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 Show Choir Community    Events    2011 Season    Milton Choralation Invitational 2011
Event Info

January 22nd, 2011
Venue Info
Milton High School
114 W. High Street
Milton, WI 53563
Phone: (608) 868-9300
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
12 Mixed Groups
2 Treble Groups
Event Hosts:
Milton "Choralation"
Milton "Rising Stars"
Event Judges:
Ticket prices unknown.
Milton Choralation Invitational 2011

Event Site
Live Stream
Attending Members 12 attending members
80 comments • Sort by

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juliofrommississippi on Jan 29, 2011, 10:44 AM
Post #80
I finally got around to watching finals on the Milton website. I actually think the judges got it right. I would've given Best Band to Mundelein instead of Waconia, but I only watched finals, not day round, so that performance could've been different.

There were comments about Mundelein placing too high in finals. I think Mundelein got the jump over Craig and Sauk Prairie because their show seemed more.... genuine. It was simple and sincere, as well as entertaining. However, for the future, Sound, you really need to clean up your choreography, especially in the opener.

I LOVED Waubonsie's ballad... simply fantastic! But the rest of the show was just eh. I don't see this being an undefeated year for Sound Check, but it's still a great show and they definitely deserved Grand Champion here!

I was also glad to see Holmen cleaned up a lot of their show from Onalaska. Keep improving every day. The choreography is not clean yet, and it's just individual mistakes, not general uncleanliness. Make sure everyone knows what every move is, because at this point that doesn't seem to be the case.

Watching finals made me miss performing at Milton

Stolba on Jan 23, 2011, 11:40 PM
Post #79

Which song?

The Blue Man Group song. SO much fun.

Torey_13 on Jan 23, 2011, 11:14 PM
Post #78
^Could you explain your last line?


luckysamme on Jan 23, 2011, 6:05 PM
Post #77
so so so happy for anne marie! girl can sing.
so proud of power company and the current.
my chest was POUNDING tonight as the internet finally worked for awards.
you guys are incredible and i love you with all my heart.
i'll be at totino and i might even stop by at a practice the first week of feb.
keep going and rocking and loving what you are doing.
it goes so fast. so fast.

WV! i didn't get to see your show, but obviously it was amazing!
i look forward to viewing it on youtube.

awesome job today everyone!

Thanks Cecelia! My first year on show choir, and I am loving it! (:

dncr_emily on Jan 23, 2011, 5:47 PM
Post #76
As a person that just came to watch I am still really confused by Waubonsie Valley show. can anyone explain it? Or do they usually have a really random sound selection?
In my personal opinion Craig should've won but that is just me.


allybee343 on Jan 23, 2011, 2:03 PM
Post #75
This is me speaking as a spectator from Monona Grove's show choir who thought I would come down to watch finals at Milton knowing that I've never seen a full finals show as a person who spent her jv year in the crew for connection.

JC- WOW! and I know I'm a bias wisconsin person and Ben helped us with our chereography but it's awesome. Ben has done great things for Craig and I can't wait for him to chreograph our musical. anyways. I was just blown away with how much talent they have. They're all SO into the show their facials are amazing. Their song choice is just awesome and I love it. I would and hopefully will watch their show again. and their dresses are so pretty.

Waconia- Another show chior with really pretty dresses that all I could think of was how MG should have dresses like that is Navy. I was really into the song choice and your vocals were good and there was a lot of character to your show. GOOD JOB! and your female soloist who won was amazing!!

UV- Okay so there's no doubt that you guys have a lot of talent and you guys can sing your lungs out but can someone please explain your show to me? To me I was so confused and distracted by the song choice and the costume changes that I couldn't really focus on your talent. Good Job though.

Holmen- Sorry guys. We were looking forward to seeing your show this year to follow up last year and you were wearing robes like we did so at Onalaska we watched your show and didn't like it. The song selection was strange the costumes were strange. Strange is the word I would use to discribe your show. Lots of talent though and I wish you the best of luck as your show goes on.

Mundelien- I was disappointed. Last year, MG people RAVED about your show at Fort. I was SO looking forward to seeing your show and was less then impressed. There are so many dead faces on stage and just no performance. Good songs though. Props for your director.

Sauk- Oh Sauk. Your shows always just i don't even know. Your soloists were amazing. The blonde girl has incredable range and the two males are real performers. I think that Show Choir shouldn't single out the good dancers for the whole show. I think that all the people should be doing the same thing and maybe a dance break here and there but I just think that some things you guys do are just not what I want in a show choir but that's my opinion.

Milton- You guys look better then you did at Jansville. It's refreshing to see a group that just can perform. Good luck with the rest of your season. Hopefully we'll see you again.

In the end of this competition I am really confused in what show choir really is....

sandrajoan22 on Jan 23, 2011, 12:25 PM
Post #74
I added a lot to my earlier post through edit and it hasn't changed?

