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 Show Choir Community    Events    2010 Season    West Virginia State Show Choir Festival 2010
Event Info

March 13th, 2010
Venue Info
Charleston Civic Center
Grand Hall
200 Civic Center Drive
Charleston, WV 25301
Phone: (304) 345-1500
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
14 Mixed Groups
2 Treble Groups
3 Middle School Groups
Event Hosts:
West Virginia Music Education Association
Event Judges:
Jamie Atkins
Ticket prices unknown.
West Virginia State Show Choir Festival 2010

Event Site
Live Stream
Attending Members 13 attending members
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Zach93rh on Aug 24, 2010, 6:06 PM (Edited)
Post #84
The fairfield thread was pretty great, Quikk. No lie.

I_DID_NAHHT on May 30, 2010, 5:48 PM
Post #83
For the record, none of the groups in the Kanawha Valley honestly "hate" each other, I know we have good relationships with Cabell, Arts, and Nitro to name a few, it's just that we take things way too far sometimes. and to Rhythminredmom, first of all, we loved your guys's competition, it was easily one of our favorites of the year. but I don't think that was a negative comment, it's just a simple truth (I don't mean the Hurricane part). We do get a little too caught up in competition sometimes, and i think it's time that we all take a step back and remember what show choir is about. Guys, it's not a sport, it's an art. Sure, competitions are fun and a good way to compare groups, but it's not a big freakin' deal like some of us make it out to be (we are pretty guilty of this too). Let's just have fun again. It seems like everyone else around the nation has accepted that except us. I didn't see a huge argument come after Burbank's comp, or Marysville's, but after almost every WV comp, did anyone else notice some form of argument taking place in the forums? Guys, show choir was not made based on competition and seeing who's better, it was made as an artform, and a way to get us kids to enjoy performing and doing what we love. Let's keep it that way.

Also as a side note, I think i know of one person who has the 2004 tapes in our choir, but idk if he'll let me borrow them, so I just wanted to throw that out there.

You should go check out the Fairfield thread :b


Zach93rh on May 30, 2010, 2:35 AM
Post #82
Motown used to always compete in that area. However, we stopped because we figured it would be better/smarter for us to compete in Ohio as well as other areas.

And surprisingly enough, I do know what i'm saying. I don't mind catching heat for any of this, because I knew I would. But i've been down there enough (in previous years) to know that there's rivalries and it's not hard to tell, groups don't like other groups.

If anyone caught what I was originally saying, I was saying that I thought it was stupid for groups to hate on each other. The truth is, they definitely have. I know, because it's happened to Morgantown. Some people may not be able to realize it because they're actually doing it themselves. I just didn't really think that anyone from Hurricane should have been complaining, because I honestly feel that it happens enough, and to enough groups as well.

I'm not trying to fuel drama at all. What I am saying is that there are a lot of people in a lot of groups that take their competitiveness too far. It definitely shows. Maybe not as much as it used to, but it definitely still does a little. Being competitive is great, but being over competitive (which, again, many people in many groups are) is what really "fuels the drama" in show choir.

And I distinctly remember teaching some of your choir mates to play Ninja, we had a great time. I don't recall hearing anyone hate on Morgantown.


Zach93rh on May 30, 2010, 2:31 AM (Edited)
Post #81
Motown used to always compete in that area. However, we stopped because we figured it would be better/smarter for us to compete in Ohio as well as other areas.

And surprisingly enough, I do know what i'm saying. I don't mind catching heat for any of this, because I knew I would. But i've been down there enough (in previous years) to know that there's rivalries and it's not hard to tell, groups don't like other groups.

If anyone caught what I was originally saying, I was saying that I thought it was stupid for groups to hate on each other. The truth is, they definitely have. I know, because it's happened to Morgantown. Some people may not be able to realize it because they're actually doing it themselves. I just didn't really think that anyone from Hurricane should have been complaining, because I honestly feel that it happens enough, and to enough groups as well.

I'm not trying to fuel drama at all. What I am saying is that there are a lot of people in a lot of groups that take their competitiveness too far. It definitely shows. Maybe not as much as it used to, but it definitely still does a little. Being competitive is great, but being over competitive (which, again, many people in many groups are) is what really "fuels the drama" in show choir.

