Central 100
2nd- Pella 83
3rd- Wash 81.5
4th- Entourage 77.5
5th- Muscatine 75
6th- Vivant 73

1st- Central 80
2nd- Wash 66.5
3rd- Pella 66
4th- Muscatine 63.5
5th- Entourage 62
6th- Vivant 61

1st- Central 19.5
2nd- Wash 18
T-3rd- Pella 16
T-3rd- Entourage 16
5th- Vivant 15.5
6th- Muscatine 14

1st- Central 50
2nd- Wash 42.5
3rd- Pella 42
4th- Entourage 39
5th- Muscatine 38.5
6th- Vivant 37.5

1st- Central 249.5
2nd- Wash 208.5
3rd- Pella 207
4th- Entourage 194.5
5th- Muscatine 191
6th- Vivant 187

Total Vocal Points:
1st- Central 639.5
2nd- Pella 603
3rd- Wash 587.5
4th- Entourage 555.5
5th- Muscatine 543.5
6th- Vivant 524.5

Total Visual Points:
1st- Central 503.5
2nd- Pella 480.5
3rd- Wash 468.5
4th- Entourage 465
5th- Muscatine 452.5
6th- Vivant 450

Total Instrumental Points:
1st- Central 131
2nd- Pella 121
3rd- Wash 119
4th- Entourage 117.5
5th- Vivant 113.5
6th- Muscatine 104

Total Presentation Points:
1st- Central 218
2nd- Pella 298.5
3rd- Wash 291.5
4th- Entourage 288.5
5th- Vivant 282.5
6th- Muscatine 281.5

Total Overall Points:
1st- Central 1592
2nd- Pella 1503
3rd- Wash 1466.5
4th- Entourage 1426.5
5th- Muscatine 1381.5
6th- Vivant 1370.5

Captions and placements were determined by Ordinal Consensus of rankings:

Central 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
Pella 2 1 4 2 3 1 2
Wash 3 3 2 3 2 3 3
Entourage 4 5 3 4 5 4 4
Muscatine 5 4 5 5 4 6 5
Vivant 6 6 6 6 6 5 6

Central 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
Pella 2 2 4 2 2 1 3
Wash 3 5 3 5 3 3 2 (Wash over Entourage 4 first placings to 3 including the tie. Vivant/Muscatine with a 1st placing each, also)
Entourage 3 5 2 3 5 4 5
Muscatine 5 3 5 6 4 6 4 (Muscatine over Vivant 5 first placings to 3 including the tie)
Vivant 6 3 6 4 5 6

Overall Placings:
Central 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
Pella 2 2 4 2 2 1 3
Wash 3 3 3 3 3 3 2
Entourage 4 4 2 4 5 4 4
Muscatine 5 5 5 6 4 6 5
Vivant 6 6 6 5 6 5 6


I just wanted to add that we had a FANTASTIC day at Big Dance. The North parents, staff, and students were all SO helpful and kind all day. The directors lounge was comfortable and well-stocked. Critiques and comments were all thoughtful and fair, and I think the results were fully correct, based on what I saw and heard. The depth of this competition was really great- it was wonderful to see all different kinds of shows and choreographers. Kudos on a well-run day!

juliofrommississippi on Feb 3, 2025, 1:33 PM (Edited)
Post #16
Daytime scores!

Keith Curington:

1st- CSI 219.5
2nd- AcaPella 214
3rd- Momentum 212
4th- Entourage 209
5th- Muscatine 206.5
6th- Vivant 201
7th- Bettendorf 200.5
8th- Fort Madison 198.5
9th- Celebration 193.5
10th- Blue Vibrations 193
11th- North Polk 191.5
12th- Bravo 184

Andrew Drinkall:

1st- CSI 224.5
2nd- AcaPella 221
3rd- Momentum 214.5
4th- Entourage 213.5
5th- Muscatine 213
6th- VIvant 212.5
7th- Fort Madison 206
8th- Bravo 205.5
9th- Blue Vibration 204
10th- Bettendorf 203.5
11th- Celebration 203
12th- North Polk 202.5

Luke Lovegood:

1st- CSI 226.5
2nd- Entourage 219
3rd- Momentum 210.5
4th- Muscatine 208
5th- AcaPella 207.5
6th- Bettendorf 207
7th- Blue Vibrations 201.5
8th- Celebration 197
T-9th- Vivant 196.5
T-9th- Fort Madison 196.5
11th- North Polk 196
12th- Bravo 194

Vocal Sub-Total:

1st- CSI 267
2nd- AcaPella 254
3rd- Momentum 253
4th- Entourage 252
5th- Muscatine 247.5
6th- Bettendorf 242
7th- Fort Madison 235.5
8th- Vivant 230
9th- Blue Vibrations 229
10th- Celebration 228.5
11th- North Polk 228
12th- Bravo 224.5

Visual Sub-Total:

1st- CSI 215
2nd- Entourage 209.5
3rd- AcaPella 209
4th- Momentum 207
5th- Muscatine 204.5
6th- Vivant 202
7th- Bettendorf 199.5
8th- Fort Madison 198
9th- Blue Vibrations 197
10th- Celebration 196
11th- North Polk 193.5
12th- Bravo 193

Instrumental Sub-Total (not used for Best Band)

1st- CSI 54.5
2nd- Entourage 51.5
T-3rd- AcaPella 50.5
T-3rd- Bettendorf 50.5
T-5th- Momentum 50
T-5th- Vivant 50
T-5th- Blue Vibrations 50
8th- Celebration 49.5
9th- Muscatine 49
10th- North Polk 48.5
T-11th- Fort Madison 48
T-11th- Bravo 48

