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  Show Choir Community    Events    2015 Season    Elkhorn South Crystal Cup (Day Two) 2015

   Event Info

February 14th, 2015

Venue Info

Elkhorn South High School
20303 Blue Sage Parkway
Omaha, NE 68130

Phone: (402) 289-0616

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  23 Mixed Groups
  1 Treble Groups


  Elkhorn South "Blackout"
  Elkhorn South "Shockwave"
  Elkhorn South "Power Surge"


  Jim Larrabee

  Stephani Hyatt

  Brandon Dean

  Joel Johnston

  Tom Gerking

  Jennifer Randall


Ticket prices unknown.


Elkhorn South Crystal Cup (Day Two) 2015

Event Site
Live Stream

 2 Pages 

Listing 1-40 of 52 members

Attending This Event (52)














Drew Firkins



















Ciara S.







Jordan Ash...

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64 comments • Sort by

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RezShowChoir on Feb 17, 2015, 3:25 PM
Post #64
[quote name='yankee96' date='1424151817' post='562643']Well I'm finally getting around to posting my thoughts after a busy Sunday and a hectic Monday too. So here goes a brief synopsis of what I thought about the day.

[b]Lincoln Southwest "Resonance":[/b] I heard that several judges called their show "boring," which I would like to politely disagree with. Sure, the show is a bit longer than most, but they sing and dance so well throughout, and they are SO entertaining. I have loved each performance that I've watched and Saturday was no different. Please don't be discourage, for those Rez members that might be reading this, because you guys do what you do so well, and I personally love it.
Although I disagree with the judges to a certain extent, I understand what they are saying. I'm always excited to go to the first concert of the year and this year when the show was over my first thought was "it's a really well done show and they perform amazingly, but they won't win any crowd favorite awards". So definitely not something to be upset about for my former group, just keep doing what you can to improve and people will have no choice but to pay attention.

yankee96 on Feb 17, 2015, 1:43 AM (Edited)
Post #63
Well I'm finally getting around to posting my thoughts after a busy Sunday and a hectic Monday too. So here goes a brief synopsis of what I thought about the day.

[b]Lincoln Southwest "Ambience":[/b] Curiously enough, but without a doubt, Ambience has my favorite ballad of the year. "Blue Skies" has always been one of my favorite show choir songs ever since I saw GISH 2011, but their arrangement and overall performance of that piece is just brilliant. I am in love with the female duet that kind of helps that ballad soar (pun intended). I will tape their show this Saturday and put it up on the YouTubesss because it is stunning.

[b]Wichita "Flight":[/b] Like I previously stated, Flight was a pleasant choir to see and hear. For the choreography and the music that they've been given, they perform that show to the best of their ability and their energy was non-stop. Give them a few years and they will be up there competing with some of the higher standing Missouri and Nebraska schools.

[b]O'Gorman "Ovation":[/b] After seeing several groups choreographed by Melanie Walters on Saturday, it's easy to tell that Melanie is giving a lot groups a lot of QUALITY and impressive choreography. Ovation was no exception. They danced incredibly well and they captured your attention right from the beginning of the show. They were able to project pretty well, especially during the closer. I was also impressed with their interpretation of Fairfield 2013's closer and thought they performed it with such brilliant style. I look forward to seeing how they do the rest of the season.

[b]Papillion-La Vista "Free Spirit":[/b] I've already expressed a bit of my disappointment to som eof their members at their lack of high placement in competition this year. In my opinion, Free Spirit sings and dances extremely well, and they performed with such dignity and passion on Saturday that was unmatched by any other choir. I felt that the should've placed high at Lincoln Southwest and was 90% positive that they would be in finals after an AMAZING prelims performance on Saturday. A traditional show with exceptional vocals and VERY clean choreography, Free Spirit deserved a lot more than what they got this year. Regardless, I can't wait for what Mr. Buglewicz and that program hold in store for the upcoming years.

[b]Milllard North "Infinity":[/b] Infinity has such a classy show and I adore the European themes, especially within the first two numbers. Taylor Beck has proven time and again why she deserves Best Female Soloist, and I haven't seen a performance quite at her level this season. She has such style, grace, and poise with the right amount of confidence and swagger that makes the opening just plain AWESOME. Love her. I feel as though the choir as a whole doesn't really get involved in the show until the ballad, which is only slightly disappointing. But Millard North does sing extremely well again this year. Major props to the men who put the risers back up into their place after their men's piece in prelims. The entire audience was gasping out of fear that someone might get injured. Again, kudos.

[b]Lincoln Southwest "Resonance":[/b] I heard that several judges called their show "boring," which I would like to politely disagree with. Sure, the show is a bit longer than most, but they sing and dance so well throughout, and they are SO entertaining. I have loved each performance that I've watched and Saturday was no different. Please don't be discouraged, for those Rez members that might be reading this, because you guys do what you do so well, and I personally love it.

[b]Elkhorn "Excel":[/b] I must admit that I moderately disappointed in their performances on Saturday. I wasn't as captivated by their performances as I was at Singsation. It could've just been me, but something just didn't click. I still loved the show, and I always will, but something was different. I dunno.

[b]Millard West "West in the Groove":[/b] WIG really stepped it up from their prelims performance. I thought that they were more engaged and sounded ten times better throughout their finals performance. Props on getting Best Band, and I look forward to seeing them (again!) in two weeks!

[b]Westside "ATSC":[/b] What can I say? They deserved both Best Vocals and Choreography without a doubt. Brilliant in daytime and again in finals. Gorgeous tone especially in the opener and ballad. Amazing dancing and characterization in "I've Gotta Be Me." Must watch.