For the record, none of the groups in the Kanawha Valley honestly "hate" each other, I know we have good relationships with Cabell, Arts, and Nitro to name a few, it's just that we take things way too far sometimes. and to Rhythminredmom, first of all, we loved your guys's competition, it was easily one of our favorites of the year. but I don't think that was a negative comment, it's just a simple truth (I don't mean the Hurricane part). We do get a little too caught up in competition sometimes, and i think it's time that we all take a step back and remember what show choir is about. Guys, it's not a sport, it's an art. Sure, competitions are fun and a good way to compare groups, but it's not a big freakin' deal like some of us make it out to be (we are pretty guilty of this too). Let's just have fun again. It seems like everyone else around the nation has accepted that except us. I didn't see a huge argument come after Burbank's comp, or Marysville's, but after almost every WV comp, did anyone else notice some form of argument taking place in the forums? Guys, show choir was not made based on competition and seeing who's better, it was made as an artform, and a way to get us kids to enjoy performing and doing what we love. Let's keep it that way.

Also as a side note, I think i know of one person who has the 2004 tapes in our choir, but idk if he'll let me borrow them, so I just wanted to throw that out there.


showmom05 on May 27, 2010, 8:28 PM
Post #80


PHSVV on May 27, 2010, 10:25 AM (Edited)
Post #79

Thomas A. Beaver
Beaver Productions
2251 Cooledge Ave
Akron, OH 44305


showmom05 on May 26, 2010, 10:23 PM
Post #78
Don't know if anyone will see this...but...who did the video here?

IkeMei on Mar 23, 2010, 4:56 PM
Post #77
Motown used to always compete in that area. However, we stopped because we figured it would be better/smarter for us to compete in Ohio as well as other areas.

And surprisingly enough, I do know what i'm saying. I don't mind catching heat for any of this, because I knew I would. But i've been down there enough (in previous years) to know that there's rivalries and it's not hard to tell, groups don't like other groups.

If anyone caught what I was originally saying, I was saying that I thought it was stupid for groups to hate on each other. The truth is, they definitely have. I know, because it's happened to Morgantown. Some people may not be able to realize it because they're actually doing it themselves. I just didn't really think that anyone from Hurricane should have been complaining, because I honestly feel that it happens enough, and to enough groups as well.

I'm not trying to fuel drama at all. What I am saying is that there are a lot of people in a lot of groups that take their competitiveness too far. It definitely shows. Maybe not as much as it used to, but it definitely still does a little. Being competitive is great, but being over competitive (which, again, many people in many groups are) is what really "fuels the drama" in show choir.

I_DID_NAHHT on Mar 22, 2010, 2:06 AM
Post #76
As far as the discussion of "hating on Hurricane," I hope everyone understands that WV groups have been hating on each other for YEARS. No choirs can get along. Other than Morgantown and Martinsburg, I can't think of two other choirs that get along real well. For real. I used to think that all was well between the groups in the Kanawha Valley, but apparently I was wrong. Poca, Hurricane, Cabell Midland, Nitro, Capital? Everyone hates on everyone. It'd be nice if everyone could just quit the hatin', but it'll never happen. Everyone in WV is too competitive to get along (for the most part).

But groups will, over time, build alliances with one another. Everyone speaks of Poca, Hurricane, Cabell Midland, Nitro, and Capital in the same breath, because at one time or another, it seemed that those few schools had a massive "alliance," so everyone who wasn't in that little clique of groups was pretty much screwed as far as it came to competing in the state. I guess all that has gone out the window, haha.

No offense man, but how often does Morgantown compete against (really) any of the groups in the Kanawha Valley? States and MusicFest (sometimes)? So how can you really say what the alliances, or lack of, are like? Of course there are little rivalries, but nor liking each other is pushing it too far.

A few years ago, Poca and Winfield would hold shows for the other group to get critique and such. Hardly a dislike, or an alliance. We are all friends, that is all. Unless you know for sure, maybe you shouldn't say anything in the future. People might get offended :D


rhythminredmom on Mar 21, 2010, 9:48 PM
Post #75
And I have to say dunbarmamma, we can sing the lyrics of all of Nitro's songs. My 8 year old asks to watch the "pajama party" all the time. It's her favorite show, after Midland's of course, lol.