Presentation Sub-Total:

1st- CSI 134
2nd- AcaPella 129
3rd- Entourage 128.5
4th- Vivant 128
5th- Momentum 127
6th- Muscatine 126.5
7th- Blue Vibrations 122.5
8th- North Polk 120
T-9th- Fort Madison 119.5
T-9th Celebration 119.5
11th- Bettendorf 119
12th- Bravo 118

Grand Total:

1st- CSI 670.5
2nd- AcaPella 642.5
3rd- Entourage 641.5
4th- Momentum 637
5th- Muscatine 627.5
6th- Bettendorf 611
7th- Vivant 610
8th- Fort Madison 601
9th- Blue Vibrations 598.5
10th- Celebration 593.5
11th- North Polk 590
12th- Bravo 583.5

It looks like Best Band was awarded during Finals Awards. We were not given a composite for those scores, but on the Finals Score Sheet it says CSI won Best Band. (fully unsurprising)

Finalists were determined by Ordinal Consensus of ranks.

Central Singers, Inc. 1 1 1
AcaPella 2 2 5
Momentum 3 3 3
Entourage 4 4 2
Muscatine 5 5 4
VIvant 6 6 9
Bettendorf 7 10 6
Fort Madison 8 7 9
Blue Vibrations 10 9 7
Celebration 9 11 8
North Polk 11 12 11
Bravo 12 8 12


MPIMOTION on Jan 31, 2025, 4:07 PM
Post #3
Fort Madison Swingspan is Tier 1? I thought they were Tier 2?

juliofrommississippi on Jan 31, 2025, 4:37 PM
Post #4
They are listed in Open Class on the schedule. I'm sure that they could've chosen to compete in 3A if they wanted, just like Pella could choose to compete in the Open Class.


MPIMOTION on Jan 31, 2025, 4:51 PM
Post #5
Oh, I see! Thank you!

juliofrommississippi on Feb 2, 2025, 12:12 PM
Post #15
Clearly, the schedule was wrong. We were all surprised when Fort Madison received 2nd in 3A.

stevesing85 on Feb 1, 2025, 10:14 PM
Post #11
I think the Judges are:
Anne Chapman
Andrew Drinkall
Ryan Riewerts
Keith Curington
Luke Lovegood
KB Duggan
Matt Huth


riewerts11 on Feb 1, 2025, 10:22 PM
Post #12
Jim DePrieat not Ryan Riewerts

juliofrommississippi on Feb 2, 2025, 1:58 AM
Post #14
To add to this: Anne and Matt were critique judges. Jim and Kevin were band critique. Luke, Andrew, and Keith scored all day. All scored finals.

stevesing85 on Feb 2, 2025, 1:10 AM
Post #13
5th ru Nn Vivant
4th ru Muscatine
3rd ru Entourage
2nd ru Cedar Rapids
1st ru Pella
grand champion CSI
Sweep in caption


ColeStevenFlack on Feb 1, 2025, 9:55 PM
Post #10


Luvina on Feb 1, 2025, 9:52 PM
Post #9
Is there no LIVE stream for night show?


HeyGuys on Feb 1, 2025, 8:29 PM
Post #8
Best Male Solo: CR WASH Maksim Wehrman

stevesing85 on Feb 1, 2025, 8:19 PM
Post #7

Prep Division-
2nd Runner-up: Cedar Rapids Washington "Celebration"
1st Runner-up: Davenport Central "Blue Vibrations"
GRAND CHAMPIONS: Naperville North "Vivant"
Best Choreography: Naperville North "Vivant"
Best Vocal Sound: Naperville North "Vivant"
Best male soloist: Reed Blackmon blue Vibrations
Best Female soloist: Anina Rosengul Pella Bravo
Tier 2A/3ADivision
1st Runner-up: Fort Madison "Swingspan"
Best Crew: Fort Madison "Swingspan"
3rd Runner-up: Muscatine River City Rhythm
2nd Runner-up: Naperville North Entourage
1st Runner-up: Cedar Rapids Washington "Momentum"
GRAND CHAMPIONS: Davenport Central "Central Singers, Inc."
Female soloist: Marissa Bradley CSI
Male soloist: Maxium W.
Finalists (in no order)
Davenport Central "Central Singers, Inc."
Muscatine "River City Rhythm"
Pella "AcaPella"
Naperville North "Entourage"
Cedar Rapids Washington "Momentum"
Naperville North "Vivant

stevesing85 on Feb 1, 2025, 7:13 PM
Post #6
Who are the judges?

thebetterbauer on Jan 27, 2025, 10:58 PM
Post #2
The schedule has been posted and updated above.
12:00pm - Middle School Awards
5:15pm - Davenport North "Center Stage" Exhibition
6:00pm - Daytime awards
7:35pm - Finals Begin (6 Finalists in 25 min slots)
10:05pm - Davenport North "Northside Establishment" Exhibition
10:30pm - Final Awards

thebetterbauer on Jan 9, 2025, 1:36 PM
Post #1
I'm not sure of a schedule or division breakdown yet, but these are the groups that will be attending:
Sudlow "UpRoar!"
Wood "Viking Voices"
North Polk "Nexus"
Cedar Rapids Washington "Momentum"
Cedar Rapids Washington "Celebration"
Bettendorf "Surround Sound"
Davenport Central "Central Singers, Inc."
Davenport Central "Blue Vibrations"
Fort Madison "Swingspan"
Fort Madison "Crimson & Black"
Pella "AcaPella"
Pella "Bravo"
Muscatine "River City Rhythm"
Naperville North "Entourage"
Naperville North "High Heeled Harmony"


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