It is true to what I have heard that we were tied with HN in both daytimes and finals.
All ties were broken up by the judges. We left it in their hands. So many great groups were in attendance and we appreciated hosting all of you. Shout out to Marysville students who picked up all the trash in our upper bleachers!
I was browsing Twitter and saw that Huntington North, according to their page, said that they were tied for third here with Marysville and that they also won the best crew caption. Was this found later not to be true or was there some miscommunication? Also, along with Best Male Soloist they had the Best Solo in a Show caption.
It is true to what I have heard that we were tied with HN in both daytimes and finals.
I was browsing Twitter and saw that Huntington North, according to their page, said that they were tied for third here with Marysville and that they also won the best crew caption. Was this found later not to be true or was there some miscommunication? Also, along with Best Male Soloist they had the Best Solo in a Show caption.
Tied in daytimes, not in finals
I was browsing Twitter and saw that Huntington North, according to their page, said that they were tied for third here with Marysville and that they also won the best crew caption. Was this found later not to be true or was there some miscommunication? Also, along with Best Male Soloist they had the Best Solo in a Show caption.
This competition ended my show choir career. And I'm so glad to have ended with this competition. And the great sportsmanship between each choir, especially support from the large mixed groups, thanks so much for making this competition a memorable one!
That being said, these (Loveland and FC) are honestly my favorite 2 shows of this season. I have the utmost respect for both groups and could not be happier to have placed behind them.
Shout out to Loveland because of their amazing performance and my personal favorite Ohio show this year (apart from Marysville of course )
Shout out to Marysville for being the best the Swingers have been in a long while, as well as having the most wins of Swingers group ever, and currently having the most GC's in Ohio (also being undefeated within the state)
All of these are some amazing feats
And one more huge shout out to Loveland and Marysville. I couldn't think of two better schools to represent Ohio show choir in all its glory. You guys put on an amazing shows and had to fight for your spots in front of those Indiana judges! Also, major respect to you two groups too. You were the only two schools I saw that stayed behind after awards and helped South Dearborn clean up. Definetally the best example of sportsmanship I saw all day as well as all season! Truly awesome.
Prediction of the intensity:
Loveland BC
What do you think?
Well what do you nay saying - voters have to say now? See you may not like what someone else's opinion is but that is ok. It is a free country. In this case my crystal ball was pretty clear.
Vocals: Franklin Central
Choreo: Franklin Central
1RU: Chesterton
GC: Franklin Central
Small Mixed:
BMS: Zach Grant (???)
BFS: Ivy Bott (Whiteland)
Best Vocals: Whiteland
Best Choreo: Whiteland
7RU: Milan
6RU: Batesville
5RU: Harrison
4RU: Northwest
3RU: Decatur Central
2RU: Sheridan
1RU: Shelbyville
GC: Whiteland
Large Mixed:
Best Vocals: Franklin Central
Best Choreo: Huntington North
Best Male Soloist: Tyler Gates
Best Female Soloist: Pam McDermott
5RU: Chesterton
4RU: Colerain
3RU: Huntington North
2RU: Marysville
1RU: Loveland
GC: Franklin Central
(This is for all divisions)
Overall Best Stage Crew: Whiteland
Overall Best Band: Loveland
Huntington North
Franklin Central
Franklin F.C. Singers
I just realized that Huntington North is on the schedule too! I don't think they were on the original post of who was coming?
So that's Huntington North, Colerain, Loveland, Marysville, and Franklin Central (along with all the other competing groups). Tomorrow the show choir world will be fixated on Wheaton, IL, but we're all going to have to keep an eye on Aurora, IN as well. It looks to be an exciting competition!
All ties were broken up by the judges. We left it in their hands. So many great groups were in attendance and we appreciated hosting all of you. Shout out to Marysville students who picked up all the trash in our upper bleachers!