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 Show Choir Community    Events    2020 Season    Milton Rock the Rock 2020
Event Info

January 18th, 2020
Venue Info
Milton High School
114 W. High Street
Milton, WI 53563
Phone: (608) 868-9300
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
17 Mixed Groups
6 Treble Groups
Event Hosts:
Milton "Choralation"
Milton "Octave Above"
Milton "Revolution"
Event Judges:
Meg Aspinwall
Adam Bassak
Arianna Cappuccitti (Critique)
Kym Chambers Otto
Matthew Endres
Scott Hines
Sean Hoffmann
Jeff Jordan
Darren Sterud
Colleen Timler-Lingenfelter
Ticket prices unknown.
Milton Rock the Rock 2020

Event Site
Live Stream
Attending Members 45 attending members
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syd.mar on Feb 21, 2020, 10:38 AM
Post #108
I thought this was the show choir community... so why are we arguing? You can perform at the top of your game, and everyone should think that you deserve a grand champ. But at the end of the day, it’s in the judges hands and what THEY believe.


Mundane on Jan 21, 2020, 2:21 PM
Post #105
Arguing online isn’t productive. Hopefully the Reedsburg kids are working hard this week to prepare. Otherwise we can all look forward to more arguing on the Sauk Prairie competition page in a few days.

P.s. is a rare community where people can come for support. If you want to argue and treat people poorly there are OTHER websites to do so.

itsevankonig on Jan 21, 2020, 2:35 PM
Post #106
I agree with this.


Showchoir2020 on Jan 21, 2020, 3:18 PM
Post #107
Agree totally. The original parent who made the negative comments, made no less than 6 posts, all negative. What kind of parent does that?? Should've stopped after the first post, or not posted at all. **If you look at every team who participated and if you look at their past/current results, you'll see that everybody wins and loses at some time or another, it evens out, no reason for a parent to throw a tantrum. But it is GREAT to see the positive/supportive parents on, and SUPER GREAT how mature and positive the students' comments are!!


Butterfly123 on Jan 19, 2020, 2:40 PM (Edited)
Post #93
I hate to break it to all of you, but going into finals, Reedsburg was not in last place.

Will. on Jan 19, 2020, 5:21 PM
Post #99
“Deserving” is relative. As stated before, judges preferences are subjective. Evidently, judges here had a more favorable opinion of your show than the Parkview judges but getting all defensive like this is a bad look IMHO.


Butterfly123 on Jan 19, 2020, 6:17 PM
Post #100
Okay, I fixed it.


#1Showchoirmom on Jan 20, 2020, 5:20 PM
Post #104
Reedsburg did work hard the last couple weeks after Parkview Performance to improve there show and also made some changes based on there critique they had at Parkview!


Jlundy33 on Jan 20, 2020, 1:32 PM
Post #103
There's a reason why fans of show choir call it a show choir community. There is not a scoreboard to tell us who won the game. We all are entitled to our own opinions but you certainly shouldn't question a judges integrity or be critical of other schools. There was 10 very qualified judges at this competition, all of them know way more about what is going on on the stage then I do. Who am I to complain about their jobs? I know what I like to see and hear, I know what school I root for to do well. But I enjoy watching all of the participants. And I certainly enjoy to see great performances no matter where they come from. It's the kids that make this so special. Try going to a high school basketball tournament and see if the teams sit together, complementing the other teams' jersey's or how much they like the plays they run. We can all learn from the kids, work hard, do your best, display good sportsmanship. Sometimes it's just fun to be a fan and enjoy the competition!