This has been a wonderful season for WV show choirs. I'm still amazed at the talent I've seen and heard this year. And at the success our choirs have had in powerhouse states like Ohio and Indiana. Let's keep it going into next season.


dunbarmamma on Mar 21, 2010, 9:08 PM
Post #74
As far as the discussion of "hating on Hurricane," I hope everyone understands that WV groups have been hating on each other for YEARS. No choirs can get along. Other than Morgantown and Martinsburg, I can't think of two other choirs that get along real well. For real. I used to think that all was well between the groups in the Kanawha Valley, but apparently I was wrong. Poca, Hurricane, Cabell Midland, Nitro, Capital? Everyone hates on everyone. It'd be nice if everyone could just quit the hatin', but it'll never happen. Everyone in WV is too competitive to get along (for the most part).

But groups will, over time, build alliances with one another. Everyone speaks of Poca, Hurricane, Cabell Midland, Nitro, and Capital in the same breath, because at one time or another, it seemed that those few schools had a massive "alliance," so everyone who wasn't in that little clique of groups was pretty much screwed as far as it came to competing in the state. I guess all that has gone out the window, haha.

I'm just being honest, I know i'm probably gonna catch heat for saying all of this, but it's whatever. It's just my personal opinion.

To the people not feeling the love in Hurricane, i'm sorry, but get used to it. Pretty much everyone in the state hates Morgantown, so don't feel too bad.

These are the negative comments that fuels the drama in show choir. Everyone needs to remember that these are still children leaving in all on stage. It is your child, brother, sister, cousin, or friend. With the arts being taken away in schools every day, we should all be working together. I realize that show choir is competitive but it is subjective. I realize that we all want our choir to win but it should be about doing your best and enjoying the dance and song.

As far as Kanawha Valley not getting along, I beg to differ. Our family has ties to almost every choir in Kanawha Valley. One of my son's best friends is at Capital as well as many other friends, he was in middle school show choir with members of St. Albans and South Charleston, and his former show choir director in middle school is now the director of Riverside. We have been BIG fans of Hurricane's show for almost ten years now. Nitro is also friends with members from Poca and Cabell Midland as well. As a parent who works with the set, I have made friends with parents of many choirs over the years.

In closing, I want to say that all the groups at states did a great job!!


dunbarmamma on Mar 21, 2010, 7:55 PM
Post #73
I have to say, I completely disagree with the above statement. My daughter is a freshman and we have received nothing but love and respect from the other WV show choirs. On the flip side, even at states, no other groups stood and cheered louder than Rhythm In Red fans for the other groups. I am completely amazed at the talent right here in this great state of WV. And we all need championed.

I try to teach my children that when you give love, respect and will receive love, respect and friendship.

Good luck to all WV choirs in the rest of their competition season.

Thanks rhythminredmom! We need more positive comments like this!! Just for the record Nitro loves Cabell Midland's show!

Shownerd08 on Mar 21, 2010, 1:07 PM
Post #72
I disagree, the Kanawha Valley show choirs DO, get along, You don't know what your saying. And as for Kanawaha Valley, the choirs in Kanawha Valley...are Capital, Hoover, Nitro, St. Albans, and Riverside, the others are from another county. And there are no alliances. I hate this stupid drama, yes no one can always get along, but their have been no.....major fights with show choir in the Kanawha Valley.


Kennie Bass on Mar 21, 2010, 1:00 PM
Post #71
It was a privilege and an honor to host the 2010 WVMEA State Show Choir Competition. I was amazed at the talent both on and behind the stage. Every group brought something to the table. It was a great day for fantastic music.

Congratulations to all of the participants. I was very impressed with every show. Cabell Midland deserves some high praise for winning the Grand Championship and nearly sweeping the caption awards, because they had to beat some incredible groups to do it.

I was proud of my old school...the Showcats represented! And Hurricane, Poca, and Martinsburg were also very title-worthy.

It's funny, but I actually spent some time with Cabell Midland during the competition season shooting a series we'll be broadcasting in May. Look for "Real Life Glee" on WVAH-TV's FOX 11 News. I guess I got lucky picking the eventual Grand Champion to be our focus. Thanks to Cabell Midland for making me look good.

Again, it was a lot of fun serving as the Master of Ceremonies for the event. I'd never been to the state competition. It was unbelievable.

