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 Show Choir Community    Events    2018 Season    Medina Midwest Showcase 2018
Event Info

February 17th, 2018
Venue Info
Medina High School
Performing Arts Center
851 Weymouth Road
Medina, OH 44256
Phone: (330) 636-3200
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
13 Mixed Groups
4 Treble Groups
1 Middle School Group
Event Hosts:
Medina "Encore Entertainment Company"
Event Judges:
Christopher Brush
Randie Parks
Katie Silcott
Tom Westfall
$12 Daytime
$10 Finals
$18 All Day Pass
Medina Midwest Showcase 2018

Event Site
Live Stream
Attending Members 16 attending members
74 comments • Sort by

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tscott on Feb 18, 2018, 9:25 PM (Edited)
Post #61
The results of this competition do not accurately reflect the opinion of the panel. One judge had Solon way out in front, and skewed the results. Had raw scores been turned into rankings, the results would have been different.

1. Solon.................... 777.5
2. Twinsburg........777
3. Findlay................ 768
4. Garfield Hts.... 709
5. ETC......................... 698.5
6. Olentangy........ 693.5

Katie Silcott -
1. Solon 196
2. Twinsburg 188
3. Findlay 182

Christopher Brush -
1. Twinsburg 197
1. Findlay 197
3. Solon 195.5

Tom Westfall
1. Findlay - 197
2. Twinsburg - 193
3. Solon - 192

Randie Parks
1. Twinsburg 199
2. Solon 194
3. Findlay 192

Twinsburg..... 2, 1, 2, 1 = 6
Findlay.............. 3, 1, 1, 3 = 8
Solon.................. 1, 3, 3, 2 = 9


ElyseS on Feb 18, 2018, 10:13 PM (Edited)
Post #62
You had that 3 judges had solo in 3rd when it was only 2!! It should’ve been 1,3,3,2


tscott on Feb 18, 2018, 10:28 PM (Edited)
Post #63
Yup, you're right. (Editing now). Nevertheless, Solon still would have received 3rd place.

jdcritt on Feb 18, 2018, 10:37 PM
Post #64
Would you happen to know who had a higher vocal score between Findlay and Twinburg? Just curious to see how the Fehr Fair system would’ve played out.

Alex. on Feb 20, 2018, 3:51 PM (Edited)
Post #66
The results of this competition do not accurately reflect the opinion of the panel. One judge had Solon way out in front, and skewed the results. Had raw scores been turned into rankings, the results would have been different.
I hardly think that "skewed the results" as much as you're claiming. Overall, the judge you're blaming gave the lowest scores of the day for most groups. If I were a Solon student reading your comment right now I would certainly have my feelings hurt. All three groups are tremendous this year, and so are the three other finalists you didn't include. Solon does have a big gleaming trophy, however, so I wont' jump up and defend them too much right now - They know not to let internet comments get under their skin What bothers me the most is the criticism that this panel of judges is facing. You don't see others throwing claims that Twinsburg should've gotten third because one judge almost gave them a 200 shooting them up to second. That's because there are a lot of factors to take into consideration. Judges shouldn't have to worry about facing scrutiny after the competition is over for doing exactly what they were asked and payed to do: Giving their subjective opinions.

While I do appreciate the posting of scores because I think competitions and results should be as transparent as possible, it did make me sad for the students' sake to see you discredit Solon's GC so easily. I'm sure everyone put on a wonderful show on Saturday.


bryan. on Feb 20, 2018, 4:00 PM
Post #67
I think you do have to keep in mind that said judge is an alum of the school she had in first. Not that I think that automatically is why she had them in first but it does leave room for one to question if there was some bias in the judging.


tscott on Feb 20, 2018, 4:06 PM
Post #68
Only one out of four judges had Solon in first, yet they win? Definitely skewed. Your beef should be with Medina using an inferior tabulation system.

clbrush on Feb 20, 2018, 5:12 PM (Edited)
Post #69
I very rarely post on this site, but I feel the need to comment in light of the "alumni bias" suggestion. Katie Silcott graduated from Solon many years ago. We all graduated from somewhere. It would be just as reasonable to suggest that an alum might scrutinize his/her alma mater to a greater degree... but there's really no need to make these types of suggestions at all. This was a very tight contest with many fine groups. The performances of the top three at night were utterly mind-blowing... and really, can anyone think of three groups that are more unique and distinct, especially when compared back to back? That's why the scores were so close at the top, and why each judge had a different order at the end of the night. Katie is a respected choral director and an experienced adjudicator, and suggestions that personal biases impacted her scoring are out of line. I sat with her all day and saw no evidence of this whatsoever. Let's be better than this.