Yes my school won this week, and the parents couldn't be prouder. But that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy watching Onalaska (loved Onalaska's performance!) or Monona Grove or any of the other teams that performed. Can't wait for this weekend when we get to do it all over again!


sam.munger on Jan 20, 2020, 11:32 AM
Post #102
It seems ridiculous to me the number of parents that are insulting the placements of the groups last night. Especially after clicking through several profiles only to find that most of the parents are only arguing for the group whose students they represent. And important fact seems to have been forgotten in this debate. 14 open class show choirs competed at rock the rock and only six of them could continue to finals. Hard decisions had to be made, and the competition was hard. Do I agree with every call made by the judges? No. Should you? Probably not. But that doesn’t give anyone the grounds to start claiming that such and such group should have won or shouldn’t have made finals.
People of them focus too much on the results of competitions and forget that outside of the auditiorium, behind the scenes, groups are walking around their homerooms and hallways encouraging each other and cheering on other choirs. Show choir is a community above anything else and the people within it shouldn’t be so dead-set on making sure that the results are “right” or “fair”.


BeatleBadger on Jan 18, 2020, 7:14 PM
Post #25
Note to kids sitting in the audience: if you’d rather talk to your friends and laugh together, leave the auditorium. Don’t be disrespectful to the performing choir and those who are watching. I’m looking at you, group of girls from Kewaskum Notables.


AltoAlli on Jan 19, 2020, 7:43 PM (Edited)
Post #101
Our director was made aware of this post and sent a message to the kids. The girls responsible have apologized to our director. I'm sure our director will be talking to the rest of the kids, also. Sorry they disrupted you and were disrespectful to the performing choir. I'm sure it won't happen again.


tscott on Jan 19, 2020, 4:52 PM (Edited)
Post #98
I don't have a dog in this fight, but some things to consider:

1) Contest officials should go out of their way to make sure there are not relationships between judges and any of the competing groups. "Oh but they'll be fair" or "Oh but they'll be harder on the kids they know" are unacceptable justification. That said, it's up to the competing director to remove their group from the competition if they know of associations between judges and competing choirs or if they feel it's going to be biased. Calling it out after the fact is poor sportsmanship.

2) Instead of immediately assuming the placements are wrong if you disagree, ask yourself what the judges saw in the winning group that they didn't see in the others. Assume for a moment that the judges got it right, ask yourself why and see what you can learn.

3) Rare to see any competition anymore where there is a single obvious front runner. There are just too many good groups out there. Hence, it comes down to a judges personal preference. "They all sing well, but I prefer this kind of sound for this kind of music." etc. It often comes down to a point or two in the end, so another day, another performance the results could be flipped.


deleted2020 on Jan 19, 2020, 1:03 PM
Post #78
Imagine discrediting children’s hard work because you are upset about the way the judges sided ????


ShowbandMom28 on Jan 19, 2020, 2:12 PM
Post #87
I know that the Children work hard, but I’m just a little bit upset that my Choraliers didn’t win in all. I haven’t ever witnessed them win grand champs and I feel like they definitely should’ve last night.


papajim69 on Jan 19, 2020, 2:23 PM
Post #88
Bruh did you see the competition last night, smh, y’all are crazy


ShowbandMom28 on Jan 19, 2020, 2:31 PM
Post #89
Yes I did, and Reedsburg was the best school there


papajim69 on Jan 19, 2020, 2:37 PM
Post #91
Showbandmom28 , WHWONWPJPDJC WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! You are a biased mom making no valid points. Both waconia and Onalaska were on another level then all the other competition. Sorry


Mundane on Jan 19, 2020, 2:39 PM
Post #92
What a great opportunity for them to get motivated and even more inspired to work harder, and make their show better than it already is!!


Beau on Jan 19, 2020, 2:52 PM (Edited)
Post #96
Power Company was in another league from the rest of the field last night. Anyone who couldn't hear and see that doesn't understand this art form. Reedsburg did well by coming in 3RU last night, especially considering that they missed finals at Parkview two weeks earlier. They have an enjoyable show, and they perform it quite well. I would be happy about that much progress in just two weeks and use that accomplishment to build for a strong rest of the season.

oashikino on Jan 19, 2020, 2:54 PM
Post #97
I watched the whole competition on the live stream. Obviously the quality isn't the exact same as being at the competition but I personally believe that there were quite a few groups better than Reedsburg. Im not trying to discredit them, but that's just my opinion.

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