And..they've invited me back for next year. If all goes as planned and no one changes their mind, I hope to be at the Civic Center for the 2011 States. Hope to see you there.


unknown on Mar 21, 2010, 11:52 AM
Post #70

I was a three year member as a singer dancer for Friends, I graduated in 2006. However, I did not post on this forum to discuss me nor do I have to explain myself. I am simply doing so only to prevent the reputation of the choir that I'm accused to be affiliated with from being hurt. So like I said, it is all just a matter of my opinion. So I apologize for mainly posting on forums regarding Hurricane and for simply being a fan of this group and show choir itself. Thank you for noticing =)

I'm sorry, but there was absolutely NOT a singer/dancer in friends during that time named Michael Coffeeron. Either you are being untruthful about your name, or falsely leading everyone to believe that you are from a group which you most certainly were not a part of.


GAsax27 on Mar 21, 2010, 10:56 AM
Post #69
question for some of the alumni that may read this..I asked a few years ago but didn't get much help.

Do any of you have a recording of States from 2004? Or the company that did recordings? I'm mostly looking for Winfield's performance, but I'd also love to see the whole day. If someone out there could help me out with this I would be very grateful, I'm willing to cover any expenses.


rhythminredmom on Mar 19, 2010, 12:07 PM
Post #68
I have to say, I completely disagree with the above statement. My daughter is a freshman and we have received nothing but love and respect from the other WV show choirs. On the flip side, even at states, no other groups stood and cheered louder than Rhythm In Red fans for the other groups. I am completely amazed at the talent right here in this great state of WV. And we all need championed.

I try to teach my children that when you give love, respect and will receive love, respect and friendship.

Good luck to all WV choirs in the rest of their competition season.


rhythminredmom on Mar 19, 2010, 11:59 AM
Post #67
As far as the discussion of "hating on Hurricane," I hope everyone understands that WV groups have been hating on each other for YEARS. No choirs can get along. Other than Morgantown and Martinsburg, I can't think of two other choirs that get along real well. For real. I used to think that all was well between the groups in the Kanawha Valley, but apparently I was wrong. Poca, Hurricane, Cabell Midland, Nitro, Capital? Everyone hates on everyone. It'd be nice if everyone could just quit the hatin', but it'll never happen. Everyone in WV is too competitive to get along (for the most part).

But groups will, over time, build alliances with one another. Everyone speaks of Poca, Hurricane, Cabell Midland, Nitro, and Capital in the same breath, because at one time or another, it seemed that those few schools had a massive "alliance," so everyone who wasn't in that little clique of groups was pretty much screwed as far as it came to competing in the state. I guess all that has gone out the window, haha.

I'm just being honest, I know i'm probably gonna catch heat for saying all of this, but it's whatever. It's just my personal opinion.

To the people not feeling the love in Hurricane, i'm sorry, but get used to it. Pretty much everyone in the state hates Morgantown, so don't feel too bad.

IkeMei on Mar 19, 2010, 9:23 AM
Post #66
As far as the discussion of "hating on Hurricane," I hope everyone understands that WV groups have been hating on each other for YEARS. No choirs can get along. Other than Morgantown and Martinsburg, I can't think of two other choirs that get along real well. For real. I used to think that all was well between the groups in the Kanawha Valley, but apparently I was wrong. Poca, Hurricane, Cabell Midland, Nitro, Capital? Everyone hates on everyone. It'd be nice if everyone could just quit the hatin', but it'll never happen. Everyone in WV is too competitive to get along (for the most part).

But groups will, over time, build alliances with one another. Everyone speaks of Poca, Hurricane, Cabell Midland, Nitro, and Capital in the same breath, because at one time or another, it seemed that those few schools had a massive "alliance," so everyone who wasn't in that little clique of groups was pretty much screwed as far as it came to competing in the state. I guess all that has gone out the window, haha.

I'm just being honest, I know i'm probably gonna catch heat for saying all of this, but it's whatever. It's just my personal opinion.

To the people not feeling the love in Hurricane, i'm sorry, but get used to it. Pretty much everyone in the state hates Morgantown, so don't feel too bad.


FSUalmuni2014 on Mar 16, 2010, 8:22 PM
Post #65
You have been designated as Alumni, you will need to contact Haakon about going about "not associating yourself."
Thanks a ton, I'll PM him now.

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