[b]Papillion-La Vista South "Titanium":[/b] I've already told some of them how I feel about their show, so I'll keep it brief here. I'd like to start off by saying how proud I am to be an alum of that group and to see some of my best friends perform so maturely. PROUD. That show is so freaking entertaining. They were so engaged and passionate. Titanium was so powerful and fun for me to watch. They've got kinks to work out and several things that'll get better with time, but they've got the potential to beat the groups that they lost to this weekend, and I can't wait for the next few weeks to see their progress.

My only slight complaint about Saturday and the show choir season in general is that, with the exception of a few instances, I haven't seen a choir that simply has fun throughout their show. I feel as though too often show choirs nowadays are so caught up in competitions that they forget to just have fun. Everything seems to be all business all of the time, but there is something lacking from your show if you don't genuinely engage and pour your heart onto the stage all of the time. And perhaps that might be a bit much to ask, but it's just something that I have noticed. I saw it last year with Millard West and Buffalo Grove, two years ago with Lincoln Southwest, and three years ago with Hastings and Westside, and I've just been searching for the same genuine passion and love onstage that these shows exhibited. Maybe it's just me being impatient and not waiting long enough for shows to get to that point.

I apologize for my not-so-brief thoughts, as advertised, and I also apologize if my thoughts seem to be a bit sporadic and incomplete

Drew Firkins on Feb 16, 2015, 1:44 PM
Post #62
I don't have all of them, but I know the top six after prelims was (in order)
Millard West
Papio South
Lincoln SW
Millard North

Also best male soloist was Aidan DeWitt from Wichita "Flight"


DrakeBake on Feb 16, 2015, 12:14 AM
Post #61
Anyone know full daytime placements?

swagmaster on Feb 15, 2015, 4:53 PM
Post #60
Best female soloist went to Taylor Beck from Millard North Infinity and best male soloist came from Wichita All-City Flight.

Drew Firkins on Feb 15, 2015, 4:13 PM
Post #59
Prep Results:
1: Lincoln Southwest "Ambience"
2: Westside "Warrior Express"
3: Elkhorn "Exc!amation"

KylerEstenson on Feb 15, 2015, 3:44 PM
Post #58
[quote name='scoobydrew13' date='1424027551' post='562426']PLEASE someone post ATSC's show! or send me the link to buy a dvd from a comp![/quote] Here is a link that I found for their opener, each individual song they performed at Viterbo are also on the youtube profile you just have to watch them individually!!


scoobydrew13 on Feb 15, 2015, 3:12 PM
Post #57
PLEASE someone post ATSC's show! or send me the link to buy a dvd from a comp!


Johnathon on Feb 15, 2015, 5:03 AM
Post #56
[quote name='Rezshow choir' date='1423977481' post='562345']Ouch, southwest at 6th, that's too bad. Especially with Millard north jumping them from being 3rd and 6th respectively last week. Oh well, keep working everyone, congrats to all![/quote]

No need to be disappointed with 6th here! Although it is a bummer dropping a place after finals. Talk about shows people! And good job to Westside for holding their own against some great choirs. Still best in NE!! And Elkhorn at 3rd. Not bad.

yankee96 on Feb 15, 2015, 2:07 AM (Edited)
Post #55
I'll probably post some quick thoughts whenever I wake up tomorrow

RezShowChoir on Feb 15, 2015, 1:18 AM
Post #54
Ouch, southwest at 6th, that's too bad. Especially with Millard north jumping them from being 3rd and 6th respectively last week. Oh well, keep working everyone, congrats to all!

ATSCkid on Feb 15, 2015, 1:14 AM
Post #53
Nice job Westside! Way to represent!

Jeff. on Feb 15, 2015, 1:09 AM
Post #52
Final results posted via Drew.

Eov on Feb 15, 2015, 12:48 AM (Edited)
Post #51
[quote name='Rezshow choir' date='1423975464' post='562323']
Points are points, I don't think anyone should be offended by an early placement given by the actual judges, it is what it is.[/quote]

According to a text I got from a Westside parent the performance order for the finals was the placement finish from highest to lowest(6th place performed first)

RezShowChoir on Feb 15, 2015, 12:44 AM
Post #50
[quote name='yankee96' date='1423963348' post='562274']Finals performance order:

7:40 Millard North
8:05 Lincoln Southwest
8:30 Papillion-La Vista South
8:55 Elkhorn
9:20 Millard West
9:45 Westside

Performance order is not an indication of prelims placement. 4.5 points between first place and fourth place, but I will intentionally exclude which groups that would include out of respect for those choirs.[/quote]

Points are points, I don't think anyone should be offended by an early placement given by the actual judges, it is what it is.


DrakeBake on Feb 15, 2015, 12:22 AM
Post #49
Does anyone know the full daytime placements with all the mixed varsity groups?

yankee96 on Feb 14, 2015, 9:22 PM
Post #48
Finals performance order:

7:40 Millard North
8:05 Lincoln Southwest
8:30 Papillion-La Vista South
8:55 Elkhorn
9:20 Millard West
9:45 Westside

Performance order is not an indication of prelims placement. 4.5 points between first place and fourth place, but I will intentionally exclude which groups that would include out of respect for those choirs.


JaredO on Feb 14, 2015, 8:25 PM
Post #47
Finalists (no order)

Millard West
Lincoln SW
Papillion La Vista South
Millard North


ddrsensation on Feb 14, 2015, 6:54 PM
Post #46
So you're telling me I need to get my butt over there now.


JaredO on Feb 14, 2015, 3:58 PM
Post #45
[quote name='jbliakos' date='1423940410' post='562226']Is the auditorium already starting to fill up for the varsity groups? Contemplating coming now vs. just waiting till finals.[/quote]
I heard it's pretty packed already.

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