KaraKruchten on Jan 23, 2011, 12:03 PM
Post #73
what an amazing competition! my favorite part (besides for performing, duh!) was the time waiting for awards when the entire gym was dancing and playing with beach balls! such a fantastic idea. kudos to milton. I didn't get to see every single show because i was interupted by performing haha but i wanna share my thoughts on the ones i did get a chance to see!

Sauk Prairie- One of the most entertaining Sauk Prairie shows I've ever seen in my life. You guys completely amped it up this year. I was not particularily a fan of last years show at all...but you guys shocked me last night, in a good way! loved it, such cool choreography

Mundelein- I was expecting some amazing an elephant?? haha i saw your JV and they had such a creative show and i wish you guys would have to..well more! good vocals and choreography though...the closer solo's dress was amazing!!!

Power Company- Maybe I'm a little biased cause im in it haha but i think we did great!!!

Wabounzie Valley- (i think thats how you spell it??) Congratulations on your win. I never got into the gym to see you guys cause in finals and prelims we were right before you...but i heard nothing but good things...especially about your ballad. sorry for snatching best band from you hehe ;) but i cant wait to see your show live!

Those are the only ones i could get in to see. Milton's always a good competition, but this year it was spectacular! so so much fun and so many friendly groups. thanks a ton!!

sandrajoan22 on Jan 23, 2011, 11:52 AM
Post #72
I do believe the judges did a wonderful job last night. If it sounds otherwise, I dont mean it to. I'm only speaking my own opinions. "If I were a judge..." Show choir is so hard to predict/judge because its all a matter of personal opinion, different experiences, different likes and dislikes, ext. Not everyone is going to have the same opinion and not everyone is going to like the same things. I am just stating my own personal opinion based off of what I saw last night. That is all.


preblesc09 on Jan 23, 2011, 11:09 AM
Post #71
great show by all. I think the judges did a great job in their scoring. It was a toss up between waconia and wabonsie, great vocals by both. Mundelein nice job. Craig looks like the group has great talent but the band was way to loud and the choice of songs can be questioned. Holmen nice job, dancing seemed a little off. Sauk, I thought this was your best showing I have seen. nice job all.

sandrajoan22 on Jan 23, 2011, 10:29 AM
Post #70
I understand that this is high school. And this in no way is to take away from Mundelien because those kids put their heart out on that stage tonight. I just don't understand how they placed ahead Janesville Craig and even Sauk Prairie. My friend and I were talking about it (she is a student at Mundelein) and we are speechless.

Thanks ethan
THAT WAS ME YOU GUYS. Read down for more info.

Holmen!!! WAY TO BRING IT IN FINALS!!!! It was the 3rd time I've seen your show live and I was like WOAH. You totally vamped your choreo and vocals in the opener. It made me very happy! The more I see your show, the more I like it. Although I will admit I was confused when I saw you at Burlington.. It's hard to comprehend a show that has a story or a specific meaning the first time you see it, because you're so preoccupied watching the dancing and hearing the songs and seeing the costumes and hair and the set. It takes a few times for any show like that. But I like your show this year!

Waubonsie- I love your vocals. Seriously, if you guys made a CD of show choir songs- I would buy it. Even without the choreo! Although I definitely wanted more in the choreo department. Not in a "the choreo was bad" kind of way, but in a "something more here and there" sort of way. But I am very excited to see you perform again soon!

Sauk- I love your show. My favorite so far this year. It's like the perfect blend of "Jesus Christ- Superstar" and show choir. The past few years I've been sort of "ehh.." about your shows, because they've been more "I'm watching a musical not show choir." but this one is deifinitely a lovely blend. I was very impressed by your cleanliness and vocals. VERY impressed. Good job! Your show is the one that sticks out in my mind the most from last night!

Craig- Your show is epic. EPIC. I LOVED IT. I can not wait to see you again. and again. Because I'm going to see you a lot this season.

Waconia- I really love your minnesota-new york-hollywood back drop. Really, really love. I was very impressed by your choreography and how clean it was! Usually I take notes on each group but I didn't even have anything to write watching you guys. It made me remember that show choir is also about enjoying the show, not just judging it.

Mundelein- The traitor strikes again! Sorry guys, I really just don't like the show this year. Lights is beast though! YEAH LADIES! When it comes to sound... I really want MORE. Alladin was over the top, and this show is under the top. '07 and '09 were pretty top though... I don't know... I feel bad. I'm so happy you guys did well because you are my home choir and I know you guys work really hard, but when it comes to show choir... I would still place you 4RU or 5RU. It's really just not a powerful show. It's not even you guys personally. Shine is cool, Electricity sounds nice, but the rest is just really weak for me. I'M SORRY I'M A TRAITOR, BUT AT LEAST I'M AN HONEST ONE!

Milton, I love your show. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT AGAIN!!!!!

