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 Show Choir Community    Events    2025 Season    North Polk Comet Sensation 2025
Event Info

February 15th, 2025
Venue Info
North Polk High School
315 NE 141st Ave.
Alleman, IA 50007
Phone: (515) 685-3528
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
15 Mixed Groups
2 Treble Groups
Event Hosts:
North Polk "Nexus"
North Polk "Revolution"
Event Judges:
Ticket prices unknown.
North Polk Comet Sensation 2025 (CANCELLED)

Event Site
Live Stream
Attending Members 8 attending members
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12 comments • Sort by

cdizzle03 on Feb 14, 2025, 5:11 PM
Post #12
This event has been cancelled!

zmhowell on Feb 14, 2025, 5:01 PM
Post #11
Due to forecasted weather, and in consultation with our district administration, we are cancelling Comet Sensation tomorrow. We know this event is an important one for our programs, but student safety is our first concern as well as having many local groups from the Iowa area that would have to travel in the potentially hazardous weather. We appreciate the continued support from the Show Choir Community. Wishing that all of our schools stay safe this weekend.
-North Polk Music Department


austin51680 on Feb 1, 2025, 9:27 PM
Post #1
Do we know who’s going??


LexiDad2012 on Feb 3, 2025, 8:36 PM
Post #2
Doubtful. The only thing they seem to have info on is how to give them money. You’d think they would try harder to let people know what is going on. Our school is bringing a ton of groups and no one will let us know anything.


SimZim2201 on Feb 3, 2025, 9:24 PM
Post #3
Dallas Center Grimes, WDM Valley, Emmetsburg, and Denison all have this event listed on their schedules.

zmhowell on Feb 7, 2025, 4:27 PM
Post #5
You can access the schedule here. It got sent to directors earlier this week.

Häakon on Feb 7, 2025, 9:14 PM
Post #6
I don't follow the "awards class." It does not appear that either group marked "single gender" is indeed single gender. Also, does your event separate by "class" or "award class?" There are some schools with multiple groups in the same "award class," so just seeking clarification. Thanks.

zmhowell on Feb 8, 2025, 2:35 PM
Post #7
Awards classification are the following...
- 2A Varsity
-2A Single Gender Varsity (Belmond-Klemme is single gender this year)
-3A Prep
-3A Single Gender Varsity (Carroll is single gender this year)
-3A Varsity
-4A Prep
-4A Varsity

Each awards class is the classification that they will receive awards in for daytime. Finals will be the top scoring 1A-3A group and then the top 5 remaining slots will be given to overall top scoring show choirs from the day round.

Quinn_Kiefer on Feb 8, 2025, 3:04 PM
Post #8
Following those classifications, here would be the schedule separated into divisions

8:00 Ogden High School Bulldog Beat 2A
8:30 Belmond-Klemme High School 10th Ave. Singers 2A Single Gender
9:00 Atlantic High School Adrenaline 3A Prep
9:30 Des Moines Christian Salt Co. 3A Prep
10:00 BREAK
10:15 Carroll High School Swingsations 3A Single Gender
10:45 Atlantic High School Atlantic Ambassadors 3A
11:15 Denison Denison Ambassadors 3A
12:15 Van Meter High School Vocal Loco-Motion 2A
12:45 Glenwood Fast Lane 3A
1:15 West Des Moines Valley Amplification 4A Prep
1:45 Des Moines Christian Light Inc 3A
2:15 Dallas Center Grimes Acceleration 4A Prep
2:45 West Des Moines Valley Ignition 4A Prep
3:15 BREAK
3:30 Dowling Catholic Dimensions 4A
4:00 Council Bluffs Thomas Jefferson Jefferson Edition 4A
4:30 Dallas Center Grimes Momentum 4A
5:00 West Des Moines Valley Choralation 4A
5:30 North Polk Revolution MS Exhibition
6:00 Daytime Awards High School Gym

7:00 Musical Theater Finalist 1 HS Auditorium
7:10 Musical Theater Finalist 2
7:20 Musical Theater Finalist 3
7:30 Finalist 1 (1A-3A Top Score)
8:00 Finalist 2
8:30 Finalist 3
9:00 Finalist 4
9:30 Finalist 5
10:00 Finalist 6
10:30 North Polk Nexus
10:45 Finals Awards

Jeff. on Feb 8, 2025, 3:55 PM
Post #9
Thanks, Mr. Howell. It should all be posted above appropriately now. I think your contest may be one of the few in Iowa that we've seen split the treble and prep divisions by the 4A/3A/2A classes like the mixed divisions. And we also appreciate letting us know about Belmond-Klemme and Carroll- it's difficult sometimes for us to know when groups switch between mixed or treble in any given year. Thank you!

zmhowell on Feb 8, 2025, 4:01 PM
Post #10
Our pleasure!
Being a competition that has been in flux between running a 1A-3A Center and a 4A open center simultaneously to combining it back together, we're trying to figure out the best way to recognize everyone for their hard work and accomplishments best we can. Our hope is to have more consistency going forward with classifications and registrations as we adapt to our groups year after year.

zmhowell on Feb 7, 2025, 4:26 PM (Edited)
Post #4
You can access the schedule and attending groups HERE. Our apologies as we have had turnover on the high school staff and are doing our best here.


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