I'd also like to compliment the fine performers from Garfield Heights, ETC, and Olentangy, who are largely being overlooked in this discussion, but are also GC-caliber groups in their own right. Bravo to all, and thank you for such a wonderful day at Medina!

Alex. on Feb 20, 2018, 5:45 PM
Post #70
I think you do have to keep in mind that said judge is an alum of the school she had in first. Not that I think that automatically is why she had them in first but it does leave room for one to question if there was some bias in the judging.
I am aware, for she was my choral director for many years. This isn't about Katie, it's about criticizing judges as a whole for doing their job. Having watched Solon this year because of the events you have attended (or you claim to have attended. Don't get me started on unassociated accounts) I'm sure you can see how they won. They, along with all of the groups in finals, are of an extremely high caliber in the Midwest.


bryan. on Feb 20, 2018, 9:47 PM (Edited)
Post #71
I meant no disrespect to her and I know she is very qualified. But it does seem often that groups that have affiliations with the judging panel end on top. Same thing happened with Jeff Clark and Fairfield this year. I don’t know how he placed them but it’s easy to think that a bias COULD be involved. I am not even saying that I think that’s what happened I was just simply pointing it out. I was not trying to discredit anyone. Sorry if anyone was offended


bryan. on Feb 21, 2018, 1:07 AM
Post #73
I don’t believe I was negative in any way. I was simply trying to state that biases happen. Congrats to all the groups that competed this weekend and congrats to Solon on winning a tough competition

Max noble on Feb 21, 2018, 1:19 AM
Post #74
Jeff actually had us in 2nd

juliofrommississippi on Feb 22, 2018, 4:39 PM
Post #75
Would there be any comparison at all? You could make the case that Twinsburg should've won, because more judges had them ahead of both of the other groups.

jdcritt on Feb 22, 2018, 9:16 PM
Post #76
Well, Twinsburg and Findlay both had two first place votes. If Findlay had a higher vocal score, then there would’ve been the possibility for three different winners based on the system used to determine the winner. Solon by raw score, Twinsburg by ranking, and Findlay by consensus ordinal.


dancemachine on Feb 22, 2018, 9:27 PM
Post #77
I see your point because I was actually in Medina that night. I usually make trips to competitions if they're not too far, but I was very surprised Findlay didn't win it all. All finalists were good, I usually like seeing how the smaller schools are against the bigger schools and they did not disappoint at all.


Nick0604 on Feb 18, 2018, 12:41 AM
Post #55
I cant belive it Findlay 3rd. Like How ??? this competion turn out #thebiggestletdownscincethe2016elections


Damplips on Feb 18, 2018, 12:57 AM
Post #57
solon went HUGE for TRUMP! #MAGA #Solon4Trump


bringbackthemoustach on Feb 18, 2018, 12:04 AM
Post #53

GC: Findlay First Edition (Best Vocals, Best Choreography)
1RU: Solon Music in Motion (Best Band)
2RU: ETC All Americans
3RU: Twinsbug Great Expectations (Best Omelet)
4RU: Garfield Heights Music Express
5RU: Olentangy Keynotes

Had Twinsburg with the dub before I saw the groups, but was impressed by many groups, especially Findlay. Having a show about the most important meal of the day just did not vibe with me.


Damplips on Feb 18, 2018, 12:25 AM
Post #54
well put! i also hate breakfast!

Jeff. on Feb 18, 2018, 5:12 PM
Post #60
You know it's not a show about breakfast... right? Idk how you watch that master chef level show design and that be the only takeaway.

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