Overall, I very much enjoyed this competition. I loved the beach balls and balloons after finals... What an amazing way to distract the crowd from the wait! Nicely done. And good save with the BB mix up. I thought you handled that well! Very fun, very friendly, very decorated, very GOOD! I think this was my favorite competition I've ever been to.

cecelia. on Jan 23, 2011, 4:33 AM
Post #69

cece, im pretty sure alexandra buck got the solo award!

i'm sorry, i should have been more specific. didn't anne marie win the solo competition?
and the hugest congratulations to austin and alexandra. obviously (:


KC on Jan 23, 2011, 3:49 AM
Post #68
so so so happy for anne marie! girl can sing.
so proud of power company and the current.
my chest was POUNDING tonight as the internet finally worked for awards.
you guys are incredible and i love you with all my heart.
i'll be at totino and i might even stop by at a practice the first week of feb.
keep going and rocking and loving what you are doing.
it goes so fast. so fast.

WV! i didn't get to see your show, but obviously it was amazing!
i look forward to viewing it on youtube.

awesome job today everyone!

cece, im pretty sure alexandra buck got the solo award!

djf2010 on Jan 23, 2011, 2:18 AM
Post #67
And I wasn't going to say anything about it, but now that I see it was spelt wrong up in the awards section of the competition forum, it is Austin Stole, not Stoley. It's a common mistake that's made here year after year.


djf2010 on Jan 23, 2011, 2:14 AM
Post #66


Congrats to waubonsie for winning it I wish I could see you live! Waconia and Janesville I am pumped to see you this season!! Waconia=one of my favorite choirs of all time. The energy you bring to the stage is always a delight. My favorite show choir song of all time is from your 05 show!

Which song?

And then I was right to begin with. Thank you, Häakon.


execpianoman on Jan 23, 2011, 2:11 AM
Post #65
Holmen- I didn't get to see you today, but at Onalaska I was very entertained by your show. It made me think! You obviously work hard and care about what you do.

Waconia- Full of energy. That's all I can say! Maybe even too much at times! My favorite number was "On Broadway".

Waubonsie Valley- I thought most of the show was a solid traditional show choir show. The ballad was a different story. It was arguably the most musical thing I have heard any show choir do! The voices were so rich and warm, and you couldn't hear one person over the rest. I was transfixed by the sheer beauty of it. I really love the dissonance. I think too many show choirs today get on stage and belt out a bunch of insensitive sound that is meant to score points, but Waubonsie's touched people. And that's what really matters.

Phwew... That was a lot!!!

Häakon on Jan 23, 2011, 1:49 AM
Post #64
Sorry. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions.
I got yours; Rian grabbed Rachel's. He's just trying to steal the credit! :-P

Stolba on Jan 23, 2011, 1:03 AM (Edited)
Post #63

We have a theme to our show. Its revolting and changing the world to a better place. We got our highest scores in show design so obviously most people get it. I wish that you would actually pay attention to the way you word things because to me it sounds like you are bashing our show. We work just as hard as you and we deserve the placement we received. I personally would never flat bash a show, your a fellow show choir member and you should realize how much work goes into what we do. I would just appreciate if you keep your comments to yourself. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.


Please remember show choir is subjective and while she may have watched the show she may have not picked up on the theme. She didn't bash it as she said she didn't understand how it went together. This is a fourm for open discussion and thoughts and all are welcome. You are entitled to an opinion as is she. From what she was reading I never picked up on bashing or anything.

If you have serious problems with what people said you can ask why or go to PM and discuss it there.

I for one saw you guys at Onalaska and didn't fully grasp the show untill I saw it again. Not everything is as clear as night and day as you may feel it is especially learning the show and performing it.

Congrats to waubonsie for winning it I wish I could see you live! Waconia and Janesville I am pumped to see you this season!! Waconia=one of my favorite choirs of all time. The energy you bring to the stage is always a delight. My favorite show choir song of all time is from your 05 show!

GregoryB on Jan 23, 2011, 12:57 AM
Post #62

I'm not saying those things go together. My confusion of the costumes vs. the songs got in the way of enjoying their show. I was trying to piece together everything and that was a distraction I guess.

We have a theme to our show. Its revolting and changing the world to a better place. We got our highest scores in show design so obviously most people get it. I wish that you would actually pay attention to the way you word things because to me it sounds like you are bashing our show. We work just as hard as you and we deserve the placement we received. I personally would never flat bash a show, your a fellow show choir member and you should realize how much work goes into what we do. I would just appreciate if you keep your comments to yourself. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.

cecelia. on Jan 23, 2011, 12:06 AM
Post #61
so so so happy for anne marie! girl can sing.
so proud of power company and the current.
my chest was POUNDING tonight as the internet finally worked for awards.
you guys are incredible and i love you with all my heart.
i'll be at totino and i might even stop by at a practice the first week of feb.
keep going and rocking and loving what you are doing.
it goes so fast. so fast.

WV! i didn't get to see your show, but obviously it was amazing!
i look forward to viewing it on youtube.

awesome job today everyone!

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