I thought the award announcement for “Best Show Design” was a split between Homewood and WJ “Imagination”, but the results chart above lists the split going to WJ “Revolution”..
So which West Jones group did the caption split go to?
It was probably just an error inputting things on our end. I see down below the results indicate the split was between Homewood and West Jones mixed, not with West Jones girls group. In the flurry of everything coming in so quickly, sometimes things get attached to the wrong choir especially when a school has multiple choirs as finalists. Sorry about that, but it has been fixed!
Okay I just gotta say... This competition was run very well despite the weather- And I only got to see south jones. They have a pretty solid show. congrats to all the competitors!
Final results
1st runner up West Jones ties Show design
2nd Runner up Madison central
3rd runner up West Jones women’s
4th runner up Pearl river Central
Story for the day. Some group director at SOUTH JONES director called and said West Jones high school had too many people on stage bc they on suppsoe to have have 32 and mistakenly had 33 bc of a position change and the director from the school called and said they had to many people on stage sooo they moved them up to LARGE but they will still final most likely but whoever snitched is just scared to lose. HONESTLY
I thought the award announcement for “Best Show Design” was a split between Homewood and WJ “Imagination”, but the results chart above lists the split going to WJ “Revolution”..
So which West Jones group did the caption split go to?